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July 1, 2020

Special Education Teachers (Preschool and School-Age) Speech-Language Pathologists

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Extended Year Special Educator Stipends 2020-21

Please read the attached information and instructions carefully. There is a different procedure for submitting Extended Days for payment than previously used.

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August 5, 2020

Secondary Principals
Secondary Media Specialists

Administrators of Schools
Dr. Shelley Nordick, Administrator, Curriculum/Staff Development
Norman Emerson, Instructional Support Services/Fine Arts Consultant

Networking Meetings for Secondary Media Specialists

In order to prepare and train secondary library media specialists to effectively provide services to their schools and to build consistency across the District’s library programs, several networking meetings have been scheduled for the 2020-21 school year. The participation of your media specialists in these meetings is appreciated.

The meetings will be held on the following dates from 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.:

  • September 9, 2020
  • October 14, 2020 (Viridian Center)
  • November 18, 2020
  • January 13, 2021
  • February 17, 2021
  • March 2020 (UELMA Conference)
  • April 14, 2021
  • May 19, 2021

Please feel free to contact Norman Emerson (801-567-8364) if further information is needed. Thank you for your continued support of the library media programs in Jordan District.

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August 5, 2020

Elementary Principals
Elementary Media Assistants

Administrators of Schools
Dr. Shelley Nordick, Administrator, Curriculum/Staff Development
Norman Emerson, Instructional Support Services/Fine Arts     Consultant

Quarterly Training Meetings for Elementary Media Assistants

In order to prepare and train elementary library media assistants to effectively provide services to elementary schools and to build consistency across elementary library programs, several training meetings have been scheduled for the 2020-21 school year. The participation of both of your library assistants in these meetings is appreciated. The meetings are to be included in the assistants' allotted 17 hours. With the exception of the August 18, 2020, the meetings have been scheduled on Fridays since the media assistants will not have regularly scheduled class visits on those days.

The meetings will be held at the venues shown below from 9:30-11:30 a.m.:

  • August 18, 2020 - ASB Auditorium (In order to maintain social distancing, one of the assistants will attend in person, and the other will access the meeting online)
  • October 9, 2020 - Mt. Ridge HS Auditorium (all assistants in person)
  • January 22, 2021 - Viridian Event Center (all assistants in person)
  • April 9, 2021 - Mt. Ridge HS Auditorium (all assistants in person)

Please feel free to contact Norman Emerson (801-567-8364) if further information is needed. Thank you for your continued support of the library media programs in Jordan District.

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Classroom Grant applications will be accepted from August 1, 2020 to October 31, 2020 or until funding is depleted.  However, actual grant awards may be received up through Friday, November 20, 2020 – OR UNTIL FUNDING IS DEPLETED.  Both the application period and the funding period will end before November 20 if JEF funds have been exhausted by eligible projects. Bottom line: APPLY EARLY! Please see document below for more information.

2020-21 Classroom Grant Application Process:

Step 1    Go to Create a Donors Choose account and project. Use the criteria provided within the JEF Google Form to describe your project.

Step 2  Go to, and click on the Classroom Grants APPLY HERE link found on the front page.

Step 3    Provide the link to your Donors Choose project in Section 2 of the JEF Google Form. (This is how we’ll know which projects to fund).

Step 4    If your project does not meet Donors Choose requirements or is for materials/licenses that are not covered by Donors Choose, please complete the “APPLICATIONS NOT APPLICABLE TO DONORS CHOOSE” Section 3 of the JEF Google Form.

Step 5    Submit application to JEF

If you have any questions about the application or funding process,
please call Jordan Education Foundation at 801-567-8125.

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Nutrition Services – Principal Start-up Reminders for the Cafeteria

  • Please remember that meals must also be available for ‘Electronic Learners’. These students will need to pick up meals from the cafeteria.
  • You have received a Friday Schedule Outline. Please note that in regards to student meals offered, breakfast will only be served at your school if you are ‘normally’ a breakfast serving site.
  • To better ensure student safety in the cafeteria, students will not enter lunch numbers (their student ID number) into keypads. Nutrition Services will provide elementary lunch clerks with all the supplies needed to make ‘meal’ cards for their schools. These cards will show the students name, Teacher, ID# (numerical), grade and the barcoded ID#. Clerks will scan the barcoded ID number into our meal counting system. Elementary school clerks will also be offered ‘binders’ with printouts, by class, of all students with their barcoded ID# next to their name. Clerks with the support of their site manager and principal can choose this ‘card less’ meal counting option.

Secondary students will be using their Student ID cards when receiving meals in the cafeteria. Cashiers will scan the barcode student ID into our meal counting system. Please be aware that students must have their student ID cards with them when they receive meals (electronic learners must also have their ID cards with them to receive meals). Please ensure that students have their ID cards the first day of school and remind them that they will need their ID cards with them when receiving meals in the cafeteria.

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When enrolling new students, the Entry/Withdrawal screen in Skyward should be reviewed to ensure that August 17th is the official start date for the 2020-2021 school year. Students should be enrolled in courses with the official start date of August 17th, as well. After August 17th, students shall be enrolled using their actual start date.

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As outlined in the State Public Health Order, employees, students, or visitors, on school property or on a school bus shall wear a face covering unless a medically directed exemption is in place. 

Schools have the responsibility to enforce this order. 

