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Schools and departments can NEVER pay an employee through Accounting (i.e. check request or NPO). Employees must be paid through Payroll (i.e. True Time or Time Sheet). Accounting only pays vendors (businesses) and reimburses employees for purchases they made on behalf of the District.

If an employee has a business which:
a) has a business license, and
b) does work for other entities beside the District, and
c) completes an "Independent Contractor Declaration," and
d) the work they are doing has no similarity to the work the District hired the individual to do, then that business may be paid through Accounting.

However, this is extremely rare and care should be taken to ensure the above four items are true. When you have any doubt about a certain situation, it is safer to pay the person through Payroll as an employee.

With the recent return of our winter inversion, it is a good time to review the Utah Department of Health's air quality guidelines for schools. Attached you will find the "Recess Guidance for Schools" with additional helpful information at the following link: .There are two buttons on this website that will be of special interest: "Current Air Quality Levels" and Utah Recess Guidance Tool." 

If you are interested in receiving alerts when the PM2.5 levels require students to stay indoors, you may sign up for those email alerts at . A free downloadable app is also available at which will allow you to check air quality levels from the convenience of your phone.

As a reminder, we respect parents' decisions to have their children stay indoors due to poor air quality. Thanks for your efforts to keep our students safe. Enjoy the winter!

Facility Access During Winter Recess

Please submit Card Access Scheduling requests in Sprocket to have doors open for activities that will occur during Winter Recess, when the facility is normally closed.

Principals that would like to keep the exterior doors locked and allow employees to have badge access will need to submit a Card Access Scheduling request indicating the applicable dates and times.

Remember to submit a Sprocket Heating and Cooling request to correspond with the time the building will be occupied.

Call Alarm Response at 801-567-8865, in advance of any unscheduled opening and closing.

Please call Sandi Abplanalp with any card access and door scheduling questions: 801-567-8616.


December, 6 2017

Elementary, Middle, and High School Principals

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Dan Ellis, Director of Accounting, Budgets, and Audits

Fee In Lieu of Cell Tower

As was discussed in the recent Principals' Meeting on December 5, 2017, schools which have a cell tower have the option to send in a check to their In Lieu of Cell Tower account. This check should be issued from the account and sent into Accounting noting that the funds are to be deposited into the In Lieu account.

Schools may only send up to the amount in the Optional School Check column (column L) from attached spreadsheet. This will allow these funds to be used for personnel wages/salaries and related benefits.

If you have questions or need assistance, please call Dan Ellis at (801)567-8389.

Thank you.

On Tuesday an email was sent from USBE Purchasing staff to all principals requesting some information.  Please disregard this request as it has been taken care of at the District level.  As a reminder, USBE staff is supposed to communicate directly with the District for such requests.  Before investing time into fulfilling USBE requests, please inform your Administrator of Schools of the request.

December 1, 2017

High School and Center-Based School Principals
High School Special Education Team Leaders

Laura Finlinson, Admin. of Curriculum/Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education

Destruction of Special Education Records

School districts are required to keep special education records five years past the student’s twenty-second birthday. In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Jordan School District must notify parents and afford them the opportunity to receive special education records before destruction of those records can occur.

As of December 1, 2017, such notice will have been advertised to parents for students whose birthdates are prior to September, 1991 (i.e., students who are 27 years of age).  Any records for this time period that have not been requested by January 31, 2018 should be submitted for destruction following the procedures identified below:

  1. A list must be submitted to the special education teacher specialist assigned to your school which identifies each student’s name, birthdate and student number for all files to be destroyed.
  2. The special education teacher specialist will review the list and notify the team once it is verified that the records may be submitted for destruction.
  3. NEW PROCEDURE: Follow the Shredding of Confidential Records procedures outlined in the September 8, 2014 memo from Auxiliary Services which reads:

Records to be destroyed will now need to be retained in a secure place at your school. When you have accumulated more than 10 boxes, please contact Columbus Secure Document Solutions at 801-262-1588 to schedule pickup and disposal.

Please remove records from loose leaf binders or hanging file folders. All confidential records must be boxed, taped shut and visibly labeled as CONFIDENTIAL TO BE DESTROYED. Boxes not secured and labeled will not be accepted. Please collect all boxes in one central location. At the scheduled date and time, please have someone available to direct workers where the boxes are for quick and efficient pick up.

Note that special education records may be submitted for destruction at any time after January 31, 2018 as long as the destruction meets the criteria and has been approved by the special education department.

