The solar eclipse is an incredible event that many may want to witness. However, because of the dangers involved in viewing it, we have secured guidelines from the National School Nurse Association and from State Risk Management. If you, your classes, or your families plan to view the eclipse, please read and share the information in the two attached documents.
Category: Other Admin Action Required
New Payroll True Time Requirements for 2017-18
Beginning this new school year, the Payroll Department will no longer accept paper time sheets for current True Time employees. Using True Time for all of their pay (even for one hour) will:
- Prevent duplicate pay and overlapping time
- Avoid lost time sheets
- Keep personal information secure in the system
- Track all hours worked as required by Utah Retirement Systems and overtime pay laws
- Assist in the accuracy and efficiency of budget reporting
Please email (preferred), or call Payroll to set up the proper pay code(s) for True Time. Time sheets received in Payroll for current True Time employees during the school year will be returned, and Payroll will assist and train the employees on how to enter the information from the time sheet into True Time (pool hours, testing, playground, etc).
Please let all current True Time employees at your location know of these changes.
Due to reporting requirements, the following currently do not use True Time: insulin shots, Home & Hospital, USTAR, athletic and activity differentials, and Camps & Clinics (high schools).
Please contact Payroll if you have concerns so we can better accommodate your needs.
We appreciate your ongoing support and assistance in paying Jordan District employees.
Social Security Numbers and Year of Birth – May 2017
May 10, 2017
All Administrators
All Administrative Assistants
Patrice Johnson, Superintendent of Schools
John Larsen, Business Administrator
Social Security Numbers and Year of Birth
It recently came to our attention that some departments and schools may have staff lists that contain Social Security Numbers and year of birth. Although well intentioned, their mere existence can be problematic. In our continuing efforts to ensure personal information stays private, we ask that you purge all Social Security Numbers and year of birth from all staff lists, electronic or otherwise.
Administrators and Administrative Assistants should meet to verify that all data on lists described above are purged. If you have questions, please contact your Cabinet level administrator and discuss your concern with him or her.
Thank you!
Part-Time Classified Hourly Job Posting – May 2017
May 3, 2017
June LeMaster, Ph.D., Administrator, Human Resources
Administrator of Schools
Travis Hamblin, Human Resource Administrator-Licensed
Brent Burge, Human Resource Administrator-Classified
Part-Time Classified Hourly Job Posting
Thank you for your recent input regarding the posting of part-time (PT) classified positions. As you are aware, this procedure was optional during the 2016-2017 school year and will be effective July 1, 2017, as principals at all levels provided examples of their experience with this new procedure and indicated the benefits they observed. The new standardized procedures are as follows:
- Employees within the same location may be moved to vacant positions without posting. A change form must be submitted
- An online job advertisement is submitted through FastTrack for all vacant positions.
- The position will be posted “open until filled”. The school/department must notify HR when the position is filled.
- The Administration will screen the applicants, conduct interviews, check references and make the offer. References must be submitted with the hire sheet. All other interview documents will be maintained at the location unless requested by an HR Administrator.
- Once HR is notified the position has been filled, we will use FastTrack to notify those applicants who were not selected.
The new procedure will not allow for generic position postings on FastTrack as in the past, with the exception of Sweeper applications. A tutorial on the posting of PT positions using FastTrack is available on the AdminOnly and SecretaryConnections website or you may contact an HR Administrator for further assistance.
Thank you for hiring the best candidates available at each location.
BYU Aspiring Principals Academy 2017-18
Principals: Please forward the attached flyer to teachers who may be interested in this opportunity.
Brigham Young University School Leadership Program
Aspiring Principals Academy
Learn the Principles of being a Principal
Apply by June 2, 2017 at
Utah Retirement Systems 2017 Schedule of Retirement Seminars
Schools and Departments:
Please post and/or distribute flyer for all employees to see/review.
URS provides seminars for:
- Early to Mid-Career employees
- Pre-Retirement (retiring within 10 years) employees
- Retiree Seminars (already retired)
Classified Leave Policy Overview 2016-17 – Revised
Please see revised copy of the Classified Leave Policy Overview. This will be emailed to all benefit eligible Classified employees with a Jordan School District email account.
If you have employees without regular access to a computer or who are hired throughout the year please provide them a hard copy of this policy.
If employees have any questions regarding the need to miss work, please direct them to Penny Peart, HR Generalist at (801) 567-8249.
