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All Principals (K-12):

Please share the flyer, Workshops Presentations for Teachers and Students with all of your teachers.   This is put on by SHIFT, a program of the Utah Film Center that offers educators high-quality professional development on the filmmaking process (digital storytelling) and how to integrate it into the core areas.
Workshops and instructional materials provide comprehensive, standards-linked lesson plans to guide educators on how to produce documentaries, public service announcements (PSAs), instructional videos, personal narratives, and other short film projects with their students.  There is a strong emphasis on writing.
*There is a FREE 2-day workshop on Filmmaking in the Classroom on Feb. 19 & 20 at Thanksgiving Point.  You may find registration information in the attached flyer. 

High School and Middle School Principals:

Any dance teacher that is teaching Ballroom Dance is invited to attend a Ballroom Dance Inservice on Feb. 9th from 7:00-2:00 p.m. in the JATC South Auditorium. Elaine Crane, former BYU Ballroom instructor, will be providing instruction from 7:00-11:00 a.m. with 11:00-2:00 teacher collaboration and planning to determine how this curriculum will be taught in JSD. Curriculum will pay for subs.Have teachers enter sub code as 5413. Please have your teachers email Mary Ann Erdmann,, to let her know that they will be in attendance.

January 15, 2016

Elementary and Middle School Resource Team Leaders
High School Special Education Team Leaders

Laura Finlinson, Admin. of Curriculum/Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Julie Brown, Program Specialist

Projected Caseload Data and Staffing Needs Survey for 2016-17

Middle School Principals: See attached memo.


January 4, 2016

Administrative Assistants

John Larsen, Business Administrator

January 11 and 22 Business Meeting for Administrative Assistants

This is a reminder about the business meeting for administrative assistants that will be held at the District Office in Room 129 on the following dates:

Monday, January 11, 2016 – 1:00-3:00 p.m.

Friday, January 22, 2016 – 9:00-11:00 a.m.

Meeting attendance is voluntary and not required; however, we hope you will take advantage of this specialized training.  A copy of the agenda is attached.  While the topics that will be discussed in these sessions are geared more towards school-related matters, District administrative assistants are welcome to participate.  The meetings are also open to administrators and/or others that may benefit from the topics being presented.

If you haven’t already provided Jeri with the date you plan to attend, please choose one of the two dates that will work best with your schedule and send an email to Jeri Clayton ( to let her know which date you will attend so that we can plan for the number of attendees at each session.  You can also call Jeri at 801-567-8120.

We look forward to seeing you.


January 6, 2016


Administrators of Schools
Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum and Staff Development
Clyde Mason, Director of Evaluation, Research, and Accountability

2016 Summative SAGE School Administrator and Test Coordinators’ Training, Feb. 23 and 24, 2016

School Testing Coordinators and Administrators preparation training for the 2016 Summative SAGE assessments is scheduled for February 23, 2016 (secondary) and February 24, 2016 (elementary).  Two sections of training are being provided on each date.  Registration for this training is required through JPLS.  If you, or your assigned school administrator, and your 2016 SAGE Test Coordinator have not yet registered for this training, please do so through JPLS:  utilizing the JPLS course and section information provided in the table below:


Principals, please note the following:

  • School testing coordinators are required to attend.  Please make sure they attend even if they cannot sign up through JPLS.
  • Testing coordinators and administrators will be expected to train school faculty members and other school personnel who will be administering 2016 Summative SAGE assessments.
  • Training materials will be made available online at


Again, principals please make sure that your SAGE test coordinator and you, or your school administrator assigned to oversee 2016 Summative SAGE Assessments, register for, and attend one of the above SAGE training sections.  Please direct any questions regarding this training to Brooke Anderson, 801-567-8393



The 2016 School Climate Surveys will be administered between February 1, 2016 and March 18, 2016.  The attached communication contains links to the 2016 student, faculty/staff, and parent school climate surveys.  Please review and verify the accuracy of assistant principals, teachers, and certificated support staff listed in each of your school’s surveys (student, faculty/staff, parent) prior to January 22, 2016.  If there are any names that need to be changed, please let Alyssa Messina at UEPC know byJanuary 22, 2016 what changes are needed.  She can be reached at

Kaurie Sue Hamilton School and Preschool are listed under "Elementary Schools".  River's Edge School and South Valley School are listed under "High Schools".

You may share the survey links with your school's assistant principals but do NOT share the links with students, teachers, staff, or parents until Feb. 1, 2016.  Feel free to visit, and mark, each of the surveys as often as you would like prior to January 22, 2016Collection of actual data from the student, faculty/staff, and parent school climate surveys will begin on February 1, 2016 at 8:00 a.m. MST.

