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Attached is a PDF of Superintendent Johnson's PowerPoint. If you would like the PowerPoint version please contact Roxane Siggard at 801-567-8180 or after August 23rd.

Welcome Back!! Just wanted to let you know that we will have Surplus Reallocation and Auctions running on starting Thursday, August 24th through Thursday, Sept 7 and then the reallocation items will roll to public auction for the week following. Remember reallocation items are marked with a key icon, everything else in on the public auction. Please check to see if there are any items you may need at your schools. To see our items go to or

Please keep sending in your surplus paperwork as you get it so that we can continue to schedule pick ups as they are needed. All paperwork needs to be signed by your principal and then sent up to your Area Administrator at the District Office.

If you have any questions, please contact Kris Wishart (801) 567-8709 or Corie Fuller (801) 567-8717.

Thanks again for all your help.

Beginning this new school year, the Payroll Department will no longer accept paper time sheets for current True Time employees.  Using True Time for all of their pay (even for one hour) will:

  • Prevent duplicate pay and overlapping time
  • Avoid lost time sheets
  • Keep personal information secure in the system
  • Track all hours worked as required by Utah Retirement Systems and overtime pay laws
  • Assist in the accuracy and efficiency of budget reporting

Please email (preferred), or call Payroll to set up the proper pay code(s) for True Time. Time sheets received in Payroll for current True Time employees during the school year will be returned, and Payroll will assist and train the employees on how to enter the information from the time sheet into True Time (pool hours, testing, playground, etc).

Please let all current True Time employees at your location know of these changes.

Due to reporting requirements, the following currently do not use True Time: insulin shots, Home & Hospital, USTAR, athletic and activity differentials, and Camps & Clinics (high schools).

Please contact Payroll if you have concerns so we can better accommodate your needs.

We appreciate your ongoing support and assistance in paying Jordan District employees.

Don’t forget the annual Administrative Leadership Conference scheduled for August 3-4, 2017 at Elk Ridge Middle School. On Thursday, August 3rd a light breakfast will be served at 7:30 a.m. with the conference beginning promptly at 8:00 a.m. at Elk Ridge.

The activity on Friday, August 4th will begin at Mulligans Golf and Games. Assignments for the activity will be emailed in the next few days.

See you then!

July 31, 2017


Administrators of Schools

Crucial Concerns and Policies 2017-18

Jordan School District Employees are responsible for knowing and adhering to all District policies and procedures. The Crucial Concerns and Policies acknowledgement process has been put in place to provide employees a summary of important policies and procedures to be reviewed each year. The policy review will be available to all District employees in Skyward through “Online Forms.” The review provides summaries of selected policies and asks that employees review the summaries and then sign an acknowledgement of completion and agreement. Employees will be asked to read the summaries of policies but will not be required to answer any questions. In addition to acknowledging completion of the review, employees will also acknowledge agreement to the Employee Acceptable Use Policy and the JSD Social Media Guidelines. You will not have to collect signature pages as you have in the past.

Care has been taken to select important points of the selected policies to save administrators time from having to review each policy and to save employees time from having to read the entire policy. Please emphasize to employees the implications of not being aware of policies and encourage them to review the summaries and read the actual policy where needed. Also emphasize to your staff that the summaries are not policy and it is imperative to read applicable policies in their entirety when dealing with school, student, and personnel issues.

The Crucial Policies and Concerns process will be available to all employees July 21. A message will appear upon login of Skyward Employee Access for the employee to complete an “Online Form.” Employees can complete the steps at that time or can return to the review at another time by selecting “Online Forms” under “Employee Information.” Employees will need to review the policies and complete the acknowledgement before September 30, 2017. Reports of completion will be available through Skyward so you can verify that your staff members have completed this process. If you or any staff members need technical help, please call USER support at
801-567-USER (8737).

The lists of crucial policies and concerns for both classified employees and licensed employees included in the review, as well as instructions for completing the review, are attached.  Please note: JPAS Orientation and Testing Ethics are not included in this review and will need to be shared with appropriate staff. State law now requires child abuse prevention training for all employees using materials approved through the Utah State Board of Education.

Dear Employees:

In conformity with Utah Code Ann. § 63A-4-204 (4), please find attached a PDF document containing information regarding the coverage for legal liability provided a school district employee of this state by the Risk Management Fund under Title 63G, Chapter 7, Governmental Immunity Act of Utah; and under Title 52, Chapter 6, Reimbursement of Legal Fees and Costs to Officers and Employees.

This information includes:

(A) the eligibility requirements, if any, to receive the coverage,

(B) the basic nature of the coverage for a school district employee, including what is not covered,

(C) whether the coverage is primary or in excess of any other coverage the risk manager knows is commonly available to a school district employee in this state; as well as

(D) comparisons the risk manager considers beneficial to a school district employee between the Risk Fund coverage and other coverage the risk manager knows is commonly available to a school district employee in this state.

We have chosen to provide this information in an electronic format in the hopes that it will be easier for you to distribute, store and refer to if needed.

If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources at 801-567-8150.

Classroom Setup Safety Reminders

As we are preparing schools and classrooms in advance of students coming for the new school year, it is important keep safety in mind. 

