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RSL Scoring for Schools Grant Application Deadline has been extended!

ALL elementary school teachers are eligible to receive a $250 Scoring for Schools Grant. Original application deadline of October 31st has been extended to November 8th.

***All Scoring for Schools grants will be processed through Donors Choose. All elementary school teachers hoping to receive a Scoring for Schools grant should apply in 2-steps.

  1. Post a project on Donors Choose
  2. Submit an application through Jordan Education Foundation

For more information & to apply, click here:


We need your help to facilitate Thanksgiving Heroes’ efforts to provide a full Thanksgiving meal to deserving families – up to 1,200 families in Jordan School District.

School Liaison

  • Please identify families at your school whom you feel might be in need of a Thanksgiving Dinner and distribute the attached form for them to fill out and sign.
  • Collect the completed forms. (Forms are due back to you by Friday, November 8th).
  • Enter the information on the forms electronically by Wednesday, November 13th using this link: TGH ELECTRONIC FORM
  • If your school does not want to participate please email
  • The attached form has most of the information you need to answer questions, but you are welcome to contact the JEF office if you have questions.

October 7, 2019

Special Education Teachers (Resource & Cluster)

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Testing Checklist

Attached is the DLM checklist for all special education teachers who are administering the DLM assessment to any of their students for the 2019-2020 school year. You are required to complete and return the checklist to Jen Birrell at the District Office by Friday, December 20, 2019. This form is also available online at on the Special Education website.

If you need help completing any portion of this checklist, please contact the Teacher Specialist assigned to your school.

Please direct any questions or concerns to Jen Birrell at 801-567-8905 or

October 8, 2019

All Special Educators and Related Service Providers

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Important Deadline--Please Read Immediately
SCRAM Data Due by the end of day Monday, November 4, 2019
Returning D Track Clusters are Due no later than Monday, November 18, 2019
Updating SCRAM for December 1 Funding Count

We are fast approaching our December 1 SCRAM count deadline. Please remember that our funding and other critical data are generated from these counts.  It is important that all information be accurate and current.  The attached report reflects the SCRAM and IEP Services we have received to date.  Please check to see that all students who are currently receiving services are on the SCRAM printout and that all information has been submitted correctly.  Submit a new SCRAM document for any changes. Please review the scram report for accuracy of services, do not just print your caseload of scram and submit it with the report.

Due:  By 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 4, 2019
D Track Clusters Due Date:
By 5:00 p.m. Monday, November 18, 2019 

This report reflects students served during the current school year. Carefully review the following:

  • The printout reflects the school’s current special education caseload. Please check that the names, entry dates, scram school, service patterns, weekly minutes and providers are correct for each student on the printout. If the information is correct for all service providers, put a check mark (√) in front of the student’s name. If the only change that needs to be made is the providers name, please write the correct name in on the report. If all of the student’s information is correct on the report, a duplicate copy does not need to be sent.
  • If a student being served in special education is not on the SCRAM report, please submit a new SCRAM document by the end of day Monday, November 4, 2019. If they are not on this printout, they are not on record as receiving services at your school.
  • Cross out any students who are not receiving services at your school and submit a SCRAM document with the correct exit date and exit code reason. The exit date is the day after the last day the student receives the services listed. If an exit date is already listed for a student, a duplicate exit scram does not need to be sent in.
  • When changing services for a student throughout the year, the SCRAM entry date for the new services will be the same as the exit date on the previous scram.  Please note that the entry date for a student coming from another school who enters your setting during the year is the first date that the student enters the new school (this will be the first date of service). Remember that there should be no delay in services (violation of IDEA and we lose days of funding).
  • If you are not aware of a student that is listed on the printout (and the student has not been exited from services), you should follow-up with that student who is now in your building. Sometimes teams are not aware of students who have entered their school and should be receiving services. A SCRAM document should be submitted which either identifies the services the student will receive or which exits the student from services (procedures must be followed for terminating a student from services).
  • If the IEP team has changed a student’s services, the changes must be documented on the services section of the IEP and a new SCRAM document must be submitted. Remember that parents must be involved in any decision to amend IEP services and must receive a copy of the revised IEP.
  • If you are submitting a corrections for a scram/entry date already submitted, please write “correction” at the top of the scram document and highlight the services or codes that need to be corrected to be sure it is not assumed to be a duplicate copy of a scram already received. (Remember, if all of the student’s information is correct on the SCRAM report, a duplicate scram does not need to be sent in.)
  • Any SCRAM document submitted must reflect all current IEP services. Every section of the form must be filled out completely or the student’s record cannot be submitted to the State for funding (this includes the classification, all services and amount of time per week, entry/exit dates, environment and regular percent codes, health services, etc.). If information is missing, the record will not be sent to the State for funding counts.
  • Please take note of the date that the report was printed (top right corner) and be aware that if scram documents were sent after the print date, they will not appear on the report, but sending multiple duplicate copies is not necessary and slows the entry process.