Please contact Clyde Mason if you have questions about needed preparations for the 2016 School Climate Surveys.

Success with SAGE
For Secondary Language Arts Teachers

This learning opportunity will give teachers time to explore the SAGE assessment and its tools.  Participants will get the chance to take a practice test and plan activities to help their students better understand the testing tools available.

Curriculum and Staff Development will pay for ½ day subs for those attending sessions during the day.  Teachers attending the evening classes will be paid at the in-service rate for their time in class.

There are seven sessions scheduled:

Thursday, February 4 – 8:00-11:00
Thursday, February 4 – 12:00-3:00
Monday, February 8 – 8:00-11:00
Monday, February 8 – 12:00-3:00
Monday, February 8 – 3:30-6:30
Wednesday, February 10 – 12:00-3:00
Wednesday, February 10 – 3:30-6:30

JPLS course #100998

Facilitator – Donna Hunter, Secondary English Arts, Curriculum and Staff Development.

Principals:  Please share with your SCC members.

Utah Association School Community Councils
4th Annual Conference & Training

Thursday, January 14th
3:45 - 8:00 PM

Lehi High School
180 N. 500 E.

Click Here to Register

Networking - Training - Dinner

Free for school community council members, teachers, principals, legislators, school board members, and others interested in school community council issues.

Workshop Offerings

  • Planning for Language Arts, Math or Science focus
  • Highly functioning community councils and their plans
  • Understanding performance data
  • Trust Lands 101
  • Training for Community Council Chairs
  • Legislation affecting school community councils and LAND Trust
  • Planning effective professional development
  • Expanding parental involvement
  • Your role on the community council
  • Addressing Gifted & Talented

Your ALS teacher specialists have already sent you the monitoring forms with instructions for Compliance and Assurances Part 2, which is due January 31st.  These were sent to you in December this year in order to give teachers time to complete them before the semester break.  You should have received instructions, but if you have further questions please contact your specialist Sheri Sample ext. 8307 or Krista Mecham ext. 8321.

The social studies department has received a grant for an "Academy on the History of Civic Involvement."  This week-long summer professional development opportunity is offered to teachers of social studies from 4th-grade through high school.  Dates are June 6-10, hours 8:00 a.-3:30 p.m.  Teachers will receive a $750 stipend for successful completion of course requirements. 2 lane change credits are available.

The application will be available on the social studies professional development webpage beginning January 1 (also attached here) and is due March 1 to Pam Su'a in Curriculum.  Ten slots are available for teachers.

Safety Information Surveys

The JSD Safe Schools Advisory Committee would like to inform all principals that they will soon receive two (2) surveys, which relate to school safety, via email:

  • 2015-16 JSD School Safety/Emergency Plans Survey
  • Information Survey for JSD Safe Schools Advisory Committee

The first survey contains critical information we are required to update each year.  The second will be used to help the JSD Safe Schools Advisory Committee identify and establish new goals.  The feedback we receive will assist us in aligning resources and to provide training as needed.  The purpose of both surveys is simply to gather information.

Surveys will be sent to each principal by Peggy Margetts.  If the person responsible for school safety is someone other than you, forward this survey to that designee.  Please feel free to contact Peggy with any questions at (801) 567-8753.

December 1, 2015

Middle School Principals

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum and Staff Development
Nancy Ward, Coordinator of Educational Support
District Nurses

Scoliosis Screening of Seventh and Eighth Grade Students

This is a friendly reminder about completing scoliosis screening for the 7th and 8th grade students in your P.E. classes.

We have included updated forms and information.

Schools must show the video “Catch a Curve” to students in 7th & 8th grade, which explains the procedure prior to sending home the permission letters.

Screeners must also review the enclosed handout titled “Screening for Scoliosis” (enclosed).

Additionally, all of these forms will be available to you on the Jordan District website,  Departments/Educational Support/Nursing Services/Documents and forms.

Thank you for your support in making sure this screening is accomplished.

Please contact your school nurse if you have any questions.

Please help us get the word to teachers. The Instructional Support Center has resources for all levels.
New this year:
  • Posters -- Beautiful full-color posters starting at $2.50/foot
  • Color copies
Newly acquired videos for secondary grades:
  • United States History: Industrial Revolution
  • World War I & II: Cause and Effect
  • Launching a Business
  • Public Speaking
  • Organic Farming
Meteorite and Volcanic Rock Kit that includes a DVD, information binder, six rocks, and magnets.
Principals, Please share this ISC Newsletter with your teachers.