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August 2, 2021

Principals and Administrative Assistants

John Larsen, Business Administrator

Legislative Classroom Supplies Appropriation for 2021-22

In preparation for the new school year, we are providing you with Record of Receipt envelopes for distribution to teachers. Teachers should use these envelopes to record and keep receipts for supply purchases made throughout the year. This year each eligible teacher will receive $175.00 for supply purchases. As in the past, teachers working less than full-time will receive a portion of the $175 based on the FTE rate listed on the school’s Skyward FTE report. The language in paragraph two of the Guidelines (printed on the back of the envelope) was revised to reflect the change in the amount. If you have envelopes left from the previous school year, please discard them and issue only the new envelopes dated 5/20/21.

It is anticipated that the legislative supply funds will be deposited to teacher’ bank accounts on about the 24th of September. The supply money is not included in a paycheck, but rather as a separate deposit to the bank account the teacher provided to the Payroll Department. If you have teachers that received permission to carry over funds from the prior year, please write the amount in the box entitled “carry-over funds” on the teacher’s envelope so it can be added to the “new funds-current year” amount. If a teacher with a carry-over amount transferred to a different school within the District and your principal gave the teacher permission to use his/her carry-over amount at the new school, please communicate this information to the administrative assistant at the new school so they can record the information on the teacher’s envelope. If a teacher with a carry-over amount resigns, the teacher will need to return the funds to the school either via a payroll deduction, check, or cash payment.

Immediately following the September 24 distribution of supply money, you will receive 1) an FTE report which lists the teachers assigned to your school and 2) a disbursements report which lists the amount of money each received. These documents should be kept for reference throughout the year.

One last reminder: If a teacher resigns during the year, please insure that they turn in their legislative supply envelope prior to leaving. If the resigning teacher has a balance remaining of unspent funds, a request for a payroll deduction should be sent to Sarah Palmer, director of Payroll Services. The teacher can also return the funds by check or cash made payable to the school.

As always, if you have questions or need additional envelopes, please feel free to contact my administrative assistant, Lisa LeStarge, at 801-567-8120 or

Thank you for your assistance with the legislative supply money.


Anthony Godfrey
Mike Anderson
Cody Curtis
April Gaydosh
Jill Durrant
Rebecca Gerber
June LeMaster
Lisa Robinson
Brad Sorensen
Dan Ellis
Jason Mott
Mike Heaps
Jeri Gamble
Sarah Palmer
Kelly Giffin, JEA

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July 22, 2021

All Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness Consultant

Educator Wellness Representative Opportunity!

During the 2020-21 school year, Health and Wellness began a new initiative that allowed schools to select an “Educator Wellness Representative.” Almost all of our District’s schools selected a representative. This group of wellness reps met monthly throughout the school year and collaborated with PEHP, Blomquist Hale, and others to offer opportunities to enhance individual wellness for employees. Wellness reps led efforts across the District that were tailored to their school and several schools secured additional grant funds through this initiative to support their fellow educators.

For the 2021-22 school year we will be able to offer this again!

The purpose of the Educator Wellness Representative initiative is to increase educator wellness by enhancing wellness education and mental health awareness among the school’s adult staff. As part of the initiative, each school may nominate one or two adult staff members (non-administrative) per school as “Educator Wellness Representatives.” Review the information below if you would like to take advantage of this opportunity:

  • Each school will receive up to $500 in stipends paid directly to their wellness reps (each wellness representative will receive $250)
  • Each school that selects wellness representatives will have access to a set of wellness supplies that could be used to support your teacher wellness initiative. Your school's representative will work with your school and the health and wellness team to identify and use supplies according to school needs.
  • Representatives will attend monthly meetings/trainings beginning with a virtual kick-off on September 8th from 4:00-4:30. Wellness reps can split meetings/trainings as their schedule requires if there are two per school.
  • It will be expected that your school's wellness representatives will work with your school's administration to set goals and be a resource in communicating essential wellness information and supporting wellness initiatives with your school's staff.

We are excited to use this group to disseminate great information and provide tools and strategies to help your school staff maintain wellness throughout the school year.

