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August 2, 2016

All Principals

Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Planning and Student Services

6th Day Enrollment vs. the Estimate
Year-round schools, Tracks A, B, C
(based on August 2, 2016 count)

See attached memo.

July 27, 2016

District Administration

Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Consultant, Planning and Student Services

1st Day Enrollment vs. the Estimate
Year-round schools, Tracks A, B, C
(based on July 26, 2016 count)

See attached memo.

This year we will continue with touchstones and lead mentors to support provisional teachers at each school. Within the next few days you will be receiving a link to a shared document listing your lead mentor, touchstone, provisional teachers and mentors. Your lead mentor will also receive this link. Please work together to update the list.

The purpose of the touchstone is to provide an additional individual that can serve as a resource for your school’s mentor program. Your touchstone will contact your lead mentor twice a month. The touchstones can help find resources to support your mentors and provisional teachers or help make arrangements for coaching as needed. This does not mean to take the place of communication you already have in place. Please feel free to contact consultants directly for any assistance as well.

We hope the lead mentors and touchstones will collaborate to support mentors and their assigned provisional teachers.  We also ask that lead mentors help to update the mentor/provisional teacher list, distribute and collect contracts, and attend lead mentor trainings. The curriculum department will provide compensation for one lead mentor per school. The first lead mentor/touchstone training will be September 12 for elementary and September 13 for secondary. The meetings will be held at the ASB from 8:00 – 11:00.

The District mentor teacher specialists are also available to provide support. Contact information and school assignments are included on a separate document. We look forward to working with each school to develop a mentor program that supports effective teaching and learning by building capacity among your staff.

Administrator Home and Hospital Forums

Home & Hospital has moved to the ASB (Auxiliary Service Building) on Redwood Road. Mary Ann Erdmann is the Home and Hospital administrator. Her office is located by the ISC, ASB South Entrance, near Purchasing.  Schools will continue to receive support and service for their home and hospital students.

Each site is asked to send an administrative representative to attend one of the following mandatory meetings to receive important information regarding home and hospital.

  • Monday, August 29th @ 1:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday, August 30th @ 9:00 a.m.
  • Wednesday, August 31st @ 1:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, September 1st @ 9:00 a.m.

All forums will be held in the Presentation Room C-100 (former Board Room) at the ASB and will last only one hour.

For the 2016-17 school year the Civics test will be given via paper and pencil/scantron (find tests here: again this year. Individual teachers will enter the date students pass the test. A nightly process will copy the information from the testing module to the educational milestone module. Data for this past school year has all been loaded into the educational milestone module and is viewable in Skyward Family Access and shows on transcripts.
Pathway for teachers to enter passing score date on Skyward:
From Skyward page:  "Teacher access"; "My students""Select students""Test scores""Civics test, yes"'; "Score"--teacher enters date test passed.
Questions, please contact Pam Su'a at or 88320

Attached is a PDF of Superintendent Johnson's PowerPoint. If you would like the PowerPoint version please contact Roxane Siggard at 801-567-8180 or

You are invited to join the first cohort of the Jordan School District Leadership Development Seminar.  Three sessions will be held during the 2016-17 academic year as noted below:

Thursday, November 10, 2016:  9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (ASB)

Thursday, January 26, 2017:  9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (JATC South)

Thursday, June 22 and Friday, June 23, 2017:  9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (ASB)

Please return the attached form to Teri Timpson, Administrator of Schools, no later than Friday, September 2, 2016

For all administrative assistants and principals:
When you have new students who have diverse backgrounds and needs, what are the laws, identification procedures, and available service for these students? All office staff are invited to this ALS Secretary and Registrar Training. Choose from six possible times to attend. See you there!

August 4, 2016

All School Principals and School Head Financial Secretaries

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Heather Ellingson, Director of Accounting, Budgets and Audits
Daniel Ellis, Accountant/Internal Auditor

Unclaimed Property

 “The Utah Unclaimed Property Act (Section 67-67-4a) requires that a holder report to the State Treasurer property which is presumed to be “abandoned” or “unclaimed” after the stated dormancy period.”

For school purposes, unclaimed property is defined as property (checks, book refunds, lunch refunds, or other unclaimed balances, but not current school lunch balances) that is due to a payee but have never been cashed or collected and that are dormant for a period of one year as of June 30, 2016.  Checks written BEFORE July 1, 2015 AND not cashed by June 30, 2016 are considered unclaimed property.

Every effort should be made to contact the student or payee and ensure that they receive payment that is due to them.  If you cannot locate a student or payee, then the money must be sent to the State.  It is preferable to void an old check and reissue a new one than to send the money to the State.  Schools may not simply “write off” a check and add the money back into school accounts just because it was never cashed.  Nor may a school take uncollected refunds and add the money back into school accounts.  It is illegal.  If an outstanding check should legitimately be voided, then documentation must be made as to why the check was voided.  Otherwise, the State will consider a voided check without documentation to be unclaimed property.

Attached is a reporting form that must be completed and sent to Dan Ellis by September 30, 2016 along with a school check written to Jordan School District for the amount of reported unclaimed property.  If you have no unclaimed property, report $0.00.

