The attached process should be followed when anyone applies for or administers a state or federal grant.
Category: High School Info
Avoid Deny Defend Training Video – Parent/Guardian Viewing – March 2019
At the elementary level, this video is not authorized to be shown to the students at the school.
The Avoid Deny Defend Student Training Video is available on the Auxiliary Services Web Site.
- Select the Safety & Security tab
- School Safety & Security on the drop down menu
Please direct any parents/guardians that want to view this video to the Web page. The District welcomes opportunities for parents/guardians to preview curriculum being taught to students, to include emergency response strategies. Avoid Deny Defend has been added to supplement the existing Lockout and Lockdown protocols.
Research Project – The Effect of Joint Training on Knowledge and Attitudes of Career and Technical Education and Special Education Professionals
Thursday, March 21, 2019
High School Principals
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
Research Project - The Effect of Joint Training on Knowledge and Attitudes of Career and Technical Education and Special Education Professionals
The Research Review Committee has reviewed a research project in which your school has been asked to participate.
Project Title: The Effect of Joint Training on Knowledge and Attitudes of Career and Technical Education and Special Education Professionals
Applicant: Crystal Emery
The project has been approved by the District Research Review Committee. The applicant has been directed to contact you to discuss the extent of the project and to obtain your permission to conduct the study at your school. Participation in the study is at your discretion. If you have questions or concerns relating to participation, please contact Ben Jameson at 801-567-8243.
The project will involve the recruiting of a team of special education and CTE teachers to participate in 4 hours of professional development outside of contract time accompanied by a pre- and post-test.
Thank you for your assistance.
Final Teacher Transfer Fair – March 28, 2019
March 28, 2019
Elementary and Secondary Licensed Employees
Riverton High (Gym)
12476 S Silverwolf Way
Riverton Ut 84065
4:30-6:00 p.m.
See flyer below for more details. Please remember to bring your ID badge, as this event is for JSD licensed employees only.
Testing Updates PowerPoint (All Levels) – March 19, 2019
The PowerPoint Presentations given, by Ben Jameson, in the March 19th Principals' Meeting are attached below. Please see the appropriate file for your level.
March 2019 Guidance Meeting
March 12, 2019
School Psychologists, Elementary Counselors, School Social Workers
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance
March Guidance Meeting
Our next Guidance meeting is scheduled for March 29, 2019 from 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Jordan School District Auxiliary Services Building (ASB) (7905 South Redwood Road) in the auditorium. Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education, and members of her staff will provide us with a presentation on the Combination RTI Discrepancy Model for determining eligibility of students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) that will be used throughout our district effective beginning in the Fall of 2019.
Part-time Staff: I would appreciate it if you could adjust your schedules in order to attend this meeting.
External Audit Visits – Week of April 1, 2019
March 13, 2019
Applicable School Principals and Administrative Assistants (Financial and Membership)
All Area Administrators of Schools and Administrative Assistants
Travis Hamblin, Planning and Student Services
Michael Heaps, Support Services Manager
John Larsen, Business Administrator
Daniel Ellis, Director of Accounting, Budgets and Audits
Jason Mott, Accountant/Internal Auditor
External Audit Visits
Please see attached memo.
Accepting and/or Denying Late Enrollment Permit Applications – March 2019
March 12, 2019
Assistant Principals
Attendance Secretaries
Financial Secretaries
Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning & Student Services
Accepting and/or Denying Late Enrollment Permit Applications
Permit applications submitted after the third (3rd) Friday of February for the following school year or any permit for the current school year, must be approved based on the “adjusted capacity” of the school. The adjusted capacity is the total number of students who could be served in a school if each teacher were to have a class size based on the staffing ratio for each grade level (§53G-6-401). Late enrollment permit acceptance is determined by the staffing ratio as follows:
- Elementary schools use the student-to-teacher ratio for each grade level to determine if there is space available.
- Secondary schools use the student-to-teacher ratio for each core class within each grade level to determine if space is available.
Schools must use the following standards for accepting and/or rejecting an application (§53G-6-403):
The standards for accepting or rejecting an application for enrollment may include:
- For an elementary, the capacity of the grade level;
- Not offering, or having capacity in, an elementary or secondary special education or other special program the student requires;
- Maintenance of reduced class sizes (Title I, or school trust money used to reduce class sizes);
- Willingness of prospective students to comply with district policies; and
- Giving priority to intradistrict transfers over interdistrict transfers.
The standards for accepting or rejecting an application for enrollment may NOT include:
- Previous academic achievement;
- Athletic or other extracurricular ability;
- The fact that the student requires special education services for which space is available;
- Proficiency in the English language; or
- Previous disciplinary proceedings, except as follows:
- There has been a serious infraction of the law of school rules;
- The student has been guilty of chronic misbehavior which would, if it were to continue after the student was admitted:
- Endanger persons or property;
- Cause serious disruptions in the school; or
- Place unreasonable burdens on school staff.