To select your wellness representative(s), please fill out this short Google Form by September 3rd. If you have questions, please contact McKinley Withers, 801-567-8245.

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Secondary virtual students who attend some classes at Hidden Valley Middle or Majestic Elementary:

  • Eat at home
  • Make arrangements to pick up ‘grab n go’ meals from their home school.
  • Make arrangements to pick up ‘grab n go’ meals from Hidden Valley Middle or Majestic Elementary (Secondary and elementary students cannot eat in the cafeteria at the same time.)
  • Pick up ‘grab n go’ meals from one of three middle school curbside/door side locations; South Hills Middle, Joel P Jensen Middle, and Elk Ridge Middle.

Secondary totally virtual students:

  • Eat at home
  • Make arrangements to pick up ‘grab n go’ meals from their home school.
  • Pick up ‘grab n go’ meals from one of three middle school curbside/door side locations; South Hills Middle, Joel P Jensen Middle, and Elk Ridge Middle.

Elementary virtual students:

  • Eat at home
  • Make arrangement to pick up ‘grab n go’ meals from their home school.
  • Pick up ‘grab n go’ meals from one of three middle school curbside/door side locations; South Hills Middle, Joel P Jensen Middle, and Elk Ridge Middle.
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The Leadership in Personalized and Digital Learning (LPDL) Academy is designed specifically for administrators to lead schools toward personalized and digital learning through research-based content and job-embedded experiences. Sign up today for the 2021-22 cohort. Open to principals and assistant principals. There will be both an elementary and secondary cohort. For questions contact Jared Covili, 801-567-8191.

Cohort 3 LPDL Academy 2021-22 Plan

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Jordan School District Employees are responsible for knowing and adhering to all District policies and procedures. The crucial policy review is now available to District employees in Skyward through “Online Forms.” As a condition of continued employment, all employees (i.e. Licensed, ESP, Substitutes, Coaches, Miscellaneous adults, etc.), with the exception of minor students, will be required to complete this training. We ask your assistance in notifying your employees of this required training and ask that this training be completed by November 1, 2021.

A message will appear upon login of Skyward Employee Access for the employee to complete an “Online Form.” Employees can complete the steps at that time or can return to the review at another time by selecting “Online Forms” under “Employee Information.”

Reports of completion will be available through Skyward so you can verify that your staff members have completed this process. A tutorial is attached for your reference. If you or any staff members need technical help, please call the help desk at 801-567-USER (8737).

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We have had many requests from kindergarten teachers to bring back the kindergarten support groups formerly known as “Flurry in a Hurry” .  We are happy to announce that all kindergarten teachers in our district are invited to join us for “Kindergarten Night Out”.   This will be a time for kindergarten teachers to meet together, get some freebies for their classrooms, and share tips to have a successful year.  Please make sure all kindergarten teachers in each building get the attached flyer and video.  We hope to see everyone there!

Kindergarten Night Out Video

Kindergarten Night Out Flyer

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July 29, 2021

Assistant Principals
Elementary Administrative Assistants
Secondary Registrars
School Counselors

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Stacee Worthen, Consultant, School Counseling
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

Enrolling Students at Part-Time

Each student must have an enrollment percentage in Skyward that matches the number of courses they are enrolled in during the day. If a student is part-time, they must not be given a full-time, 100% enrolled schedule using filler classes such as “Ed Release” or similar.

When a student switches from full-time to part-time enrollment, the appropriate school staff member (a principal or administrative assistant at elementary; a school counselor at secondary) must complete the Student Release Form and have it signed by a parent (the form should print double-sided or as two pages). This form ensures that the parent is aware of and approves of the change and understands their obligations for having the student leave or return to campus. Parents must also understand that a reduced schedule at the secondary level will leave the student credit deficient and at risk of not graduating.

When signed, the form can be processed by the appropriate school staff member (typically an elementary administrative assistant or secondary registrar) and the enrollment percentage changed to the percentage given on the form (rounded to the nearest whole number). Information Systems has prepared documentation on changing a student’s enrollment percentage in Skyward. That documentation can be found at this link. The original form is placed in the student’s cumulative folder; copies are given to the parent and sent to Planning & Enrollment at the District Office.