Verification of Emergency Procedures and Contact Information – 2016-17 Red Book
JSD Administrators and Administrative Assistants:
You will soon receive an email link to the Emergency Procedures and Contact Information 2016-17 manual (aka The Red Book). Please take a moment to open it up and verify that your contact information is correct before we send it for printing. If a correction is needed, please contact Peggy at ext.88753 or by end-of-day Friday, September 2nd.
You will receive your hard copy as soon as they are back from the printer.
Many thanks from the JSD Safety Team,
Paul Bergera, Auxiliary Services Staff Assistant
Lance Everill, Facility Operations Manager
Ron Boshard, Risk Management Coordinator
Peggy Margetts, Administrative Assistant
Crucial Concerns and Policies 2016-17
July 30, 2016
Administrators of Schools
Crucial Concerns and Policies 2016-17
Jordan School District Employees are responsible for knowing and adhering to all District policies and procedures. The Crucial Concerns and Policies acknowledgement process has been put in place to provide employees a summary of important policies and procedures to be reviewed each year. The policy review will be available to all District employees in Skyward through “Online Forms.” The review provides summaries of selected policies and asks that employees review the summaries and then sign an acknowledgement of completion and agreement. Employees will be asked to read the summaries of policies but will not be required to answer any questions. In addition to acknowledging completion of the review, employees will also acknowledge agreement to the Employee Acceptable Use Policy and the JSD Social Media Guidelines. You will not have to collect signature pages as you have in the past.
Care has been taken to select important points of the selected policies to save administrators time from having to review each policy and to save employees time from having to read the entire policy. Please emphasize to employees the implications of not being aware of policies and encourage them to review the summaries and read the actual policy where needed. Also emphasize to your staff that the summaries are not policy and it is imperative to read applicable policies in their entirety when dealing with school, student, and personnel issues.
The Crucial Policies and Concerns process will be available to all employees July 20. A message will appear upon login of Skyward Employee Access for the employee to complete an “Online Form.” Employees can complete the steps at that time or can return to the review at another time by selecting “Online Forms” under “Employee Information.” Employees will need to review the policies and complete the acknowledgement before September 30, 2016. Reports of completion will be available through Skyward so you can verify that your staff members have completed this process. If you or any staff members need technical help, please call USER support at
801-567-USER (8737).
The lists of crucial policies and concerns for both classified employees and licensed employees included in the review, as well as instructions for completing the review, are attached. Please note: JPAS Orientation and Testing Ethics are not included in this review and will need to be shared with appropriate staff. State law now requires child abuse prevention training for all employees using materials approved through the Utah State Board of Education. A training kit will be provided to all schools for this purpose when it becomes available in August or September.
Crucial Policy and Concerns Review for Licensed Employees
Jordan School District employees are responsible for knowing and adhering to all District policies and procedures. The following is a list of policies and concerns that are to be reviewed annually. A review of these policies will be available to all employees through Skyward’s Online Forms. Employees will receive a message upon login to Skyward Employee Access to complete the process. In addition, the form will be available through Skyward Employee Access by selecting “Online Forms” under “Employee Information.” The summaries provided in the review are not policy, so it is imperative to read applicable policies in their entirety when dealing with school, student, and personnel issues. The Jordan School District Policy Manual can be found at
Call USER support at 801-567-USER (8737) for assistance.
