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June 21, 2016

All School Principals
All School Financial Secretaries

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Heather Ellingson, Director of Accounting, Budgets and Audits
Daniel Ellis, Accountant/Internal Auditor

Quarterly School Financial Report for April, May and June 2016

Each school is asked to report the quarter end account balance and transaction detail with the Apple Volume Purchase Program and return with your bank reconciliation.  If your school has no Apple account, please so indicate and return.

Please include the account balance with Apple on the reconciliation sign off form and print a report or screen shot(s) of the balances and quarterly transactions from Apple’s website.  If you need assistance, please contact your Curriculum Technology Specialist – Bonnie, Deana, Harrison, Nancy.

Please photocopy the selected elements and send to Accounting by July 22, 2016.

Please include:

  • The signed attached memo to Accounting
  • A copy of your April, May and June 2016 Reconciliation Worksheets
  • A copy of your April, May and June 2016 Bank Statements
  • A copy of your April, May and June 2016 Skyward Balance Sheets
  • A copy of your April, May and June Outstanding Check Reports
  • Screen shot(s) of your June 30, 2016 Apple Volume Purchase Program transaction history and balance

If you have questions or need assistance, please call Liz Robins at (801)567-8267.

Thank you.

Michael Anderson, Administrator of Schools
Jill Durrant, Administrator of Schools
Anthony Godfrey, Administrator of Schools
Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools
Teri Timpson, Administrator of Schools

Leveraging Enrollment and FTE

Using Enrollment Data and FTE to plan and inform decisions with Travis Hamblin and Luann Leavitt
Monday, July 11, 2016
Time:  10:30 -11:30
Place:  District Office Room 129
All Administrators are invited
All Assistant Principals are invited
No registration is necessary
DO NOT MISS for new Principals.

Thank you to all administrators who attended the Enrollment and FTE Training held on June 14th and 15th at the District Office.

See document below for a summary of the 10 Key Points discussed in the training.

As a reminder, there will be one more training held on July 11th @ 10:30am in room 129 at the District Office.

JSD Administrators:

Congratulations to Steven Peart and Duane Devey!

Steve Peart was recently selected as the new Director of Custodial & Energy Services replacing Duane Devey who is retiring at the end of July 2016, following 41 years of dedicated service in the Jordan School District.  Duane will be missed.


The following are updated guidelines received from the State Office.

  • Schools may spend no more than $2 per awarded student in an academic year from School LAND Trust funds for incentives.  This applies to incentives in behavioral goals.  This applies to incentives in already approved plans for 2016-2017.
  • All classroom assistants, computer lab assistants, trackers, etc. must spend at least 75% of his/her time in direct instruction of students.

Please ensure that these guidelines are being followed for your 2016-17 plans.


Attached is information regarding a free Mastery Connect professional development opportunity intended for new teachers. This PD is being taught by instructors directly from Mastery Connect. All of the details needed are included in the two attachments from Mastery Connect. Please be aware that there is no compensation being offered to teachers from Jordan School District for attendance at this event.

May 31, 2016

All Special Educators
All Principals

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curric./Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Julie Brown, Program Specialist

Woodcock Johnson IV Training

Jordan School District has purchased the Woodcock Johnson IV Test of Achievement to replace the Woodcock Johnson III, which will no longer be on the approved list for achievement testing for the 2016-2017 school year. All special educators must attend this mandatory training.  Special educators must have completed all aspects of training before they will be able to conduct achievement testing with students. Registration is available through JPLS (course number 101079). The schedule of training dates is attached.

Special educators will either be paid at inservice rate, or if you are on contract, may request a substitute using budget code 1292.

May 25, 2016

All Special Educators and Related Service Providers

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum/Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Julie Brown, Program Specialist-Special Education

Information Regarding Beginning of the 2016-17 School Year

As the Special Education Department reflects on the 2015-16 school year, we would like to send out our heartfelt appreciation for the hard work and dedicated service you have provided to students in Jordan School District. Each week we celebrate the amazing acts of teamwork, kindness, extra mile actions, and support that you provide to students, their families, and your colleagues. Your efforts are recognized and celebrated at all levels.

In looking towards the upcoming school year, there are several items that we wanted to make you aware of prior to the start of the new school year. We will provide a general description below and send out detailed information closer to the start of the new school year.


  • Opening Professional Development – This year’s opening information will be provided in a variety of learning opportunities, including online, and small group targeted content trainings. We recognize that preparation time, prior to school starting, is limited and valuable. Therefore, we will not be convening a whole group opening training during the 3 preparation days for the 2016-17 school year.
  • Extended Year for Special Education Teacher Stipends – This year the legislature has extended the stipend options for qualifying Special Education teachers, Special Education Preschool teachers, and Speech-Language Pathologists to include 6 days. The details and timesheets will be sent to your school, but we wanted to inform you of the option to use these 6 extended days to complete IEP related duties the two weeks prior to or following your contract days beginning July 1, 2016. Year-round off-contract options are also available.
  • Woodcock-Johnson IV Training – Jordan School District has purchased the Woodcock Johnson IV Tests of Achievement to replace the Woodcock Johnson III, which will no longer be on the approved list for achievement testing for the 2016-17 school year. To facilitate the training of all special education teachers to administer this assessment, we have scheduled a variety of training opportunities on the JPLS website. A detailed flyer with registration information will be heading your way.
  • Compliance Reviews – Compliance updates and reminder information will be provided in an online format for you to complete during contract time at your convenience.
  • On-going Professional Development – There are many continuing and additional opportunities, available for targeted groups of staff, to participate in on-going professional development, that will begin either in the summer months or shortly after school starts in the fall. Please watch for additional information and registration information. Some examples are:
    1. Math Training for special education and general education math co-teaching teams
    2. Math content and instructional support for elementary resource teachers
    3. Revised eligibility for Specific Learning Disability (SLD) for secondary students
    4. Positive Behavior Supports and new Least Restrictive Behavioral Interventions (LRBI) Guidance
    5. IEP planning, development, and compliance support training for teams
    6. Essential Elements core curriculum alignment PLC’s

Once again, thank you for all you do, enjoy your summer, and we are looking forward to another fantastic year.