All individual items that are under $50 per item may be combined and reported in one lump sum.  For example, if you have 10 checks and/or unclaimed book refunds individually each for less than $50, then you may have one line item on the report for the total of those items.  You should put “aggregate” in the column requesting the owner’s name, the total aggregated in the column of amount due owner, and MS99 in the property code column.  You do not need to report each item less than $50 individually.

Checks issued prior to July 1, 2015 that are currently outstanding should be voided in Skyward.  You will need to write a check to Jordan School District charging the account(s) that were charged with the original check.

Please call Dan Ellis at (801)567-8389 with any questions.

Welcome Back - Just wanted to let you know that Surplus Reallocation and Auctions are currently running on Please check to see if there are any items you may need at your schools.
Please remember to send in all your surplus paperwork as you get it so that we can continue to schedule pick ups as they are needed. All paperwork needs to be signed by the principal and then sent up to your Administrator of Schools at the District Office.
If you have any questions, please contact Kris Wishart (801) 567-8709 or Corie Fuller (801) 567-8717.

District Approved Procedural Due Process for Meal Deficit Collection

Revised 7/27/2016


1) Clerk may ask student with low or negative account balance ‘did you bring lunch money     today’?

2) Skyward will automatically send out low or negative account balance email notices starting at -$.01.

3) Clerk will send daily negative balance email reminders to parents.

4) Clerk will send out hard copy low balance notices at least once per week or more often if parent does not have an email address.

5) Clerk will communicate with teachers checking that lunch money is not being left in classrooms.

6) The clerk will call parent when student account balance is in the negative and make parent aware that they have the option of completing a free/reduced meal application. Clerk will document all attempts to contact a parent.

7) Clerk will document collection steps completed and give documentation to the site administrator in support of continued collection efforts.

8) Site administrator will call or send a letter (or both) to parent with account balance on or before a deficit balance of -$20.00. At this point (-$20.00) students will be served an alternative meal until negative balance is paid. Alternate meal will include a Sunbutter or grilled cheese sandwich, fruit or vegetable, and milk at a cost of .40 cents for reduced eligible and .75 cents for paid eligible students.

9) Site administrator will address further collection efforts with their respective administrator of schools.

10) Any uncollectable deficit lunch account balance will become the responsibility of the school and paid by the principal at the time of student transfers within the district or at the end of each school year for closed student accounts and student accounts who are graduating or moving up to another school (i.e. 6th to 7th, 9th to 10th and seniors). Principals may use any collection agency of their choosing.

If an administrator requires assistance to address individual student concerns affecting lunch account balances, including homelessness or a need for a translator, contact Toni Soeffker with Education Support Services at 801-567-8116.

No Student will be denied a lunch. However, a student may be served an alternative meal.

Students will not be asked to call home regarding negative lunch balances, these calls will be made by clerks or by the principal.


District Approved Procedural Due Process for Meal Deficit Collection

Revised 7/27/2016


1) Cashier will begin notifying student at point of service when account balance is at $5.00.

2) Skyward will automatically send out low or negative account balance email notices starting at -$.01.

3) Cashiers will document and inform the clerk when students charge a meal.

4) The clerk will call parent when student account balance is in the negative. Clerk will document all attempts to contact a parent.

5) Clerk will send daily negative account balance email reminders to parents.

6) Clerk will document collection steps completed and give documentation to the site administrator in support of continued collection efforts.

7) Site administrator will call or send a letter (or both) to parent with account balance on or before a deficit balance of -$20.00. At this point (-$20.00) students will be served an alternative meal until negative balance is paid. Alternate meal will include a yogurt, cheese stick, fruit or vegetable choice, roll and milk at a cost of .40 cents for reduced eligible and .75 cents for paid eligible students.

8) Site administrator will address further collection efforts with their respective administrator of schools.

9) Any uncollectable deficit lunch account balance will become the responsibility of the school and paid by the principal at the time of student transfers within the district or at the end of each school year for closed student accounts and student accounts who are graduating or moving up to another school (i.e. 6th to 7th, 9th to 10th and seniors). Principals may use any collection agency of their choosing.

If an administrator requires assistance to address individual student concerns affecting lunch account balances, including homelessness or a need for a translator, contact Toni Soeffker with Education Support Services at 801-567-8116.

No student lunch will be denied. However, a student may be served an alternative meal.

No ala-carte items will be debited (cashiers will offer students who try to debit ala-carte items a reimbursable lunch).

Students will not be asked to call home regarding negative lunch balances, these calls will be made by clerks or by the principal.

Attached are all forms distributed at the Annual Administrative Leadership Conference.

Every year JPAS trainings are made available to all new hires to help them prepare for their evaluation. This training is designed to help educators understand the effective practices measured by the UETS-based JPAS and to prepare for the evaluation. Please remind your new hires to register for the training that best fits their schedule on JPLS. Also, attached is an additional copy of the flyer sent out to each school. Please contact the JES office with any questions. Thank you for your attention to this matter.  

July 22, 2016

Special Education Teachers (Preschool and School-Age)
Speech-Language Pathologists

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curric./Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Julie Brown, Program Specialist

Extended Year Special Educator Stipends 2016-17

See attached memo and documents outlining changes for the 2016-17 school year.