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Please help us get the word to teachers. The Instructional Support Center has resources for all levels.
New this year:
  • Posters -- Beautiful full-color posters starting at $2.50/foot
  • Color copies
Newly acquired videos for secondary grades:
  • United States History: Industrial Revolution
  • World War I & II: Cause and Effect
  • Launching a Business
  • Public Speaking
  • Organic Farming
Meteorite and Volcanic Rock Kit that includes a DVD, information binder, six rocks, and magnets.
Principals, Please share this ISC Newsletter with your teachers.
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November 9, 2015

Principals and Directors

June LeMaster, Ph.D., Administrator, Human Resources
Herb Jensen, Director, Transportation Services
Brent Burge, Human Resource Administrator-Classified

Opportunity for Part-time Classified Employees to Drive School Buses

In an effort to meet the District’s need for additional bus drivers (AM & PM), part-time classified employees are now able to work additional hours as substitute bus drivers.

Allowed Hours
Employees currently working part-time at your location are now allowed to work up to 27 hours per week as follows:

  • Current classified employees who are scheduled to work between 8 and 19 hours per week at your location will now be able to work additional hours as a bus driver to a maximum total of 27 hours per week.
  • Current classified employees allowed to work additional hours as a bus driver will not be allowed to work additional hours at the school location for any reason.
  • Current classified employees must provide their school work schedule to Charlene Arko in transportation and will not be allowed to alter their school schedule to work in transportation.
  • Current classified employees working additional hours as a bus driver are without contract or benefits.

Transportation is required to monitor and limit driver hours based on their maximum allowable hours provided by Human Resources when they are hired.  Monthly audits will also be conducted.

Interested current part-time employees must submit an online application through Skyward to be considered.  A specific posting for current employees is currently available through Employee Access.  Employees must be at least 21 years old to drive a bus.

Employees are required to complete the required training, including CDL training, prior to driving.  Training classes are scheduled monthly throughout the year.  See the attached employee notification for training details.

The attached announcement will be emailed to eligible employees in November notifying each of this opportunity, along with the training requirements.  We also ask for your assistance in communicating this information to current eligible part-time employees.

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The Payroll Department is asking insulin nurses to use their insulin log as their timesheet.  At the end of each month, the insulin nurse at your school should give the head administrative assistant their insulin log/timesheet.  Please have the principal or head administrative assistant sign at the bottom of the insulin log/timesheet approving that insulin shots were administered as indicated.

The insulin log/timesheets must be included with the schools payroll and brought to Payroll on the second working day of each month.  Payroll will not accept timesheets (insulin logs) from employees.

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November 4, 2015

Elementary Principals

Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Consultant for Planning and Student Services

Attendance Reporting on Elementary Report Cards

When the elementary report card calculates attendance it is pulling any attendance that has been entered for a student.  To better clarify, the absence field reports a number if any portion of the day was missed whether it was excused or unexcused.  It is always helpful when a time is entered into the comment section as the student checks in/out of school to provide more accurate information to the families.

The most accurate attendance is always available within Skyward Family Access and will provide a better picture and detailed explanation for parents.  These reports may be printed at any time at the parents request or they may access the information through their individual login and password.

Please share this information with faculty, staff and patrons as they navigate through the report card information.

Thank you.

NOTE:  Attached is page 2 of the Planning & Student Services Manual has detailed Guidance on Attendance Accounting in the Elementary.  Please review this information with your office staff.


Department of Planning and Student Services

Attendance Accounting-Elementary

Updated to using Skyward - (No longer using Attendance Cards)

The Jordan School District Skyward Attendance Program is the official procedure for attendance accounting.

The Skyward attendance program shall be made for every student who enrolls at your school.

  • Attendance will be taken by the teacher the first half hour of the morning and recorded on Skyward. The teacher will save the attendance within the first half hour of the morning.
  • When a student checks out of school, a Skyward record will be made by the office. The teacher will send the student to the office with a hall pass when the student checks out.
  • A check-in slip will be sent to the teacher when a student checks in late. The computer entry will be made by the office.

