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Administrative Assistants

Michelle Love-Day, Director of Language & Culture Services

Language & Culture Services is inviting parents to come out to their feeder high school to learn about English language learning in our District. JOIN US as we CELEBRATE student successes, LEARN about the WIDA test and what the results mean for students, and GROW our multilingual community. Please use this canva link to access flyers to share with families and to create additional languages you may need.

All events will take place at the high schools from 6:30 - 8 p.m.

April 3, 2024

All Certified Special Education Staff

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

End of Year SCRAM Detail Report

All SCRAM reports and SCRAM document changes must be received by the Special Education Office no later than Wednesday, May 1, 2024.

See the memo below for all instructions.

NASA - How to Safely View the April 8, 2024, TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSETO:
Administrative Assistants

Communication Department

As you may be aware, a partial solar eclipse will pass over Utah on Monday, April 8, 2024, at approximately 12:32 p.m.

We encourage everyone to know the safety risks associated with viewing an eclipse.

Please make sure your students and staff know the importance of wearing the proper safety glasses when viewing the eclipse and the importance of not looking directly at the sun.

Below is information from NASA that may be of assistance to you in answering any questions you may have or questions that may come your way regarding safety during the eclipse.

April 4, 2024

All Principals and All Counselors

Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Stacee Worthen, School Counselor Consultant

2024-2025 Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP) Calendar

Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP) dates are planned so that individual counseling teams may include them in their school and CSCP calendars. It is essential that counselors prioritize and attend CSCP meetings as they work to perform their other duties and tasks assigned to them. This allows counselors to enhance their skills, understand responsibilities and expectations, gain mastery on compliance-related items and improve upon best practices and positive workflow.

See the full schedule on the memo below.

Administrative Assistants

Communications Department

Salt Lake County Parks & Recreation is offering the My County Rec Pass to Salt Lake County residents, ages 5–18. The My County Rec Pass includes free access to use Salt Lake County operated recreation centers and amenities, including:

  • 18 swimming pools (indoor and outdoor)
  • 3 ice centers
  • 2 climbing walls
  • Gyms
  • Weight rooms
  • Fitness areas
  • Walking tracks

Pre-Registration Opens: April 1 and pass activates June 1. Parents/guardians may sign up their 5–18 year old(s) at a Salt Lake County operated recreation center. Both child and guardian must register in person. Parent/guardian must bring ID or proof of Salt Lake County residency.

Administrative Assistants

Michelle Love-Day, Director of Language & Culture Services

It's been a great year with our digital ML Identification Task Manager. Thank you to all office assistants that have worked diligently with the LCS and Evaluation teams.

It is now time to clean up your HOME tab Task Manager with any pending, duplicate, or returned tasks. Please see the attached instructions or give Nicole Woodburn a call (801-567-8124).

April 4, 2024

All School Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness

Empowering Parents: A Conference on Wellbeing

The Health and Wellness Department, in Student Services is hosting a parent event scheduled for April 10th, 2024 at Riverton High School. This conference- style event aims to bring together professionals and education experts in the field of mental health and well-being to share their knowledge, insights, and research with parents in our JSD communities. This event aims to help parents to be best equipped to support their children with well-being.

We will offer resource booths near the entrance of the school from 5:30-6pm, and throughout transition time for parents to gain insight and information on helpful resources.

We will offer three(3) 30-minutes sessions between 6pm-8pm to maximize learning for parent participants. Some sessions will repeat more than once.

Topics will include best practices, research insights, or information that would be useful to parents of school-aged children. Including mental health issues in the schools and associated issues (bullying, stress, perfectionism, social pressures, etc.), risk, prevention, resilience and ways in which parents can help support their students. See attachment for more details about resource tables and breakout sessions.

There is a digital copy of more information attached(for printing and sharing), but a hard copy will also be sent to your school.

Please consider posting this flyer somewhere with high parent traffic (maybe the main office entrance).

Share with PTA!

Encourage parents in your communities to attend!

April 1, 2024

All Principals

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Brian King, Assistant Director of Special Education
Mike Trimmell, Ed.D., Special Education Administrator

April 12, 2024 - Optional Special Education PD Provided by JBAT

The Special Education Department will be hosting our final optional PD for the school year. The Jordan Behavior Assistance Team (JBAT) will be leading this professional development session. The focus will be foundational classroom management and behavior strategies. The professional development session will be held at Herriman High School April 12, 2024 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. This is for elementary and secondary special education teachers. Please sign up on JPLS for this awesome opportunity.

JBAT Professional Development
Herriman HS- Auditorium
Course #102021
Section #128091


June LeMaster, Administrator of Human Resources


April 3rd was the official Paraeducator Appreciation Day and Western Governors’ University (WGU) is excited to announce a special initiative to honor and celebrate the invaluable contributions of paraeducators in Jordan School District.

We know the vital role Paraeducators play in supporting students, teachers, and the entire school community. Their dedication, compassion and hard work make a significant difference in the lives of students every day. In recognition of their outstanding efforts, WGU is promoting a paraeducator recognition program.