Special Education Resource Teams and Cluster Teams are being sent one complete list of all students in the school who are being served by resource/cluster, speech-language, guidance and/or OT, PT, itinerant teachers for the hearing impaired or visually impaired, etc. Please review and sign the one original list with ALL team members before sending it back to the SCRAM office. Please do not copy and send multiple reports back to the SCRAM office.

All primary SLP and Guidance services will be included on the master list sent to Special Education Resource Teams. If the provider is serving two different schools, the services will be included on the master list at each school. Teams are expected to work together to review and complete all required SCRAM information.

SCRAM corrections must be sent through District Mail to the SCRAM Secretary or delivered to the District Office. If the current report is correct as printed, each team member must sign the report, verifying that it is accurate and return it to the SCRAM Secretary in the Special Education Department at the District Office. If you have questions, please call the Teacher Specialist assigned to your school. Please sign and return the current report with all corrections/changes marked along with the corresponding SCRAM documents by the due date.


  • It is critical that information be received by the specified due dates so that all data can be entered by the December 1 due date.
  • Minutes are entered as weekly minutes. Whatever is listed in the last column on the scram document labeled “Scram Minutes Weekly” is what will be entered into skyward.

Funding Implications
Special education funding and, therefore, school staffing/assistant allocations, etc. are contingent upon the accuracy of this data.  Your timely and accurate response is critical!  Thank you for all your efforts to get us the correct information in a very short time period.


The State LAND Trust fall reports are due October 20, 2019. Please see information below regarding what reports are due and how to complete them. There is also a document to help with making certain that your school website contains the correct information. The State LAND Trust office will start doing random checks of school websites on October 21, 2019. Please make sure yours is completely updated with 2019-20 information. If you have any questions please call Nadine Page at 801-567-8186.

Acadience (formally known as DIBELS) parent letters for BOY are attached.  The testing window closed on September 30 and letters must be sent home with ALL first, second and third-grade students on or before October 21, 2019.  PLEASE do not send this letter home with Kindergarten students, as the reporting law does not apply to them.  The parent letter from is appropriate to share with all parents.  Please contact Michelle Lovell with any questions.


If you have not already turned in the online Certificate of Compliance, dealing with fee waivers, please check your email for your school specific form, click on the link and complete the form.

Thank you!

August 27, 2019

All Principals (Traditional)

HR Administrators

School FTE Audit Reports 2019-20

As promised, this year the School FTE Audit Reports may be completed electronically!

The HR administrators are excited to offer an electronic school audit report to all principals, which eliminates the required in-person appointments of the past.  However, in-person appointments will also be made available to new and experienced principals who prefer to review these reports in-person with an HR administrator. Instructions for both processes are outlined below:

Electronic FTE Audit Process:

