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May 15, 2017

All Elementary, Middle and Traditional High School Principals

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Heather Ellingson, Director of Accounting, Budgets and Audits

June 2017 Budget Transfer Request

Please review your budgets and complete the Budget Transfer Request if you would like to transfer between your postage, supply, textbook and equipment budgets. The signed form is due back to Heather Ellingson no later than July 3, 2017.

May 10, 2017

All Administrators
All Administrative Assistants

Patrice Johnson, Superintendent of Schools
John Larsen, Business Administrator

Social Security Numbers and Year of Birth

It recently came to our attention that some departments and schools may have staff lists that contain Social Security Numbers and year of birth. Although well intentioned, their mere existence can be problematic. In our continuing efforts to ensure personal information stays private, we ask that you purge all Social Security Numbers and year of birth from all staff lists, electronic or otherwise.

Administrators and Administrative Assistants should meet to verify that all data on lists described above are purged. If you have questions, please contact your Cabinet level administrator and discuss your concern with him or her.

Thank you!

Special Education Summer Conference
Teaching Matters - Teachers Matter

Principals, please forward to all special educators in your building.

July 31, 2017
8:00 am - 3:45 pm
Elk Ridge Middle School

Register on JPLS. See flyer for details.

May 5, 2017

All Certified Special Education Staff

Laura Finlinson, Admin of Curriculum/Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Julie Brown, Program Specialist
Courtney Titus, Program Specialist

Year-End Checkout for Traditional Schools/Year-Round Schools

See attached memo.

May 3, 2017


June LeMaster, Ph.D., Administrator, Human Resources
Administrator of Schools
Travis Hamblin, Human Resource Administrator-Licensed
Brent Burge, Human Resource Administrator-Classified

Part-Time Classified Hourly Job Posting

Thank you for your recent input regarding the posting of part-time (PT) classified positions.  As you are aware, this procedure was optional during the 2016-2017 school year and will be effective July 1, 2017, as principals at all levels provided examples of their experience with this new procedure and indicated the benefits they observed.  The new standardized procedures are as follows:

  1. Employees within the same location may be moved to vacant positions without posting. A change form must be submitted
  2. An online job advertisement is submitted through FastTrack for all vacant positions.
  3. The position will be posted “open until filled”. The school/department must notify HR when the position is filled.
  4. The Administration will screen the applicants, conduct interviews, check references and make the offer. References must be submitted with the hire sheet.  All other interview documents will be maintained at the location unless requested by an HR Administrator.
  5. Once HR is notified the position has been filled, we will use FastTrack to notify those applicants who were not selected.

The new procedure will not allow for generic position postings on FastTrack as in the past, with the exception of Sweeper applications.  A tutorial on the posting of PT positions using FastTrack is available on the AdminOnly and SecretaryConnections website or you may contact an HR Administrator for further assistance.

Thank you for hiring the best candidates available at each location.


Elementary Principals:

Attached is a parent letter from Superintendent Johnson regarding the assignment of limited use email addresses to K-2 students. This is the third letter to be sent home as we phase in this program throughout the grade levels. Please email a copy to your School Community Council members with an explanation that this letter will be sent home to the parents. Give them time to respond back to you with any questions they may have and then send the letter home in the same manner you send all parent communication.

May 8, 2017

All Principals
Administrative Assistants, ES/MS/HS

Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Luann Leavitt, Consultant for Planning and Student Services

Transferring Student Permanent Records; JSD Policy AS61

Transfer of K-8 Student Files for Retention at the State Records Center and for Permanent Archives

See each of these memos below.

May 20, 2017

All Principals
Administrative Assistants, ES/MS/HS

Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Luann Leavitt, Consultant for Planning and Student Services

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Notification (Annual Notification was revised in 2017-18)

Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)

Student Residency Questionnaire

See each of these memos below.

March 7, 2017

All Elementary Principals
All Elementary Head Administrative Assistants

John Larsen, Business Administrator

Summer Pool Hours for Elementary Head Administrative Assistant

Effective this summer, traditional calendar elementary head administrative assistants will be given up to twenty-four (24) optional hours during the summer months to be used as needed in coordination with the school principal. These hours are intended to address mail, voicemail, purchase verifications, timesheets, and any other matters that typically build up over the summer months. It is hoped these summer hours will aid the school in a successful opening for the students.

These hours should be reported through True Time under the heading of "Contract Pool Hours" and will be charged to 10-E-xxx-0050-2483-152.

Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls

As the school year is coming to a close think safety first.  Slips, trips and falls are second only to motor-vehicle accidents as a cause of death in the United States.  Falls account for 15-20 percent of all workers’ compensation costs.  The good news is falls are easy to prevent.  Take the time to watch for and correct hazardous conditions, and you can lower your chance of injury. Use these suggestions to make your workplace safe:

  • If you need to reach for something, get help. Don’t use your desk, table, box, wastebasket, chair, bookcase or a ledge!  Use the correct ladder or stepstool for the given task.
  • Take your time. Many falls happen when people are walking fast or running.
  • Never stand on the top rung/step of a ladder. Secure and stabilize all ladders before climbing them.
  • Keep walkways free of clutter.
  • Clean up spills as soon as they happen.
  • Don’t carry more than you can handle. Loads that are too heavy or too big don’t allow you to see properly.
  • Make sure computer and telephone cords are not underfoot.

