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Changes to Secondary Student Accounts – March 2019

In order to increase security to Jordan School District computer systems, the following changes are being made for secondary school students:

  1. The first time a secondary school student logs into Skyward, Google or Active Directory, they will be required to create a new password. The default password that the student uses the first time they log in has not changed. Students use their Google password to access their email account, Chromebooks, Google Drive and other Google Apps. Students use their Active Directory password to log in to Windows or Apple laptop or desktop computers.
  2. Secondary school students will be required to remember their passwords from year to year. In the past, passwords to Google and Active Directory were changed at the beginning of the school year to their student number. This will no longer be the practice.
  3. Secondary school students will maintain separate passwords for Google and Active Directory. In the past, passwords from Active Directory would be copied to Google. However, if a student changed their password in Google, it would not be copied to Active Directory. This has caused some confusion in the past. Therefore, passwords will no longer be copied from Active Directory to Google.
  4. Secondary school staff that have previously received security and training to change student passwords in Active Directory will be given security and training to change student passwords in Google. Therefore, if a student forgets their Google or Active Directory password, the school will be able to reset either password for the student.

If you have any questions, please contact the Information Systems help desk at 801-567-8737.

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