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Please take note of the following MANDATORY deadlines:

2020-21 School LAND Trust Final Report
Completion Deadline: February 28, 2022
Note: The column labeled "Amended Expenditures (entered by the school)" CANNOT be changed. Please ignore this column. The actual expenditures were provided by our Accounting Office to the State according to what you spent during the 2020-21 school year. Please complete this report, by the listed deadline, so the plans can be approved in a timely manner. After which you will be able to submit the 2022-23 Upcoming Plan.

Principal Assurance for 2021-22
Completion Deadline: February 28, 2022
This wasn't working in the fall so some of you may have completed this back in October, others have not. Please go into the "Council Membership & Signature Form" and check to see if you selected the date when the training was completed and then did the digital signature. If yours is not finished, please add in the date and your digital signature.

2022-23 School LAND Trust Upcoming School Plan
Completion Deadline: March 25, 2022
Your school's 2022-23 LAND Trust Allocation can be found on the State Website. When you click on the "Upcoming Plan" your "Estimated Distribution for 2022-2023" can be found in the box "Funding Estimates" on the 6th line down. This is your actual distribution.

New Information: You cannot submit your 2022-23 School LAND Trust plan until after your 2020-21 Final Report has been finalized. The final reports will be finalized as quickly as possible to enable you to get the 2022-23 Upcoming School Plan submitted. 

  • Do not end up with a negative estimated carry-over to 2023-2024.
  • Under "Action Plan Steps and Expenditures", please click on the provided button to input the budget allocations for that goal.
  • Add in what you will do if you have "Funding Changes". Remember that if it's listed here you won't need to do an amendment if you have extra money that you need to spend. (See tips and hints below for some suggested wording.)
  • REMEMBER THE LAST STEP, go into Council Membership & Signature Form and click to send the emails to your SCC members.

I can't stress this enough------please use the correct categories for the expenditures as you add them to your goals. They need to be distributed correctly. Don't put everything under salaries/benefits. Call Nadine Page (x88182) if you have questions of what category it should go under. 

Last Reminder: The 2022-23 TSSA Plan will also be due on March 25, 2022. Your TSSA Plan Link can be found HERE.


Thursday, February 10, 2022

Middle School Administrators
High School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

AP Analysis Dashboard Updated

The AP Analysis Dashboard has been updated with 2020-21 AP exam data in Tableau. School administrators may access both district and school dashboards here.

School administrators will be able to view participation rates, pass rates, and a distribution of scores by school, discipline, and assessment from 2016 to 2021. In addition, the dashboard also contains scores by AP teacher and student.

Please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with any questions about the AP Analysis Dashboard.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

All School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Demographics Dashboard Updated with Oct. 1, 2021 Enrollment

The Demographics Dashboard in Tableau has been updated with Oct. 1, 2021 enrollment data. The dashboard will show district and school demographic trends from 2016-2021 Oct. 1st enrollment by race/ethnicity, gender, economically disadvantaged status, EL status, and student with a disability status. School administrators may access this dashboard here.

For the district’s population, school administrators will note some significant shifts in demographics that will also apply to some school populations:

  • 1% increase in minority students with the largest increases with the following two student groups:
    • 6% increase in Hispanic students
    • 8% increase in Pacific Islander students
  • 6% decrease in economically disadvantaged students (with free lunch being served to all students, there is no need for families to apply for free/reduced lunch; hence, the decrease in students being identified as economically disadvantaged)
  • 5% increase in EL students (454 more EL students for 2021-22 than the prior year with many more having been identified for services since Oct. 1, 2021)
  • 6% increase in students with a disability

Please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with any questions about the Demographic Dashboard.

CSTAG training consists of two (2) training levels and both levels must be completed by all administrator’s and threat assessment team members. Please see the memo below for all the details.

We are thrilled with the number of Jordan teachers who have been accepted for the Donors Choose/USBE Classroom Grant. As teachers look to purchase technology as part of the classroom grant, please remember that not all devices work on the Jordan network. Before purchasing a device or software, please have your teachers check with their digital learning specialist to ensure that purchased equipment will be allowed on the network. For questions, please reach out to Jared Covili, Consultant for Digital Teaching and Learning, at

Reading Recommendation Data was shared with Principals on Tuesday, 2/8/22. As an assistance and reminder to you and your teams, we wish to provide some context for this data that should help you and your teams guide decision making, as well as resolve any questions that might come up from counseling staff, parents, or students.

  1. Sharing Permissions:
    This data has been shared as a "VIEW ONLY" file. Once this data has been shared with you, we recommend making a copy for your own use so you can review and/or manipulate the layout as you see fit.