At the secondary level, the student should only be enrolled in the number of classes recorded on the form. If the student will not be instructed by a Jordan District teacher for one or more periods, they should not have a class on their schedule for those periods. “Ed Release” or similar courses may only be used as temporary placeholders while SEATS courses are processed and added to the student’s schedule; they may not be used long-term or to keep a student enrolled at 100%. For secondary students, one period per day (or per A/B cycle) of religious release time may be counted towards school enrollment.

The form remains in effect until superseded. “Superseded” will mean at the end date listed on the Student Release Form, the next school year (when the student would likely return to full-time status), or when a new form further adjusting enrollment is completed. The copy of the Student Release Form in the cumulative folder may be destroyed when it has been superseded.

Please contact Planning & Enrollment with questions or concerns (x88183).

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Please fill out your summer school information on the ESSER II Worksheets for your school ASAP. Each school is in google drive under:

"(School Name) ESSER II Worksheets". It was originally shared with you by Shelley Nordick.

Be sure to fill out the names and number of teachers and ESP who were paid for Summer School, the number of students served, and the data you collected. Please also include the name of the person you're paying from ESSER funds. Please do this for each session your school participated in.

Thank you!!!

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Beginning this fall, JSD elementary administrators, teachers, and school psychs will partner with USBE to participate in LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) training.

For administrators, there will be an online component (10-16 hours) along with 2 face-to-face days of professional  learning. School psychs will follow the administrator schedule. Teachers will have a total of 8 units with a combination of online, application in the classroom, and in person learning per unit. USBE credit will be given to all participants upon completion.

Materials will be distributed to each school. More info will be coming closer to the delivery date.

Please the attached flyers for more information.

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Thursday, July 29, 2021

School and District Administrators

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2021-22 Testing Bulletin Now Available

The testing bulletins for elementary, middle and high schools for the 2021-22 school year have been updated. They are updated throughout the year and may be found on the Evaluation, Research & Accountability website:

For your convenience, individual level testing bulletins may also be accessed below:

Elementary School Testing Bulletin
Middle School Testing Bulletin
High School Testing Bulletin

Administrators will be notified if there is a change to any testing windows currently listed in the bulletins.

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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Elementary School Administrators

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Acadience Reading and Acadience Math Canvas Training for Coaches and Teachers

As has been noted in previous JAM memos, the district assessment team will be administering the newly required Acadience Math individual measures in kindergarten and first grade for every school. Both Acadience Math and Acadience Reading will be administered at the same time on the same testing day(s) for each school.

While we have been able to recruit enough assessment assistants comparable to pre-pandemic numbers, we still don’t have enough assessment assistants to administer both the reading and math assessments in the same time period. For this reason, we will once again need the help of building instructional coaches. In order to get them trained on the Acadience Math assessment in a timely manner, elementary school administrators are asked to forward the following training information to their building coach:

Acadience Reading and Math Asynchronous Trainings
We appreciate the priceless assistance coaches offered the assessment team in helping us complete Acadience Reading testing in schools last year. We will once again need help from coaches to complete both Acadience Reading and Acadience Math (new mandate from the state) testing this year.

Acadience Math Training
Acadience Math asynchronous trainings are now available in Canvas. Coaches may access the course using the link below and should enroll in both the kindergarten and first grade modules. Upon completion of the grade level module, participants can complete a form and receive a certificate of completion for that module. This training will need to be completed by the coach prior to the assigned day that district assessment assistants will come to your school to administer the Acadience Reading and Math measures.

Coaches may access the Acadience Math Canvas course here:

After completing the Acadience Math Canvas course, if coaches feel that they need more practice, Evaluation, Research & Accountability will be holding practice sessions with district assessment assistants on Tuesday, August 17th any time between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm in PDC 101, 102, and 103.

