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The Classified Evaluation System has been moved from JPLS to Skyward. The evaluations will be accessed from Skyward Employee Access. Classified employees will no longer be required to complete a self-evaluation. Evaluators will begin the evaluation process and will complete the process by meeting with the employee to review and electronically sign the evaluation. Once the evaluation process is complete, the employee and evaluator will receive a confirmation email. A set of step-by-step instructions is included and will also be available from the JES website. For technical questions, contact the Information Systems Help Desk at 801-567-8737; otherwise, contact the JES Office at 801-567-8369. A schedule of work sessions to review the evaluation process is also included.

Administrators and teacher leaders are invited to the 2017 Learning Edge Conference. “The Arts: A Renaissance of Relevance” is scheduled for November 14, 2017 at the Provo Marriott Hotel & Conference Center. See attached flyer for more information. The Curriculum Department will pay the registration fee for one administrator from each building. Contact Amanda Hansen before November 5 if you are interested in attending. Spots are filling quickly!

The Jordan Education Foundation was given tickets to the Deseret News Home Show for this weekend. Each ticket gets one adult in for free. Tickets will be available at the District Office reception desk tomorrow, October 13th, from 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. The tickets will be handed out on a first come, first serve basis.

Please share this information with your staff.

September 21, 2017

Jordan District Contract Employees

Dr. Patrice A. Johnson, Superintendent of Schools

Change of Schedule for Spring Break

A week-long spring break is scheduled for the 2017-18 school year. Students and teachers at both traditional and year-round schools, as well as staff on a 10-month/206-day classified contract or a 225-day licensed contract, will be out of school Monday-Friday, April 2-6, 2018.

Currently, employees on a 12-month/242-day or 12-month/245-day contract are scheduled to work Monday-Wednesday (April 2-4) and off on Thursday and Friday (April 5-6). With Easter falling on April 1st, we are implementing a change in the employee calendar to accommodate time off closer to the holiday. Employees in these two groups will have Monday and Tuesday, April 2-3, for spring break and will return to work on Wednesday, April 4th and work through Friday.

If anyone in your department has already made plans based on being off April 5-6, please work with them to resolve any hardship this change may cause them.


September 12, 2017

District Administration

Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning and Student Services

14th Day Enrollment vs. October Estimate - All Schools

Please see attached memo.


JSD Administrators and Administrative Assistants:

You will soon receive an email link to the Emergency Procedures and Contact Information 2017-18 manual (aka The Red Book).  Please take a moment to open it up and verify that your contact information, and contact information for anyone listed from your school or department, is correct before we send it for printing.  If a correction is needed, please contact Peggy at ext. 88753 or by end-of-day Friday, September 22nd.

Once any final corrections have been made, the Emergency Procedures and Contact Information 2017-18 manual (aka The Red Book) will be available to you on Google Drive.  In addition, you will receive your hard copy as soon as they are back from the printer.

Many thanks from the JSD Safety Team,
Paul Bergera, Auxiliary Services Staff Assistant
Lance Everill, Facility Operations Manager
Ron Boshard, Risk Management Coordinator

2017 Flu Shot Clinics are under way. These clinics may be offered to your whole communities. Please remember that the staff immunization clinics that are currently under way are not associated with the flu shot clinics. Attached is a list of dates and locations for our clinics, a fact sheet, an insurance information sheet, and a poster for you to post your clinic (if you signed up for one) in your school. Please direct questions to Educational Support or to your school nurse. Have a healthy year!

Goalview training for Administrators only will be held at the District Office in room 213 on September 25 from 9:30-10:30 am. or 1:30-2:30 pm. Please email Karl McKenzie to register at and bring a laptop.

Goalview training for Special Educators (Administrators are welcome to attend) will be held at the District Office in room 202 every Monday in September from 3:00-5:00 pm.

See attached flyer for more information.