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April 28, 2016

All Principals, Directors and Coordinators

June LeMaster, Ph.D., Administrator, Human Resources
Brent Burge, Human Resource Administrator - Classified

Classified Assistant Employment Evaluations for the 2015–2016 School Year

As the end of the school year is fast approaching, it is time to complete employee performance evaluations for all part-time assistants.  The evaluation documents are crucial in justifying employee terminations or unemployment claims.

All forms are available on the HR website on the “Admin Only” or the “Secretary Connections” page under the “Part Time Classified Evaluations” link.

You will find the following forms:

  • Part-Time Classified Assistant Evaluations Guideline -outlining the procedure for evaluating part time employees in your school/department.
  • Assistants-Employment Review/Status form

It is important you meet with each assistant for his/her evaluation. In each evaluation, the employee must be informed of his/her employment status for the upcoming year and the employee’s signature is required.

As part of your meeting with each assistant, please remind them that part-time employees with Jordan School District are considered "at will". That is, either the employee or Jordan School District may end the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, or for no reason.  There is no expectation of continued or guaranteed employment.

If you have any questions or if you need additional help, review the evaluation guideline on the website or you may contact our office at 801-567-8224.

Thank you for your assistance.

Elementary Principals:

The Arts Express Conference is on June 14-15 in Alpine. Please give every teacher a flyer and put one up in the faculty room. This is a great way to earn USOE credit and relicensure points for $45 (includes breakfast & lunch both days).

See attached flyer for more information.

BTSALP Specialists' Training

Friday, March 4, 2016
BYU Conference Center
8:00-3:30 PM

Please work with your specialist on their calendar so that Friday, March 4, 2016 is a contract day. This is one of the three required trainings for participation in the BTSALP program.

See attached flyer for more information.

Elementary Principals:

It is time to determine which reading software program (if any) you would like to use for the 2016 – 2017 school year.  We would like to have as many licenses as possible paid from State grant funds.  I will submit applications to USOE for each individual school and they will accept them on a first-come, first-served basis until funding is exhausted. Please send an email with the information listed on the attached document to as soon as possible.

All Principals (K-12):

Please share the flyer, Workshops Presentations for Teachers and Students with all of your teachers.   This is put on by SHIFT, a program of the Utah Film Center that offers educators high-quality professional development on the filmmaking process (digital storytelling) and how to integrate it into the core areas.
Workshops and instructional materials provide comprehensive, standards-linked lesson plans to guide educators on how to produce documentaries, public service announcements (PSAs), instructional videos, personal narratives, and other short film projects with their students.  There is a strong emphasis on writing.
*There is a FREE 2-day workshop on Filmmaking in the Classroom on Feb. 19 & 20 at Thanksgiving Point.  You may find registration information in the attached flyer. 

January 15, 2016

Elementary and Middle School Resource Team Leaders
High School Special Education Team Leaders

Laura Finlinson, Admin. of Curriculum/Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Julie Brown, Program Specialist

Projected Caseload Data and Staffing Needs Survey for 2016-17

Elementary Principals:  See attached memo.


January 4, 2016

Administrative Assistants

John Larsen, Business Administrator

January 11 and 22 Business Meeting for Administrative Assistants

This is a reminder about the business meeting for administrative assistants that will be held at the District Office in Room 129 on the following dates:

Monday, January 11, 2016 – 1:00-3:00 p.m.

Friday, January 22, 2016 – 9:00-11:00 a.m.

Meeting attendance is voluntary and not required; however, we hope you will take advantage of this specialized training.  A copy of the agenda is attached.  While the topics that will be discussed in these sessions are geared more towards school-related matters, District administrative assistants are welcome to participate.  The meetings are also open to administrators and/or others that may benefit from the topics being presented.

If you haven’t already provided Jeri with the date you plan to attend, please choose one of the two dates that will work best with your schedule and send an email to Jeri Clayton ( to let her know which date you will attend so that we can plan for the number of attendees at each session.  You can also call Jeri at 801-567-8120.

We look forward to seeing you.


January 6, 2016


Administrators of Schools
Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum and Staff Development
Clyde Mason, Director of Evaluation, Research, and Accountability

2016 Summative SAGE School Administrator and Test Coordinators’ Training, Feb. 23 and 24, 2016

School Testing Coordinators and Administrators preparation training for the 2016 Summative SAGE assessments is scheduled for February 23, 2016 (secondary) and February 24, 2016 (elementary).  Two sections of training are being provided on each date.  Registration for this training is required through JPLS.  If you, or your assigned school administrator, and your 2016 SAGE Test Coordinator have not yet registered for this training, please do so through JPLS:  utilizing the JPLS course and section information provided in the table below:


Principals, please note the following:

  • School testing coordinators are required to attend.  Please make sure they attend even if they cannot sign up through JPLS.
  • Testing coordinators and administrators will be expected to train school faculty members and other school personnel who will be administering 2016 Summative SAGE assessments.
  • Training materials will be made available online at


Again, principals please make sure that your SAGE test coordinator and you, or your school administrator assigned to oversee 2016 Summative SAGE Assessments, register for, and attend one of the above SAGE training sections.  Please direct any questions regarding this training to Brooke Anderson, 801-567-8393


ALL February and April Grade Level Literacy Training dates have been added to JPLS.  Please have the teacher designated to attend register for the appropriate meeting AND then schedule their substitute through AESOP.  Teachers attending should plan on bringing their laptop.  K-3 teachers will also need their iPad.  Direct questions to