Using the waitlist in PowerSchool and the standards listed above, permit applications are granted (seated) by the school on a first-come, first-served basis for the entire school year.
Please contact Travis at 88251 (801.567.8251) should you have any questions.
State Required Bus Evacuations and School Bus Safety – Spring 2018-19
March 14, 2019
All Jordan School District Principals (with bus route students)
Scott Thomas, Administrator of Auxiliary Services
Herb Jensen, Director of Transportation
Kathy Jones, Transportation Trainer/Risk Coordinator
State Required Bus Evacuations and School Bus Safety 2018-2019
State required semi-annual school bus evacuations have been scheduled for this spring. This applies to those students that ride the bus daily to and from school.
The evacuations will be conducted during the week of:
Monday, April 22, 2019 thru Friday, April 26, 2019
Your school’s regular bus driver will perform this evacuation as they drop your students off in the morning, one day during that week. This procedure takes place at your school and is located in your normal bus drop off/pick up zone. All professional school bus drivers that transport students are required to perform evacuation procedures in case of an emergency. Bus evacuation will be through the rear door, side door, front door or a combination. Students will then, under the direction and supervision of the bus driver, evacuate and meet in a safe place approximately 100 feet away from the bus.
Your assistance is welcome but not mandatory to complete this required evacuation drill quickly, safely and effectively.
We appreciate all you do to help us safely transport your students.
Intern Graduations 2019
March 14, 2019
2019 Graduating Interns
June LeMaster, Ph.D., Human Resource Administrator
Anthony Godfrey, Ed.D., Associate Superintendent
Intern Graduations 2019
It is a long-standing practice in Jordan School District to allow full time, in state partnership university teacher interns to take one (1) day leave to attend either their own university commencement or convocation, without penalty. This year, this practice is expanded to allow all full time university interns including teacher interns, school psychologists and counselor interns, etc., the same privilege. Interns attending both in state and out of state university commencement ceremonies are allowed one (1) day; therefore, some interns may need to choose between commencement and convocation.
If a substitute is needed for coverage, the intern is responsible for requesting a substitute through Frontline (formerly known as AESOP). The absence reason entered should be “other” and in the blue “notes to administrator box”, the intern should add the following information “District excused 0050 - personal graduation”. For additional assistance, please contact Juli Martin at 801-567-8219.
See dates for the in state 2019 University Commencement and Convocation Ceremonies on the attached memo.
Student Enrollment for February 2019
March 1, 2019
All Principals
Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning and Student Services
Student Enrollment for February 2019
Please see memo below.
USTAR Funding for 2019-20
Secondary Principals:
The funding for USTAR is contingent upon the results of the legislative session. Right now it is part of the base budget, but there is a chance that it could be reduced or taken away. The legislative session will end in mid-March.
USTAR funding decisions will be finalized as soon as possible after the close of the legislative session. The application to request 7th period classes is available by following this link:
Research Project – Trauma-Informed Teaching: How Teachers Conceptualize and Operationalize Trauma Theory
Thursday, February 28, 2019
All Principals
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
Research Project - Trauma-Informed Teaching: How Teachers Conceptualize and Operationalize Trauma Theory
The Research Review Committee has reviewed a research project in which your school has been asked to participate.
Project Title: Trauma-Informed Teaching: How Teachers Conceptualize and Operationalize Trauma Theory
Applicant: Daniel Harnsberger, University of Utah
The project has been approved by the District Research Review Committee. The applicant has been directed to contact you to discuss the extent of the project and to obtain your permission to conduct the study at your school. Participation in the study is at your discretion. If you have questions or concerns relating to participation, please contact Ben Jameson at 801-567-8243.
The project will involve principals, or their designee, sending out an email to licensed faculty with a link for teachers to take a voluntary online survey.
Thank you for your assistance.
Networking Meetings for Secondary Media Specialists 2019-20
February 14, 2019
Secondary Principals
Secondary Media Specialists
Administrators of Schools
Dr. Shelley Nordick, Administrator, Curriculum/Staff Development
Norman Emerson, Instructional Support Services/Fine Arts Consultant
Networking Meetings for Secondary Media Specialists
In order to prepare and train secondary library media specialists to effectively provide services to their schools and to build consistency across the District’s library programs, several networking meetings have been scheduled for the 2019-20 school year. The participation of your media specialists in these meetings is appreciated.
The meetings will be held on the following dates from 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.:
- September 18, 2019 (ASB PD Classroom)
- October 16, 2019 (Viridian Center)
- November 20, 2019 (Location TBD)
- January 15, 2020 (Location TBD)
- February 19, 2020 (Location TBD)
- March 2020 (UELMA Conference)
- April 15, 2020 (Location TBD)
- May 13, 2020 (ASB PD Classroom)
Please feel free to contact Norman Emerson (801-567-8364) if further information is needed. Thank you for your continued support of the library media programs in Jordan District.
