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Thursday, February 6, 2025

All Elementary School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Tableau Dashboards for School LAND Trust and TSSA Planning and Reporting

The following Tableau dashboards may be helpful to school administrators as they plan for the 2025-26 school year LAND Trust and TSSA plans. As you look at each of these dashboards, please remember to change the School Name filter to your school.


Acadience Reading Benchmark Status and Pathways of Progress

RISE ELA Proficiency and Growth

RISE Math Proficiency and Growth

RISE Science Proficiency and Growth

WIDA ACCESS Composite Results
Listening Results
Reading Results
Speaking Results
Writing Results

School Accountability:

2023-24 TSI Calculations for All Schools and All Demographics

Breakdown of TSI/ATSI/CSI Identification Data (for TSI/ATSI/CSI schools only)

Other Relevant Data


Behavior & Discipline



State’s Data Gateway

School Report Cards


February 6, 2025

Assistant Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Stacee Worthen, School Counseling Consultant

February 2025 School Counselor Training and Professional Development

This memo includes all school counselors’ training and professional development this month.


  • February 3 - 7, 2025, National School Counseling Week
  • Ideas to celebrate your school counselors:
    • Publicly recognize your school counselors' hard work through morning announcements, a dedicated email, or a social media post highlighting their impact. A heartfelt message during a staff meeting or a personalized thank-you note from leadership can go a long way.
    • Surprise your counselors with a lunch delivery, coffee, or a favorite snack as a token of appreciation. If budgets are tight, consider partnering with the PTA, student leaders, or local businesses to sponsor a small treat.
    • Give them a small but meaningful token of appreciation, like a "Counselor Appreciation Certificate" or a simple sign on their door that says, “We ❤️ Our School Counselor!” Little gestures like these require minimal effort but can brighten their day.

Training & Professional Development Dates

See the memo below

Teacher Leaders

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning

The Teaching, Leading, Learning Conference associated with CITES will be held on March 20 & 21, 2025 at Utah Valley Convention Center in Provo. Registration should be covered by individual schools or departments. There is a discounted rate for teams of 5 or more people for educators in the BYU-Public School Partnership.

The 2025 Instructional Leadership Conference has an incredible line-up of speakers! See the attached information.

All Administrators

Scott Thomas, Administrator of Auxiliary Services

A Clean Work area is a Safe Work Area.

Good housekeeping is one of the surest ways to identify a safe workplace. You can tell how workers feel about safety just by looking at their housekeeping practices. Good housekeeping isn’t the result of cleaning up once a week or even once a day. It’s the result of keeping cleaned up all the time. It’s an essential factor in a good safety program, promoting safety, health, production, and morale.

See the flyer below for more information.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

All Elementary and Middle School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Assessment, Research and Accountability

RISE ELA and Math Cluster Questions

Principals are encouraged to share the following information with their RISE-tested ELA and math teachers.

Beginning with the 2025 summative assessments, RISE ELA and math question items will be presented to students in a cluster format, similar to the RISE Science assessment. Cluster questions will appear in summative assessments for all grade levels in both content areas. Beginning, February 18th, cluster questions will also be available on the RISE Benchmarks for both ELA and math.

For RISE ELA, students will be presented with reading passages and will be required to answer several sections or clusters of questions that are both related to the passages and to each other. For example, a student will be asked to identify a main idea from the story in one question. Then another question will ask students to select sentences from the passage that support their answer to the first question. In addition, students will be presented with a variety of question types, including multiple choice, multi-selection, sentence selections, drop-down menus, tables, timelines, etc.

Similarly for RISE math, students will be presented with a math task accompanied by several sections or clusters of questions. Question items may be multiple choice, multi-select, drop-down menus, inputting numbers or equations, drag and drop, graphing/plotting, etc.

For a sample of how question items will work, please refer to the Training Tests on the RISE Portal. Please see these step-by-step instructions for accessing the Training Tests.

Recommended next steps to prepare teachers and students for these format changes:

  • Communicate these changes to your teachers as soon as possible. Additional communications will be sent via JEM and directly to RISE-tested teachers.
  • Encourage teachers to view sample items on the Training Tests in the RISE Portal.
  • Encourage teachers to administer the Training Test to students before summative testing day.
  • Encourage teachers to further prepare students for RISE summative testing by administering RISE Benchmarks (see this video for how to administer a RISE benchmark). The benchmarks are aligned to the same standards and presented at the same rigor level as the summative assessments but are shorter. Teachers may preview benchmarks from the RISE Benchmark Previewing Module on the RISE Portal and use the RISE reporting suite to view student responses and aggregate results. The RISE Benchmarks are a great way to assess both student learning and help them learn how to adequately answer questions presented in a cluster format.

For questions about the RISE assessment, please contact Ben Jameson or Kassidy Towery in Assessment, Research & Accountability.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Elementary and Middle School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

RISE Summative Training

The RISE summative testing window is from April 7-May 30, 2025. RISE passwords get reset each year, so please be sure your teachers log in and reset their passwords for this year at

As testing is nearly underway, please make sure all testing teachers complete the yearly RISE test administration training. Many teachers only use the RISE systems once a year, so yearly training on how it all works is needed. Only teachers who will administer the RISE test need to be trained. For your reference, here is a link to the Testing Ethics Policy.

