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School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Jared Covili, Consultant, Digital Learning in Teaching & Learning

The USBE Digital Teaching and Learning (DTL) Grant provides opportunities and tools for teachers in Jordan School District to address and close student achievement gaps through the use of high quality instruction that integrates technology. This survey will help us determine technology training and hardware/software needs for the 2024-2025 school year.

Click HERE to complete the end of year DTL Survey from USBE. Survey is due by 4/29/24.

April 4, 2024                      

Jordan District Administrators, Directors

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Administrators of Schools

Time Schedule for the Last Day of School  

Please review this memo carefully for your school dismissal time, and convey this information to your students and parents.

April 4, 2024

Assistant Principals
SEL Testing Coordinators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services

Early Warning (Panorama) Spring SEL Survey

The final SEL survey window for the 2023-24 school year will open on Monday, April 15, 2024 and close on Friday, May 17, 2024 at 12am. Please ensure that you are following the guidance provided in the August 10, 2023 JAM (found here) regarding SEL survey windows, administration, and communication with parents. Please know that you may share the survey questions, with anyone interested, that are included in the August 10, 2023 JAM link above.

It is strongly encouraged that schools administer this survey at least twice a year.

Administrative Assistants

Michelle Love-Day, Director of Language & Culture Services

It's been a great year with our digital ML Identification Task Manager. Thank you to all office assistants that have worked diligently with the LCS and Evaluation teams.

It is now time to clean up your HOME tab Task Manager with any pending, duplicate, or returned tasks. Please see the attached instructions or give Nicole Woodburn a call (801-567-8124).

March 14, 2024

Assistant Principals
Elementary Administrative Assistants
Secondary Finance Secretaries
Secondary Attendance Secretaries
Secondary Registrars

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director, Student Services
Caleb Olson, Enrollment Consultant, Student Services

Digital Cumulative Folder Training

In April 2024, the District will begin the process of transitioning from paper-based student cumulative folders to digital cumulative folders housed in Skyward. From July 1, 2024 onward, all new students must be enrolled with a digital cumulative folder and blank copies of paper cumulative folders will no longer be available.

Digital folders provide multiple benefits to schools and staff, including:

  • Immediate transfer of folders between schools as students move or advance
  • Easier accessibility of records to staff
  • Elimination of expense of mailing records between schools

Staff at each school will be responsible for “weeding” unnecessary documents from current student cumulative folders and will scan and upload documents to Skyward. As part of the transition, parents will gain the ability to scan and upload some of the required documents to Skyward during New Student Online Enrollment (NSOE), which will provide additional time savings to staff.

Participation in the training is mandatory for elementary administrative assistants, secondary attendance secretaries, and secondary registrars. Others who assist with gathering documents at registration (including during summer hour coverage) or maintaining cumulative folders should also attend. Staff at each school location must be trained before the school begins using digital cumulative folders. Training will be offered six times during the first week of April in the ASB Auditorium (see individual tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet) . School teams may attend any number of sessions to ensure office coverage.

Each individual attending must register for the training at the following link:  April Digital Folder Training Link

March 7, 2024

All Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness

Mandatory Prevention Plan Updates, Workshops and Support Available!

Throughout March school teams have an opportunity to efficiently update, enhance, and complete their mandatory prevention plans related to suicide, bullying, and violence prevention. Stop by a Prevention Planning Workshop in March to take advantage of this support available!

Prevention Planning Workshop Dates: March 11, 14 (pm only), 15, & 18
All sessions will take place at ASB Presentation Room (entrance C)
Two sessions Each Day (pm session only on the 14th):
 8:30-11:00, 12:30-3:00
Choose a workshop time to update and enhance your school’s prevention plan. There will also be targeted support for accessing grant funds that are available for your school’s unique prevention efforts. Substitute costs can be covered so a full team can attend! RSVP for a session here! Stop by even if you don’t RSVP!

*As a reminder, each school is required to maintain and update prevention plans annually. These funds and upcoming workshops are meant to support each school’s prevention plan.

Prevention Plans must be updated and this form completed by April 5th to take advantage of grant funds available!

If you are interested in updating your plan without attending a workshop, visit Jordan Health & Wellness for detailed instructions.

Dustin Jansen, attorney and judge in the tribal court systems and a professor of American Indian studies at UVU, presented on Native communities and cultures last year. Due to popular demand, we are bringing back the recording of that PD on March 7, 2024, in the ASB presentation room (Main entrance, entrance C) from 4 to 6 pm. Professor Jansen will be back in person on April 11th to continue with part II of his last year's presentation. If you missed his first presentation last year, this is an excellent opportunity to watch the recording and prepare for his in-person part II presentation in April. All licensed employees will receive 2 hours of in-service pay and licensure points. Admins are encouraged to attend.

