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Thursday, April 2, 2020

All Principals

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

End of Year State Testing Updates

The Utah State Board of Education released the following updates for the various end-of-year state summative assessments:

Please see memo below.

Dear Administrators:

Once again, thank you for all the amazing work you are doing to help teachers and students during this trying time. In reviewing the needs for evaluations and also understanding the amount of stress administrators and teachers are under we will be making one more change to evaluations. Our hope is to be of help and to support you all the best way we can. Please make the necessary contact with your teachers to let them know what they will need to do.

ARL/APT/Interns/Provisional Psychologist/ Provisional Educators  

If the teacher has had at least one passing evaluation for the 2019-2020 school year, the teacher will now be considered complete and no further action will be required.

If no evaluations have been completed, then you will need to contact the teacher and instruct them to complete the educator interim on JPLS (or the provisional psychologist).

Note: If you have already completed and signed off on a teacher specialist evaluation for an ARL, APT, intern, or provisional teacher you will not need to have the teacher complete an interim.

Dear Administrators,

Thank you for your patience in regards to teacher evaluations during this time of change and uncertainty.  Many have asked what will be the next steps in the evaluation process.  In order to help relieve the stress for both administrators and teachers the following changes will be made, effective immediately.  Please contact Rebecca Lee with all questions and concerns at or (801) 567-8369.  Thank you for all your continued help and support.

Career Educators on Full – Not Completed Yet

Career educators who are a full cycle for the 2019-2020 school year and have not been through the evaluation process, or have begun but not finished one or more pieces of the process (missing an in classroom observation, interview), will be placed on an interim.

Action Required: Administrators will need to contact all career teachers and have them

complete the interim on JPLS.  This will include the beginning of the year activities and then the end of the year reflection.  What will need to be completed by the teacher: three goals, self-evaluation, reflection on all three goals. Lists will be updated to reflect the change.

Provisional Educators

All provisional educators that have already had one full evaluation will be considered complete. If you have a provisional educator that has not yet received a full evaluation we will place them on a full Teacher Specialist evaluation on JPLS to complete the one full required evaluation. Lists will be updated to reflect this change.

Action Required: Notify any provisional that have not been through one cycle and let them know they need to complete the teacher specialist online.  Note: Teacher Specialist evaluations will need to be manually added and may take until Monday, March 30th to appear.

Educators Currently on an Interim

Educators currently on an interim will have no change.  Please remind these teachers to complete their reflection piece so that they may be acknowledged by the assigned administrator.

Action Required:  Send out reminder emails to teachers on interims reminding them to complete the reflection piece of the interim.

Note:  Each administrator will receive an email with a list of changes for their schools by Monday, March 30, 2020. It will indicate who they need to contact in regards to the above changes. 



All paychecks that are not direct deposited will temporarily be mailed to your address on file in Skyward. This will take effect today, March 13th, until further notice.

To avoid possible delays in receiving your paycheck, please log in to your Skyward Employee Access to verify that your address is correct, or to make any changes to your address.


1 - Log in to Skyward Employee Access (call 801-567-8737 for login assistance if needed)
3 - PERSONAL INFORMATION (under Employee Information heading)

View and/or change your address online:

  • ADDRESS (under Demographic heading)

View and/or change your address by telephone:

  • Call Human Resources at 801-567-8150

Direct Deposit
View and/or change your direct deposit online:

  • DIRECT DEPOSIT (under Payroll heading)

Paper Direct Deposit Authorization form:

  • Call the Payroll Department at 801-567-8154, or email
  • Do NOT email your completed Direct Deposit authorization

View your W4 information online (you cannot change your W-4 online):

  • W4 INFORMATION (under Payroll heading)

Paper W4 Form:

  • Call the Payroll Department at 801-567-8154, or email
  • Search for 2020 W-4 Form online
  • Do NOT email your completed W4

View your W2 online

  • W2 INFORMATION (under Payroll heading)
  • VIEW W2 FORM button

Paper Copy of W2:

  • Call the Payroll Department at 801-567-8154

Please continue to work with your staff members who desire to work from home. Direct any questions or concerns to your Administrator of Schools.

    • State officials will make any decisions regarding any change to the state-wide school dismissal.

Please take the time to review the following time-sensitive Action Item.

As schools transition from a Year Round (YRE) to a traditional schedule, select employees may be required to transition to a traditional pay frequency (September to August) if they have not yet done so.

Click on this link for information if you are a:
· Licensed or Support Professional at Fox Hollow Elementary on a YRE pay schedule and have not requested to change to a traditional pay frequency for the 2020-2021 school year. You must transition to a traditional pay frequency for the 2020-2021 school year.

Click on this link for information if you are a:
· Bus Driver or Bus Attendant on a YRE pay schedule and have not requested to change to a traditional pay frequency for the 2020-2021 school year. You must transition to a traditional pay frequency for the 2020-2021 school year.

Click on this link for information if you are a:
· Licensed or Support Staff employee currently assigned to a YRE school and have not requested to change to a traditional pay frequency. You have the option of remaining on a YRE pay frequency, or transitioning to a traditional pay frequency for the 2020-2021 school year.

If you have further questions, contact HR at 801-567-8150.

Administrators: Please post and share with those in your building.

Youth Mental Health First Aid USA is an 8-hour training for adults to teach how to help adolescents and young adults who may be developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The evidence behind the program demonstrates that it helps trainees identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. See flyer below for details on how to register.

Saturday, March 21, 2020
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Jordan School District Auxiliary Services Building
Room 113

All administrators are invited to attend our first SEL Accelerator! We ask that administrators also invite individuals at their schools who would benefit from attending and who you'd like to have learned more about implementing social and emotional learning. For questions, contact McKinley Withers at x88245. See flyer below for details.

