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Utah Education Network is working to provide a ZOOM Pro Plan for Educators.  Within the next two weeks you will receive an email (sample below) from ZOOM with an invitation to approve a request for a new account through UEN. If you would like the Pro Plan for Zoom, you will have 30 days to approve the request. Please share this.

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Mark your calendar for September 17 for the first JELL session of 2020-2021. Todd Theobald will continue the work from the August Professional Development Day and address Proficiency Scales. The meeting will be virtual from 8:30 – 3:00. Watch for a checklist in next week’s JAM that will help you prepare for the meeting. For now, please do the following:

  • Identify a location for the September 17 Virtual Meeting.
  • Send Shelley Nordick a list of the members of your leadership team.
    • Because all schools will be participating, please keep participation on the 17th to a minimum. (Recommended attendees: Principal, Coach, Upper Grade Teacher, Lower Grade teacher, and one other determined by school.)
    • Arrange for substitutes. (T&L will cover the costs of three substitutes.)
  • Watch for a checklist in next week’s JAM.
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Please update TSSA plans according to the 2020-2021 TSSA allocations provided in the August 20th JAM. TSSA Plans and the School Planning Folder can be accessed from 2020-2021 School Plan Links. Updates should be completed by October 1 to meet USBE deadlines. Contact your AOS once your plan is updated.

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Now that all Elementary students have been placed in virtual or in-person classrooms, a procedure has been created for online requests for new move-in students.

If a family requests virtual learning for a new student when registering at an Elementary School, the Administrative Assistant must complete the following form:

Once this form is filled out by the Administrative Assistant, the request will be reviewed and schools will receive information about placement within a few days. This will allow us to carefully balance the amount of students in virtual classes.

If the student was in a virtual class at another Elementary school within our district before the move into a new school boundary, every effort will be made to keep this student with the same virtual teacher.

This procedure applies to New Move-In students who have requested online classes only. If a student would like to attend school in person, standard class placement procedures should be followed.

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September 3, 2020

Administrative Assistants
Attendance Secretaries

Administrators of Schools
Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

10-Day Accounting and September 9, 2020 Count

Students who are registered to a District school and have not attended (or been marked absent with a valid excuse) for ten consecutive school days at any point in the school year must be withdrawn from membership. This is particularly important during the first ten days of the school year so that our enrollment calculations and reporting is accurate.

This year, USBE has required an official count on September 9, 2020 (in addition to the formal October 1 count). This means that all 10-day drops must be processed in a timely manner at the end of the 10th day (High Schools: Friday, September 4, 2020; Elementary and Middle Schools: Tuesday, September 8, 2020). The early timing of the September 9 count count does not allow for a delay in processing 10-day drops.

Please ensure that all staff members with responsibility for processing the drops are aware of the deadline and the need for accuracy and efficiency this year. More information on the 10-day drop process can be found on the Planning & Enrollment website by searching for “10-Day Accounting.”

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Please see flyer below with information regarding the Administrator/SRO, required, yearly training.

Friday, October 2, 2020
Elk Ridge Middle School

Two sessions offered: 10:00-11:30 am or 12:30-2:00 pm


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The flyer below was posted in JEM earlier this week. Attached below is a PDF copy that you can print and hang throughout your school or building. Let's work together to keep our schools open. What we do makes a difference.

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Elementary Principals:

Through the 2018-19 negotiations process, the Board allocated funds to pay each elementary teacher $400 for parking lot duty each year. Following are additional details and clarification for the implementation of this payment.

  • Although parking lot duty requirements will vary from school to school, the payment is the same districtwide.
  • Administrators are encouraged to reduce parking lot duty for teachers as much as possible while still maintaining necessary coverage.
  • All full-time K-6 licensed educators districtwide who are responsible for parking lot duty are eligible for the $400 stipend. Half-time educators are eligible for a $200 stipend.
  • All elementary school Special Education cluster teachers are eligible for an $800 stipend.
  • Licensed educators (psychologists, BTS teachers, etc.) who have not been assigned parking lot duty in the past may choose to participate and be paid a stipend but should not be required to do so.
  • Administrators and classified staff are not eligible for a stipend.
  • The stipend will be paid out on September paychecks.
  • Teachers are required to complete parking lot duty unless they coordinate with the principal to give their assignment and stipend to another willing teacher.
  • Teachers can take on as many parking lot duty assignments (and stipends) from other teachers as will fit in the calendar.
  • Teachers can only give up their parking lot duty assignment and stipend or accept an additional assignment and stipend in coordination with the principal.
  • Teachers can only give up or accept an entire assignment and an entire stipend.
  • Principals should adjust the parking lot duty schedule as necessary to allow as many teachers to take on as many extra assignments as needed.
  • Special Education cluster teachers cannot give up their parking lot duty assignment.
  • Stipends for parking lot duty are included in retirement pay calculations.

In order to streamline payment, please ask your administrative assistant to complete the attached Excel workbook. Please email the completed submission sheet to the Payroll Department by September 11, 2020 so that teachers can be paid the stipend on their September 25th check. Please list each educator in your building and beside each name indicate the dollar amount ($0, $200, or increments of $400) the teacher should be paid.

The budget code for Parking Lot Stipends is 10 E XXX 0050 1024 131

Please contact your Administrator of Schools with any questions.

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Register in JPLS by September 18, 2020 for the UETS-Based JPAS online training for administrators!

