Elementary Principals:
Continuing Online classes: Comprehensive Balanced Literacy (CBL) and Close Reading to Writing. Please share attached flyer with all K-6 teachers.
Elementary Principals:
Continuing Online classes: Comprehensive Balanced Literacy (CBL) and Close Reading to Writing. Please share attached flyer with all K-6 teachers.
Elementary Principals:
NEW Online Fluency class. Please share attached flyer with all K-6 teachers.
The 2016 School Climate Surveys will be administered between February 1, 2016 and March 18, 2016. The attached communication contains links to the 2016 student, faculty/staff, and parent school climate surveys. Please review and verify the accuracy of assistant principals, teachers, and certificated support staff listed in each of your school’s surveys (student, faculty/staff, parent) prior to January 22, 2016. If there are any names that need to be changed, please let Alyssa Messina at UEPC know byJanuary 22, 2016 what changes are needed. She can be reached at alyssa.messina@utah.edu.
Kaurie Sue Hamilton School and Preschool are listed under "Elementary Schools". River's Edge School and South Valley School are listed under "High Schools".
You may share the survey links with your school's assistant principals but do NOT share the links with students, teachers, staff, or parents until Feb. 1, 2016. Feel free to visit, and mark, each of the surveys as often as you would like prior to January 22, 2016. Collection of actual data from the student, faculty/staff, and parent school climate surveys will begin on February 1, 2016 at 8:00 a.m. MST.
Please contact Clyde Mason if you have questions about needed preparations for the 2016 School Climate Surveys.
Lehi High School
180 N. 500 E.
Free for school community council members, teachers, principals, legislators, school board members, and others interested in school community council issues.
Your ALS teacher specialists have already sent you the monitoring forms with instructions for Compliance and Assurances Part 2, which is due January 31st. These were sent to you in December this year in order to give teachers time to complete them before the semester break. You should have received instructions, but if you have further questions please contact your specialist Sheri Sample ext. 8307 or Krista Mecham ext. 8321.
The application will be available on the social studies professional development webpage beginning January 1 (also attached here) and is due March 1 to Pam Su'a in Curriculum. Ten slots are available for teachers.
Please notify teachers and staff that the ISC will be closed at 11:00 A.M. on Tuesday, December 22, 2015 and will reopen Monday, January 4, 2016, at 7:00 A.M.
The JSD Safe Schools Advisory Committee would like to inform all principals that they will soon receive two (2) surveys, which relate to school safety, via email:
The first survey contains critical information we are required to update each year. The second will be used to help the JSD Safe Schools Advisory Committee identify and establish new goals. The feedback we receive will assist us in aligning resources and to provide training as needed. The purpose of both surveys is simply to gather information.
Surveys will be sent to each principal by Peggy Margetts. If the person responsible for school safety is someone other than you, forward this survey to that designee. Please feel free to contact Peggy with any questions at (801) 567-8753.
Elementary Principals:
Please pass this information to your 5th-grade teachers so they will be aware and can get involved if they choose to do so. Questions can be directed to Norma Villar at 801-567-8187.
December 3, 2015
Elementary Principals and Secretaries
Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Consultant, Planning and Student Services
Guidelines to Establish the Kindergarten Enrollment for 2016-17
As per the past several years, it will be the responsibility of each school principal to obtain a kindergarten roster for the 2016-17 school year. It is from this roster that the kindergarten estimate is created. The estimate is the basis for the number of kindergarten teachers required and the budget allowed for supplies and materials. Therefore, it is important that the roster be as accurate as possible.
Please follow guidelines 1-5 below. The other options are ideas you may want to use. It is very important for staffing your kindergarten that the count be as accurate as possible.
Please be diligent in recruiting the kindergarten students within your school boundary. It will be important to have accurate up to the minute kindergarten numbers as we do the estimates in the upcoming weeks. Please submit the TOTAL number of kindergarten students to Planning and Student Services by Friday, January 15, 2016. You may call Luann at 801-567-8251 or fax to 801-567-8061.
November 4, 2015
Elementary Principals
Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Consultant for Planning and Student Services
Attendance Reporting on Elementary Report Cards
When the elementary report card calculates attendance it is pulling any attendance that has been entered for a student. To better clarify, the absence field reports a number if any portion of the day was missed whether it was excused or unexcused. It is always helpful when a time is entered into the comment section as the student checks in/out of school to provide more accurate information to the families.
The most accurate attendance is always available within Skyward Family Access and will provide a better picture and detailed explanation for parents. These reports may be printed at any time at the parents request or they may access the information through their individual login and password.
Please share this information with faculty, staff and patrons as they navigate through the report card information.
Thank you.
NOTE: Attached is page 2 of the Planning & Student Services Manual has detailed Guidance on Attendance Accounting in the Elementary. Please review this information with your office staff.
Updated to using Skyward - (No longer using Attendance Cards)
The Jordan School District Skyward Attendance Program is the official procedure for attendance accounting.
The Skyward attendance program shall be made for every student who enrolls at your school.
Absences will be recorded by the office on Skyward as follows:
P&SS Manual 2015-16 – June 30, 2015
Elementary Principals:
Teachers are eager for the following information; please be sure to share with them.
Student Intervention Services department applied for an Anti-Bullying grant and received the funding. With that funding we have purchased magnets with JSD definition of bullying for every single student. This will help administrators clarify to parents who say their child is being bullied. They will be sent to the school via our JSD mail. We have included a sample letter in the packet you will receive if the school would like to use it or modify it. We have also purchased signs for our PLT (high school) teams to use in their anti-bullying presentations to the feeder elementaries. Jeani Mulliner has delivered those. In addition we have purchased signs for every classroom and every office with the definition.
All Principals, Registrars, Attendance Secretaries, and Elementary Secretaries, Homeless Liaison, Nutrition Services
Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Luann Leavitt, Consultant of Planning & Student Services
Many families live in different situations and several of those living circumstances may qualify the family for a McKinney Vento enrollment. To determine this enrollment, the family must complete the Student Residency Questionnaire and lunch application either online or in paper format at the school. If the patron qualifies under McKinney Vento, enroll the student considering the following.
NEW: Two new relationship fields were added in Skyward:
Once the enrollment is complete and to facilitate a smooth transition for the child into school, please fax a copy of the Student Residency Questionnaire and the lunch application to the Homeless Liaison at 801-567-8073 and to Nutrition Services at 801-567-8768. If a lunch application was not needed, only fax to the Homeless Liaison.
All of this information should be held confidential and protected. We hope this information is helpful when enrolling a student under McKinney Vento with lunch applications. Please contact Planning & Student Services with any questions.
Skyward Report available for schools to print regarding McKinney Vento are:
July 14, 2015
Jordan School District Principals
Administrators of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Planning and Student Services
Release of "Directory Information" under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
See attached memo.