Always think safety first!

JSD Safe Schools
J.I.T.  - Just in Time Kit Training

Thursday, June 8, 2017, 8:00 – 10:00 am​
Auxiliary Services Auditorium

This training will be with Salt Lake County Emergency Management as part of the Schools Aid Families in Emergencies (S.A.F.E.) Neighborhoods program.

In the event of a large scale emergency, elementary schools will be used as communication, transportation and evacuation hubs, to be ran by trained American Red Cross volunteers.  A J.I.T.

A kit will be placed at every elementary school within Salt Lake County, and will contain items needed by the volunteers.

Come learn about this valuable program, the J.I.T. Kit and the role elementary schools and the district will play in aiding the community in an emergency.

​Participants are encouraged to register for the training on JPLS.  ​The name of the course is "JSD Safe Schools JIT Kit Training", or course number 101188.  Once you've accessed the course, select the course section 114954, which is located on the left part of the screen.  Licensure points will be awarded.

Please refer any questions to either:
Lance Everill - 801-567-8623 or
Paul Bergera - 801-567-8752 or

Protect Your Child with Student Accident Insurance

K-12 Accident plans are available for injury, at-school accidents, 24-hour accidents, extended dental and football.  See attached flyers (English and Spanish) for additional information.  Please consider including the information in your school packets.

April 28, 2017

All Certified Special Education Staff

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum/Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Julie Brown, Program Specialist
Courtney Titus, Program Specialist

End of Year SCRAM Detail Report

We are fast approaching our last SCRAM count deadline. It is important that this information be as accurate and current as possible. A year-end final SCRAM report that reflects the SCRAM/IEP Services that have been received from your school to date has been sent to resource and self-contained support class (cluster) team leaders.

Special Education generates funds from this count by student days in membership (i.e., how many days they were entered in your program). The resource or self-contained support class (cluster) team report should list all current students, including primary Guidance and primary Speech-Language students. Please check each student for the following information:

  • Check that all students served in your program are listed on the report.
  • Check that names, SCRAM entry dates, exit dates (if applicable), disability codes, environment codes, regular percents and service patterns are correct. Be sure to identify the provider of each service listed.
  • Be sure that entry and exit dates reflect all days that the student received services.  If there is a gap in service dates, we lose days of membership, which directly impacts funding.
  • Students who will continue in the same school (advance from grade to grade) or who will move to the 7th or 10th grade in their boundary school will automatically roll-over for the start of the new school year. It is not necessary to submit an exit SCRAM for these students.
  • Current self-contained support class (cluster) students should have been rolled forward to the school they have been assigned to attend. It is not necessary to submit an exit SCRAM for these students (permit codes were entered by the special education department).
  • For students who will continue past the 12th grade, the school registrar must flag the student as a “Retained Senior” in the Graduation/Diploma status field.
  • An exit SCRAM must be submitted for any student that has or will age-out or graduate and will not be returning at the beginning of the next school year.
  • Be sure to use the appropriate exit codes and dates for any student who has exited the school during the school year. If they are not exited appropriately, we will lose days of membership, which directly impacts funding. Note that the SCRAM exit date and the school exit date must be the same date.
  • Remember that any changes must be documented on the IEP in Goalview prior to changing the SCRAM document. If there are any changes to SCRAM information, submit an updated / corrected SCRAM / IEP Services document no later than the date listed below.
  • Note that changes made directly on the printout report without a SCRAM / IEP service page will not be accepted as it leads to data entry confusion and may result in the student’s file being out of compliance. All SCRAM printouts and SCRAM / IEP

Services document changes must be received in the Special Education Office no later than the end of the day on the following dates:

Traditional School Deadline:  Monday, May 22, 2017

Year-Round School Deadline:  Thursday, June 1, 2017

Please note that separate reports have been sent to each resource team AND each cluster team (if applicable). SLPs, Guidance Specialists and other itinerant providers will need to work with both special education teams to check and complete the requested information.  Since one copy is being sent per “team” (i.e., resource or cluster), it is critical that the list be checked with other team members within your school. Please do not send multiple copies of the report back. Each team member must review and initial the report before returning it to the Special Education Department.

The SCRAM reports are run alphabetically by current grade. Any corrections must be made on a SCRAM / IEP Services form and sent through the District mail to Amanda Hamblin at the District Office.

Submit any SCRAM changes AND the signed current report(s) to Amanda Hamblin at the District Office. All completed reports and documents must be received in the Special Education Office by the end of the day on the specified due date.

If you have questions, please contact the Teacher Specialist assigned to your school or Amanda Hamblin at (801) 567-8176.


Please know that your assistance in completing this information accurately is critical, as it directly impacts Special Education funding!