  1. Please remember that the Utah State Records Retention Schedule mandates that student transcripts be retained permanently.

If you have questions, please call the special education teacher specialist assigned to your school.

Paul Bergera, Auxiliary Services
Susan Sudbury,  Placement Office
Travis Hamblin, Student Services
Sandra Riesgraf, Communications

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Principals and District Administrators

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum and Staff Development
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Changes in the USBE Testing Ethics Policy

On November 2, 2017, the Utah State Board of Education revised and approved the 2017-18 Standard Test Administration and Testing Ethics Policy for Utah Educators.  USBE has requested that we distribute this revised policy to educators who will proctor or administer any state-mandated testing during the 2017-18 school year.

The changes to this policy focus primarily on incentives and disincentives for students taking state-mandated tests.  In addition, some clarification was provided on how SAGE test results can and cannot be used (see Summary of Changes: 2017-18 Utah Testing Ethics Policy document attached with this memo).

These changes do not require re-training of personnel.  Principals and district administrators are asked to distribute the USBE policy document and Summary of Changes: 2017-18 Utah Testing Ethics Policy that accompany this memo to faculty and staff responsible for testing before the Winter Break.  It is also recommended that this policy be available when principals train faculty members in preparation for the 2017-18 SAGE administration.

Please refer to Ben Jameson in the Evaluation, Research & Accountability Department with any questions or concerns.  He can be reached at 801-567-8243 or

December 1, 2017

School Psychologists

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum/Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance

December School Psychologists’ Meeting

A school psychologists’ meeting has been scheduled for Friday, December 8, 2017, from 12:00 to 3:30 p.m. at the Jordan School District Auxiliary Services Building Auditorium (7905 South Redwood Road). We will begin with a holiday luncheon at 12:00 p.m. Pam Awana, Ph.D., a psychologist in private practice, will provide us with a presentation on Ramifications of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Children and Adolescents.

Part-time Staff: I would appreciate it if you could adjust your schedules in order to attend this meeting.

cc:       Principals


A Surplus Reallocation and Auction is running on which began on Thursday, November 2 and runs through Thursday, November 16. The reallocation items will roll to public auction until the end of November. Remember reallocation items are marked with a key icon; everything else is on the public auction. Please check to see if there are any items you may need at your schools. To see our items go to

Please keep sending in your surplus paperwork as you get it so that we can continue to schedule pick-ups as needed. All paperwork is to be signed by your principal and then sent to your Administrator of Schools.

Thanks for all your help.

October 26, 2017

Jordan School District Principals

American Heart Association

Jump Rope/Hoops for Heart Program

­­­­­­­­­­­­Under your leadership Jordan School District has engaged students and staff to support many programs, charities and efforts in our community. The American Heart Association’s “Jump Rope for Heart” or “Hoops for Heart” events have been recognized as strong third-party fundraising activities. For many of your schools it has become a part of the culture of giving, which has been remarkably successful over time.

I would like to congratulate the following schools for their participation in the events during the 2016-2017 school year:

Name                                                                    Donations

Elk Meadows Elementary                                             $9,832

Rosamond Elementary                                                  $7,064

South Jordan Elementary                                             $3,927

Oakcrest Elementary                                                      $2,559

Midas Creek Elementary                                               $2,338

Monte Vista Elementary                                                $2,005

Terra Linda Elementary                                                 $1,937

Silver Crest Elementary                                                  $1,839

Herriman Elementary                                                     $1,240

Copper Canyon Elementary                                          $   798

Oquirrh Elementary                                                        $   429

Westvale Elementary                                                      $   721

Total                                                                              $ 34,689

The funds raised by Jordan School District obviously vary by school, but each amount is just as meaningful to the whole. Through the participation of these 12 schools, Jordan School District has one of the highest contributions in Utah, helping the American Heart Association to give $18 million dollars to heart and stroke related research at Utah State University and the University of Utah. This truly demonstrates a Culture of Success as seen through the kindness and generosity of your communities.

More important than the fundraising results is the benefit to participating students. They can learn the importance of proper nutrition, exercise, and living tobacco-free through the various Heart events and materials. So, as we have for years, we appreciate that Jordan District supports the participation of schools in the American Heart Association programs. Special thanks to the schools and school communities that have contributed in the past. We encourage schools to explore the wide range of educational programming the American Heart Association has to offer.

Please feel free to contact your local American Heart Association representative, Kristi Morhauser, with any questions. She can be reached by email at or by phone 609-217-6111.