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March 14, 2019

All Jordan School District Principals (with bus route students)

Scott Thomas, Administrator of Auxiliary Services
Herb Jensen, Director of Transportation
Kathy Jones, Transportation Trainer/Risk Coordinator

State Required Bus Evacuations and School Bus Safety 2018-2019

State required semi-annual school bus evacuations have been scheduled for this spring.  This applies to those students that ride the bus daily to and from school.

The evacuations will be conducted during the week of:

Monday, April 22, 2019 thru Friday, April 26, 2019

Your school’s regular bus driver will perform this evacuation as they drop your students off in the morning, one day during that week.  This procedure takes place at your school and is located in your normal bus drop off/pick up zone.  All professional school bus drivers that transport students are required to perform evacuation procedures in case of an emergency.  Bus evacuation will be through the rear door, side door, front door or a combination.  Students will then, under the direction and supervision of the bus driver, evacuate and meet in a safe place approximately 100 feet away from the bus.

Your assistance is welcome but not mandatory to complete this required evacuation drill quickly, safely and effectively.

We appreciate all you do to help us safely transport your students.


We are looking forward to our next JELL sessions! The morning will focus on the how & why of data within the instructional cycle, including how to use data to create school-wide goals and a school-wide instructional strategy. The afternoon will be a guided planning time for you and your leadership team.

We will offer a Principal PLC in preparation for the JELL Sessions.
“Ensuring your PLCs Improve Teaching & Learning, Part 2.”

March 14, 2019

2019 Graduating Interns

June LeMaster, Ph.D., Human Resource Administrator
Anthony Godfrey, Ed.D., Associate Superintendent

Intern Graduations 2019

It is a long-standing practice in Jordan School District to allow full time, in state partnership university teacher interns to take one (1) day leave to attend either their own university commencement or convocation, without penalty.  This year, this practice is expanded to allow all full time university interns including teacher interns, school psychologists and counselor interns, etc., the same privilege.  Interns attending both in state and out of state university commencement ceremonies are allowed one (1) day; therefore, some interns may need to choose between commencement and convocation.

If a substitute is needed for coverage, the intern is responsible for requesting a substitute through Frontline (formerly known as AESOP).  The absence reason entered should be “other” and in the blue “notes to administrator box”, the intern should add the following information “District excused 0050 - personal graduation”.  For additional assistance, please contact Juli Martin at 801-567-8219.

See dates for the in state 2019 University Commencement and Convocation Ceremonies on the attached memo.



February 22, 2019

Special Education Staff
School Secretaries

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Special Education Budget Closeout for the 2018-19 School Year

Please note that Special Education purchase orders/requisitions for the 2018-19 school year must be received by Friday, April 12, 2019 @ 5:00 p.m. Please remember the following:

  • Budgets are not carried over from one year to the next.
  • Remember to deduct any previously submitted amounts from your Special Education budget (so that you know your balance) before submitting new orders. This includes reimbursements submitted through your school. No orders will be processed that exceed your budgeted allocation.
  • Please check with your school secretary to make sure all Special Education reimbursements have been submitted to the Special Education Department by the April 12th deadline. We have provided each secretary with a spreadsheet of currently recorded purchases/reimbursements for the total special education department at your school up through February 22, 2019.
  • When ordering supplies, follow Skyward procedures.
  • Be sure to follow the ordering guidelines outlined in the attached budget information page, as you close out your current year budgets.

Staff will be notified of the new budget allocation amount prior to the start of the new school year.  Keep in mind that new purchase orders/requisitions will not be processed until mid-July when all of the current year’s budgets have been closed out.

As you close out your budgets for the current school year, please note the following:

  1. All purchase orders/requisitions should be routed to Debbie Fairbourn in the Special Education Department.
  2. Use the following codes for purchase orders/requisitions and NPOs submitted through the year.

Coding for Purchase Orders/Requisitions and NPO’s:

10 E (School #) 1295 1090 Use object code

If you have questions regarding your Special Education budget, please call Debbie Fairbourn at
(801) 567-8177.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Elementary Principals

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Tableau Account Set Up – Acadience Reading MOY Data Dashboard

The Evaluation, Research & Accountability Department is excited to announce the rollout of a new data visualization system that will allow school administrators to drill into their achievement data in new and more meaningful ways at the click of a mouse. We have purchased Tableau, which is a data visualization software platform that allows us to design interactive charts, graphs, and crosstabulations that you can filter by subgroups such as students with disabilities, EL students, socioeconomic status, gender, race/ethnicity, etc. The first release of dashboards will come from your school’s middle of the year Acadience Reading data.