Absences will be recorded by the office on Skyward as follows:

  • If no attendance is entered into Skyward during the morning, the student is counted present. (No attendance mark indicates the student was present all day.)
  • If the student checks in during the first two hours of the morning, mark Skyward tardy (t) and the reason for tardy.  The student is counted present.
  • If the student checks in after the first two hours of the morning, he is counted absent for 1st period (a).
  • If the student checks out after the first two hours of the morning, he is counted present 1/2 day (marking an absence for 2nd period).
  • If an attendance is not entered during the last half of the day, the student is counted present all day.
  • If the student checks in during the first two hours of the afternoon, he is counted present 1/2 day afternoon (marking an absence for 1st period).
  • If the student checks in after the first two hours of the afternoon, he is counted absent all day.
  • If the student checks out after the first two hours of the afternoon, he is counted present, marking Skyward for the reason leaving early.
  • On short day, adjust the check in and check out hours to fit the half day.
  • Make notes in the “Comment” section of Skyward.
  • Use attendance Truancy Letters found on the Planning & Student Services website located at:
  • Use the attendance codes available from Information Systems. (see pages 8-9)

P&SS Manual 2015-16 – June 30, 2015

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November 11, 2015

Assistant Principals

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum/Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Julie Brown, Program Specialist

LEA Training Part 2 – Special Education Law and Practices

The next Special Education training opportunity for Principals and Assistant Principals will be held on January 20, 2016. Sessions will be held in the District Office Room 129. We will be discussing Special Education Law and Practices related to IEP Implementation and Disciplinary Removal of students with disabilities. Please plan to attend one of the two sessions offered.

Special Education Law and Practices:
IEP Implementation and Disciplinary Removal
January 20, 2016
District Office Room 129
Session 1:  9:00 AM
Session 2: 1:00 PM


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Parental Exclusions from State Assessments (Opt-Out) Procedures 2015-16

USOE has created an opt-out form for parents who do not want their student to participate in state-mandated assessments.  The USOE opt-out form is titled 2015-16 Parental Exclusion from State Assessments.  A link to the form has been posted on the Evaluation, Research, and Accountability Department’s webpage: .  An additional link to the opt-out form has been placed on the Jordan School District’s webpage in the “General Information” section under the “Parents and Students” tab.  The General Information link is titled “Parental Exclusion (Opt-Out)”.

Parents or guardians who choose to not have their student participate in one or more state-mandated assessments can download the 2015-16 Parental Exclusion from State Assessments form from either of the above links, complete and sign the form, and return the completed form to the school principal.  The completed form needs to be submitted to the principal before the date scheduled for the state-mandated assessment(s).

A parent’s use of the 2015-16 Parental Exclusion from State Assessments form is not mandatory.  If a parent or guardian chooses to not complete, sign and submit the form, or if the parent/guardian submits a different opt-out document, the principal should contact the parent or guardian to determine which 2015-16 state-mandated assessment(s) the parent does not want their student to participate in.  The principal should then mark the assessment(s) on a 2015-16 Parental Exclusion from State Assessments form.  The principal should make a notation on the form of their conversation with the parent and indicate that the parent chose to not complete and/or sign the 2015-16 Parental Exclusion from State Assessments form.  The principal should attach any applicable documents or email communications from the parent to the 2015-16 Parental Exclusion from State Assessments form and maintain a folder of the completed forms and documents.

Finally, principals need to provide a copy of the completed 2015-16 Parental Exclusion from State Assessments form to the school’s testing coordinator.  The testing coordinator should be directed to 1) make necessary changes in the SAGE TIDE system and 2) inform the Evaluation, Research, and Accountability Department, using the established Google Docs procedure, that the student is being opted out of the specified state-mandated assessment(s).  If the testing coordinator needs help with this Google Docs procedure, she/he can reference the two videos posted on the Evaluation, Research, and Accountability Department’s webpage under the “Testing Coordinators” tab:

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The 2015-16 Emergency Procedures and Contacts manual (commonly known as the "Red Book") will be shared with you on Google Drive in an effort to keep this critical information readily available.  You should have already received hard copies of the manual through district mail. We believe that sharing the manual electronically, in a safe manner, makes it even more accessible if needed.
At this time, only JSD administrators have been included.  In the event you would like to share the manual with your administrative assistant and/or head custodian, please email a request to share to Peggy Margetts at  Also, if your current contact information changes, please send Peggy updates immediately so she can keep the contact information as current as possible.  Feel free to contact Peggy at 801-567-8753 with any questions.
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Elementary Principals:

Teachers are eager for the following information; please be sure to share with them.

