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Thursday, September 26, 2019

All Principals

Dr. Shelley Nordick, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Student Data Privacy Integration into Existing Purchasing Procedures

As was discussed in September’s Principals Meeting, purchased apps, software programs and online subscriptions that gather personally identifiable student data need to be vetted for student data privacy.  If the app or software program schools are purchasing exceeds the $1,999 cost threshold, the Purchasing Department will refer the program to the Evaluation, Research & Accountability Department for vetting.  If the app or software program schools are purchasing costs less than $1,999, principals will need to submit the app or software program to the Evaluation, Research & Accountability Department for vetting using this link:

Please plan for an additional 2-3 day time period during the purchasing process for us to complete the app and software program vetting process.

A list of apps, programs and online subscriptions that have already been vetted and approved for use can be found at this link:

Principals were asked to assign a School Student Data Privacy Representative that would be responsible for the preliminary vetting of app, software program and online subscription privacy policies and terms and conditions.  The Evaluation, Research & Accountability Department will provide the necessary training so that each person will know what to look for.  Please provide the contact information for your school’s representative at this link:

The slide deck used for the presentation at Principals Meeting is attached with this memo.

Please contact Ben Jameson or our district’s Student Data Managers, Holly Allen ( or 801-567-8115)  or Steven Harwood ( or 801-567-8257), with any questions.

September 26, 2019

All Principals

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools

Classroom Long-Distance Phone Calls

To assist teachers in making phone calls to the ever-increasing number of parents who have long-distance phone numbers, each classroom phone will now
have the ability to call long-distance. Contrary to popular belief, land lines making long-distance calls do incur a charge to the District. Therefore, long-distance calls made on District phones must be for business-related purposes only. Any employee making personal long-distance calls on a District phone is subject to discipline.
Thank you.

September 19, 2019

Elementary School Principals
Middle School Principals

Dr. Shelley Nordick, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

RISE Benchmark Training for School Test Coordinators

Please see memo below.

Below is a link to the 7 minute video for secondary student training on the Avoid-Deny-Defend portion of the Incident Command Violence Action Plan. This video is to be viewed under the direction of administration.

At the elementary level, this video is not authorized to be shown to the students at the school.

The Avoid-Deny-Defend Student Training Video is also available on the Auxiliary Services Website:

  • Select the Safety & Security tab
  • School Safety & Security on the drop down menu

Please direct any parents/guardians that want to view this video to the Web page. The District welcomes opportunities for parents/guardians to preview curriculum being taught to students, to include emergency response strategies. Avoid-Deny-Defend has been added to supplement the existing Lockout and Lockdown protocols. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to talk with their school about this and other emergency response protocols and drills.

Avoid-Deny-Defend Secondary Student Training Video


Last school year, Avoid-Deny-Defend (ADD) and Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) instructional trainings were presented to staff in live sessions conducted by Lt. Matt Pennington and Capt. Chet Ellis. These sessions were recorded to provide future training for personnel. The links to the videos below are available to administrators for the purpose of providing this training to personnel that are either new to the District, or would like a refresher course. Both the ADD and the TECC instructional videos for staff are just under an hour each in duration.

The Avoid-Deny-Defend Drill Protocol document is attached for your convenience. Please refer to this document as you and your staff prepare for a violent intruder drill/situation.

If you have questions, please contact Lance Everill, Emergency Operations Manager, at 801-567-8623,

Avoid-Deny-Defend Instructional Video for Staff

Tactical Emergency Casualty Care Instructional Video for Staff

September 17, 2019

All Administrators
All Financial Administrative Assistants

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools
John Larsen, Business Administrator

Discretionary Staff Funds

Please see memo and changes below.


If you have not already turned in the online Certificate of Compliance, dealing with fee waivers, please check your email for your school specific form, click on the link and complete the form.

Thank you!