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Don't forget to opt out of your district printed W-2 by going to Skyward's Employee Access by midnight on December 16, 2018.

Opt out and win one of many prizes! A drawing for the prizes will be held on December 17th and employees will be contacted if they win.


November 20, 2018

School Psychologists, Elementary Counselors, and Social Workers

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance

December Guidance Meeting

A Guidance meeting has been scheduled for Friday, December 7, 2018 from 12:00 to 3:30 p.m. at the Jordan School District Auxiliary Services Building Auditorium (7905 South Redwood Road). We will begin with a pot-luck holiday luncheon at 12:00 p.m. Julia Connelly, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist affiliated with The Autism Clinic, will provide us with training on behavioral interventions for students with autism.

Part-time Staff: I would appreciate it if you could adjust your schedules in order to attend this meeting.

cc:       Principals

An internal audit was conducted on facility rental activities during the 2017-18 school year. Based on findings and recommendations of the audit, several changes were made to the Facility Rental Guidelines and Fee Schedule. In addition, the Facility Scheduling Office investigated ways to improve areas outlined in the recommendations of the audit including efficiency, accountability, and customer satisfaction. Recommendations identified in the audit were researched by the Facility Scheduling Office. The outcome led the Facility Scheduling Office team to investigate online automated software. The Facility Scheduling Office will be using a new software called SchoolSpace starting January 1, 2019.

All personnel involved in after hour rentals will have calendar viewing and/or approval abilities within SchoolSpace. You will also see request emails for your approval, when they come in. Matt Mears would be happy to answer any questions that may come up as this new process commences. He can be reached 801-567-8603 or at

Please use the link below to sign in. Your user names will be your district emails. Hit the "reset password" option, then type in your district email to receive a password reset email. Use the instructional links below to get started.

Also use the following links for basic instructions.

As mentioned during Principals' Meeting on October 30, Matt will provide a brief overview of SchoolSpace to elementary principals during the December Principals' Meeting. The Facility Scheduling Office will provide an overview of SchoolSpace for secondary school administrators during the next Assistant Principals' meeting on December 11 at West Hills Middle School.

Matt Mears
Jordan School District
Facilities Scheduler

Facility Coordinators

Meet John Graziano, our new Facility Coordinator for the north area schools.

Previously, Doug Smith was your coordinator, but Doug retired and has turned the reins over to the very capable hands of John. He is making his way out to each of the schools he provides support to. Please be sure to let John know how he can help you with any of your facility needs.

North Area Coordinator
801-567-8864  Office
801-514-3854  Cell

  • Columbia Elementary
  • Copper Canyon Elementary
  • Elk Meadows Elementary
  • Falcon Ridge Elementary
  • Fox Hollow Elementary
  • Hayden Peak Elementary
  • Heartland Elementary
  • Jordan Hills Elementary
  • Majestic Elementary
  • Mtn. Shadows Elementary
  • Oakcrest Elementary
  • Oquirrh Elementary
  • Riverside Elementary
  • Terra Linda Elementary
  • Welby Elementary
  • West Jordan Elementary
  • Westland Elementary
  • Westvale Elementary
  • Elk Ridge Middle
  • Joel P. Jensen Middle
  • Sunset Ridge Middle
  • West Hills Middle
  • West Jordan Middle
  • Copper Hills High
  • West Jordan High
  • Valley High
  • Auxiliary Services
  • District Office
  • JATC North
  • South Valley
  • River's Edge


In their meeting on Tuesday, November 13, 2018 the Board of Education voted to finalize school boundaries. The only elementary schools on a year-round calendar will be Blackridge, Fox Hollow and South Jordan. All other schools will be on a regular traditional calendar. The Board also finalized a new permit policy and procedures. All current information can be found at More information coming soon.

Attached you will find a copy of the WIDA Testing schedule.  It is somewhat tentative where the numbers of students can increase before your scheduled time.

As in past years, some schools will need more than one computer lab on one or more days. Please check the schedule carefully.  Our goal is to work as efficiently as possible so as not to take up too much of your and the students time.

Please, check the date or dates your school is assigned, reserve the necessary lab, or labs.  If there are conflicts let me know as soon as possible.  I would like to have the schedule finalized by the first week of December, to help in your planning.

Like last year, middle schools and high schools will be scheduling the students.  We will send you a list of your students.  We will do the elementary schedules.  As in the past as students complete the test we will ask for other students to come in, so the schedules are a guide.  We do make sure the students go to lunch.