  • RTI tools are now available in a fillable PDF and posted on the CBL website (Under Interventions tab) and the Curriculum Department website (Under Resources, School Improvement Plan).
  • The presentation used to present these tools at the Literacy training is now available on the CBL website under the Interventions tab.
  • Due to teacher requests, a Wednesday night Running Records class has been scheduled for December 2, 9, and 16.  Teachers may register on JPLS.
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The testing window for SLO pre-tests will close November 13.  All teachers, except those who have chosen to take their Spring 2015 SAGE MGP for their student growth component, will need to have SLO pre-tests administered by November 13.  Student growth is a yearly component teachers must demonstrate as part of the total educator effectiveness score.

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Fellow High School Assistant Principals:
We have been notified by the courts that any 18 year old
cannot be referred to juvenile court for tobacco possessions.  They must be
referred to Justice court.  Please note that we have added a new citation
to the forms.  This one reads "Referral to Justice Court".  You will fill
that one out for any 18 yr old.  Thank you for all your hard work.  Please
let Norma Villar (801-567-8187) know if you have questions or if she can be of assistance.

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October 27, 2015

School Principals

John Larsen, Business Administrator

Donation Acknowledgments


As a reminder, the District has a procedure for acknowledging receipt of funds from individuals or groups who donate money to benefit various school programs (see pages 44-47 of the Financial Accounting Manual).  When a school receives a monetary donation of $250 or more, please notify me so that a letter can be prepared and sent to the individual or group to acknowledge receipt of the funds.  A copy of the acknowledgement letter will be sent to you for your files.

To help with the preparation of the letter, please provide me with the following:

  1. A copy of the check.
  2. A copy of the school receipt.
  3. If the letter should be addressed to someone other than the name(s) on the check, please provide that information.
  4. Purpose of the donation (i.e., the name of the school club or group benefiting from the donation).
  5. State whether or not goods or services were provided to the donor as a result of the donation (i.e., did the donor benefit?).

Thank you for your assistance.

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October 22, 2015

All Special Educators and Related Service Providers

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum/Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Julie Brown, Program Specialist-Special Education

SCRAM Data Due BY THE END OF DAY Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Returning D Track Clusters are Due NO LATER than Friday, November 20, 2015
Updating SCRAM for December 1 Funding Count


We are fast approaching our December 1 SCRAM count deadline.   Please remember that our funding and other critical data are generated from these counts.  It is important that all information be accurate and current.  The attached report reflects the SCRAM and IEP Services we have received to date.  Please check to see that all students who are currently receiving services are on the SCRAM printout and that all information has been submitted correctly.  Submit a new SCRAM document for any changes.

This report reflects students served during the current school year.   Carefully review the following:

o   Please check that the names, entry dates, service patterns and providers are correct for each student on the printout.  If the information is correct for all service providers, put a check mark (√) in front of the student’s name.  The printout reflects the school’s current special education caseload.

o     If a student being served in special education is not on SCRAM, please submit a new SCRAM document BY THE END OF DAY Wednesday, November 11, 2015.  If they are not on this printout, they are not on record as receiving services at your school.

o   Cross out any students who are not receiving services at your school and submit a SCRAM document with the correct exit date and exit code reason. The exit date is the day after the last day the student receives the services listed.  The new SCRAM entry date will be the same as the exit date.  Please note that the entry date for a student coming from another school who enters your setting during the year is the first date that the student enters the new school (this will be the first date of service).  Remember that there should be no delay in services (violation of IDEA and we lose days of funding).

o     If you are not aware of a student that is listed on the printout (and the student has not been exited from services), you should follow-up with that student who is now in your building.  Many teams are not aware of students who have entered their school and should be receiving services.  A SCRAM document should be submitted which either identifies the services the student will receive or which exits the student from services (procedures must be followed for terminating a student from services).

o   If the IEP team has changed a student’s services, the changes must be documented on the services section of the IEP and a new SCRAM document must be submitted.  Remember that parents must be involved in any decision to amend IEP services and must receive a copy of the revised IEP.

o   Any SCRAM document submitted must reflect all current IEP services.  Every section of the form must be filled out completely or the student’s record cannot be submitted to the State for funding (this includes the classification, all services and amount of time, entry/exit dates, environment and regular percent codes, health services, etc.).  If information is missing, the record will not be sent to the State for funding counts.

