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Fall Mentor Training will be available online through Canvas from July 31 to September 5, 2023. Mentor Training will be provided to new mentors based on the administrator's recommendation. After checking with potential mentors, please complete the Google form to add names of mentors you would like to have complete mentor training. We have a limited number of seats. Educators will be added first come, first served. You may add up to three mentors per form. Teachers will get paid $150 stipend for completing the mentor Canvas training.

Google Form Link


The HR TEAM values you and your opinion regarding HR practices and procedures. Therefore, we invite you to complete the following brief survey. Names are optional.

Survey LINK

THANK YOU for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is important to us.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

All School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2023 WIDA Access Results in Tableau

The WIDA Access results for the 2022-23 school year have been added to Tableau accounts. School administrators will be able to see composite proficiency scores (language proficiency levels) as well as scores for language domains and reporting categories as far back as 2017. Reports are available as overall school results or individual student results.

In addition, there is a table that lists WIDA Access results by student based on 2023-24 enrollment (as it was listed in Skyward at the beginning of May when the report was ran), which means that school administrators can use this information, among other things, to assign students to ESL study skills classes or ensure that these students are enrolled in classes where the teacher has an ESL endorsement. Middle schools will be able to see scores for incoming 7th graders and high schools will be able to see scores for incoming 10th graders.

Aggregate school reports may be found here.

Student results, including results by next year’s enrollment, may be found here.

Please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with any questions about these Tableau dashboards.

May 11, 2023

Elementary Administrative Assistants
Secondary School Registrars

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

Permanent Records – Transfer Processes and Procedures

Permanent records for students leaving the school (either a boundary change or 6th and 9th grade advancement) need to be delivered in person to the appropriate school by the sending schools staff. Records need to be delivered on or before June 12, 2023. This record transfer MAY NOT be done through secure district mail if the quantity of records being sent from one location to another is greater than ten (10) total files.

The receiving school will need to check the student list against each permanent record to assure all permanent records were received. Each bundle must be accompanied by two (2) alphabetized lists which includes the name of the sending school and receiving school. Computer lists or PDM’s may be used.

Dead files that did not earn high school credit should be kept at the school of origin for three years post-separation before destruction. Dead files that earned high school credit should be transferred to the boundary high school for retention with other files of the same cohort.

General Permanent Record Transfer Procedures (Policy AS61):

  • A parent release is not required when transferring student records from one school to
  • Any school receiving a written request to forward a copy of a transferring student’s record to the new school shall comply within 30 days of the request, and within 10 days of the request for a military child’s records, unless the record has been flagged as a “Missing child,” in which case the copy may not be forwarded and the requested school shall notify the police department.
  • Transfer the ORIGINAL records for students in grades K through
  • A CERTIFIED COPY of the cumulative/permanent record along with the original health record (Utah School Immunization Record) of students in grades 9 through 12 shall be transferred to requesting schools outside of Jordan School The ORIGINAL RECORDS and a copy of the health record of students in grades 9 through 12 shall be archived at the Jordan District high school.
  • Maintain a record of the date the record transfer request was received and the date and school where the record was sent.

May 11, 2023

Elementary Administrative Assistants
Secondary Attendance Secretaries

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

Entering Attendance in Skyward for the Last Six (6) Days of the School Year

Please see the attached memo for instructions on entering daily attendance for students.

Volunteer reports need to be submitted to Insurance Services. Workers' Compensation insurance costs are based on numbers submitted by schools. It is important that this information is accurate and complete. PTA figures must be separate from other volunteer hours. Attached is a copy of the Volunteer Report for the period from December 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023.

Please complete this form and send it back to Bonnie Brennan, the Director of Insurance Services, by May 15, 2023.

Federal Regulations require the district to certify the payroll of any employee being paid with federal funds. Accounting identifies employees that meet this federal criteria and prepare certification forms by location. Principals and department heads please review the attached instruction memo and look for your payroll certification email the week of May 1, 2023. Certifications are due Friday, May 26, 2023. Please review your certification ASAP and contact Natalie Grange if you have any questions or concerns., ext. 88312


As a reminder, underqualified educators who are working towards their Professional License through the Jordan School District APPEL program are required to take the PPAT Assessment, which is offered twice a year, both in the spring and in the fall.  The PPAT registration fee is $300.  Since Principals have the discretion to hire either a qualified or underqualified candidate for open positions, it is the responsibility of the Principal to reimburse the underqualified educator for the PPAT registration fee, once the educator has passed the PPAT assessment.  This is a one-time reimbursement per educator, which implies that if an educator does not pass the PPAT, he/she must retake the PPAT at their own cost until they receive a passing score.  In order for the Principal to reimburse the cost of the PPAT, the educator must provide a PPAT receipt and copy of their passing score to the Principal.  Principals may use In Lieu funds or TSSA funds, if it is written into your plan. Your plan can always be amended to include the PPAT or will be covered under “professional development”. Principals are then to submit an NPO check request to the Accounting Department.

Please feel free to contact Brittany Bauer, HR Specialist – Secondary or Jane Olsen, HR Specialist - Elementary with any questions regarding the PPAT.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

All School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Response Counts for the USBE School Climate Survey


Principals are encouraged to use the following links to monitor the response rates for the student and adult USBE School Climate Surveys.

As a reminder, all students in grades K-12 should have time scheduled during the school day to take the school climate survey. The survey closes at the end of the day Friday, May 5th.

Response Rate Links:

K-2 USBE School Climate Survey Response Counts

3-6 USBE School Climate Survey Response Counts

7-12 USBE School Climate Survey Response Counts

Parent USBE School Climate Survey Response Counts

Faculty USBE School Climate Survey Response Counts

Survey administration materials may be found in the JAM memo dated February 23, 2023.

