The application will be available on the social studies professional development webpage beginning January 1 (also attached here) and is due March 1 to Pam Su'a in Curriculum. Ten slots are available for teachers.
Category: Elementary Schools
Maturation Presentations
Elementary Principals:
Because many schools have requested a male presence for the boys' maturation presentations, we have established some options for schools:
- You may have a female nurse teach both girls and boys maturation.
- You may have a female nurse teach the girls program, and may secure a DVD from your school nurse for the boys program; a DVD that one of our male nurse has created. Teachers would show the DVD and give the boys the maturation booklet.
- We have a male senior nursing student who has been trained on our approved curriculum. You may pay him a $75 stipend for a presentation, and then have your female school nurse do the girls program. Your school nurse can give you his contact information. Some PTA's choose this option (and pay for it) over having a female nurse do the presentation.
We do have one male nurse who will help with as many programs as possible, but please understand that he cannot do all of the elementary schools. Please know that we are working on other options for your schools. Thank you.
Lockdown Procedures for Portable Classrooms
There are times when portable classroom doors may be scheduled open/unlocked, such as during a class change. If an emergency were to occur that requires the school to go into a lockdown, the Lockout Card will need to be swiped on the Lockout Reader in the main office to override the door schedule and secure these classrooms. Please include this procedure while planning and drilling for emergencies that would require a lockdown.
After-hour Building Access Protocol
It is recommended that a school administrator or custodian is in the building anytime it is occupied, in case of an emergency.
Administrator Evaluation Instructions
Administrators on an Interim Evaluation should have the Beginning of Year activities completed in JPLS. Administrators on a Full Evaluation will want to review the standards and consider evidence that can be used. All administrator evaluations are to be completed on JPLS. Those administrators scheduled for an Interim evaluation should log into JPLS and complete the Self-Evaluation and Professional Growth Plan before leaving for the Holiday break. Administrators scheduled for a full evaluation have the year to work on their self-evaluation. Several documents are provided as resources and include:
- Instructions for completing the interim evaluation
- Instructions for completing the full evaluation
- An optional planning sheet to assist administrators in collecting evidence throughout the year for a full evaluation
- An optional planning sheet to assist administrators in completing the full evaluation
ISC Holiday Hours
Please notify teachers and staff that the ISC will be closed at 11:00 A.M. on Tuesday, December 22, 2015 and will reopen Monday, January 4, 2016, at 7:00 A.M.
Proof of Residency ~ USOE Model
When asking parents/guardians for proof of residency it is the recommendation of Planning and Student Services to ask for 1 item from Column A and 2-3 items from Column B. See form below.
The Literacy Promise Conference – March 2016
Principals: It's not too late to consider attending the Literacy Promise Conference. Contact Amanda Hansen in Curriculum if you would like to be registered for this conference.
The Literacy Promise
Opening Doors for
K-12 Learners
March 9, 10, 11, 2016
Salt Lake City, UT
Calvin L. Rampton Salt Palace Convention Center
Curriculum and Staff Development will pay for the principal from each school to attend this conference. Principals, if you are interested in attending, please contact Amanda Hansen at 801-567-8319 and she will register you at the discounted price.
Keynote 6:30 pm, Wednesday, March 9
Sessions March 10 and 11, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Business Meeting for Administrative Assistants
December 10, 2015
Administrative Assistants
John Larsen, Business Administrator
Business Meeting for Administrative Assistants
Last spring, we held our first business meeting for administrative assistants. We appreciated the great attendance at these meetings and the suggestions for topics that we received. In our continuing effort to provide a forum for administrative assistants to receive applicable information and training, we have scheduled another set of business meetings to be held:
Monday, January 11, 2016 – 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Friday, January 22, 2016 – 9:00-11:00 a.m.
The meetings will be held at the District Office in room 129. As before, this meeting is voluntary and not required; however, we hope you will take advantage of this specialized training. The meetings are also open to administrators and/or others that may benefit from the topics to be presented.