Individuals who are unwilling to comply with the order may be excluded from school after reasonable efforts have been made.

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As you are aware, the Board delayed the start of school by 5 days. Up to 8 hours of principal-directed professional development or training may be used during the week of August 17-21. Faculty meal time is not counted as part of this time. 

School plans for the week of August 10-14 may remain in place. Please remember to give as much time as possible to teachers for classroom preparation.

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Classroom assistants are being allocated to help with any needs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This may include covering classes when substitutes are not available. These positions are being funded through the CARES Act for the 2020-21 school year. Principals may post, interview, and hire immediately. Hiring ratios are as follows:

Elementary: One 25-hour assistant

Middle: One 25-hour assistant and one 17-hour assistant

High: Two 25-hour assistants

Specialized Schools: One 25-hour assistant

The position will be a lane 1, 2, or 3 depending on their highly qualified status. The normal process will decide the lane placement.

Budget Code:   10 E xxx 7211 1084 165

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Access the Google document HERE to see an outline of components to include as you plan your Friday schedules. These plans should be reviewed with your AOS prior to sharing the plan with employees and parents/guardians.

The attached lunch schedule will be in effect for the week of August 17-21 only. See notes in Friday Schedule Outline.

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In accessing the document you must make a copy of it and save it to your own drive in order to complete the document.

The plan must be approved with your AOS and posted on your District website prior to the first day of school.

Click HERE to access the google doc.

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1) Rubber bands are being delivered to schools to wrap around the necks of the large hand sanitizer bottles to limit the amount of sanitizer coming out with a single push.

2) Although students are expected to bring masks from home, USBE provided masks intended for student use which will be distributed to schools from the warehouse. We did not receive sufficient quantities for every student. We will be distributing these masks to schools based proportionately on their 2.1 enrollment projections. These masks can be distributed or used at the Principals discretion. For example, they could be held at the office for students who forget a mask or to be given to students who may have a harder time obtaining a mask. Important - Elementary Schools - please remove the paper insert in the masks which show underwear before handing out to students.

3) Although staff are expected to bring masks from home, the District is providing 2 masks with a white "J" on the right cheek for each employee. The warehouse will be delivering these masks to schools and buildings soon.

4) Lighter, more temporary face masks continue to be available for order by schools or departments from the District Warehouse.

5) Please work with your head custodian to see that each classroom has a paper towel dispenser, with paper towels, and a cleansing spray bottle.

6) If you have a need for a clear face mask contact your AOS.

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Middle School Administrators and Administrative Assistants,

During Principals’ Meeting on September 17, 2019, I met with principals at each level to discuss the space available process. During the Middle School Level Meeting, all middle school administrators agreed to the following when awarding space available permits:

  • All permits submitted during the space available application window (middle of July through the week before school starts) will be awarded according to farthest distance from the school.
  • Permits submitted after the space available application window will be awarded on a first come first served basis.
  • Ultimately, the principal can choose to award a space available pass to a student whose request is submitted after the application window, however, this likely will result in the school having to revoke a permit that has already been issued.

In the event you would like to move forward with the above-mentioned process, we have a few favors to ask of you. First, I would encourage you to send a Skylert message to your community indicating the space available permit application window ends at the end of the day on Friday, August 14. Second, please keep all space available permit applications you receive in a folder at your school until the window closes. Then send all space available permit applications to the Department of Transportation either on your way out the door on Friday, August 14 or first thing as you get to school the morning of Monday, August 17. Please do not include any space available permit requests received on Monday, August 17 with the requests received during the space available permit application window. Last, any space available permit requests you receive after Friday, August 17 must be time stamped in order for us to award permits based on first come first served.

If you simply want to award space available permits based on farthest distance from the school, let me know you would like to stick with the original process and our routers will plan accordingly.

Don’t hesitate contacting me with any questions you may have.

Please see document below "State Standards, District Policies and Transportation Guidelines" or CLICK HERE to access the document online.


Paul Bergera
Director of Transportation
Jordan School District

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July 27, 2020

Head Financial Secretaries
Special Education Teachers (Resource and Cluster)
Speech-Language Pathologists

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Special Education Budget Allocations 2020-21

Special Education Budget Allocations for Resource, Cluster Teachers, Speech-Language Pathologists, for the 2020-21 School Year. Please see the attached memo.

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New True Time expectations and adjustments are required by all driver education instructors as outlined in the attached memo and included in the Driver Education Guidelines approved by Cabinet on 7-29-20. The Driver Education Guidelines Employee Signature Agreement form should be signed by each instructor and submitted to Brad Sorensen's office no later than August 17, 2020.
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July 28, 2020

All Schools

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Derek Anderson, Director of Budgets

School Year 2020 – 2021 Budget Allocations

Attached is the fiscal year 2020-21 budget allocations summary. The three charts attached reflect your annual allocations, your carryover from fiscal year 2019-20, and your total budget that is the current year allocation plus carryovers. Also in the total is school startup funds and July budget transfers that are only included in the total budget number. The annual allocations are based off the 2.1 October 1, 2020 projections. These amounts will be updated once the October 1 headcount is complete and will reflect the actual enrollment.

Your 5810 media budget has been increased from the previous year. Please work with Norm Emmerson’s group this year to use this budget fully. This is state funding which should be used up by the end of each year.

Please call or email Derek with any questions.
Ex - 88275
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