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November 4, 2019

Principals and Administrative Assistants

Sarah Palmer, Director of Payroll
Daniel Ellis, Director of Accounting

Independent Contractors and URS

Retirees receiving a monthly benefit from Utah Retirement Services have restrictions when returning to work. Re-employment includes work or service performed on a contract for a participating employer if the retiree is listed as the contractor; or an owner, partner, or principal of the contractor.

If it is discovered that a URS retiree failed to report reemployment in violation of Title 49, "…the retiree and employer who is found to be responsible for the failure to report, are liable to the office for the amount of any overpayment resulting from the violation." Utah Code Ann. § 49-11-1207(2).

The attached URS Post-Retired Verification form must be completed by the Independent Contractor along with their W-9, and then will need to be sent into the Payroll Department each month along with your payroll. Please do not send the W-9 forms to Payroll.

If you have any questions, please email, or call the Payroll Department at (801) 567-8154.

Thank you.

"What is the Mastery Leadership Institute? The Mastery Leadership Institute (“MLI”) is an executive-style program designed to empower school and district leaders to become dynamic users of data. It begins with a three-day working retreat focused on how to effectively use data to target interventions, personalize learning, and evaluate instructional efficacy, followed by virtual coaching sessions."

This opportunity is for the individual session only, which includes one seat to the MLI, conference materials, and meals.  The cost is typically $2000 per participant, but they are offering these spots to us at no charge. If you have questions or are interested in attending, please email Mandy Thurman at with your name, school and position by Monday, November 4th.  Spots will be filled on a first come basis.  

Reminder:  We will be providing a course designed for school administrators and their administrative assistants to more fully understand the budget planning process. Participants will be expected to bring information needed to complete at least one of their budgets that includes employee costs (i.e. TSSA, Trustlands, Title I, In Lieu, etc.)

You will need to bring a current Skyward detail report for the target budget that includes all salary and benefit expenses. The course will focus on looking up salary information in Skyward, determining loaded salary expenses, and how to review and revise budgets based on ongoing Skyward budget reports. This is an introductory course but each participant will leave with at least one budget plan completed. If possible, it would be best to have the administrator and administrative assistant attend and learn together. Class sizes will be limited. You only need to register for one of the sections.

Please register in JPLS. All courses will be offered at the District Office, Room 129.

Please bring your laptop (most tablets cannot run Excel).

Course ID# 101498

Section ID
#115998, December 5, 2019, 1:00 - 3:00 PM - Session is filled
#115999, December 17, 2019, 9:00 - 11:00 AM
#116000, December 19, 2019, 2:00 - 4:00 PM
#116001, January 14, 2020, 9:00 - 11:00 AM

The following are new administrative assignments:

Assignment Effective 11/4/2019:

  • Karl McKenzie, teacher specialist in the Special Education Department, be appointed assistant principal at Kauri Sue Hamilton School.

Assignments Effective As Soon As Possible:

  • Scott Festin, senior planner/demographics at Wasatch Front Regional Council, be appointed Planning & Enrollment consultant in the Student Services Department.
  • Garrett York, intern assistant principal at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School in Granite School District, be appointed elementary assistant principal - assignment to be determined.

Assignment Effective January 17, 2019 or As Soon As Possible:

  • Caleb Olson, assistant principal at Sunset Ridge Middle School, be appointed Planning & Enrollment consultant in the Student Services Department.

October 31, 2019

All Principals, Directors and Supervisors
School/Department Administrative Assistants

John Larsen, Business Administrator
June LeMaster, Administrator of Human Resources
Brent Burge, HR Administrator Classified
Sarah Palmer, Director of Payroll

Classified Part-Time Employee Work Hour Maximums UPDATE

This memo replaces earlier memos with the same subject.


Parent & Teen Talk - Let's Connect!

Parent seminar to discuss parent-teen connection, the effects of social media on the brain, and supporting LGBTQ youth @ West Jordan Middle School, open to all parents and community members in Jordan.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019
6:00 p.m.
West Jordan Middle School

See flyer below for more details. Please post flyer in your school and share with appropriate people in your school and community.


October 23, 2019


Administrators of Schools
Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Steven Harwood, Support Services/Programming Manager

Fall Enrollment as of October 1, 2019 - Revised

Please see memo and totals below.

As teachers prepare for parent–teacher conferences, please remind them of the expectation to complete the Skyward SEP form with each student. Setting goals based on individual student needs reinforces focused instruction and student effort in the classroom, as well as parent encouragement at home. Reviewing goals and monitoring progress supports hard work, continued progress and celebration of growth.


November 14th

9am-11am or 1pm-3pm
Choose one session to attend
Registration is not required


November 19th

Registration is not required

School personnel who currently or may potentially work with school choice permits

Jordan District Auxiliary Services Building Auditorium
7800 South Redwood Road
Park on the North end of the building, Enter through the 1st Auditorium door.
You will need to use your card access ID badge to gain entrance into the building.

Any person that will be working with permits will need to have a password. IF they do not ALREADY have one - please let Donna Kolva (801.567.8259) or know and she can initiate that process.

Please review the following upcoming due dates for provisional and probationary full evaluations.

Track A  -  November 1, 2019
Track B  -  November 1, 2019
Track C  -  December 4, 2019
Track D  -  December 11, 2019

November 20, 2019

Head Custodian Picture day will be held during our November 20th workshop. We would like every Head Custodian to have a professional picture taken for our display board at the ASB. Please make arrangements for them to attend this “mandatory” Custodial Workshop. It would be great if they could wear a school logo shirt and look the part to represent your school. Our November Custodial Workshop will be held November 20th starting starting at 8:30 a.m. and should conclude no later than 10:00 a.m.  Thank you for your support.