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Screening tools for literacy are assessments that can be administered quickly and give “yes” or “no” answers to let teachers know if a student is reading on grade level or not. If a screener indicates a student is reading below level, a diagnostic assessment should be given. The diagnostic assessment is crucial to identify missing skills and help teachers determine what instruction the student needs for continued progress. The district has several options for screening tools listed below.

Screening Option 1:  RI (formerly SRI)
The Teaching and Learning department has paid for licenses for all students in grades 4-6. The IT department is currently working to upload the system for all schools.

Screening Option2:  Acadience MClass (Amplify)
This is the same system used by students in grades K-3.  If schools choose to use this system, they need to contact the company directly and pay for the student licenses they wish to purchase. The district does not cover the cost of this screener. To contact Acadience MClass, go to the homepage where you log in to see your Acadience data for lower grades and click on the service tab, then follow the prompts.

Screening Option 3:
This is a system similar to Acadience MClass (Amplify), but does not contain as many reporting features. In the past, the district was able to cover the cost of this system for schools, but due to some system changes, the district will not be able to cover the cost of this system this year. If schools choose to purchase this system, they need to contact the company directly at:
Toll-Free: 888-943-1240
Phone: 541-431-6931

PLEASE NOTE: Progress monitoring should assess the skill(s) that have been identified through the diagnostic assessment. Using a screener alone to progress monitor will not be sufficient because screeners do not give specific information into individual skill mastery or mastery of standards. Diagnostic tools can be found on the Elementary Literacy website.

Elementary Assessment and Intervention Plan

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Elementary Literacy Assessment Plan


Protected article: Diagnostics

Thursday, October 15, 2020

All Principals
All District Department Heads and Directors

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
Kurt Prusse, Director of Purchasing
Michael Heaps, Director of Information Systems

Student Data Privacy Updates and Reminders

Principals are asked to read and then communicate the following information to their faculty.

We cannot buy or use websites, apps, or software without checking into how they collect, manage, and use student data. If we do, we run the risk of breaking state and federal laws. Because of this, we are asking that all purchases related to website subscriptions, apps, or software go through Purchasing. This includes purchases made with teacher money and p-cards.

We cannot let children under 13 use websites or apps that collect their data without parent notification. This can be done in disclosure documents, emails to parents or other means of communication. Some websites, software, and apps do not allow children under 13 to use their services even with parent permission. These are prohibited by the district for grades K-7. Some websites, software, and apps do not allow children under 18 to use their services. These are prohibited by the district for all students.

Current processes for purchasing websites, apps, and software: 2020-2021

  • The school submits the requisition for the purchase of an app or program to Purchasing.
  • Website, app, or software is vetted for student data privacy.
  • Purchasing will send the district’s data privacy agreement (DPA) to the vendor to sign if needed.
  • Once the vendor signs the DPA, the purchasing process is completed.
  • If a vendor chooses not to sign or does not respond, the purchase of the app or program is halted and Information Systems is asked to block the website or application. There are currently two apps that have been blocked because of student data privacy reasons:
    • Quizlet
    • Beano

At a later date, Evaluation, Research & Accountability will be contacting digital teaching and learning coaches at each building in order to train them on vetting apps and programs. In addition, together with Teaching & Learning, we are working to develop an interactive website where schools and teachers may go to see what apps and programs have been approved and denied.

Please email the district student data privacy managers if you have any questions.
Holly L. Allen:
Steven Harwood:


Due to the District Office closing for Fall Recess at the end of the day on Thursday, Oct. 22, and not returning until Monday, Oct. 26, the Payroll Department is making the following recommendations:

  1. If you need to close your bank account, please call Payroll immediately.
  2. If you are a True Time employee, make sure your time is submitted. If you are a True Time approver, please make sure all time is approved.
  3. Paychecks are available for viewing in Employee Access on Tuesday, Oct. 20.
    Please review your pay check and call Payroll immediately with any questions or concerns.  (801) 567-8155.
    If you need help logging into your Employee Access, call the help desk at 801-567-8737.
  4. Payday is on Oct. 22nd.

The Payroll Department will resume work on Oct. 26, 2020 and will be available if you have any questions.

Thank you for your efforts in assisting Payroll.

