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Auxiliary Services Website – Documents and Forms

Many of the documents and forms previously found on the Auxiliary Services website have been moved to a Google Drive. The documents that have been moved are for district use, and do not need to be located on our public website.

All administrators and head administrative assistants have been given access to this drive.

It will be located in the Shared with Me Folder on your Google Drive.

  • Look for - ASB – Website Docs and Forms

Please feel free to call or email me with any questions:

Traci Mariano

Thank you for your support.

February 21, 2017

Special Education Staff
School Secretaries

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum/Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Julie Brown, Program Specialist
Courtney Titus, Program Specialist

Special Education Budget Closeout for the 2016-17 School Year

Please note that Special Education purchase orders/requisitions for the 2016-17 school year must be received by April 3, 2017 @ 5:00 p.m. Please remember the following:

  • Budgets are not carried over from one year to the next.
  • Remember to deduct any previously submitted amounts from your Special Education budget (so that you know your balance) before submitting new orders. This includes reimbursements submitted through your school. No orders will be processed that exceed your budgeted allocation.
  • Please check with your school secretary to make sure all Special Education reimbursements have been submitted to the Special Education Department by the April 3rd deadline. We have provided each secretary with a spreadsheet of currently recorded purchases/reimbursements for the total special education department at your school up through January 31, 2017.
  • When ordering supplies, follow Skyward procedures.
  • Be sure to follow the ordering guidelines outlined in the attached budget information page, as you close out your current year budgets.

Staff will be notified of the new budget allocation amount prior to the start of the new school year.  Keep in mind that new purchase orders/requisitions will not be processed until mid-July when all of the current year’s budgets have been closed out.

As you close out your budgets for the current school year, please note the following:

  1. All purchase orders/requisitions should be routed to Debbie Fairbourn in the Special Education Department.
  2. Use the following codes for purchase orders/requisitions and NPOs submitted through the year.

Coding for Purchase Orders/Requisitions and NPO’s:

10 E (School #) 1295 1090 610

If you have questions regarding your Special Education budget, please call Debbie Fairbourn at
(801) 567-8177.

Learn effective strategies for communication, behavior management, social development and self-regulation skills for all grade levels.

This is a 3-Session Class
February 22, 2017
March 1, 2017
March 8, 2017

See flyer below for details.

Jordan School District Payroll

Assistants Substituting in True Time and AESOP

  • Classified hourly assistants (who have applied to be a sub with Juli Martin in HR) accepting a substituting position should be entered through AESOP not True Time.
  • Assistants subbing in an emergency situation, for a few hours, should enter their time through True Time. Call Payroll for a TSub pay code.
  • Assistants cannot substitute for more than 25 hours per month.
  • Assistants cannot be a long term substitute.
  • Assistants cannot be clocked into True Time and AESOP at the same time.

Building Bridges Through the Arts

This is a two-day event that provides arts integration instruction in all five art forms--dance, drama, media arts, music and visual arts--with special insights on ways to integrate the arts with other core curriculum. Registration includes breakfast and lunch for both days.

See flyer below for details.


Annual Facility Self-Inspection Survey

The Annual Facility Self-Inspection Survey for 2016-17 from the State Office of Risk Management is now available online at “Due to policy change, no extensions will be given and agencies not meeting the deadlines will be enforced with a premium penalty.” So, it is imperative that each school complete and submit the Facility Self-Inspection Survey no later than Friday, April 14, 2017.

Each school principal is the “Surveyor” and the person ultimately responsible for completing this survey.  Appropriate sections of the survey may be delegated to the department head, nutrition manager, custodian, etc. as seen fit, but the principal remains accountable.

As in previous years, if an issue is noted, you will be prompted to fill in a corrective action plan. Please specify Work Order #, date submitted, who will follow through from your school, a target completion date, and any other important information pertaining to specific questions.

When the survey is finished, the lock button at the end of the survey must be pressed to report that it is completed.

Please feel free to call or email us with any problems or questions:

Ron Boshard, 801-567-8876 (x 88876),

Peggy Margetts, 801-567-8753 (x 88753),

You will receive reminder notices from

Thank you for your support.

February 3, 2017


Administrators of Schools
Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum and Staff Development
Clyde Mason, Director of Evaluation, Research, and Accountability

2017 Summative SAGE School Administrator and Test Coordinators’ Training, Feb. 21 and 23, 2017

See attached memo for information regarding this mandatory training.

February 3, 2017

Elementary School Principals

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum and Staff Development
Nancy Ward, Coordinator of Educational Support Services
District Nurses

Preschool Vision Clinics

Attached you will find a flyer for parents regarding upcoming Preschool Vision Clinics.   You may want to put this on your school letterhead to give out at your kindergarten orientation and/or parent/teacher conferences.


See attached materials used in the training given by Lisa Lawrence at the February 7th Principal Meeting.

This course is designed for Elementary Administrative Assistants to learn about the G Suite for Education. The G Suite for Education (formerly called Google Apps for Education) core services are the heart of Google's education offering to schools. See flyer below for courses offered.

Schools and Departments:

Please post and/or distribute flyer for all employees to see/review.

URS provides seminars for:

  • Early to Mid-Career employees
  • Pre-Retirement (retiring within 10 years) employees
  • Retiree Seminars (already retired)

January 30, 2017

School Psychologists

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum/Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance

February School Psychologists’ Meeting

A school psychologists’ meeting has been scheduled for Friday, February 10, 2017, from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Jordan School District Auxiliary Services Building Auditorium (7905 South Redwood Road). Michelle Christiansen will provide us with training on Medicaid. We will also have staff from Information Systems provide training on uploading 504 accommodations to Skyward. We need you to bring your laptops to this meeting as staff from Information Systems will be encrypting your laptops.

Part-time Staff:  I would appreciate it if you could adjust your schedules in order to attend this meeting.


Literacy Reminders:

- Mid-year DIBELS letters (see attached) must be sent home on or before February 15.

- Teachers should complete mid-year Intervention Reports by February 15.

- Mid Year Literacy Growth Reports are due March 10.

Copies of the TC-40D Tax Exemption Form for a Dependent with a Disability can currently be found in two places on the Special Education website. Under the Staff Information tab, and then by clicking on Forms, it can be found under the heading "TAX Form". Additionally, parents can locate the form under the Parent Information tab and by scrolling to the bottom of the page.  Parents of students with disabilities who wish to take advantage of this tax exemption will be required to obtain the signature of a school district representative who can certify that the dependent qualifies. The verification form should be signed by the school principal (LEA) or their designee.

The dependent must have a current IEP and must be eligible under one of the identified classifications or categories of disability (please see TC-40D Form for eligible disabilities). Please note that students with learning disabilities, emotional disturbances and communication speech language disorders only are NOT ELIGIBLE. Should a parent request that the school sign the TC-40D Tax Exemption Form, please check that the student is on a current IEP and verify that the student is being served under one of the eligible categories of disability.

Please contact your teacher specialist if you have any questions.