Student Intervention Services department applied for an Anti-Bullying grant and received the funding. With that funding we have purchased magnets with JSD definition of bullying for every single student. This will help administrators clarify to parents who say their child is being bullied. They will be sent to the school via our JSD mail. We have included a sample letter in the packet you will receive if the school would like to use it or modify it. We have also purchased signs for our PLT (high school) teams to use in their anti-bullying presentations to the feeder elementaries. Jeani Mulliner has delivered those. In addition we have purchased signs for every classroom and every office with the definition.
Category: Middle School Action Required
Guidelines for McKinney-Vento Enrollments in Skyward
All Principals, Registrars, Attendance Secretaries, and Elementary Secretaries, Homeless Liaison, Nutrition Services
Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Luann Leavitt, Consultant of Planning & Student Services
Many families live in different situations and several of those living circumstances may qualify the family for a McKinney Vento enrollment. To determine this enrollment, the family must complete the Student Residency Questionnaire and lunch application either online or in paper format at the school. If the patron qualifies under McKinney Vento, enroll the student considering the following.
- When entering the student into Skyward and the legal guardian is enrolling:
- Family #1 is the legal guardian with the current address of where they are residing.
- When entering the student into Skyward and the caregiver does not have Durable Power of Attorney:
- Family #1 is the student – relationship is McKinney Vento - with the current address of where they are residing. This will help everyone with Skyward access to know the circumstances of the initial enrollment and help the school protect the child’s FERPA rights.
- Family #2 is the child’s legal guardian and a contact information if it is available. If the legal guardian information is not available, enter the caregiver in Family #2.
- Family #3 is the caregiver – relationship is McKinney Vento – with their address and contact information. Once a Durable Power of Attorney is obtained, move the caregiver to Family #1 in place of the student.
- When entering a student into Skyward with a caregiver who has a Durable Power of Attorney:
- Family #1 is the caregiver – relationship is McKinney Vento – with their address and contact information.
- Family #2 is the legal guardian and contact information if it is available.
- Legal Guardianship is awarded through the courts determines who is placed in the Family #1 position.
- If the status of the student’s enrollment changes, (a Durable Power of Attorney is obtained after initial enrollment) the Family information and the relationship on the Family screen will also need to be updated.
NEW: Two new relationship fields were added in Skyward:
- McKinney Vento
- Migrant
Once the enrollment is complete and to facilitate a smooth transition for the child into school, please fax a copy of the Student Residency Questionnaire and the lunch application to the Homeless Liaison at 801-567-8073 and to Nutrition Services at 801-567-8768. If a lunch application was not needed, only fax to the Homeless Liaison.
All of this information should be held confidential and protected. We hope this information is helpful when enrolling a student under McKinney Vento with lunch applications. Please contact Planning & Student Services with any questions.
Skyward Report available for schools to print regarding McKinney Vento are:
- Family Residency Report – Online Registration -- the Path is: Families/Jordan Additions/Registration Reports
- McKinney Vento – available in Data Mining.
Release of Directory Information 2015-16
July 14, 2015
Jordan School District Principals
Administrators of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Planning and Student Services
Release of "Directory Information" under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
See attached memo.