Teachers and staffs need to keep themselves safe during setupUse ladders safely, instead of standing on tables or chairs. Lift heavy objects with your legs, or ask for assistance, to prevent back injuries.  Stage classrooms so they are not only stimulating for students, but are also safe and functional.

Please see the attached PDF, 2 page document:  Common Safety Violations in School Classrooms. This can be used as a guide to setup and maintain a safe learning environment.

Have a great school year!

The Administrative Leadership Conference is coming up! Plans are being made, speakers will be arriving, food has been ordered. Be sure to mark your calendar and plan to join us! If you haven't filled out the activity survey you received by email please complete it by July 17.

See you there!


Now is a great time to plan for the upcoming year before the busy summer rush. The staff in the Instructional Support Center (ISC) will be happy to help you with classroom teaching materials.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Check out the ISC website to see everything offered:

The ISC accepts orders by phone, fax or email.
Phone: 801-567-8238
Fax: 801-567-8092

The ISC is located in the Jordan School District Auxiliary Services Building at 7905 South Redwood Road, West Jordan.

Hours of operation:
Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(July 5th - July 21st, summer hours 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.)

Keep in mind:

  • Before you purchase and prepare student planners, the ISC spiral binding machine won’t punch plastic folders.
  • Personal and non-school related material may not be reproduced at the ISC.
  • JSD employees must wear approved District identification badges when visiting the ISC.
  • Volunteers and PTA members as submitted and approved by principals and department administrators may use the ISC.
  • Long-term substitutes may use the ISC, however regular substitutes are not eligible to use the ISC.
  • Home school patrons may use the center if they are on the approved list provided by JSD’s Planning and Student Services Department.

May 10, 2017

All Administrators
All Administrative Assistants

Patrice Johnson, Superintendent of Schools
John Larsen, Business Administrator

Social Security Numbers and Year of Birth

It recently came to our attention that some departments and schools may have staff lists that contain Social Security Numbers and year of birth. Although well intentioned, their mere existence can be problematic. In our continuing efforts to ensure personal information stays private, we ask that you purge all Social Security Numbers and year of birth from all staff lists, electronic or otherwise.

Administrators and Administrative Assistants should meet to verify that all data on lists described above are purged. If you have questions, please contact your Cabinet level administrator and discuss your concern with him or her.

Thank you!

May 3, 2017


June LeMaster, Ph.D., Administrator, Human Resources
Administrator of Schools
Travis Hamblin, Human Resource Administrator-Licensed
Brent Burge, Human Resource Administrator-Classified

Part-Time Classified Hourly Job Posting

Thank you for your recent input regarding the posting of part-time (PT) classified positions.  As you are aware, this procedure was optional during the 2016-2017 school year and will be effective July 1, 2017, as principals at all levels provided examples of their experience with this new procedure and indicated the benefits they observed.  The new standardized procedures are as follows:

  1. Employees within the same location may be moved to vacant positions without posting. A change form must be submitted
  2. An online job advertisement is submitted through FastTrack for all vacant positions.
  3. The position will be posted “open until filled”. The school/department must notify HR when the position is filled.
  4. The Administration will screen the applicants, conduct interviews, check references and make the offer. References must be submitted with the hire sheet.  All other interview documents will be maintained at the location unless requested by an HR Administrator.
  5. Once HR is notified the position has been filled, we will use FastTrack to notify those applicants who were not selected.

The new procedure will not allow for generic position postings on FastTrack as in the past, with the exception of Sweeper applications.  A tutorial on the posting of PT positions using FastTrack is available on the AdminOnly and SecretaryConnections website or you may contact an HR Administrator for further assistance.

Thank you for hiring the best candidates available at each location.


Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls

As the school year is coming to a close think safety first.  Slips, trips and falls are second only to motor-vehicle accidents as a cause of death in the United States.  Falls account for 15-20 percent of all workers’ compensation costs.  The good news is falls are easy to prevent.  Take the time to watch for and correct hazardous conditions, and you can lower your chance of injury. Use these suggestions to make your workplace safe:

  • If you need to reach for something, get help. Don’t use your desk, table, box, wastebasket, chair, bookcase or a ledge!  Use the correct ladder or stepstool for the given task.
  • Take your time. Many falls happen when people are walking fast or running.
  • Never stand on the top rung/step of a ladder. Secure and stabilize all ladders before climbing them.
  • Keep walkways free of clutter.
  • Clean up spills as soon as they happen.
  • Don’t carry more than you can handle. Loads that are too heavy or too big don’t allow you to see properly.
  • Make sure computer and telephone cords are not underfoot.

Always think safety first!

Earthquake Preparedness

Thank you to all of the schools that participated in the Great Utah Shakeout earthquake drill on April 20, 2017, or at some other time during last week. 

A 2016 report from the Utah Seismic Safety Commission states that there is a 43% chance that the Wasatch Front will experience an earthquake of at least a 6.75 magnitude within the next 50 years. 

The Jordan School District Incident Command Manual - Earthquake Action Plan and Standard Operating Guidelines detail the response protocols and position descriptions for school personnel.  Preparing students and staffs for this type of an event is vital.

Additional earthquake awareness information and preparedness resources can be found at:

Effective immediately IHC Workmed will be our preferred provider for all Workers Compensation injuries. Attached is a list of providers, their locations and hours of operation.

We frequently get inquires on the process of reporting employee injuries. To help with the process, attached is an injury management flow chart.