In order for schools to see and use these dashboards, principals will need to set up their Tableau account. Principals will receive an email from Tableau prompting them to join. Please see the attached step-by-step instructions to set up the school account. Once the set up process has been completed, we will push out your MOY Acadience Reading dashboards.

Principals may share Tableau account login information with their assistant principals. Sensitive student and teacher information will be included in these data dashboards; therefore, principals may not share login information with school personnel other than assistant principals. Please contact Ben Jameson with any questions at 801-567-8243 or

Thursday, February 28, 2019

All Principals

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Research Project - Trauma-Informed Teaching: How Teachers Conceptualize and Operationalize Trauma Theory

The Research Review Committee has reviewed a research project in which your school has been asked to participate.

Project Title:     Trauma-Informed Teaching: How Teachers Conceptualize and Operationalize Trauma Theory

Applicant:     Daniel Harnsberger, University of Utah

The project has been approved by the District Research Review Committee.  The applicant has been directed to contact you to discuss the extent of the project and to obtain your permission to conduct the study at your school.  Participation in the study is at your discretion.  If you have questions or concerns relating to participation, please contact Ben Jameson at 801-567-8243.

The project will involve principals, or their designee, sending out an email to licensed faculty with a link for teachers to take a voluntary online survey.

Thank you for your assistance.

For nomination form and scoring rubric click here:

Submission Deadline: Monday, March 25, 2019

See attached flyer for more details.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

All Principals

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2019 UEPC School Climate Survey Reminder

We are half way through the 2019 UEPC School Climate Survey administration window.  The survey window is scheduled to close on Friday, March 15, 2019.  Many schools have had great response rates thus far, but there are still some who have not notified parents of the survey and have not given students or faculty/staff an opportunity to take the survey.

Principals are asked to do the following, if they have not already done so:

  • Please notify parents of the school climate survey as soon as possible. Send out a link with the attached sample parent letter (please edit as you see appropriate) via Skylert and post the link on your school’s website.  You may need to send out several reminders between now and the close of the survey window.  In the past, the district’s response rate from parents has reached only 12%.  In order for us to get a healthy response rate from parents, they need as much notice as possible with a few friendly reminders to take the survey for schools.
  • Please schedule a time in which your faculty and staff can take the survey, perhaps during a faculty meeting.
  • Please work with your teachers to ensure that every student second grade and up has a time scheduled during the school day in which they may take the survey.

Principals may check their response rates for each stakeholder survey by clicking on the links below.  Please see the response rates as of Monday, February 25, 2019, attached with this memo.

Response Rate Links:

Faculty/Staff Responses: - /pages/Page_7ed374a9-bc68-4d7d-b2e2-306bbc1b8a33

Parent Responses: - /pages/Page_932e5fd6-d0b3-4b85-99ba-52154455f84d

Student Responses: - /pages/Page_7205b01b-4d07-4bb9-8f89-4a3d6d6f3108

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) posted a rule in the Federal Register requiring small drone owners to display the FAA-issued registration number on an outside surface of the aircraft. Owners and operators may no longer place or write registration numbers in an interior compartment. The rule is effective on February 25. The markings must be in place for any flight after that date.

When the FAA first required registration of small drones in 2015, the agency mandated that the registration marking be readily accessible and maintained in readable condition. The rule granted some flexibility by permitting the marking to be placed in an enclosed compartment, such as a battery case, if it could be accessed without the use of tools.

Subsequently, law enforcement officials and the FAA’s interagency security partners have expressed concerns about the risk a concealed explosive device might pose to first responders upon opening a compartment to find a drone’s registration number. The FAA believes this action will enhance safety and security by allowing a person to view the unique identifier directly without handling the drone.

This interim final rule does not change the original acceptable methods of external marking, nor does it specify a particular external surface on which the registration number must be placed. The requirement is that it can be seen upon visual inspection of the aircraft’s exterior.

The FAA has issued this requirement as an Interim Final Rule—a rule that takes effect while also inviting public comment. The FAA issues interim final rules when delaying implementation of the rule would be impractical, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest. In this case, the agency has determined the importance of mitigating the risk to first responders outweighs the minimal inconvenience this change may impose on small drone owners, and justifies implementation without a prior public comment period.

The FAA will consider comments from the public on this Interim Final Rule, and will then review any submissions to determine if the provisions of the ultimate Final Rule should be changed. The 30-day comment period will end on March 15, 2019. To submit comments, go to and search for “RIN 2120-AL32.”

As Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao promised last month, the FAA also posted proposed new rules to let drones fly routinely at night and over people, and to further integrate them safely into the nation’s airspace. The comment period for these proposals is now open and ends on April 15.