All JSD employees are encouraged to nominate a paraeducator that exemplifies excellence, goes above and beyond in their role and demonstrates a commitment to student success. This is an opportunity to shine a spotlight on those employees who make a profound impact in the classroom and beyond!

Nominations can be submitted through this online form - [SUBMIT NOMINEE HERE] and the deadline for submission is April 5th. Paraeducators that are nominated for this recognition will be put into a drawing for a special prize as a token of appreciation for their hard work and dedication.

All Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services

WHAT: Standard Response Protocol / Standard Reunification Method Half-Day Virtual Workshop led by The “I Love U Guys'' Foundation, paid for by USBE. There are two training dates for the same content and only one should be attended. Please note, these trainings do not include the train-the-trainer component, as previously offered. See below for details.

WHO: School Safety and Security Specialists, School Building Administrators, Crisis-Response Team Members, School-based Mental Health Professionals, School Resource Officers (SROs) / Law Enforcement, and other school employees and community partners who support school safety.

Number of participants: The first 400 registrants for each workshop. A waiting list of 50 people will be maintained.

WHEN: Thursday, April 11, 2024 | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Virtual)
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 | 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM (Virtual)

WHERE: A Zoom link will be provided to participants after registration.

ACTION: Save your seat by registering for one of the following:

  • Registration • for Thursday, April 11, 2024 | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Virtual)     Registration Form
  • Registration • for Wednesday, May 15, 2024 | 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM (Virtual)      Registration Form

MORE INFORMATION: Visit The “I Love U Guys'' Foundation website for additional details.

QUESTIONS: Email the

April 1, 2024

All Principals All Budget Directors

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Daniel Ellis, Director of Accounting, Budgets & Audits
June LeMaster, Administrator, Human Resources
Steffany Ellsworth, Manager, Information Systems
Bonnie Brennan, Director of Insurance Services
Sarah Palmer, Director of Payroll
Kurt Prusse, Director of Purchasing

Year-End Processing Deadlines

Please observe the critical deadlines, included in the memo below, regarding the financial year-end processes for the 2023-24 year. Please review these dates as they could have a major effect on your location’s ability to operate.

All Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Nadine Page, Administrative Assistant

Take note of the following monthly newsletters with important communication about the School LAND Trust (SLT) Program.

Please share the March newsletter with your school community council members.

The newsletters are also accessible online on the USBE Website with different language options.

All Administrators
All Administrative Assistants

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Nadine Page, Administrative Assistant

Deadline Extended to April 5, 2024


The LOG/TIMESHEET must be turned in to the school no later than April 5, 2024 so that amounts may be paid in the May 2024 paycheck. Payroll will take the information for payment from the Google Sheet.

Please make sure to total the hours listed on the Log/Timesheet and put this number on the Google Sheet. Double check to make sure ALL employees to be paid are listed and that their hours worked are correct. If you have questions please reach out to Nadine Page at x88182 or

Below you will find the original documents sent out at the beginning of the school year with all the guidelines.

Dates were revised to have Log/Timesheets due on April 1st in order to provide payment on the May payroll in this JAM

March 20, 2024

All Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness

Last Call for Prevention Workshop and Mandatory Prevention Plan Updates

We have added one last session for prevention planning on April 4th at the ASB Presentation Room (Entrance C). There will be two sessions on the 4th: 8:30-11:00, and 12:30-3:00. Substitute costs can be covered so a full team can attend!

*As a reminder, each school is required to maintain and update prevention plans annually. These funds and upcoming workshops are meant to support each school’s prevention plan. If you are interested in updating your plan without attending a workshop, visit Jordan Health and Wellness for detailed instructions.

Prevention Plans must be updated by April 26th and the prevention funding form completed by April 5th to take advantage of the grant funds available!

April 1, 2024

All Principals

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Brian King, Assistant Director of Special Education
Mike Trimmell, Ed.D., Special Education Administrator

Embrace - SCRAM Submit Button

Please utilize the submit feature in Embrace. You will still need to submit the paper version of the SCRAM this time around. This is the beginning of ensuring that our Embrace version of SCRAMS and paper version of SCRAMS are consistent. The plan is to use the Embrace SCRAM button this spring and to implement Embrace SCRAM and paper SCRAM. By spring of 2025 we should have enough data to determine if we can just use the Embrace SCRAM only for the 25-26 school year. More information will be provided in the End of Year SCRAM Memo.

NOTE: Preschool teachers do NOT use the Embrace submit button. They should continue to submit the paper SCRAM only.

All Administrators

Ami Shah, Officer Equity & Compliance

The final PD of the year is on April 11, 2024, at the JATC South from 4:30 to 6:30 PM. Prof. Dusty Jensen from USU will present on understanding the culture and needs of our Native American students.

All licensed employees will receive 2 hours of in-service pay and licensure points. The administrators are encouraged to attend.

Register for the PD HERE

Please see the flyer for additional information.

All Administrators

June LeMaster, Administrator of Human Resources

URGENT - Professional License Renewal Reminder

Teachers and other educators whose license will expire on June 30, 2024, are encouraged to begin the license renewal process IMMEDIATELY by going to the USBE website. Reminder letters regarding license renewal information will be sent out this month to individuals with expiring licenses.