T&L occasionally gets requests from Counseling Teams to share the files directly with them, which we cannot do for student data privacy reasons. We will direct those teams to contact you for access. Once the file is under your supervision, you may share it with team members and educators as you see fit.

  1. What Has Been Shared:
    You will receive access to several separate documents:
    -Reading Recommendations for NEXT YEAR'S incoming 7th, 8th, and 9th Graders.|
    -Current Reading Data for students attending your school.
    -The Rubric used to assess student literacy and recommendations.
  2. Purpose:
    The purpose of providing this data is to help schools anticipate needs for students who may have gaps in their literacy skills, and who might benefit from supplemental learning in a reading course. The goal of a reading course is to provide the necessary literacy skills to engage with and thrive across the curriculum.

The data we have provided is NOT a reading placement--it is a recommendation. This data should be used to help inform discussions between Administrators, Educators, Parents, and Students to make the best decision for students. When questions arise about a student's literacy readiness, we leave it to schools to collaborate with parents and students to make an informed decision in the best interest of the student. We provide this information to support that collaborative effort.

While some students may be far above or below proficiency, and their need for support is readily apparent, other students may be in a gray area on the edge of proficiency--both above and below. Please work flexibly with families as they seek to understand the precise needs of their students.

You may use the rubric to assist you in understanding how close or far a student is to proficiency.

  1. The Rubric:
    Collaborating with the Elementary ELA Consultants, this rubric has been developed and refined to identify where students sit in their literacy readiness to assist in the transition from Elementary to Middle Schools. The following data points have been collected:

--RISE Score:
A student's most recent Utah Standardized Assessment in ELA.

--Lexile Level:
A Lexile Level is a standard data point that is used nationwide to quickly assess a student's ability to engage with and comprehend a complex text. Specific Grade Level Curricula correspond with Lexile measure bands. At a minimum, it is expected that students be able to demonstrate proficiency at the Lexile levels commonly associated with their grade level in order to succeed across the curriculum.

--Acadience MOY Composite:
As a state, the USBE has provided Acadience to all K-6 Classrooms to assist in the monitoring of reading proficiency. In our district, we participate in using this assessment, and use it to monitor student growth and to provide targeted RTI. As a 6th grade, all students have a middle of year assessment that is delivered between December-January.

--Most Recent ELA Grade:
For grades above 6th, we take into account, their current performance in ELA.

  1. Administrator Judgement and Flexibility:
    Again, this information is meant to serve as a guidepost, not as a fixed placement. There are a variety of factors that can influence any of the rubric criteria, and we ask that you and your teams use this information prudently and wisely as you consider what is best for students, and to use it as part of the discussions that may occur as questions arise from students and parents on a case by case basis. We accord you and your teams the professional trust to delegate and use this data as you deem fit to serve your communities.

Thank you again for your collaboration and continued leadership through thick and thin!

JSD Reading Rubric 21-22.pdf

High School Administrators:

We are in desperate need of custodial assistant help. Can you please help us find some great graduating students who are looking for full time jobs by sharing the attached flyer with students you might feel would be interested in after graduation employment. Also, please post in areas of visibility in your schools.

Thank you for your much needed assistance.

Help Wanted!

High School Administrators:

We are in desperate need of summer help with our grounds crew. Can you please help us find some great students who are looking for summer jobs by reading the attached flyer as often as you deem appropriate from now to the end of school with your regular announcements. Also, please post in areas of visibility in your schools.

Thank you for your much needed assistance.

Employee Health & Wellness Day FlyerTo help manage added stress associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, we are converting Friday, February 11, into a Health and Wellness Day for employees, in place of the Flex Friday previously scheduled.

We are extremely proud and appreciative of community partners who are contributing to our Health and Wellness Day because they care deeply about teachers and all district employees.

For complete details of free offers, discounts and all of the in-person and virtual activities available to employees on Health and Wellness Day, Friday, February 11, please see the flyers below or visit

A reminder to spend your At risk funds. Your reporting for EARS can be completed on this form. Please include the totals you used from the 5336 budget. You can view this sample here as you work on the spending for 2021-22. Please email your final budget to M. Love-Day ( A new funding budget will be allocated soon.

“Pathways to Engagement”, 2022 Multicultural Youth Leadership Day for Utah’s 10th-12th grade students and educators! The Utah Division of Multicultural Affairs (MCA) will be hosting the experience virtually on Tuesday, March 22nd and Thursday, March 31st from 9 AM to 11 AM. The program will be the same on both days to accommodate more school schedules.