May 27, 2016


Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum and Staff Development
Clyde Mason, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Research Project - Parent Breakfast Survey

The Research Review Committee has reviewed a research project in which your school has been asked to participate.

Project Title: “Parent Breakfast Survey”

Applicant: Lori Anderson, PhD, EHES

The project has been approved by the District Research Review Committee. The applicant has been directed to contact you to discuss the extent of the project and to obtain your permission to conduct the study at your school. If you have questions or concerns relating to participation, please contact Clyde Mason at 567-8243.

Thank you for your assistance.

June 1, 2016

All Principals

Administrators of Schools
Ron Bird, Director, Information Systems
Mark Sowa, Curriculum Technology Consultant

FIRE DANGER - Apple MacBook Aftermarket Battery

See attached memo with picture.


May 19, 2016

High School Principals and Head Secretaries

C. Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools

2016-17 High School Summer Office Hours

Each high school in Jordan School District will be allocated $4,000 to assist in covering summer office hours for the 2016-17 school year.  Please note that benefits must be deducted from this amount.  Benefits are calculated at 8.45% to include FICA, Medicare, and Industrial Insurance. If you choose to use a full-time school employee that qualifies for retirement benefits, an additional 23.69% (Tier I-before July 1, 2011) or 20.02% (Tier II-after June 30, 2011) must be added to the total cost.

This money may be used for time worked from June 1 through August 31, 2016.  Please turn in timesheets monthly and August timesheets are due no later than September 6, 2016.  No money will be carried over from the summer hour allocation.  All timesheets for your summer hours need to be coded as 10-E-LOC-8707-2436-154 and should be sent along with your allocation form each month to Brad Sorensen’s office for approval.

If you have any questions, please call Brad Sorensen at 801-567-8233 or Cari Minnesota at 801-567-8173.

Thank you.

May 27, 2016

High School Principals, Counselors, Registrars

Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Consultant of Planning and Student Services
Steven Harwood, System/Program Manager Information Systems

Codes for 12th Grade Students at End of Year

All seniors who completed the school year need to have a final status reported to the State.  They should be marked according to the following guidelines in the “Grad/DiplSts” field in Skyward on the Profile Screen.

  1. Students who exited/withdrew before the end of the school year should be left blank unless they are Early Graduates. Early Graduates should be coded by the school as “GR” (graduate).
  1. Students who graduate at the end of the year can be left blank, and Skyward will be set to code them as:
    1. “GR” – Graduate (those who Skyward shows have passed the civics test)
    2. “GP” – Graduation Pending (those who Skyward shows have not passed the civics test)
  1. Students who remain at the school until the end of the year and do not receive a diploma should be coded as follows by the school:
    1. “G3” – Basic High School Diploma, IEP team has determined that the student’s participation in statewide assessment is through the UAA and/or DLM
    2. “GM” – Basic High School Diploma, did not meet requirements of GR, or G3 but did satisfy other criteria provided specifically for military children in Utah Code 53A-11-1404
    3. “CT” – Certificate of completion, awarded by LEA
    4. “RT” – Retained Senior (special education students only)
    5. “GP” – Graduation Pending
    6. “AO” – Aged out of Special Education
    7. “DO” – Student finishes the year, but none of the above codes apply

The attached report shows students who have currently been identified.  If you did not receive an attached report no seniors have been identified, and indicates that all seniors received a diploma.  Please verify that the status for the seniors is correct.  Additionally, if there are students who are not receiving a diploma and are not on the attached list, please correct their Grad/Dipl Status Field in Skyward.  Notes: Special Education students who are seniors this year but will be returning next year should be marked as “RT” even if they will be participating in graduation ceremonies.  Additionally, any special education students who were marked “RT” in the past years who are not returning because they will age out over the summer should have their status changed accordingly. Students marked as GP will be counted as dropouts unless updated in the Oct 1 data submission.  Thank you.

The JSD Deadline for reporting this information is June 24, 2016.  Please contact Student Services upon completion (801-567-8251).

May 24, 2016

All Secondary Principals, High School Counselors, and Middle School Counselors

Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools, Herriman K-12 Feeder System
Michael Anderson, Administrator of Schools, Riverton K-12 Feeder System
Laura Finlinson, Administrator, Curriculum and Staff Development

2016-17 Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP) Calendar

See attached memo.

Principals and teachers:

Please be aware that on July 7, 2016, Information Systems will be rolling over (archiving) the data from Mastery Connect for the 2015-2016 school year. This will enable all users to start the 2016-2017 school year fresh with new rosters and so forth. The data compiled from the 2015-2016 school year will still be available via the Mastery Connect Archives, accessible through your normal Mastery Connect home page. For help with accessing this data, or for help with any Mastery Connect processes regarding the new school year, please contact your respective district Curriculum Technology Specialist.