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Middle schools are now given the option to transmit their payroll electronically to the Payroll Department by scanning documents, with a scanner, and then emailing to the Payroll Department.  To protect the employees’ personal information, please use the District encrypted email called MoveIt.

  • Time sheets and all payroll documents can be emailed to Carolyn Bevan at
  • Payroll will forward time sheets to the applicable departments for review and signatures using MoveIt.
  • If Payroll documents were emailed to Payroll, Do Not send original documents as this could cause duplicate pay.
  • Employees should use the True Time system, whenever possible, to record their time for any extra jobs, rather than using paper time sheets.

As you are already aware, Payroll has been continually changing and becoming more efficient using technology.  Because of these many payroll changes, and to avoid conflicting information between departments and schools regarding payroll, we ask that you please clarify or discuss any payroll issues and/or concerns through the Payroll Department.

We thank you for your continued support, suggestions, and especially for your hard work in helping Payroll run smoothly each month.  If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Palmer, Payroll Director, at 801-567-8154 or email

Learn effective strategies for communication, behavior management, social development and self-regulation skills for all grade levels.

This is a 3-Session Class
February 22, 2017
March 1, 2017
March 8, 2017

See flyer below for details.

Jordan School District Payroll

Assistants Substituting in True Time and AESOP

  • Classified hourly assistants (who have applied to be a sub with Juli Martin in HR) accepting a substituting position should be entered through AESOP not True Time.
  • Assistants subbing in an emergency situation, for a few hours, should enter their time through True Time. Call Payroll for a TSub pay code.
  • Assistants cannot substitute for more than 25 hours per month.
  • Assistants cannot be a long term substitute.
  • Assistants cannot be clocked into True Time and AESOP at the same time.

Annual Facility Self-Inspection Survey

The Annual Facility Self-Inspection Survey for 2016-17 from the State Office of Risk Management is now available online at “Due to policy change, no extensions will be given and agencies not meeting the deadlines will be enforced with a premium penalty.” So, it is imperative that each school complete and submit the Facility Self-Inspection Survey no later than Friday, April 14, 2017.

Each school principal is the “Surveyor” and the person ultimately responsible for completing this survey.  Appropriate sections of the survey may be delegated to the department head, nutrition manager, custodian, etc. as seen fit, but the principal remains accountable.

As in previous years, if an issue is noted, you will be prompted to fill in a corrective action plan. Please specify Work Order #, date submitted, who will follow through from your school, a target completion date, and any other important information pertaining to specific questions.

When the survey is finished, the lock button at the end of the survey must be pressed to report that it is completed.

Please feel free to call or email us with any problems or questions:

Ron Boshard, 801-567-8876 (x 88876),

Peggy Margetts, 801-567-8753 (x 88753),

You will receive reminder notices from

Thank you for your support.


See attached materials used in the training given by Lisa Lawrence at the February 7th Principal Meeting.

Schools and Departments:

Please post and/or distribute flyer for all employees to see/review.

URS provides seminars for:

  • Early to Mid-Career employees
  • Pre-Retirement (retiring within 10 years) employees
  • Retiree Seminars (already retired)

Elementary schools were given the option to transmit their payroll electronically to the Payroll Department by scanning, and then by emailing to the Payroll Department, using the District encrypted email called MoveIt (to protect personal information on payroll, copiers and District email may not be used for transmitting payroll). Elementary schools began this delivery method a couple of months ago, and Payroll has then been printing and distributing the time sheets accordingly.  The employees involved in this have appreciated the new process, as they do not need to leave the schools and travel across town to deliver what is now only a few pieces of paper.

Beginning next month (February 1), these payrolls will be sent electronically with MoveIt from the Payroll Department to the departments for signatures as well.  This way departments will no longer need to travel to pick time sheets up, or to deliver them back to the Payroll Department. The ONLY change that you will see with this is the delivery of the paper time sheets.  All other processes and steps you have previously done will remain the same.