We invite parents who are newcomers (refugee, immigrant, or asylee) to our school district to attend this month’s parent orientation to get information on how they can best help their child in school. Please have parents fill out this RSVP form. If you need a flyer translated into another language, please contact


To prepare for the Teacher Transfer Fair, please complete the linked Google Form listing known openings for the 22-23 school year. Current licensed employees will be able to view this list of teacher transfer opportunities prior to the Teacher Transfer Fair. Licensed employees may submit a transfer request form in Employee Access. Principals will receive a weekly report from IT of those employees who have submitted a transfer request for their location. On March 1st, all remaining openings must be posted in Frontline. JSD licensed employees must then apply in Frontline to be considered for a transfer.

Please note that Special Education purchase orders/requisitions for the 2021-22 school year must be received by Tuesday, March 1, 2022 @ 5:00 p.m. See the attached memo for details.

Please remember the following:

  • Budgets are not carried over from one year to the next.
  • Remember to deduct any previously submitted amounts from your Special Education budget (so that you know your balance) before submitting new orders. This includes reimbursements submitted through your school. No orders will be processed that exceed your budgeted allocation.
  • Please check with your school secretary to make sure all Special Education reimbursements have been submitted to the Special Education Department by the March 1st deadline. We will soon be providing each school secretary with a sheet of currently recorded purchase/reimbursement totals for the special education department at your school up through January 31, 2022.
  • When ordering supplies, follow Skyward procedures.
  • Be sure to follow the ordering guidelines outlined in the attached budget information page, as you close out your current year budgets.

JSD Triennial Wellness Policy Assessment

Administrators, please fill out this triennial wellness survey that is required by USBE and Federal Mandate. The survey is in regards to Jordan School District’s Wellness Policy and its implementation throughout the district. For additional information, please refer to JSD policy AA446 - Wellness Through Nutrition and Fitness. Online survey responses are due by February 28th, 2022.

Click Here: Wellness Survey Form


Thursday, February 3, 2022

All School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2021-22 Stakeholder Input Survey Results

51,139 students, parents and educators participated in the 2021-22 Stakeholder Input Survey, which was administered in November 2021.

The Stakeholder Input Survey results have been released via Tableau accounts for school principals. Principals may request that their assistant principals have access to the results in Tableau by contacting Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability. PDF reports containing individual educator effectiveness ratings will also be distributed to principals in the coming days. Those reports will subsequently need to be distributed to educators. More information about these pdf reports will be forthcoming.

Principals may access school and district survey results by clicking here or through their Tableau accounts: Explore > Surveys > Stakeholder Input Survey > 2021-22 Stakeholder Input Survey

In addition to district results, each school will have the following dashboards that contain their school’s survey results:

  • [School Name] Faculty Stakeholder Input Survey
  • [School Name] Parent Stakeholder Input Survey
  • [School Name] K-3 Student Stakeholder Input Survey and [School Name] 4-6 Student Stakeholder Survey for elementary schools
  • [School Name] 7-12 Student Stakeholder Input Survey for secondary schools
  • [School Name] Stakeholder Input Survey Overall Educator Effectiveness Scores

Please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with questions.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

All School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2022 Educator Engagement Survey Administration

USBE board rule R277-325 requires that school districts administer the Educator Engagement Survey every other year opposite the USBE School Climate Survey (last administered in the spring of 2020-21).

The survey will be distributed by Evaluation, Research & Accountability to all licensed school-based educators (with the exception of administrators) in elementary, middle and high schools. The survey opens Monday, February 14th and closes Sunday, March 13th. USBE anticipates that the survey will take educators about 30 minutes to complete. USBE hopes to gather information about educator’s engagement in education and their perspectives related to the quality of their job experiences. The survey is confidential and the results will be reported in the aggregate.

School administrators don’t need to do anything to distribute the survey, but they are encouraged to notify their faculty that the survey is coming.

Survey results will be published for each school in Tableau after the survey closes.

If you would like to preview the survey questions, you may do so here or you may view the pdf copy attached with this JAM memo.

Please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with questions.

Registration for the Literacy Promise Conference is now available! This is a conference you will not want to miss! There is an amazing line-up of presenters this year including Linda Ferrell, Nancy Frey, David Kilpatrick, and Kelly Gallagher just to name a few. The conference will be held March 23-25, 2022 at the Utah Valley Convention Center in Provo, Utah. The Teaching & Learning department will pay the registration fee for an administrator and up to four other staff members from each school. Noreen Samowitz will complete the registration. Please contact her by March 13th with the list of attendees from your school. Schools are responsible to secure and fund their own substitutes for this event. More information can be found here.