  • September 1 - 13, 2019 – Complete the Payroll audit which is necessary to ensure contracted employees are paid correctly. HR will enter any changes from the Payroll audit and will prepare the School FTE Audit Reports by location.
  • September 25, 2019 – HR will share with administration and administrative assistant the School FTE Audit Reports via Google Sheets to be reviewed with the administrative assistant, nutrition manager, and head custodians respectively. These reports will include verification of faculty/staff, FTE, budget codes and a list of employees with associate level licenses (underqualified).   Please refer to the “Instructions” sheet for assistance in completing the audit.
  • October 4, 2019 – DUE DATE for the FTE School Audit Reports to be completed for HR to process. Please email an HR administrator when you have completed your audit.  HR then forwards this information to the Utah State Board of Education.  All completed documents for underqualified teachers should be scanned and emailed to an HR administrator by the due date.
  • Resources are available on the AdminOnly site to assist you in completing the audit. Resources include Temporary Employment Agreements and Letter of Authorization forms for underqualified teachers.
  • THE BEST NEWS OF ALL – All corrections made on the School FTE Audit Report will be made by HR upon return. Change forms will not be required; however, new hires not listed on the report will require the submission of a hire sheet to HR.

In-person FTE Audit Process:

  • Complete steps 1 and 2 above. This includes making any changes to the audit Google Sheet prior to the audit appointment.
  • September 30 through October 4, 2019 are the in-person audit appointments with the HR administrators. The time necessary for each appointment will depend on the school level for which you are assigned. Principals may schedule an in-person audit appointment at any time by clicking the following link:

We are hopeful the electronic version of the School FTE Audit Report process will be an improvement for you and your staff.  Please feel free to share any feedback regarding this process with an HR administrator.  We will consider all suggestions and work to improve this process for future use.

Thank you for your time and assistance.

An institute held over 6 days throughout the school year for elementary and secondary mathematics educators with strong content knowledge who are working in positions that involve leadership and coaching.
Application Due: August 30, 2019

We have some exciting news! The Utah State Board of Education recently created an Elementary Mathematics Specialist Endorsement as an option to earn in addition to the Elementary Mathematics Endorsement. USBE is sponsoring a cohort for elementary educators who have already earned the Elementary Mathematics Endorsement to complete the two new courses. The purpose of the Elementary Mathematics Specialist Endorsement is to prepare elementary teachers to focus on mathematics teaching as a special area of interest and for leadership or coaching responsibilities in schools and districts. Teachers, teacher leaders, coaches, specialists, and supervisors are welcome to apply; preference will be given to educators currently serving in leadership capacities.

Application Due: August 23, 2019

An institute held over 6 days throughout the school year for elementary mathematics coaches and specialists who are new to their positions (serving in current roles less than three years) and are currently transitioning from the classroom to the role of a specialist or coach.
Application Due: August 23, 2019

The passage of SB149 created the Teacher and Student Success Act (TSSA) for the purpose of improving school performance and student academic achievement. As one of the TSSA requirements, our JSD Board of Education has adopted a Student Success Framework with guidelines for each school to follow in developing a TSSA Plan. Plans are due on September 30, 2019. Your school allocation was sent to you as an additional item in the August 15, 2019 edition of the Jordan Administrative Memo (JAM).

To begin using your school’s TSSA funds, each principal will need to complete their TSSA plan Google Sheet created by the Teaching & Learning department. Completion of the School Planning Tool will ensure compliance with TSSA requirements. Here is a list with links to each school’s plan.

Each plan should include a goal using indicator(s) from the USBE Accountability system. USBE success criteria for the TSSA program requires schools to demonstrate a 1% increase in total points. Plans must address a school goal through at least one of the three priorities in JSD Board Framework:

  • coaching,
  • professional development, and
  • school-based initiatives.

You may use this checklist to guide your planning.

Optional work sessions will also be held to provide principals with support for the planning process. Bring a device.

Date Time Location
September 4, 2019 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. D.O. Room 129.
September 5, 2019 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. D.O. Room 129

Principals and Administrative Assistants:

Attached are the guidelines and revised payroll worksheet for Parking Lot Duty. As stated in the guidelines, please list each educator in your building and beside each name indicate the dollar amount ($0, $200, or increments of $400) the teacher should be paid. Please return this sheet along with your regular September payroll by September 3, 2019. If you have any questions, please contact your Administrator of Schools.