February 2019 Guidance Meeting
February 7, 2019
School Psychologists, Elementary Counselors, and Social Workers
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance
February Guidance Meeting
A Guidance meeting has been scheduled for Friday, February 22 from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Jordan School District Auxiliary Services Building Auditorium (7905 South Redwood Road). Douglas Goldsmith, Ph.D., Psychologist in Independent Practice, will provide us with a presentation on “Parents Behaving Badly: Working with Children Experiencing Trauma and High Conflict Divorce.”
Part-time Staff: I would appreciate it if you could adjust your schedules in order to attend this meeting.
Athletic Classes Taught During School Time for 2019-20
February 13, 2019
High School Principals
C. Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools
Athletic Classes Taught During School Time
Please see attached memo.
Residency Determinations – February 2019
February 13, 2019
Principals and Administrative Assistants
Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning and Student Services
Residency Determinations
Please see attached memo.
Elementary, Middle and High School Non-Transferred Student Files Retention Schedule – February 2019
February 13, 2019
Elementary Administrative Assistants
Secondary Registrars
Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning & Student Services
Elementary, middle and high school non-transferred student files
Retention Schedule
Schools will periodically have files of students who have attended Jordan School District in grades K-8 and never attend grades 9-12. In the event that a transcript was never created and the student’s cumulative folder was never requested, the student’s cumulative folder then becomes the record to retain permanently as required by law. These records are to be handled as follows: (refer to page 51 in the Planning & Student Services Manual).
Non-transferred Records (Dead Files):
Non-transferred student cumulative/permanent records of students in grades kindergarten through 8 shall be held in that school until the student’s grade level is advanced to the next school level. (i.e., 6th grade records are sent to the feeder middle school and 9th grade records are sent to the feeder high school each June). Once at the feeder high school the record shall be retained three (3) years after the student would have graduated. At the end of three years these records shall be transferred to the Planning & Student Services Department each year by June 30 and then sent to the State Records Center and retained for 17 years and then transferred to the State Archives permanently.
The following remain in the file:
- achievement test scores,
- copies of report cards,
- health records, and
- pertinent information concerning the student
Examples of these files may include:
- A student who attended Jordan School District in grades K-8 and never attended a public high school in the State of Utah grades 9-12.
- The death of a student – a certified copy of the cumulative folder should be retained and the family may be given the original if requested.
Please refer to UTREX to make sure the student has not attended a school within the State of Utah before sending the files to Planning & Student Services for retention. If they are active in another school within the State, contact that school and have them officially request the record. If you do not have a UTREX username/password, one may be requested from Information Systems at the principals written (e-mail) request.
Questions, please contact Student Services at 801-567-8183.
Thank you.
June 17 & 18 Utah Systems Conference 2019
Save the Date
This USBE conference is an activity that was developed through a collaborative effort of the Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) team, the Principal Support Team (PST) and the Principal Partnership Network.
Keynote: Todd Theobald
Utah Valley Convention Center
New Student Grade Level Placement – February 2019
January 13, 2019
Administrative Assistants
Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning & Student Services
New Student Grade Level Placement
When a student enrolls in Jordan School District they should be placed according to their age (see the Age Chart found on page 19 of the Planning and Student Services Manual). This would include students that enroll from another state or country. Exceptions include:
- A military child who does not meet the deadline but has previously attended kindergarten or a higher grade as a resident in another state. (53G-4-402 and 53E-3-902)
- A student who was accelerated or retained in a previous school or district within the state of Utah. Jordan District will honor the acceleration or retention and continue to place the student in the next consecutive grade.
- A student who was home schooled should be placed based on the parents request. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- The student attended a public school in the 7th grade but was in home school for the 8th The parent(s) or guardian(s) requests placement in the 8th grade. The school would place the student according to the request.
- The student attended public school in the 7th grade but was in home school for the 8th The parent(s) or guardian(s) states that the student completed both the 8th and 9th grade during the past school year, and requests placement in the 10th grade. The school would place the student according to the request.
- A student who has never been in an educational setting should be placed according to their age.
- A student may be enrolled in the first grade even though the child did not meet the entry date for kindergarten the previous year, provided a full year of kindergarten was successfully completed in another state or private school (not daycare or preschool). The parent(s) or guardian(s) shall provide convincing evidence that the child has the academic, social and emotional skills necessary to succeed in first grade AND provide a statement from the previous school that verifies the student’s successful completion of the kindergarten curriculum.
Jordan School District does NOT enroll:
- Any student who has previously received a diploma.
- Any student who is not five (5) years of age before September 2nd of the year they will be entering school (R277-419-2).
If the parent(s) or guardian(s) disagree with the student’s placement they may request acceleration or retention testing. Acceleration and/or retention testing is conducted to determine academic ability (see Grade Accelerations and/or Retentions on page 17 of the Planning and Student Services Manual).
Please contact Planning and Student Services (801.567.8183) with any questions you may have.