Training will be held September 29-30, 2020. See more information on the flyer below.

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September 3, 2020

All Administrators
All Financial Administrative Assistants

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools
John Larsen, Business Administrator

Discretionary Staff Funds

Please see memo below.

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Principal Meeting is coming up on September 15, 2020. Please take note of the following schedule:

Secondary and Special Schools Principals meet at 8:00 a.m. – ASB Auditorium

Teaching & Learning and all other District Administration housed at the DO or ASB meet at 11:00 a.m. – ASB Auditorium

Elementary Principals meet at 1:30 p.m. – ASB Auditorium

Due to group number restrictions no interns or other guests will be permitted to attend.

A beverage service of water and soda will be offered at all three meetings. Please take note that no coffee, tea or hot chocolate will be offered due to COVID restrictions.

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August 26, 2020

Elementary Principals

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Michelle Lovell, Elementary Language Arts Consultant

Really Great Reading Phonics Program

As you are aware, a phonics supplement from Really Great Reading is being offered to teachers this year in grades K-2. We understand the circumstances surrounding this year and want to make sure teachers understand that this is being offered, but not required at this time. Any teacher, group of teachers, or school has the option to receive the program this year. There will be other opportunities to adopt the program in the future.

The teachers who have requested the program this year should have received a training link through email. All of the training for the program is done online. The kindergarten program is called Countdown, the first-grade program is called Blast, and the second-grade program is called HD Word. Teachers will only need to do the training for their grade level. The coaches will have links to all three levels of training. The teacher and student materials are in the ordering process and we are hopeful that they will arrive within the next couple of weeks. The materials will be delivered directly to the schools. Once the teachers receive their materials they can begin implementation. Coaches will receive additional information about the program in their district coaching meeting so they will be prepared to support teachers. If you have additional questions, please contact Michelle Lovell.

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August 26, 2020

All Principals

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Dan Ellis, Director of Accounting, Budgets, and Audits
Derek Anderson, Director of Accounting, Budgets, and Audits

School and Teacher COVID Allocations for PPE

Last night the Board of Education discussed and approved the $500 allocation per in-classroom teacher and the $10 allocation per in-classroom student for needed supplies and PPE. Once calculated, the allocations will be placed in account 32 E XXX 9932 4510 612 for each school. However, in-classroom teachers and schools may begin to utilize their allocations immediately. Schools will track individual in-classroom teacher allotments up to the $500 allotment. Use of the funds will follow regular District policy and procedure (i.e. proper receipts, approvals, etc.) and may utilize P-Cards, Purchase Orders, NPOs, inventory requisitions, or check request reimbursement to facilitate the fastest and easiest option for the circumstance.

If you have questions or need assistance, please call Dan Ellis at x88389 or Derek Anderson at x88275.

Thank you.

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Thursday, August 27, 2020

All Principals

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2020 WIDA Screeners

Whenever parents indicate that another language besides English is spoken in the household and the student(s) is new to the district, Evaluation, Research & Accountability is required by the federal government to administer a WIDA screener to see if the student qualifies for second language services. The WIDA screener is administered to students learning in-person and online.

Schools are asked to set aside a testing location in which district testers may administer the screener. Typically, a space the size of a conference room will suffice.

The district testers will be contacting schools individually to set up a date, time and testing location within the school building so that they can administer the WIDA screener. Depending on when students register and we receive the documentation, district testers may come to your school multiple times throughout the school year.

Evaluation, Research & Accountability will also contact parents of online students to set an appointment at the school so that they student may be screened.

Please see the document entitled WIDA Screener Testing Protocols and Procedures for COVID-19 that accompanies this memo for information regarding the cleaning and disinfecting routines district testers will be using.

Please contact JoLynn Snelgrove at 801-567-8419 or with any questions.

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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Elementary Principals

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Acadience Reading Administration Training for Instructional Coaches

Evaluation, Research & Accountability will be training instructional coaches during the Instructional Coaching Institute on Friday, September 4th at 11 am on how to administer Acadience Reading Benchmarks. There are several reasons why this training is important:

  • By knowing how the test works – how individual literacy skills are assessed – instructional coaches can better assist teachers in understanding and analyzing the resulting assessment data and implementing interventions that strengthen literacy skills.
  • Once trained and having gained some experience testing, coaches will then be able to train teachers and classroom aides to administer the benchmarks, which is especially beneficial as aides in particular are hired throughout the school year.
  • Coaches will be able to assist the district testing team on the day of benchmark administration at your school if they are short-handed.
  • In past years, the district testers have come back to schools on Fridays to test students who were absent on the day of testing. Since students will not be in schools on Friday, coaches can ensure that absent students get tested.

Due to limited space available and the need for social distancing, we request that principals send only one instructional coach to the training. It is recommended that the principal send the coach that will oversee Acadience Reading testing and absent testing for the school. Future trainings, including a self-paced Canvas course, will be available in the coming weeks for the other coaches.

Please contact Ben Jameson (801-567-8243) or Shannon Johnson (801-567-8873) with questions.

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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Elementary Principals
Elementary Administrative Assistants

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Fall 2020 Acadience Reading Testing – In-person and Online Students

Acadience Reading Benchmarks are once again required this year by the state – both students receiving their instruction in-person and online. USBE has extended the testing window by two weeks to October 14, 2020. The memo below contains information on how the benchmark administration will be accomplished for both.

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