Many of us love our Apple devices, anything ranging from an iPad, to a MacBook Air or MacBook Pro, or your iMac or Apple TV. We are purchasing and seeing more and more of these devices in our offices and classrooms, and they help our students grow and learn, and allow the rest of us to do our jobs efficiently.

We encourage you to keep purchasing Apple products for your classrooms and offices. However, any Apple device needs to be purchased from Apple Computer through the purchase order process for educational usage per the State of Utah contract. We may not always get the correct discounted price when purchased from the Apple Store or other retailers such as Best Buy or Costco. It also causes problems for our Information Systems department to get the devices in the Device Enrollment Program (DEP) and the Mobile Device Management (MDM) for tracking and updates. When purchased elsewhere, iPads are not getting engraved with the school district's name (we get this free through Apple on the state contract), and the device management licenses are not being purchased with them.

The District's Amazon Business account will no longer allow purchases of these products, and P-Cards are not to be used for computer/technology devices.

When you need to purchase Apple devices, please contact Tonya Hodges in the Purchasing Department, and she can assist you with quotes from Apple for the devices you need. No additional quotes are required for your purchase! Simply enter a requisition in Skyward with the Apple quote attached, and you are ready to go. Tonya can be reached at 567-8706 or at .

Teacher Transfer Fair for elementary and secondary will be held on February 19th from 4:00-6:30 pm at Elk Ridge Middle School. Please share the attached flyer with your licensed staff.

Administrators:  Please post in your school and building. Send the attached flyer out in a Skylert to your community and to each School Community Council member. All parents are invited to attend.

Jordan Parent University
Teens, Opioids & Vaping
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Mountain Ridge High | 14100 S Sentinel Ridge Blvd | Herriman

Free and open to the public!

Please call or text Mike Anderson at 801-419-6133 regarding any student or staff groups visiting the Utah State Capitol Building during the 2020 Legislative Session. We wish to be able to support them and put them in touch with our local lawmakers.

Administrators: Please share the following with the appropriate individuals

Take note of the upcoming deadline, February 15, 2020, for Early Notification (Resignation/Retirement).

Teacher Transfer Fair for elementary and secondary will be held on February 19th from 4:00-6:30 pm at Elk Ridge Middle School. Please share the attached flyer with your licensed staff.

See document below for details.

Administrators: Please share with your employees.

All employees are required to access the new online enrollment system to verify dependents, add beneficiary information and elect or waive additional benefits. Attached are directions for accessing the online enrollment system. Go to Web Address:

Enroll in the Following Benefits February 3-18th.  See attachments for details.

  • Life
  • Accidental Death & dismemberment
  • Aflac Accident
  • Aflac Critical Illness
  • Aflac Hospital Advantage

All benefits are offered on a guarantee basis which means no health questions!


The Salt Lake County Health Department has seen a recent increase in norovirus activity and is asking schools to be proactive in their approach to prevention and their response to cases of illness.

The most effective approach is four-pronged:

Hand Washing: Remind staff and students to engage in frequent, thorough, hand washing.

  • Wash hands regularly
  • Washing with soap and warm water, and physically scrub for at least 20 seconds.
  • Hand sanitizers are not an adequate replacement for proper hand washing with soap and warm water. Use in addition to hand washing.

Cleaning & Disinfecting: Standard cleaning and use of effective disinfecting practices are sufficient to remove or kill viruses.

Protect Yourself: “If it’s wet and it’s not yours, don’t touch it!” When cleaning areas soiled by vomit or diarrhea, custodial staff should wear protective equipment and follow universal precautions.

Stay Home: When Ill: Keep ill students and staff home from work and school for the duration of their illness.

Attached is a PDF file you may use to encourage proper protection against the spread of illness.

Administrators: The first notification date is coming up. Please share with appropriate employees in your building.

Employees resigning/retiring at the end of the current contract year that gives official early notification of resignation/retirement will be eligible for a tiered incentive. To qualify, the notification must be submitted online on or before the following dates:

  • December 15, 2019     $500.00
  • January 15, 2020     $300.00
  • February 15, 2020     $200.00

The incentive will be paid on the last regular paycheck. Notifications of resignation/retirement received after the dates listed above will not qualify for an incentive. The official District resignation/retirement notification form is found in Skyward Employee Access under Task Processes. Please see District policy DP318 for more detailed information regarding resignations. If you do not know your Skyward username or password please contact the Help Desk at 801.567.8737.

Jordan Health & Wellness
QPR Training - Tools for supporting individuals who are at risk of suicide.


2019 District Office Training Options

Jordan Health and Wellness will offer QPR Training for District Office Employees on the following dates. All District Office employees are invited to attend this training as their schedules allow.

District Office Training Room - 129

December 16th 1pm-2pm
December 16th 2:30pm-3:30pm
December 18th 8am-9am
December 18th 9:30am-10:30am


2019 Auxiliary Services Building Training Options

Jordan Health and Wellness will offer QPR Training for District Office Employees on the following dates. All District Office employees are invited to attend this training as their schedules allow.

ASB Presentation Room (C100) near Entrance C

December 17th 1pm-2pm
December 17th 2:30pm-3:30pm
December 18th 8am-9am
December 18th 9:30am-10:30am

QPR is a one-hour training designed to give individuals the tools they need to recognize warning signs of suicide as well as questioning, persuading and referring individuals in crisis.  QPR is a brief mental health crisis intervention training for any adult; no prior training or mental health expertise is required.  All attendees will receive a QPR certificate and QPR booklet.

See flyer below.

Principals:  Please post in your school and send the attached flyer to each School Community Council member, all parents are invited to attend.

Jordan Parent University
Who Do You Call When...Issues Arise?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Mountain Creek Middle | 5325 W. Bingham Rim Road | South Jordan

Free and open to the public!