This year we are asking that besides reserving your lab/labs on our testing days, that you reserve the lab on the Friday of the week we are testing your students.  This will help in facilitating absent testing.  Schools with large numbers of students requiring the test, might require our coming back multiple times but, we will make those arrangements as needed.

Thank you so much for your help.

All ADD and TECC live trainings for licensed and classified personnel have been conducted and completed.  The following links are available to administrators for the purpose of providing training to classified personnel who were unable to attend the live trainings.

The JSD Avoid Deny Defend Drill Protocol document is attached for your convenience. Please refer to this document as you and your staff prepare for a violent intruder situation/drill.

Please direct any inquires to Lance Everill, JSD Emergency Operations Manager, at 801-567-8623.

Matt Pennington Presentation

Tactical Emergency Casualty Care Video

Thank you for all you help in identifying families to receive a Thanksgiving Heroes meal. There are PLENTY and I really mean PLENTY of meals available. Don't leave anyone out. At this point, you can send us 50 or more families and they would get a Thanksgiving meal.

  1. Can you get your numbers to Steven Hall, JEF office by Friday Nov 9 at noon. By numbers we mean numbers not forms. JEF needs numbers by Friday noon so food can be ordered.
  2. The forms can come later, Monday to Wednesday, as long as we have the numbers by Friday noon.

To date, only 25% of the allotted Thanksgiving dinners have been filled for our district. What a blessing it will be for our most deserving children to have a meal on Thanksgiving day. Thanks for you help.

November 8, 2018

Special Education Staff

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Kristin Norris, Teacher Specialist-SLP/A, ESY Coordinator


Critical things to be thinking about for Extended School Year now:

  1. Every student must have regression and recoupment data.

This is the first step in determining eligibility. The second step of looking at predictive factors is only completed after first looking at the regression/recoupment data. Therefore, every student needs data on regression and recoupment.

START NOW!  We just completed fall recess, and Thanksgiving and Winter breaks are coming quickly.

To aid you in this process, we have included the data collection page for this step.

  1. Be clear about why students attend ESY.

Ask yourself this question for each student.
Does this student need an Extended School Year because without it this student would not be able to make adequate progress on their goals and maintain adequate access to their education? The purpose of ESY is to provide FAPE for students who without ESY would not be able to access their education appropriately.

Thank you for all of your hard work for our students in identifying and meeting their needs!

Determination of Eligibility for ESY page 2

November 1, 2018

All Principals
All Directors

Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
John Larsen, Business Administrator
Cheryl Matson, Director of Insurance Services

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) aka Drones on School Campuses

Utah State Risk Management has decided to provide property and liability insurance on any Unmanned Aircraft Systems (aka UAS or “drone”) that Jordan School District (the District) owns and operates.  However, in order to cover the drones, they must be scheduled or listed.  Therefore, the following information must be provided to the District Insurance Department in order to add any drones we currently have or purchase in the future, to our policy:

  • 55 lbs or over (including payload) – Always excluded from coverage, do not buy or operate
  • Between 0.55 lbs and less than 55 lbs (including payload) each listed separately:
    • Model Name / Number
    • Serial number
    • FAA registration number
    • Purchase cost
    • Location
  • Under 0.55 lbs (including payload) grouped:
    • Model Name / Number
    • Purchase cost
    • What educational purpose they are used for
    • Location

Please refer to the attached District Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) aka Drone on School Campuses Guidelines.

ALL District schools are located within some type of restricted airspace (airport or helipad).  Please make yourselves aware of the requirements to notify the appropriate authority within the area of flight before each flight.

November 5, 2018

All Middle and High School Head Financial Secretaries

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Dan Ellis, Director of Accounting
Jason Mott, Accountant/Internal Auditor

2018 W-9 Forms 1099 Information



Please see the revised attached flyer for information regarding the teacher transfer fairs.

  • Elementary and Secondary will be held on January 14, 2019 at West Jordan High from 12:00 to 6:00 pm.
  • Elementary only will be held on February 20, 2019 at Fort Herriman Middle from 4:30 to 6:30 pm.
  • Secondary only will be held on February 21, 2019 at Copper Hills High from 4:00 to 6:00 pm.
  • Elementary and Secondary will be held on March 28, 2019 at Riverton High from 4:30 to 6:00 pm.