The topics that will be discussed in these sessions are geared more towards school-related matters, but District administrative assistants are welcome to participate. These topics include:
- ID badge protocol
- Accounting: journal entries, school budgets, 1099s, etc.
- School Skyward Financial Reports
- Field trip ins and outs
- Human Resources: Substitutes in Aesop
If you plan to attend, please choose one of the two dates that will work best with your schedule and send an email to Jeri Clayton ( to let her know which date you will attend so that we can plan for the number of attendees at each session. You can also call Jeri at 801-567-8120.
We look forward to seeing you at these meetings in January. Enjoy the upcoming winter break.
Safety Information Surveys 2015-16
Safety Information Surveys
The JSD Safe Schools Advisory Committee would like to inform all principals that they will soon receive two (2) surveys, which relate to school safety, via email:
- 2015-16 JSD School Safety/Emergency Plans Survey
- Information Survey for JSD Safe Schools Advisory Committee
The first survey contains critical information we are required to update each year. The second will be used to help the JSD Safe Schools Advisory Committee identify and establish new goals. The feedback we receive will assist us in aligning resources and to provide training as needed. The purpose of both surveys is simply to gather information.
Surveys will be sent to each principal by Peggy Margetts. If the person responsible for school safety is someone other than you, forward this survey to that designee. Please feel free to contact Peggy with any questions at (801) 567-8753.
5th Grade Missing Child Poster Contest 2016
Elementary Principals:
Please pass this information to your 5th-grade teachers so they will be aware and can get involved if they choose to do so. Questions can be directed to Norma Villar at 801-567-8187.
Guidelines to Establish the Kindergarten Enrollment for 2016-17
December 3, 2015
Elementary Principals and Secretaries
Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Consultant, Planning and Student Services
Guidelines to Establish the Kindergarten Enrollment for 2016-17
As per the past several years, it will be the responsibility of each school principal to obtain a kindergarten roster for the 2016-17 school year. It is from this roster that the kindergarten estimate is created. The estimate is the basis for the number of kindergarten teachers required and the budget allowed for supplies and materials. Therefore, it is important that the roster be as accurate as possible.
Please follow guidelines 1-5 below. The other options are ideas you may want to use. It is very important for staffing your kindergarten that the count be as accurate as possible.
- Send a flyer home with every student.
- Publicize in the school newsletter – announce (several times) the importance of getting the count.
- Use all other resources available to you. Skylert, etc.
- Schedule kindergarten orientation as soon as possible. Check your New Student Online Enrollment to see if there are any pending applications that need to have follow up for the count. The estimate will be updated after all kindergarten orientations are completed.
- Hang banners announcing Kindergarten Registration being accepted for the following school year.
Please schedule your kindergarten orientation
- Make a block contact with every home using PTA support.
- Contact pre-schools in the attendance area of your school.
- Use a telephone tree operated by parent volunteers with a list of questions for consistency.
- Contact neighbors who can identify new move-ins.
- Contact community members who do not have children enrolled in school.
- Avoid forwarding kindergarten orientation letter to new address if family has moved from your boundary area. Delete that name from your list.
Please be diligent in recruiting the kindergarten students within your school boundary. It will be important to have accurate up to the minute kindergarten numbers as we do the estimates in the upcoming weeks. Please submit the TOTAL number of kindergarten students to Planning and Student Services by Friday, January 15, 2016. You may call Luann at 801-567-8251 or fax to 801-567-8061.
November 30, 2015 Enrollment
December 2, 2015
All Principals
Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Consultant of Planning and Student Services
November 30, 2015 Enrollment
See attached memo.
Open Enrollment 2016-17 School Year
Open Enrollment
2016-2017 School Year
Per Utah State Law 53A-2-207:
Open enrollment begins on December 1, 2015 and goes through Friday, February 19, 2016. Any individual interested in completing a permit for the 2015-16 school year may obtain a permit from the school they wish to attend and begin turning them in on Monday, December 1, 2015, to the desired school.
Permit approval is on a first-come, first-served basis. The school shall notify any permit applicant within six weeks after receipt of the application by the district or by March 31, whichever is later, for applications submitted during the early enrollment period.
