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March 29, 2019

High School Principals, Assistant Principals and Counselors

C. Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools
Stacee Worthen, Secondary Counseling Specialist
Sharon Jensen, Principal, Valley High School

Critical Dates Regarding 24-credit Diploma through Valley High School

Counselors and students planning to graduate with a 24-credit diploma from Valley High School need to be aware of the following date/deadlines:

May 13, 2019  
Names of all students planning to graduate with a 24-credit diploma must be submitted to Sharon Jensen, Principal of Valley High School.

All students who are planning to walk at Valley High School’s graduation ceremony need to contact Jostens at 1-800-JOSTENS immediately to order the Valley High School cap and gown package.  If they have previously ordered from their boundary school, Jostens will help them with the cancellation and reorder of Valley High School colors.

May 20, 2019  
Deadline for official transfer of student to Valley High School.
All transfer students must have credits complete and transcripts reviewed by their boundary school before transfer is submitted.  Valley High School registrar will complete all transfers on May 20th.

May 22, 2019  
All students who are planning to walk during the Valley High School Graduation Ceremony must attend one of the following meetings at Valley High:
12:30 p.m.                               4:00 p.m.
Each meeting will be approximately one hour.  Students will not be allowed to walk with fellow graduates if they do not attend one of these meetings.  Caps and gowns will be distributed at the end of this mandatory meeting.

May 29, 2019  
Valley High School Graduation Ceremony 2:00 p.m.
Salt Lake Community College
Lifetime Activities Center (4600 S. Redwood Rd, Taylorsville)

May 30, 2019   
Students who do not wish to attend the graduation ceremony may pick up their diploma at Valley High School.

Please make note of these important dates and ensure they are communicated to students who are planning to use this option.

*Attached are instructions and the application for a 24-credit diploma through Valley High School.

March 26, 2019

Secondary School Principals
Secondary School Financial Secretaries

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Daniel Ellis, Director of Accounting, Budgets and Audits
Jason Mott, Accountant / Internal Auditor

Quarterly School Financial Report for January, February, and March 2019

Each school is asked to report the quarter end account balance and transaction detail with the Apple Volume Purchase Program and return with your bank reconciliation. If your school has no Apple account, please so indicate and return.

Please include the account balance with Apple on the reconciliation sign off form and print a report or screen shot(s) of the balances and quarterly transactions from Apple’s website. If you need assistance, please contact your Curriculum Technology Specialist – Bonnie, Deana, Harrison, Nancy, Jay, and Raimee.

Please photocopy the selected elements and send to Accounting by May 3, 2019.

Please include:

  • The signed attached memo to Accounting
  • A copy of your January, February, and March 2019 Reconciliation Worksheets
  • A copy of your January, February, and March 2019 Bank Statements
  • A copy of your January, February, and March 2019 Skyward Balance Sheets
  • A copy of your January, February, and March 2019 Outstanding Check Reports
  • Screen shot(s) of your March 31, 2019 Apple Volume Purchase Program transaction history and balance

If you have questions or need assistance, please call Jason Mott at (801)567-8388.

Thank you.

Michael Anderson, Administrator of Schools
Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools

March 25, 2019

All Principals

Cheryl Matson, Director of Insurance Services

Volunteer Hours

Volunteer reports need to be submitted to Insurance Services.

Workers’ Compensation insurance costs are based on numbers submitted by schools. It is important that this information be accurate and complete.

PTA figures must be separate from other volunteer hours.

Attached is a copy of the Volunteer Report for the period from December 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019.

Please complete this form and return it to
Cheryl Matson, Director of Insurance Services by
April 30, 2019.

Applications are now open for the summer History Academy for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade teachers. The Academy will run June 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7th. Teachers will receive instruction on using literacy skills to teach history, and will receive a stipend for attending and completing the Academy.

Priority will be given to school teams of a 4, 5 and 6 grade teacher or teams of grade level teachers. Only 15 slots are available. Applications need to be emailed to Pam Su'a at by April 10.

To apply please submit the following information:

  1. Name and grade of teachers wishing to participate.
  2. A statement that all teachers on the team will attend every day of the Academy and participate fully.
  3. A statement detailing how much social studies you currently are able to teach.

Selected teachers will be notified by April 15 and given further details.

March 20, 2019

Assistant Principals
Administrative Assistants

Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning & Student Services

Name Change Affidavit and Certification

Utah Administrative Code R277-419-10(4) allows schools to use a name other than what appears on a birth certificate provided the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) aver that there is a compelling need to protect their child.

When parent(s)/legal guardian(s) request such action, schools shall provide them with the “Name Change Affidavit and Certification” form. This form is found online at Once the form is completed and notarized it is returned to the school and the change is made in Skyward as though the student’s birth certificate had been changed. Place the original in the student’s cumulative folder and provide a copy for the parent(s)/legal guardian(s).