Please take note of the USBE State LAND Trust virtual trainings to be held during the month of October. Training materials will be posted on the state website after the last training is held on October 28, 2020. You can also access last years training videos HERE. We would encourage you to use these resources in working with and training School Community Council members for the 2020-21 school year.

We want to acknowledge the standards-based grading work that you have been doing with your teachers. We know your efforts to intentionally identify power standards and create explicit proficiency scales will help students learn and reach their highest potential. We had originally hoped to begin new report cards this year but feel that the timing is not conducive to implementing something so important. We will continue standards-based work throughout the year and hope to let the process drive the implementation of new report cards.  

The report cards will include the same skills as in the past, with one minor change. Teachers will notice in their grading books that reading and writing are now two separate categories. In the creation of the online content, reading and writing were designed as two separate courses, and Skyward requires that each course be its own category for grading purposes. The skills within the categories have not changed. If a skill is included in both categories, teachers may choose to mark each one or may mark the category that is most appropriate based on classroom assignments and/or instruction.

We have had many requests for a tutorial on how to create a Special Project or create a Work Order in Sprocket. Attached you will find the step-by-step tutorial in a PDF. Please share this with your custodians and head administrative assistants. Only principals can create Special Projects.

If you feel you would like a more in-depth training, you are welcome to contact:

Judy Bird (801)567-8625 or Teresa Lyon (801)567-8626

They are located at the Auxiliary Services Building and would be happy to have you stop by anytime.


Jordan Ridge Elementary has a brand new “recovery couch” that they would like to offer to any school who might have a need. Here are the specifications:

Vendor: School Furniture 4 Less

Custom made, 24” (gunmetal gray) Vinyl with Chrome legs- 250 lb capacity

Price: 347.99

If you are interested in obtaining this for your school, please contact Jordan Ridge Elementary. You will then need to complete a Journal Entry for the purchase and fill out a transfer form so fixed assets can arrange for pickup and delivery.

Trauma can have a detrimental impact on students' functioning in the school setting. Educators need tools to identify and support students who may have experienced or are currently experiencing traumatic stress. Please see the attachment below for helpful information and strategies.

In support of the JSD Policy AA432, an informational DOCUMENT specific for online elementary teachers has been created for additional guidance. Teachers will need to follow the steps in the document to verify student attendance. Upon verification teachers will submit absences for only students who do not meet minimum attendance requirements. Additionally teachers will complete this FORM. An email will be sent to school assigned administrators of students who have not met minimum attendance requirements for follow up and increased involvement if needed.

If you have questions, please contact Ross Menlove at or 801-567-8192.

September 29, 2020

School Psychologists, Elementary Counselors, and School Social Workers

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance

October School Psychologist, Elementary Counselor, and School Social Workers Meeting

A virtual meeting for school psychologists, elementary counselors, and school social workers has been scheduled for Friday, October 9, 2020, from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. The link for this meeting will be sent to you before the meeting, Dr. Najmeh Hourmanesh, Miriam Walkingshaw, and Melissa Gutierrez will provide us with a presentation on Telehealth in Schools for Children and Adolescents; Heidi Alder, attorney, will provide us with a presentation on FERPA issues related to counseling students; and Dr. Olin Levitt will provide us with an overview of a recent ACES study.

Part-time Staff:  I would appreciate it if you could adjust your schedules in order to attend this meeting.


In order to ensure that your District mail is properly delivered, please include the following on all items:

  • First and last names
  • Full school or department name
  • Full building name (for items not delivered to schools)

Thanks! This will help ensure that all of your items are delivered quickly to the proper location.

This course will be a review of the Jordan School District Incident Command System Action Plans and roles for responding to a critical incident. The course is available for school/location administration and anyone else that has a key response position, as to be determined by the administrator. It is recommended that new administrators attend.

The course is being repeated on 4 different dates, and will be led by JSD Emergency Operations Manager Lance Everill.

Auxiliary Services Building, Auditorium – Entrance A

  • Wed., Oct. 28, 2020, 8:30am-10:00am
  • Thurs., Oct. 29, 2020, 8:30am-10:00am
  • Wed., Nov. 4, 2020, 1:30-3:00pm
  • Thurs., Nov. 5, 2020, 1:30-3:00pm

Register on JPLS
50-person capacity for each class
Masks required
Social distancing will be observed