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March 16, 2016

Building Administrators

Scott Thomas, Administrator
Paul Bergera, Staff Assistant
Ron Boshard, Risk Management Coordinator

Great Utah Shake Out

At 10:15 a.m. on April 21, 2016, hundreds of thousands of Utahns will “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” in the Great Utah Shake Out.

All schools are encouraged to participate in this drill or hold an earthquake drill in the month of April. Please take this opportunity to incorporate emergency preparedness in classroom lessons and teach proper ways to protect yourself during an earthquake.  The drill will help us to be prepared for a catastrophe disaster in our area.

We encourage all schools to register at After you register your school, please click on the “Resources” tab; here you will find a Shakeout Drill Manual for K-12 schools. This 17 page manual will provide you great information for your schools exercise.

Please review Incident Command procedures relevant to earthquake drills.

Please plan and prepare to take part in this statewide earthquake response exercise.

December 5, 2012

Department Administrators

Patrice A. Johnson, Superintendent

Reminder: Retirement Bells No Longer Purchased By the Board

The Board of Education made the decision at the end of last year to continue to purchase clocks for retirees that are presented at the annual retirement dinner in May; however, the Board will no longer be purchasing an additional gift, which has traditionally been a retirement bell. Schools and departments are welcome to purchase bells on their own for their retirees.

The following information may be helpful to schools and departments that may wish to purchase bells for their retirees.

Stacey Hessel
Customer Service/Sales Apple Awards Inc.

We have been ordering the Large Hand Bell #2CW with the following engraving:

Name of Employee
In Appreciation for Outstanding Service
Jordan School District

The cost for the bell with engraving is within $65 to $70.

Schools or departments can order with a purchase order or credit card online at or fax the order to 1-715-634-3334. The purchase should be made from the Principal’s Discretionary account.


Positions are still open. Deadline to apply is March 1, 2016.
Please see the attached fliers for information regarding volunteer opportunities at Camp Hobé. This is a summer camp for kids with cancer and their siblings. They are looking for school professionals such as teachers, assistants, administrators, or lunch workers.
For more information regarding Camp Hobé visit their website at

Granite School District Purchasing is hosting 21st Century School Furniture Trade Show. This will provide purchasing entities, administrators, and educators the opportunity to see what’s new in school furniture and meet the account managers that represent the companies on state contract.

February 4, 2016

Granite School District Offices
2500 South State Street, Salt Lake City, UT  84119
Auditoriums A, B, C.

KI, Hertz Furniture, Contrax, and Edutek.

Furniture that will be here for your review is primarily items used in a typical classroom, that is, student and teacher furniture, including seating as well as collaborative soft seating, and mobile lecture.

The mileage reimbursement rate is based upon the IRS rate.  Effective January 1, 2016 the reimbursement rate is $0.54 per mile.  Please use the attached form when submitting for mileage reimbursement.

All 2015 mileage reimbursement requests should be submitted as soon as possible.