Click here for registration

By state law Vapes are hazardous waste and cannot be thrown away in regular trash. Please plan to bring all your school's vaping waste such as vapes, mods, e-juice, cartridges, etc. to the Assistant Principals meeting in March, April, and May to be collected by Sharon Jensen and taken to the County facility to be disposed of properly.

Admin, please share this information with your teachers.

Many of your teachers are pursuing a STEM endorsement (see our EIP website for a full list of endorsements) USBE WILL REIMBURSE THEM FOR THEIR EDUCATION! This is called the STEM Endorsement Incentive Program (EIP). See the attached flyer and link to our EIP Website for more information.

The next round of reimbursement applications is due March 1, 2024 for teachers who completed STEM courses in Fall/Winter 2023. If you have any questions, please reach out to the content consultant. We would love to talk to you!

Spring Mentor Training will be available online through Canvas March 4 - April 5, 2024. Mentor Training will be provided to new mentors based on administrator recommendation. After checking with potential mentors, please complete the Google Form by Friday, March 22, to add names of mentors you would like to have complete mentor training. We have a limited number of seats. Educators will be added first come, first served. You may add up to three mentors per form. Teachers will get paid $150 stipend for completing the mentor Canvas training.

You can access a list of currently trained mentors on your school’s mentor list shared with you via Google sheets and your school coaching plan. If you need help accessing your mentor list, please contact Michelle Williams in Teaching and Learning: 801-567-8365

Google Form Link

Following the release of the 2024-25 FTE V2.0 enrollment projections, the HR Department is providing RIS training to all principals in a RIS situation. All training sessions will be held at the District Office, room 129 on the following dates and times:

  • 9 A.M. on Friday, February 16th
  • 2 P.M. on Tuesday, February 20th
  • 10 AM on Thursday, February 22nd
  • 2 P.M. on Thursday, February 22nd

To sign up for the RIS Training, please click on the following link: Sign Up

Please refer to the RIS Flowchart & Timeline for guidance with the RIS Process and/or review the RIS/RIF resource information at:

Lastly, you may remind teachers/educators resigning at the end of the current school year, 2023-24 of the $200 Early Notification Incentive, if he/she submits their notification prior to February 15, 2024.

For a list of employees at your school location who have submitted a resignation notice in Skyward, please contact Jane Olsen or Brittany Bauer

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Prior to the TEACHER TRANSFER FAIR on February 12, principals may post available positions for the 2024-25 school year on a Google Form. Please click here to advertise your transfer openings for teachers and other licensed employees. This will allow teachers to view your postings prior to the Teacher Transfer Fair.

Teacher Transfer Fair Link 

February 1, 2024


Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Matt Alvernaz, School Safety Coordinator

Standard Response Protocols (SRP) Communication

Communication with staff, students, and parent(s)/guardian(s) is a central theme of the Standard Response Protocols (SRP) for safety. With the implementation of SRP, it is critical that each school communicates with these vital stakeholders frequently about school safety efforts.

Communication regarding SRP begins with the monthly safety training for School Safety Specialists (SSS) and Administrators over safety. Using the training, school staff should be trained by the SSS and Administrator about the monthly SRP drill and how to communicate with students. After staff are trained, they should teach their students about the SRP drill (in February it will be HOLD). At some point during the month, whether before or after the safety drill, the school should communicate with parent(s)/guardian(s) (including, but not limited to, the PTSA and Community Council) informing and educating them on the specific monthly SRP drill. Resources for communication will be shared at the monthly SRP training provided by Matt Alvernaz, the School Safety Coordinator, as they become ready.

Each school should begin SRP communication by sending information to parent(s)/guardian(s) introducing them to SRP as soon as reasonably possible. The following resources are provided to assist with that effort:

February 1, 2024

Assistant Principals
School Safety Specialists

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Matt Alvernaz, School Safety Coordinator

Monthly Safety Drill Preparation (HOLD)

Our monthly drill preparation will be held on February 7th at 3:00 PM with a second session at 3:30 PM. This month we will be covering HOLD. Each School Safety Specialist is expected to attend along with administrations assigned to oversee school safety. All other administrations are welcomed to attend as well. The meeting is also opened to any staff who may be interested.

Information regarding the HOLD response protocol can be found in the Jordan School District Safety Manual on pages 5-7. We will discuss how to implement and execute the drill. This will be an opportunity to ask questions and share ideas amongst the schools.