School administrators are responsible for making sure all testing teachers get trained in RISE test administration. Should you choose to hold a training at your school, this fulfills the training requirement. Teachers have two additional options to be trained for RISE testing:

RISE Canvas Course
The RISE test administration training requirement can be fulfilled by completing the Canvas course online. All teachers in grades 3-8 have been added to the course, should you choose to have them complete the training through this method. A certificate of completion for relicensure points will be available for download at the end of the course.

Zoom RISE Training
Teachers can attend one of the following Zoom RISE trainings to fulfill the training requirement.

Here is the Zoom link for these trainings:
Meeting ID: 526 613 4800

  • Friday, March 7 @ 8:45 AM or 1:30 PM
  • Friday, March 14 @ 8:45 AM or 1:30 PM
  • Friday, March 21 @ 8:45 AM or 1:30 PM
  • Friday, March 28 @ 8:45 AM or 1:30 PM
  • Friday, April 11 @ 8:45 AM or 1:30 PM
  • Friday, April 18 @ 8:45 AM or 1:30 PM
  • Friday, April 25 @ 8:45 AM or 1:30 PM

For questions about RISE training or test administration, please contact Kassidy Towery in Assessment, Research & Accountability.

January 29, 2024

Assistant Principals
School Safety Specialists

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Matt Alvernaz, School Safety Coordinator

Monthly Drill Preparation (SECURE)

Our monthly drill preparation will be held on February 5th at 3:00 PM with a second session at 3:30 PM. This month we will be covering SECURE. Each School Safety Specialist is expected to attend along with administrators assigned to oversee school safety. All other administrators are welcomed to attend as well. The meeting is also opened to any staff who may be interested.

After each monthly training all school staff should be trained by the administrator over school safety and the School Safety Specialist. After being trained each month, teachers should educate their students on each safety drill. Additionally, schools should communicate with their patrons regarding Standard Response Protocol(s) (SRP) and the drill being conducted each month. Videos, handouts, and other resources can be found at the link(s) below.

Information regarding the SECURE response protocol can be found in the Jordan School District Safety Manual on pages 8-11. We will discuss how to implement and execute the drill. This will be an opportunity to ask questions and share ideas amongst the schools.

We will be holding this meeting over ZOOM so please join using this link.


April Gaydosh, Administrator of Human Resources

Following the release of the 2025-26 FTE V2.0 enrollment projections, the HR Department will provide training for all principals who may need to complete a Reduction in Staff (RIS).

See the document below for all the details and the LINK to sign up for the training.


Elementary Administrators
Teachers in Grades 3-6
Instructional Coaches

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Michelle Lovell, Elementary Language Arts Consultant

RISE Writing Field Test Volunteers Needed!

With the changes to the literacy core this past year, it has been necessary for USBE to update the benchmark and RISE assessments, including RISE Writing. In order for the scoring engine to be trained, each new writing prompt requires 5,000 student responses. Teachers and students in Jordan District are invited to test the prompts and get a sneak peek into the benchmark that may be used in the future. If you choose to participate, the benchmark prompts will be available on the RISE portal from February 18-June 6, 2025. Here’s what you need to know:

  • All grades (3, 4, 5, 6) may participate.
  • Students can take one informative and one argumentative.
  • The window opens February 18 - June 6, 2025.
  • There will be no automatic scoring - responses will be used to train the scoring engine.
  • No grading of student essays will be required to participate.
  • Automatic scoring of benchmarks will resume in the 2025-2026 school year.
  • USBE needs 5,000 student responses per grade and per benchmark.
  • Writing benchmarks will not be offered next year if there are not enough student volunteers.

If you are interested, please complete the survey to participate in the Writing Benchmark Field Test.


Elementary Administrators, Teachers, Coaches

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Michelle Lovell, Elementary Language Arts Consultant

Join us for a special Wit & Wisdom workshop where we will be diving into Wit & Wisdom’s Multilingual Resources. Language and Culture services will be joining the literacy team for this special workshop that you will not want to miss! See the attached flyer for additional information.

LINK to Register

Elementary Principals

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Rebecca Smith, Consultant in Teaching & Learning

Please see the attached document for registration and other information for the Elementary Math Tournament, hosted at Daybreak Elementary. Registration is due Friday, February 28 and can be submitted via this Google Form. Please contact Rebecca Smith (88368) with any questions you may have.


Elementary Principals

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Rebecca Smith, Consultant in Teaching & Learning

ALPS testing will be conducted during the school day at local schools from February 3 - March 14. The GT office and/or the proctor for your site will contact you to schedule dates and times for your school. Please contact Rebecca Smith (88368) with any questions you may have. Thank you for accommodating the ALPS testing at your sites.