Direct links to the surveys may be found below:

K-2 USBE School Climate Survey:

3-6 USBE School Climate Survey:

7-12 USBE School Climate Survey:

Adult USBE School Climate Survey (for parents, faculty, administrators and SROs):


April 13, 2023

All Administrators & Threat Assessment Teams

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness
Angie Rasmussen, Student Safety & Wellness Specialist

Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG) National Study Participation

Thank you for the work you do as a member of your school threat assessment team. Our district is participating in a national study conducted by Dr. Dewey Cornell’s research team at the University of Virginia. As part of the study, you are asked to complete an anonymous survey about your threat assessment team.

Please complete the CSTAG Implementation Fidelity Survey at this LINK

The deadline is 6/2/23.

The survey will take about 20 minutes. Each member of the school’s threat assessment team should complete this survey. If you serve on more than one team, complete separate surveys for each school team.

If you have questions about the survey, please reach out to Angie Rasmussen at

This survey does not replace documentation for each individual threat assessment done at your schools. Thank you for providing your valuable time and input.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

All Middle and High School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Utah Aspire Plus OnDemand Reports

School administrators are encouraged to pass the following information on to their 9th or 10th grade ELA, math, and science teachers. See the memo below.

April 10, 2023

Elementary and Middle School Resource Team Leaders
High School Special Education Team Leaders

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Special Education Resource Instructional Assistants for 2023-24
Special Education Support Class Instructional Assistants for 2023-24

This memo is designed to explain how special education instructional assistants can be requested and will be allocated to each schools’ special education program(s) for the 2023-24 school year. If you have any questions, please contact your assigned teacher specialist or program administrator. We want to make sure everyone has the support staff necessary to meet student’s individual IEP needs.

Please Submit all forms to your assigned teacher specialist by Thursday, April 20, 2023. You will receive a preliminary critical needs instructional assistant allocation by Wednesday, May 10, 2023. Additional Critical Needs may be requested after school starts or if the students in your class or program change significantly.

April 6, 2023

Jordan District Administrators, Directors

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Administrators of Schools

Time Schedule for the Last Day of School

Please review the attached memo carefully for your school dismissal time, and convey this information to your students and parents.

April 5, 2023

Assistant Principals
Panorama Survey Coordinators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services

Spring Panorama SEL Surveys

The 2023 Spring survey will open on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 (next Wednesday) and remain open until Friday, May 19, 2023. Data is a powerful tool for intervention, support, and change. The SEL survey data provides you with formative norm-referenced data that can assist you in providing direct interventions and guidance for students and your school culture.

The following information will assist you in administering the survey:

  • None of the questions will change from previous SEL Surveys
  • During the Survey window you will receive weekly reminders and links to tools and information from Panorama
  • You will be able to track response rates throughout the survey window
  • Results for the SEL survey will be compiled and released to you on May 26th.
  • Schools should communicate with parents/patrons and staff about the administration of the survey.
    • It is optional for parents and students and must never be a part of any academic grade or qualification for participation.
  • Beginning April 12 Student surveys will be available for students in grades 3-12 until Friday, May 19th. Students can access their surveys by visiting and entering their student ID number as their access code.

To help ensure that you are set up to facilitate a smooth survey project at your school, please see the resources below.

  • Survey Coordinator Webinar Slides: See instructions for survey-taking, tips for increasing response rates, information about accessibility, and resources for proctors.
  • Communications Toolkit: See the materials for communicating with stakeholders about the Student SEL Survey. On this page, there are customizable decks to use for school or team presentations and mini vocabulary lessons for students before the survey.
  • Survey Content: Preview the survey content for grades 3-5 or 6-12.
    • You may absolutely share the questions with patrons and staff.
  • For ANY technical issues you will need to communicate directly with Panorama at

Please contact Travis Hamblin ( or (801-567-8439) should you have any questions.

Please see the attached Memo for details on checking your end of year SCRAM report with your team, and getting everything returned by Monday, May 1, 2023.

Team leaders will be receiving the SCRAM Report for your school through District Mail and should use the established communication system already developed to work with each other so all have a chance to check the report.

Don't forget that all graduating seniors need an exit SCRAM, as well as any student not returning to our district, by the end of the school year.

If you have any questions, please contact the teacher specialist over your school or Jen Warkentine at 801-567-8207.


All open special education paraprofessional positions that you have will be closed on Friday, March 24, 2023. You will have to reopen them on Monday, April 3, 2023. We need to close the current para positions so that we can post the new job descriptions and pay lane since our new salary schedule goes into effect on April 3, 2023.

Also, Teacher Specialists will be bringing your paraprofessionals’ individual letters and a progression pay chart around to each of you to give to your paraprofessionals. These letters have where each individual was on the past pay scale and where they will be moved to. There is a possibility that a few will not move based on time and experience or that they haven’t yet completed the training. Please feel free to give them to your folks as soon as possible. Hourly employees will see the effect of the increase on the May paycheck. Contracted employees will see the change on their April paycheck. 


Please let us know if you have questions.



 Kim Lloyd
Special Education Director
Jordan School District

Click below to complete the end-of-year Digital Teaching & Learning Survey from USBE. This survey will help us determine technology needs for the 2023-2024 school year. The survey is due by 4/28/23.

USBE Survey Link

As you plan your April 21st, PD day, let Language and Culture services help you in filling in areas of conversation you need for your ML learners and climate and culture of your school. We have 3 different PD's to chose from. Your school can select all three or just one. You can have grade levels join together or individually. We hope we can be a resource for you and your school. Please RSVP by clicking HERE