We will be holding this meeting over Zoom so please join using this link.


Thursday, February 1, 2024

All School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2023-24 Stakeholder Input Survey Results

48,306 students, parents and educators participated in the 2023-24 Stakeholder Input Survey, which was administered in November 2023.

The Stakeholder Input Survey results have been released on Tableau. Those with Tableau accounts will be able to see aggregated responses to each of the questions items that were administered to K-3, 4-6 and 7-12th grade students as well as parent and faculty responses.

Those with Tableau accounts may access school and district survey results by clicking here or through the Explore menu: Explore > Surveys > Stakeholder Input Survey.

As a reminder, the Stakeholder Input Survey fulfills state statute (53G-11-507) requiring that LEAs seek for student and parent input (and employee input for school administrators) as part of an educator evaluation program. Printed reports containing school, principal, assistant principal, and individual educator effectiveness ratings will also be distributed to principals in the coming days. Those reports will need to be distributed to educators who may choose to use those results as part of their educator evaluation. It may also be beneficial for principals to meet with individual educators to discuss their results.

Educator effectiveness ratings were calculated for employees that had 10 or more complete responses to the survey. Most of the ratings were calculated solely off student responses as there were generally insufficient parent responses for individual educators. Educator effectiveness ratings used the following scale:

  • 3 = Highly Effective
  • 2 = Effective
  • 1 = Minimally Effective
  • 0 = Not Effective

Please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with questions.

The Department of Language and Culture Services and the Office of EDI are excited to offer a PD series on 'Understanding your Diverse Students'. Our second PD of the year is on February 8th, 2024 at the JATC South from 4-6 PM, focusing on our Refugee students. All licensed employees will receive 2 hours of in-service pay. The administrators are encouraged to attend.

Link to Register (also on the flyer below)

Principals and Department Directors should arrange for lunch or breakfast for all your employees one day from February 5th–8th . Please do not schedule meals on February 9th so all employees feel free to participate in the Health and Wellness Day activities occurring that day.

Traditional schools (i.e. the 41 elementary schools, 13 middle schools and 7 high schools) will receive an additional $13 per employee in the school’s supply budgets. Traditional schools may then charge the cost of this meal to 10 E xxx 0050 1090 639 by submitting the receipt to Accounting through the normal P-Card or NPO process.

All other schools (i.e. Kauri Sue Hamilton (including the Child Development Center), River’s Edge (including the Jordan Family Education Center), South Valley, JATC North, JATC South, Valley High School, and Southpointe Adult High) will also have $13 per employee available. However, these schools will need to charge the cost of this meal to 10 E xxx 9054 1090 639 by submitting the receipt to Accounting through the normal P-Card or NPO process.

District departments will also have $13 per employee available. Departments should charge the cost of this meal to 10 E xxx 9054 yy90 639 by submitting the receipt to Accounting through the normal P-Card or NPO process. The “yy” listed in the account above will differ for each department as follows:

Superintendent – 24
Associate Superintendent – 24
Administrators of Schools – 24
Accounting, Budgets, and Audits – 25
Auxiliary Services – 26
Business Administrator – 25
Career & Technical Education – 22
Central Warehouse – 26
Communications – 28
Custodial and Energy – 26
Equity & Compliance – 21
Evaluation, Research & Accountability – 10
Facilities – 26
Human Resources – 28
Information Systems – 28
Instructional Support Services – 22
Insurance Services – 25
Jordan Education Foundation – 22
Language and Cultural Services – 21
Nurses – 21
Nutrition Services – 26
Payroll – 25
Purchasing – 26
Transportation – 27
Special Education – 22
Student Services – 21
Teaching and Learning – 22
Transportation – 27

Take note of the following monthly newsletters with important communication about the School LAND Trust (SLT) Program.

Please share the January newsletter with your school community council members.

The newsletters are also accessible online on the USBE website with different language options.

Mark your calendar and save the date to attend the Literacy Promise Conference. There are some fantastic presenters in attendance this year that you will not want to miss.

T & L will pay for up to three individuals from each school to attend the Literacy Promise Conference held on March 20-22. This can include administration, coaches or teachers. Schools are not required to participate or may choose to send less than three individuals. Responses will be accepted through March 8th. Please click on the link below and fill out the form to list the individuals who will be paid for through T&L. If your school would like to send more than three individuals, registration can also be done at the school or individual level using the QR link on the enclosed flyer.

The conference is March 20-22, 2024 at the Utah Valley Convention Center in Provo, Utah.

LINK to register individuals to be paid by T&L.