February 4, 2019

Resource Team Leaders

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Projected Caseload Process for 2019-2020 Resource Allocations

Based on administrative recommendations, the hiring window has been moved up to meet the increasing demands caused by teacher shortages, particularly in specific job categories. To address this advanced timeline, the Special Education Department will be creating a 1.5 allocation until updated data can be ascertained. Projections and staffing allocations will be made similar to what was done last year. This method should make the workload on special education teachers and team leaders much easier. Please read through this information carefully. Based on updated information, data may be updated by the end of February. If you have any questions, please contact your assigned teacher specialist.

Caseload Information

  • No mid-year SCRAM report will be required. Please continue to send in SCRAM changes as they occur throughout the year. You will still be completing an End-of-Year SCRAM report.
  • Your December 1 SCRAM report will be used as the baseline for next year’s caseload estimate.
  • A 3-year average of incoming students to your school has been calculated to provide an estimate of incoming students in the youngest grade at your school. This number was added to your December 1 SCRAM numbers.
  • The number of students leaving your school in the exiting grade has been calculated. This number was subtracted from your December 1 SCRAM numbers.
  • Finally, we’ve maintained a trend line (for some schools since the 2002-03 SY) that shows estimated caseload versus actual caseloads on Oct. 1 and Dec. 1 SCRAM. We will use this trend line to make adjustments to estimates as needed.
  • All allocations will be conservative and may be re-evaluated at the end of this school year or after the Oct. 1 2019 count has been finalized.


  • Initial allocations of certified special education FTE will be provided to the Human Resources Department in time for your 2.0 FTE Allocation.
  • Each Principal will receive a letter outlining their estimated caseload numbers for 2019-20 and the projected resource FTE allocation for 2019-20.
  • We will only be sending the allocation letter to each school’s principal.

Requests for Resource Instructional Assistants

In April, we will send a packet of information to each Resource and Support Class team to request instructional assistants for 2019-20. This will include a regular resource assistant allocation and the information needed to request Critical Needs Instructional Assistants. This timeline should allow your teams to have a better idea of which students with additional staffing needs will be attending your school for 2019-20.

February 14, 2019

Elementary Principals
Elementary Media Assistants

Administrators of Schools
Dr. Shelley Nordick, Administrator, Curriculum/Staff Development
Norman Emerson, Instructional Support Services/Fine Arts Consultant

Quarterly Training Meetings for Elementary Media Assistants

In order to prepare and train elementary library media assistants to effectively provide services to elementary schools and to build consistency across elementary library programs, several training meetings have been scheduled for the 2019-20 school year. The participation of both of your library assistants in these meetings is appreciated. The meetings are to be included in the assistants' allotted 17 hours and are scheduled on Wednesdays, the day recommended for their scheduled overlap time.

The meetings will be held at the venues shown below from 9:30-11:30 a.m.:

  • August 20, 2019 - ASB Auditorium
  • October 2, 2019 - ASB Auditorium
  • January 22, 2020 - Viridian Event Center
  • April 1, 2020 - ASB Auditorium

Please feel free to contact Norman Emerson (801-567-8364) if further information is needed. Thank you for your continued support of the library media programs in Jordan District.

February 7, 2019

School Psychologists, Elementary Counselors, and Social Workers

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance

February Guidance Meeting

A Guidance meeting has been scheduled for Friday, February 22 from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Jordan School District Auxiliary Services Building Auditorium (7905 South Redwood Road). Douglas Goldsmith, Ph.D., Psychologist in Independent Practice, will provide us with a presentation on “Parents Behaving Badly: Working with Children Experiencing Trauma and High Conflict Divorce.”

Part-time Staff: I would appreciate it if you could adjust your schedules in order to attend this meeting.


Principals:  Please take note - I will be out of the office on Friday, March 29th for a family wedding. I won't be available to help you on that last day when Land Trust plans are due. Please plan accordingly so I can help you, if needed, before the due date. Thanks! Nadine


Due Friday, March 29, 2019

  • 2018-19 Midyear Progress Report - this needs to be opened and completed first. Once you open it you can see the allocation for 2019-20. Principals of the new schools, your schools should be uploaded into the system by the end of this week.
  • 2019-20 School Land Trust Plan
  • 2019-20 School Community Council/Land Trust Signature Form

Thanks for all you do to keep us in compliance with our Land Trust! Attached are the guidelines to help you with accounting codes.


February 13, 2019

Principals and Administrative Assistants

Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning and Student Services

Residency Determinations

Please see attached memo.