The new name identified on the form will be used as the official name designated on Jordan School District’s official transcripts and records. The “Name Change Affidavit and Certification” form does NOT constitute a legal name change.

After the name is changed in Skyward the school shall contact Information Systems who will update the student’s state SSID information.

Name Change Affidavit and Certification

In order to increase security to Jordan School District computer systems, the following changes are being made for secondary school students:

  1. The first time a secondary school student logs into Skyward, Google or Active Directory, they will be required to create a new password. The default password that the student uses the first time they log in has not changed. Students use their Google password to access their email account, Chromebooks, Google Drive and other Google Apps. Students use their Active Directory password to log in to Windows or Apple laptop or desktop computers.
  2. Secondary school students will be required to remember their passwords from year to year. In the past, passwords to Google and Active Directory were changed at the beginning of the school year to their student number. This will no longer be the practice.
  3. Secondary school students will maintain separate passwords for Google and Active Directory. In the past, passwords from Active Directory would be copied to Google. However, if a student changed their password in Google, it would not be copied to Active Directory. This has caused some confusion in the past. Therefore, passwords will no longer be copied from Active Directory to Google.
  4. Secondary school staff that have previously received security and training to change student passwords in Active Directory will be given security and training to change student passwords in Google. Therefore, if a student forgets their Google or Active Directory password, the school will be able to reset either password for the student.

If you have any questions, please contact the Information Systems help desk at 801-567-8737.

At the elementary level, this video is not authorized to be shown to the students at the school.

The Avoid Deny Defend Student Training Video is available on the Auxiliary Services Web Site.

  • Select the Safety & Security tab
  • School Safety & Security on the drop down menu

Please direct any parents/guardians that want to view this video to the Web page. The District welcomes opportunities for parents/guardians to preview curriculum being taught to students, to include emergency response strategies. Avoid Deny Defend has been added to supplement the existing Lockout and Lockdown protocols.


Thursday, March 21, 2019

High School Principals

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Research Project - The Effect of Joint Training on Knowledge and Attitudes of Career and Technical Education and Special Education Professionals

The Research Review Committee has reviewed a research project in which your school has been asked to participate.

Project Title:     The Effect of Joint Training on Knowledge and Attitudes of Career and Technical Education and Special Education Professionals

Applicant:     Crystal Emery

The project has been approved by the District Research Review Committee. The applicant has been directed to contact you to discuss the extent of the project and to obtain your permission to conduct the study at your school. Participation in the study is at your discretion. If you have questions or concerns relating to participation, please contact Ben Jameson at 801-567-8243.

The project will involve the recruiting of a team of special education and CTE teachers to participate in 4 hours of professional development outside of contract time accompanied by a pre- and post-test.

Thank you for your assistance.

The PowerPoint Presentations given, by Ben Jameson, in the March 19th Principals' Meeting are attached below. Please see the appropriate file for your level.

March 12, 2019

School Psychologists, Elementary Counselors, School Social Workers

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance

March Guidance Meeting

Our next Guidance meeting is scheduled for March 29, 2019 from 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Jordan School District Auxiliary Services Building (ASB) (7905 South Redwood Road) in the auditorium. Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education, and members of her staff will provide us with a presentation on the Combination RTI Discrepancy Model for determining eligibility of students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) that will be used throughout our district effective beginning in the Fall of 2019.

Part-time Staff:  I would appreciate it if you could adjust your schedules in order to attend this meeting.


March 13, 2019

Applicable School Principals and Administrative Assistants (Financial and Membership)
All Area Administrators of Schools and Administrative Assistants
Travis Hamblin, Planning and Student Services
Michael Heaps, Support Services Manager

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Daniel Ellis, Director of Accounting, Budgets and Audits
Jason Mott, Accountant/Internal Auditor

External Audit Visits

Please see attached memo.

March 12, 2019

Assistant Principals
Attendance Secretaries
Financial Secretaries

Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning & Student Services

Accepting and/or Denying Late Enrollment Permit Applications

Permit applications submitted after the third (3rd) Friday of February for the following school year or any permit for the current school year, must be approved based on the “adjusted capacity” of the school. The adjusted capacity is the total number of students who could be served in a school if each teacher were to have a class size based on the staffing ratio for each grade level (§53G-6-401).  Late enrollment permit acceptance is determined by the staffing ratio as follows:

  • Elementary schools use the student-to-teacher ratio for each grade level to determine if there is space available.
  • Secondary schools use the student-to-teacher ratio for each core class within each grade level to determine if space is available.

Schools must use the following standards for accepting and/or rejecting an application (§53G-6-403):

The standards for accepting or rejecting an application for enrollment may include:

  1. For an elementary, the capacity of the grade level;
  2. Not offering, or having capacity in, an elementary or secondary special education or other special program the student requires;
  3. Maintenance of reduced class sizes (Title I, or school trust money used to reduce class sizes);
  4. Willingness of prospective students to comply with district policies; and
  5. Giving priority to intradistrict transfers over interdistrict transfers.