Here is a breakdown of the changes that will be effective February 1:

  1. Paper time sheets will be scanned and sent from the elementary schoolsto the Payroll Department using MoveIt.
  2. Payroll will forward these time sheets to the applicable department for editing and signatures using MoveIt.
  3. Departments will need to print the time sheets from MoveIt, make any corrections if necessary, and obtain proper signatures.
  4. Option to scan (do not use copier), and email with MoveIt (do not use District email) back to Payroll, or deliver the paper copies to the Payroll Department.
  5. All previous deadlines remain the same.

Please remember not to send in originals, as this could cause duplicate time sheets.  Also, all True Time employees should use the True Time system to record their time for any extra jobs rather than using a paper time sheet.

As you are already aware, Payroll has been continually changing and becoming more efficient using technology over the past couple of years.  Because of these many payroll changes, and to avoid conflicting information between departments and schools regarding payroll, we ask that you please clarify or discuss any payroll issues and/or concerns through the Payroll Department.

We thank you for your continued support, suggestions, and especially for your hard work in helping Payroll run smoothly each month.  If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Palmer, Payroll Director, at 801-567-8154 or email

We have another group of surplus items on for reallocation to schools - it will run 01/26/2017 - 02/09/2017 and will roll over to public auction on 02/09/2017 for a week. Please take a look and see if there is anything you need for your school. There are solid wood sled chairs, solid wood tables, as well as three (3) pianos.

Please remember that your school needs to do their surplus paperwork and turn it in with all signatures if you want to be scheduled for pickup. Please do not delay in getting your paperwork in so that we can schedule you for our next surplus pickup.

If your school has remodels or special projects coming up this summer, please start getting your surplus together now so that we aren't trying to push everything through at the last minute.

As always thank you for your help and cooperation.

Fixed Assets and the Surplus Warehouse

Please remind your staff that all employees and their spouses covered on the Jordan School District PEHP medical plan are eligible to participate in the health incentive program.  You and your spouse can earn $50 each by participating in the free bio metric testing session and completing a health assessment. Locations of testing sessions located within the district are attached.

Reminder that Principal Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 7th at the ASB.

The meeting will begin at 8:00 a.m. and finish at 3:30 p.m. Lisa Lawrence will be the featured presenter at this meeting.

A beverage service will be provided before the start of the meeting and lunch will be provided.

See you all there!

The mileage reimbursement rate is based upon the IRS rate.  Effective January 1, 2017, the reimbursement rate is $0.535 per mile.  Please use the attached form when submitting for mileage reimbursement.  All 2016 mileage reimbursement requests should be submitted as soon as possible.

Facility Access During Winter Recess

Please submit Card Access Scheduling requests in Sprocket to have doors open for activities that will occur during Winter Recess, when the facility is normally closed.

Principals that would like to keep the exterior doors locked and allow employees to have badge access will need to submit a Card Access Scheduling request indicating the applicable dates and times.

Remember to submit a Sprocket Heating and Cooling request to correspond with the time the building will be occupied.

Call Alarm Response at 801-567-8865, in advance of any unscheduled opening and closing.

Please call Sandi Abplanalp with any card access and door scheduling questions: 801-567-8616.

The Utah Retirement Systems will be providing a presentation on the Tier 2 Retirement program for all employees who are in their first year of retirement eligible employment. Attendance is highly encouraged. P

Please pass the attached flyer on to employees in your school/department that may be interested.

We have an auction on which will end on Tuesday, December 6th. It will be the last one before the Winter Break. Please take a look and see if there is anything you need for your building.

Also, just a reminder that your school needs to do their surplus paperwork and turn it in with all signatures if you want to be scheduled for pick up. Please do not delay in getting your paperwork in so that we can see how soon we can schedule our next surplus pick up.

As always, thank you for all your help and cooperation with this request.

Happy Holidays from Fixed Assets and the Surplus Warehouse

Principals' Meeting will be held on December 6, 2016 at the ASB. We will have a special speaker, Dr. Hall, during the opening session. The meeting begins at 8:00 a.m. A beverage service will be provided before the meeting. A nice luncheon will be served. See you there!