February 13, 2019

Elementary Administrative Assistants
Secondary Registrars

Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning & Student Services

Elementary, middle and high school non-transferred student files
Retention Schedule

Schools will periodically have files of students who have attended Jordan School District in grades K-8 and never attend grades 9-12. In the event that a transcript was never created and the student’s cumulative folder was never requested, the student’s cumulative folder then becomes the record to retain permanently as required by law. These records are to be handled as follows:  (refer to page 51 in the Planning & Student Services Manual). 

Non-transferred Records (Dead Files):

Non-transferred student cumulative/permanent records of students in grades kindergarten through 8 shall be held in that school until the student’s grade level is advanced to the next school level. (i.e., 6th grade records are sent to the feeder middle school and 9th grade records are sent to the feeder high school each June). Once at the feeder high school the record shall be retained three (3) years after the student would have graduated. At the end of three years these records shall be transferred to the Planning & Student Services Department each year by June 30 and then sent to the State Records Center and retained for 17 years and then transferred to the State Archives permanently.

The following remain in the file:

    • achievement test scores,
    • copies of report cards,
    • health records, and
    • pertinent information concerning the student 

Examples of these files may include:

  • A student who attended Jordan School District in grades K-8 and never attended a public high school in the State of Utah grades 9-12.
  • The death of a student – a certified copy of the cumulative folder should be retained and the family may be given the original if requested.

Please refer to UTREX to make sure the student has not attended a school within the State of Utah before sending the files to Planning & Student Services for retention. If they are active in another school within the State, contact that school and have them officially request the record. If you do not have a UTREX username/password, one may be requested from Information Systems at the principals written (e-mail) request.

Questions, please contact Student Services at 801-567-8183.

Thank you.

February 13, 2019

Administrative Assistants, ALL
Secondary Attendance Assistants

Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning & Student Services

Early & Late Enrollment Permits

The window for the school choice Early Enrollment Period closes on Friday, February 15, 2019. The law requires that parent(s)/guardian(s) receive written notice from the school by March 31, 2019. The results e-mails sent to parents(s)/guardian(s) after records have been placed on the waitlist or seated list serves as that written notice. Schools will need to ensure that communication with parent(s)/guardian(s) has occurred for each permit request.

Beginning February 16, 2019 the Late Enrollment Period begins. The late enrollment period is for applications submitted before Dec. 1 or after the third (3rd) Friday in February for the following year, or a permit request for the current school year. (See page 23 in the Planning and Student Services Manual.)

Any permit submitted during the late enrollment period will be placed at the bottom of the waitlist currently in PowerSchool when processed. The permit waitlist in PowerSchool will be used throughout the school year to grant permit requests and seat students at the school. Permits may be re-ordered on the waitlist according to the late enrollment requirements (see page 23 in the Planning and Student Services Manual).

Schools will continue to verify permit requests and communicate results to parent(s)/ guardian(s) throughout the 2019-20 school year.

Should you have any questions please contact Travis at 88251 or Donna at 88259.

January 13, 2019

Elementary Principals
Administrative Assistants

Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning & Student Services

Guidelines to Establish Kindergarten Enrollment

It is the responsibility of each school principal to obtain a kindergarten roster for the upcoming school year.  This roster helps facilitate kindergarten staffing and establish budgets for supplies and materials. Typically efforts to establish kindergarten rosters begin in December.

The following steps should be used to establish a kindergarten roster:

  1. Send a flyer home with every student.
  2. Publicize in the school newsletter – communicate (several times) the importance of getting accurate kindergarten counts.
  3. Use all other resources available to you. (Skylert, etc.)
  4. NOTE: New Student Online Enrollment (NSOE) for the 2019-20 school year enrollment will not be available until after January 1, 2019 pre-enroll. If applications were entered prior to pre-enrollment, they need to be inactive for the current year and active for next year. This can be done during the approval process in NSOE.
  5. Schedule kindergarten orientation as soon as possible. After the January pre-enroll, check your New Student Online Enrollment to see if there are any pending applications that need follow up.
  6. Hang banners announcing Kindergarten Registration being accepted for the following school year.

Please schedule your kindergarten orientation BEFORE APRIL 5, 2019. 


  1. Make a block contact with every home using PTA support.
  2. Contact pre-schools in the attendance area of your school.
  3. Use a telephone tree operated by parent volunteers with a list of questions for consistency.
  4. Contact neighbors who can identify new move-ins.
  5. Contact community members who do not have children enrolled in school.
  6. Avoid forwarding kindergarten orientation letters to new addresses if a family has moved from your boundary area. Delete that name from your list.

Please be diligent in recruiting all the kindergarten students within your school boundary.