Elementary Principals
Elementary Assistant Principals

Garett York, JAESP Committee
Kaleb Yates, JAESP Committee
Ann Pessetto, JAESP Committee
Megan Cox, JAESP Committee

JAESP is proud to announce our 2025 Award Winners to the following, and all-around amazing, elementary administrators!

National Distinguished Principal - Jessica Stowe
National Distinguished Assistant Principal - Kirt Davis

Student Advocate Principal of the Year -Yajaira Martinez
Instructional Leader of the Year - Melissa Beck
Principal Mentor of the Year - Ronna Hoffman
Rookie of the Year - Baylee Lansford
Innovator of the Year - Amy Adams
Community Leader of the Year - Buddy Alger
School Improvement Leader of the Year - Keith Klein
Principal Supervisor of the Year- Becky Gerber

Congratulations! Members of the JAESP Committee were impressed by this year's nominees and want to thank each of them for their hard work, dedication, determination, empathy, and skill. Additionally, we would like to thank each person who took the time to submit nominations.

Elementary Principals
Elementary Assistant Principals

Becky Gerber, Administrator of Schools
Odette Desmarais, Administrator of Schools
Garett York, JAESP Committee Member

Please submit concerns to be discussed by JAESP committee and cabinet by February 5, 2025. You may submit concerns or questions using the Google Form below OR you may send items to be discussed directly to Ann Pessetto at Westland, Megan Cox at Midas Creek, Kaleb Yates at Juniper Elementary, or Garett York at Southland.

Google Form Link

All items will be discussed anonymously as we work to provide clarification and solutions to concerns of elementary administrators.

Notes of the discussions will be published on a Google Doc titled "JAESP Committee Notes 2024-25" which will be shared with Elementary Administrators.

School Administrators

Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools
Cody Curtis, Administrator of Schools
Odette Desmarais, Administrator of Schools
Meredith Doleac, Administrator of Schools
Becky Gerber, Administrator of Schools
Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools

A beverage service will be provided at 7:30 a.m. in the auditorium hallway. Lunch will be provided.

Elementary/Sped - Auditorium
Middle/High - Presentation Room

Assistant Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent

The February Assistant Principal meetings will be held on February 6 (8:00-11:00am) and February 11 (8:00-11:00am). All meetings will be held in-person at the JATC-S. All assistant principals and intern assistant principals are invited. A beverage service will be provided, beginning at 7:30 am at each of the meetings. As a reminder you only need to attend one of the sessions offered. Both sessions will provide the same information. Please CLICK HERE and it will take you to the Google Doc to sign up for which day you would like to attend. If you have any questions please call Nadine Page at 801-567-8182 (x88182).

All Administrators
All Administrative Assistants

Michelle Love-Day, Director of Language & Culture Services

We are looking for teachers in secondary math, health/PE, and computer science to create modified canvas courses for our Language Learners. Stipends available. The teacher must be ESL endorsed. Please see the flyer and info below for more details.


  • Endorsement in content area
  • ESL endorsed
  • Experience adding scaffolds to assignments for multilingual students
  • Experience & ease with Canvas

Divide existing content into 4 quarters. Ensure all existing links work. Add scaffolds, strategies, and/or modifications, as needed, to existing (already created) Canvas assignments:

  • Pictures/visuals
  • Chunked assignments
  • Graphic organizers
  • Essential vocab. with pictures
  • Videos
  • Simplified text
  • Word banks
  • Sentence stems

Create/modify assessments for each quarter

  • Simplified questions & answers
  • Most questions should be multiple choice, T/F, drop down, or matching
  • Essay/short answer questions must include an answer key/rubric

Answer Keys for each assignment and assessment.

To Apply

  • Interested applicants please complete this Google Form (or scan QR code in the flyer) with a Google Drive link to one of your lessons with embedded ML scaffolds.
  • Pay will be based on your hourly rate, up to $325 per quarter credit for each course modified.
  • Teachers must keep record of all time spent on modifications on a timesheet

Direct questions or inquiries to

All Administrators
All Administrative Assistants

Michelle Love-Day, Director of Language & Culture Services

In this LCS newsletter, want to remind you of cultural celebrations happening this winter and have information on:
  • Lunar New Year is Jan. 29 - Lunar New Vear is a significant cultural event celebrated in countries such as China, Vietnam, Korea, and others. It marks the beginning of the lunar calendar and is characterized by various traditions, including family gatherings, feasts, fireworks, and the exchange of red envelopes for luck.
  • February is Black History Month - a time dedicated to honoring the achievements, contributions, and rich cultural heritage of African Americans throughout history. It's a powerful opportunity to engage students in meaningful discussions about history, identity, and social justice. Black History Month was first established in 1926 by historian Carter G. Woodson and later expanded to a month-long celebration. It serves as a reminder of the significant impact African Americans have had on shaping our nation and the ongoing journey towards equality and justice.
  • Ramadan is Approximately Feb. 28 to March 29 - Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community. It lasts 29-30 days, depending on the sighting of the moon. Fasting from dawn until sunset is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. It involves abstaining from food, drink, and other physical needs. It is a time for spiritual growth, increased devotion, and worship.