Special Education Resource Teams are being sent one complete list of all students in the school who are being served by resource, speech-language, guidance and/or OT, PT, itinerant teachers for the hearing impaired or visually impaired, etc.  Please review and sign the list with ALL team members before sending it back to the SCRAM office.

Cluster Teams are being sent one complete list of all cluster students in the school who are being served by the cluster, speech-language, guidance and/or OT, PT, itinerant teachers for the hearing impaired or visually impaired, etc.   Please review and sign the list with ALL cluster team members before sending it back to the SCRAM office.

All primary SLP and Guidance services will be included on the master list sent to Special Education Resource Teams.  If the provider is serving two different schools, the services will be included on the master list at each school.  Teams are expected to work together to review and complete all required SCRAM information.

SCRAM corrections may be sent through District Mail to the SCRAM Secretary as long as they arrive in the Special Education office by the due date.  If the current report is correct as printed, each team member must sign the report, verifying that it is accurate and return it to the SCRAM Secretary in the Special Education Department at the District Office. If you have questions, please call the Teacher Specialist assigned to your school.  Please sign and return the current report with all corrections/changes marked along with the corresponding SCRAM documents by the following due date:

Due:  By 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Returning D Track Clusters Due Date:

NO LATER than 5:00 p.m. Friday, November 20, 2015


It is critical that information be received by the specified due dates so that all data can be entered by the December 1 due date.

1)  Remember that all IEPs should be completed using the web-based Goalview IEP system and any changes must be reported using the IEP SCRAM Services document.

2)  In the event that a hard copy IEP was used and there are changes to the services listed on the printout, be sure to submit the IEP SCRAM Services document AND enter the hard copy IEP onto the Goalview system.

Private School/Home School Students
If you are providing services to a student who is enrolled in a private school or home school, make sure you have submitted a copy of the Private School and/or Home School Individualized Services Plan (ISP) and a copy of the student service logs to Julie Brown by the Wednesday, November 11, 2015 due date. Private school and/or home school students must be entered on the system differently.

Funding Implications
Special education funding and, therefore, school staffing/assistant allocations, etc. are contingent upon the accuracy of this data.  Your timely and accurate response is critical!  Thank you for all your efforts to get us the correct information in a very short time period.


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October 22, 2015


Administrators of Schools
Dr Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Consultant of Planning and Student Services
Steven Harwood System/Programming Manager

Fall Enrollment as of October 1, 2015


See attached memo.

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Student Intervention Services department applied for an Anti-Bullying grant and received the funding.  With that funding we have purchased magnets with JSD definition of bullying for every single student.  This will help administrators clarify to parents who say their child is being bullied. They will be sent to the school via our JSD mail.  We have included a sample letter in the packet you will receive if the school would like to use it or modify it.  We have also purchased signs for our PLT (high school) teams to use in their anti-bullying presentations to the feeder elementaries. Jeani Mulliner has delivered those.  In addition we have purchased signs for every classroom and every office with the definition.

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Improve your tech skills and have some fun too! (?)

What, When, Where, and Who

The following technology classes are offered at the ASB (Auxillary Services Building, 7905 S. Redwood Rd.). On most Wednesdays from 3:30-5:30 pm (rooms are noted below). These are available to all secondary teachers and administrators. Registration is required in JPLS.

Google Apps for Education: Basics

Oct 28, 3:30-5:30 pm, PDC 113, ASB

  • A two-hour overview of what are the google apps and what can they do in a classroom and for a teacher.

Google Apps for Education: Drive (Docs, Sheets, Slides and Drawing)

Nov 4, 3:30-5:30 pm, PDC 113, ASB

  • Focus in on the four main apps in Google Drive. How to use them to influence your teaching and students.