The standards for accepting or rejecting an application for enrollment may NOT include:

  1. Previous academic achievement;
  2. Athletic or other extracurricular ability;
  3. The fact that the student requires special education services for which space is available;
  4. Proficiency in the English language; or
  5. Previous disciplinary proceedings, except as follows:
    1. There has been a serious infraction of the law of school rules;
    2. The student has been guilty of chronic misbehavior which would, if it were to continue after the student was admitted:
      1. Endanger persons or property;
      2. Cause serious disruptions in the school; or
      3. Place unreasonable burdens on school staff.

Using the waitlist in PowerSchool and the standards listed above, permit applications are granted (seated) by the school on a first-come, first-served basis for the entire school year.

Please contact Travis at 88251 (801.567.8251) should you have any questions.

March 14, 2019

All Jordan School District Principals (with bus route students)

Scott Thomas, Administrator of Auxiliary Services
Herb Jensen, Director of Transportation
Kathy Jones, Transportation Trainer/Risk Coordinator

State Required Bus Evacuations and School Bus Safety 2018-2019

State required semi-annual school bus evacuations have been scheduled for this spring.  This applies to those students that ride the bus daily to and from school.

The evacuations will be conducted during the week of:

Monday, April 22, 2019 thru Friday, April 26, 2019

Your school’s regular bus driver will perform this evacuation as they drop your students off in the morning, one day during that week.  This procedure takes place at your school and is located in your normal bus drop off/pick up zone.  All professional school bus drivers that transport students are required to perform evacuation procedures in case of an emergency.  Bus evacuation will be through the rear door, side door, front door or a combination.  Students will then, under the direction and supervision of the bus driver, evacuate and meet in a safe place approximately 100 feet away from the bus.

Your assistance is welcome but not mandatory to complete this required evacuation drill quickly, safely and effectively.

We appreciate all you do to help us safely transport your students.


March 11, 2019

High School Principals
Middle School Principals

C. Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools
Michael V. Anderson, Administrator of Schools

Fee Schedule Preparation for 2019-20 School Year

The Board of Education is required to approve all charged fees and has requested all schools to list every fee charged to students (both required and optional) which will be posted on the website and included on the 2019-20 Fee Schedule. Fees may not be charged unless they are on the approved fee schedule. Each secondary school has compiled a list of proposed fees. Please review your list of proposed fees and consider the following:

  • Review all items listed on to ensure everything is included.
  • Identify and label items considered “optional” for each listed program. (these items may have been previously identified as “spirit pack” items)
  • List every item on the fee schedule that will be receipted in the main office.
  • Confirm the cost of the cap and gown with Jostens for accuracy. (HS Only)
  • Every fee requested must be submitted to, and approved by, the principal on the fee approval form with detailed information and kept on file for auditing purposes.
  • Overnight Travel and Camps & Clinics are identified on the district fee schedule and do not need to be listed under the individual group category. These functions have guidelines and rules that each group must adhere to in order to travel or run a Camp & Clinic activity.
  • Any additions or changes need to be submitted to Brad Sorensen/Cari Minnesota or Mike Anderson/Nadine Page no later than April 12, 2019.
  • The Board of Education is planning to officially review the school fee proposal on April 23, 2019.
  • If something is not listed, you must request a change through an individual fee approval process by submitting your request to the Administrator of Schools. The individual request will be reviewed by cabinet and submitted to the Board of Education for final approval before the fee may be charged.

We are looking forward to our next JELL sessions! The morning will focus on the how & why of data within the instructional cycle, including how to use data to create school-wide goals and a school-wide instructional strategy. The afternoon will be a guided planning time for you and your leadership team.

We will offer a Principal PLC in preparation for the JELL Sessions.
“Ensuring your PLCs Improve Teaching & Learning, Part 2.”

March 14, 2019

2019 Graduating Interns

June LeMaster, Ph.D., Human Resource Administrator
Anthony Godfrey, Ed.D., Associate Superintendent

Intern Graduations 2019

It is a long-standing practice in Jordan School District to allow full time, in state partnership university teacher interns to take one (1) day leave to attend either their own university commencement or convocation, without penalty.  This year, this practice is expanded to allow all full time university interns including teacher interns, school psychologists and counselor interns, etc., the same privilege.  Interns attending both in state and out of state university commencement ceremonies are allowed one (1) day; therefore, some interns may need to choose between commencement and convocation.

If a substitute is needed for coverage, the intern is responsible for requesting a substitute through Frontline (formerly known as AESOP).  The absence reason entered should be “other” and in the blue “notes to administrator box”, the intern should add the following information “District excused 0050 - personal graduation”.  For additional assistance, please contact Juli Martin at 801-567-8219.

See dates for the in state 2019 University Commencement and Convocation Ceremonies on the attached memo.