Personnel Policies
DP324 NEG Sick Leave – Licensed
- DP335 NEG Personal Leave – Licensed
- DP336 NEG Leave of Absence (1 Year) – Licensed
- DP337 NEG Leave of Absence (15 Days) – Licensed
- DP322 Family and Medical Leave Act
- DP311 Evaluation of Licensed Employees
- DP316 NEG Orderly Termination Procedures -- Licensed
- DP318 Resignations – Licensed
- DP356 Substance Abuse-Free Work Environment
- DP358 Employee Discrimination and Harassment
- DP353NEG Assault or Abuse of Employees
- DP371 Employee Information Network Acceptable Use Policy and Social Media
- DP374 Employment Background Checks
- DP346 Industrial Accidents
- AA409 Scope of Employment
- AA444 Employee Involvement in Private, But Public Education-Related Activities
Student, Instructional, and School Management Policies
- AS70 Child Abuse-Neglect Reporting by School Personnel
- AS97 Management of Concussions and Traumatic Head Injuries
- AS85 Medication in the School Setting
- AA419 Student Conduct and Dress
- AS67 Discipline of Students
- AA418 Discipline of Students – Staff Responsibilities
- AS90 Drugs and Alcohol
- AS94 Student Discrimination and Harassment
- AS95 Conduct related to School Activities
- AS96 Extracurricular Activity Privileges
- AA408 Fees
- AA445 Student Information Network Acceptable Use Policy
- AA432 Student Attendance and Teacher Disclosure Statements
- D200 Philosophy of Instruction
- DE505 Acceptable Use of Copyrighted Materials in Jordan School District
- AA437 Parental Involvement and School Community Councils
- DA158 School Trespass
- AS93 Open Enrollment (School Choice)
- DA151 Use of Public School Buildings and Grounds as Civic Centers
Video Presentations
- Universal Precautions Video
- JSD Social Media Guidelines Video
- Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Overview Video
- Globally Harmonized System (Hazard Communication Training) Video
Crucial Policy and Concerns Review for Classified Employees
Jordan School District employees are responsible for knowing and adhering to all District policies and procedures. The following is a list of policies and concerns that are to be reviewed annually. A review of these policies will be available to all employees through Skyward’s Online Forms. Employees will receive a message upon login to Skyward Employee Access to complete the process. In addition, the form will be available through Skyward Employee Access by selecting “Online Forms” under “Employee Information.” The summaries provided in the review are not policy, so it is imperative to read applicable policies in their entirety when dealing with school, student, and personnel issues. The Jordan School District Policy Manual can be found at
Call USER support at 801-567-USER (8737) for assistance.
Personnel Policies
- DP326 NEG Sick Leave – Classified
- DP335BNEG Personal Leave—Classified
- DP337B NEG Leave of Absence (Personal – 15 Days) – Classified
- DP336B NEG Leave of Absence (1 Year) – Classified
- DP322 Family and Medical Leave Act
- DP371 Employee Information Network Acceptable Use Policy and Social Media
- DP374 Employment Background Checks
- DP346 Industrial Accidents
- DP356 Substance Abuse-Free Work Environment
- DP358 Employee Discrimination and Harassment
- DP353NEG Assault or Abuse of Employees
- AA409 Scope of Employment
- DP312 Evaluation of Classified Personnel
- DP316B Orderly Termination – Classified
Student, Instructional, and School Management Policies
- AS70 Child Abuse-Neglect Reporting by School Personnel
- AS97 Management of Concussions and Traumatic Head Injuries
- AS96 Extracurricular Activity Privileges
- DA151 Use of Public School Buildings and Grounds as Civic Centers
- DE505 Acceptable Use of Copyrighted Materials in Jordan School District
Video Presentations
- Universal Precautions Video
- JSD Social Media Guidelines Video
- Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Overview Video
- Globally Harmonized System (Hazard Communication Training) Video
Reunification Action Plan Workshop and Drill – Reminder
Please have one administrator from each school register in JPLS for this drill.
Classified Assistant Employment Evaluations for the 2015–2016 School Year
April 28, 2016
All Principals, Directors and Coordinators
June LeMaster, Ph.D., Administrator, Human Resources
Brent Burge, Human Resource Administrator - Classified
Classified Assistant Employment Evaluations for the 2015–2016 School Year
As the end of the school year is fast approaching, it is time to complete employee performance evaluations for all part-time assistants. The evaluation documents are crucial in justifying employee terminations or unemployment claims.
All forms are available on the HR website on the “Admin Only” or the “Secretary Connections” page under the “Part Time Classified Evaluations” link.
You will find the following forms:
- Part-Time Classified Assistant Evaluations Guideline -outlining the procedure for evaluating part time employees in your school/department.
- Assistants-Employment Review/Status form
It is important you meet with each assistant for his/her evaluation. In each evaluation, the employee must be informed of his/her employment status for the upcoming year and the employee’s signature is required.
As part of your meeting with each assistant, please remind them that part-time employees with Jordan School District are considered "at will". That is, either the employee or Jordan School District may end the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, or for no reason. There is no expectation of continued or guaranteed employment.
If you have any questions or if you need additional help, review the evaluation guideline on the website or you may contact our office at 801-567-8224.
Thank you for your assistance.
March 22, 2016 Caucus Meetings
Please clear school activities so employees, parents and students can attend their local Caucus Meetings.
Healthy Utah Health Screening 2016
Free health screenings are for employees and spouses who are enrolled in the PEHP medical insurance program.
See poster below for more information.
Print and display poster for all employees to see.
ISC Holiday Hours
Please notify teachers and staff that the ISC will be closed at 11:00 A.M. on Tuesday, December 22, 2015 and will reopen Monday, January 4, 2016, at 7:00 A.M.