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UETS-based JPAS Bubble Sheet Changes

June 28, 2016

All Administrators

Laura Finlinson, Administrator, Curriculum and Staff Development
Rebecca Lee, Administrator, Jordan Evaluation Systems

UETS-based JPAS Bubble Sheet Changes

Beginning the 2016-2017 school year, Jordan School District will be using a new scantron bubble sheet for UETS-based JPAS evaluations.  Attached you will find a sample of the changes.  All changes will be found on the front page of the bubble sheet.  Below are the changes to make note of.

Teacher Number:
We will no longer be using social security numbers.  Cactus ID numbers will be used for all employees.  Evaluators need to write the number and then fill the rest of the spaces in with zeros.  Correction: Evaluators need to write the cactus ID at the end and fill in zeros in the front (see attached example). 

Teacher Status:
There are now five choices for teacher status.  Evaluators will need to select only one for each teacher evaluated.


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