Thursday, August 8, 2024
Elementary School Administrators
Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
Student, Teacher, Administrator, and Other Accounts in ALO
Student Rostering:
Rostering of students in ALO will be automated and updated nightly. Rostering data will be extracted from Skyward, sent through the state’s UTReX system, and then uploaded into ALO. The process can take up to 72 hours for newly enrolled students. If students are missing from ALO, please contact Janice Sperry in Assessment, Research & Accountability who will investigate the issue. Students cannot be entered into the system manually.
Classroom Teacher Accounts:
All classroom teachers will be rostered in ALO through the state as a one-time upload. The upload was submitted to USBE as of August 5th. If classroom teachers have been added to Skyward after August 5th or if a teacher is hired during the school year, an account will need to be manually created in ALO. School administrators or their designee should fill out this form to request an account for newly hired teachers.
Classroom teachers should receive a welcome email from ALO on the second or third day of school asking them to set their password. Their username will be their work email address.
Accounts for Other Personnel:
School administrators are asked to fill out this form for other personnel who need ALO accounts. Examples of such personnel would be instructional coaches or classroom aides who will assist with progress monitoring or benchmark testing in grades 4-6. We will add these accounts manually after classroom teacher rostering has occurred. Please allow up to a week for accounts to be added as each person’s account must be created one at a time for all 42 elementary schools.
School Administrator Accounts:
Administrator accounts will be added to ALO manually once rostering for classroom teachers has occurred. There is no need to submit administrator names using the above form.
For questions about ALO, please contact Janice Sperry ( or Ben Jameson ( in Assessment, Research & Accountability.