Google Apps for Education: Drive (Forms, Surveys and Flubaroo)

Nov 11, 3:30-5:30 pm, PDC 103

  • Create and use forms for surveys, quizzes and tests. Use Flubaroo and other apps to grade, record and communicate those grades.

Google Apps for Education: Google Sites (Create)

Nov 18, 3:30-5:30 pm, 113, ASB

  • Create your own class, club or group website using Google Sites.

Google Apps for Education: Google Sites (Improve)

Dec 2, 3:30-5:30 pm, PDC 105, ASB

  • You already have a Google site but want to make it better. In this class you will use additional features to Improve your own website using Google Sites.

Google Apps for Education: YouTube

Dec 9, 3:30-5:30 pm, PDC 103, ASB

  • More than watching viral cat videos you can create your own YouTube Channel where you can store your favorite vids for class and even do simple edits. This can be private or shared… amazing resource.

UEN Resources: Tools and Resources

Dec 16, 3:30-5:30 pm, PDC 113, ASB

  • Discover the of tools and resources provided by Utah Education Network and great ways to use them in your classroom.
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In an effort to streamline processes and improve internal controls, all open purchase orders to Office Depot will be closed November 2, 2015.  Effective immediately, orders to Office Depot should be placed on the Office Depot website ( using a District P-Card.  Please contact Heather Ellingson at ext. 8388 with any questions.

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All Principals, Registrars, Attendance Secretaries, and Elementary Secretaries, Homeless Liaison, Nutrition Services

Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Luann Leavitt, Consultant of Planning & Student Services

Many families live in different situations and several of those living circumstances may qualify the family for a McKinney Vento enrollment.  To determine this enrollment, the family must complete the Student Residency Questionnaire and lunch application either online or in paper format at the school.  If the patron qualifies under McKinney Vento, enroll the student considering the following.

  1. When entering the student into Skyward and the legal guardian is enrolling:
    • Family #1 is the legal guardian with the current address of where they are residing.
  2. When entering the student into Skyward and the caregiver does not have Durable Power of Attorney:
    • Family #1 is the student – relationship is McKinney Vento - with the current address of where they are residing.  This will help everyone with Skyward access to know the circumstances of the initial enrollment and help the school protect the child’s FERPA rights.
    • Family #2 is the child’s legal guardian and a contact information if it is available. If the legal guardian information is not available, enter the caregiver in Family #2.
    • Family #3 is the caregiver – relationship is McKinney Vento – with their address and contact information. Once a Durable Power of Attorney is obtained, move the caregiver to Family #1 in place of the student.
  3. When entering a student into Skyward with a caregiver who has a Durable Power of Attorney:
    • Family #1 is the caregiver – relationship is McKinney Vento – with their address and contact information.
    • Family #2 is the legal guardian and contact information if it is available.


  • Legal Guardianship is awarded through the courts determines who is placed in the Family #1 position.
  • If the status of the student’s enrollment changes, (a Durable Power of Attorney is obtained after initial enrollment) the Family information and the relationship on the Family screen will also need to be updated.

NEW:  Two new relationship fields were added in Skyward:

  • McKinney Vento
  • Migrant

Once the enrollment is complete and to facilitate a smooth transition for the child into school, please fax a copy of the Student Residency Questionnaire and the lunch application to the Homeless Liaison at 801-567-8073 and to Nutrition Services at 801-567-8768.    If a lunch application was not needed, only fax to the Homeless Liaison.

All of this information should be held confidential and protected.  We hope this information is helpful when enrolling a student under McKinney Vento with lunch applications.  Please contact Planning & Student Services with any questions.

Skyward Report available for schools to print regarding McKinney Vento are:

  • Family Residency Report – Online Registration -- the Path is: Families/Jordan Additions/Registration Reports
  • McKinney Vento – available in Data Mining.
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August 4, 2015

Administrators of Schools
All Elementary and Secondary Principals
All Elementary and Secondary Lunch Managers

Scott Thomas, Administrator of Auxiliary Services
Jana Cruz, Director of Nutrition Services

Removing Food from School Kitchens

See attached memo.


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