School Improvement Committee Meeting Information
Reminder: School Improvement Committee for Secondary Schools will take place Friday, November 20, and Tuesday, November 24, in the ASB Auditorium beginning at 8:00 AM. Please plan on attending one of these sessions.
Make up day for secondary and elementary schools will be November 30, 8:00 AM, in the ASB Auditorium.
Title I elementary schools and secondary schools participating in accreditation do not need to attend a session.
October 31, 2015 Enrollment
November 10, 2015
All Principals
Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Consultant of Planning and Student Services
October 31, 2015 Enrollment
See attached memo.
Training for Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM)
November 10, 2015
All Principals
All Special Education Staff
Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curric./Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Julie Brown, Program Specialist
Training for Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM)
The Special Education Department will provide training to special educators in preparation for the upcoming Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) assessment. There are additional required components that the special educator must complete prior to giving the assessment. Since Utah will be utilizing the Integrated Model of DLM beginning this fall, there will be 2 testing windows. The first window start date has been postponed from opening on October 7, 2015 to November 16, 2015. The first window will be open from November 16, 2015 - February 29, 2016.
The training opportunities will consist of instructional time blocks as well as drop in Help blocks. Each 2-hour session will be made up of 4–30 minute blocks. The 30-minute blocks will start on the hour and half hour. The first 3 blocks will be step-by-step instructions and the fourth block will be for drop-in help. For example, the 2:00 p. m. - 2:30 p. m., 2:30 p. m. – 3:00 p. m. and 3:00 p. m. – 3:30 p. m. will be instructional blocks and 3:30 p. m. – 4:00 p. m. will be for drop-in help. Below are the dates, times, and locations of the sessions:
November 16, 2015 2:00 p. m. - 4:00 p. m. District Office, room 129
November 18, 2015 2:00 p. m. - 4:00 p. m. ASB PDC 101
November 20, 2015 7:00 a. m. - 9:00 a. m. ASB PDC 113
November 23, 2015 2:00 p. m. - 4:00 p. m. District Office, room 129
JPAS Thank you!
Thank you to all administrators for working so hard to get UPAS evaluations done and turned in on time. You are appreciated!
ISC November Newsletter
- Posters -- Beautiful full-color posters starting at $2.50/foot
- Color copies
- United States History: Industrial Revolution
- World War I & II: Cause and Effect
- Launching a Business
- Public Speaking
- Organic Farming
Opportunity for Part-time Classified Employees to Drive School Buses
November 9, 2015
Principals and Directors
June LeMaster, Ph.D., Administrator, Human Resources
Herb Jensen, Director, Transportation Services
Brent Burge, Human Resource Administrator-Classified
Opportunity for Part-time Classified Employees to Drive School Buses
In an effort to meet the District’s need for additional bus drivers (AM & PM), part-time classified employees are now able to work additional hours as substitute bus drivers.
Allowed Hours
Employees currently working part-time at your location are now allowed to work up to 27 hours per week as follows:
- Current classified employees who are scheduled to work between 8 and 19 hours per week at your location will now be able to work additional hours as a bus driver to a maximum total of 27 hours per week.
- Current classified employees allowed to work additional hours as a bus driver will not be allowed to work additional hours at the school location for any reason.
- Current classified employees must provide their school work schedule to Charlene Arko in transportation and will not be allowed to alter their school schedule to work in transportation.
- Current classified employees working additional hours as a bus driver are without contract or benefits.
Transportation is required to monitor and limit driver hours based on their maximum allowable hours provided by Human Resources when they are hired. Monthly audits will also be conducted.
Interested current part-time employees must submit an online application through Skyward to be considered. A specific posting for current employees is currently available through Employee Access. Employees must be at least 21 years old to drive a bus.
Employees are required to complete the required training, including CDL training, prior to driving. Training classes are scheduled monthly throughout the year. See the attached employee notification for training details.
The attached announcement will be emailed to eligible employees in November notifying each of this opportunity, along with the training requirements. We also ask for your assistance in communicating this information to current eligible part-time employees.