Acadience Reading Training
Acadience Reading asynchronous trainings are also available in Canvas. Those who are new to coaching this year will also need to enroll in and complete this course before assessment assistants come to test on your school’s assigned testing day(s).

Coaches may access the Acadience Reading Canvas course here:

Please contact Ben Jameson (801-567-8243 or or Shannon Johnson (801-567-8873 or with any questions.


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Thursday, July 29, 2021

All Principals and District Department Directors/Consultants

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2021-22 Required Testing Ethics Professional Development Procedures for Education Support Professionals

Licensed teachers will do their testing ethics training as part of their annual crucial policies and procedures review. Principals do not need to train their teachers on testing ethics for the 2021-22 school year; however, principals will need to conduct a training for any education support professionals (classified employees) who will assist with district, state or federally-mandated testing. This will include computer lab assistants who function as the school’s test coordinator, any classroom aides that assist with testing, literacy aides who assist with Acadience Reading testing or progress monitoring, or any office staff that assist test coordinators with district, state or federally-mandated testing.

The three required procedures for completing this testing ethics professional development are listed on the “2021-22 Principal’s Testing Ethics Checklist for ESPs” form, which is due to the Evaluation, Research & Accountability Department by Friday, September 17, 2021.

As has been done in the past, principals may provide in-person training on testing ethics using the pdf slide deck attached with this memo. Alternatively, principals may refer education support personnel to the YouTube video that provides the same ethics training. Once education support personnel have been trained, either in-person or using the video, they are required to sign the “2021-22 Standard Test Administration and Testing Ethics Policy Training Signature Form.” Principals are asked to keep these signed forms on file at the school.

There are several materials attached with this memo for your use:

  • 2021-22 Principal’s Testing Ethics Checklist or ESPs – This form needs to be filled out and sent to Evaluation, Research & Accountability by Friday, September 17, 2021.
  • Testing Ethics Presentation, 2022-21 – This is the pdf slide deck if principals choose to present the training in-person.
  • 2021-22 Standard Test Administration and Testing Ethics Policy – This document should be distributed to every Education Support Professional that assists with state or federally-mandated testing.
  • ESP Testing Ethics Video – This is the training video that may be used in lieu of in-person training. The video may be found at this link:
  • Standard Test Administration and Testing Ethics Training Signature Form, 2021-22 – Principals should retain a signed copy of this form for all Education Support Professionals who assist with district, state or federally-mandated testing.

Please contact Ben Jameson or Gaylene Miller in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with any questions.

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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Elementary School Administrators

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

KEEP Entry Administration and Materials

Principals are asked to pass this information, along with the materials included with this memo, to their kindergarten teachers as soon as possible.

KEEP Entry administration for the 2021-22 school year is still required by the state.  The KEEP Entry window ends on Monday, September 6, 2021.  Data entry into the Data Gateway is due by Thursday, September 30, 2021.  Those who are administering the KEEP Entry (including kindergarten teachers and classroom aides) should have been trained.  Test administrators can access training in one of two ways:

Included with this memo are the following materials:

  • KEEP Entry Test Administration Manual (TAM) – Kindergarten teachers should use this manual to access the script they should read while testing. The manual also contains instructions on how to administer and score the assessment.
  • KEEP Entry Student Materials – Schools will be responsible for printing their own student materials booklet for each KEEP Entry test administrator. No changes to the assessment have been made, so teachers may use last year’s student materials.
  • KEEP Entry Score Sheet – Kindergarten teachers may fill out the scoring sheet online in their Data Gateway account while administering the assessment. They may also fill out the attached scoring sheet and then enter the data in the Data Gateway at a later time.
  • KEEP Entry Data Entry – Getting Started – This document provides a brief explanation of how to enter KEEP Entry data into the Data Gateway.

If you have questions about the KEEP Entry, please contact the following people:

  • For Data Gateway or test administration questions: Ben Jameson, Evaluation, Research & Accountability: 801-567-8243 or
  • For test administration questions: Liz Williams, USBE Assessment & Accountability: 801-538-7542 or
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July 29, 2021

Secondary School Principals

Christen Richards-Khong

2021-22 Advanced Placement Beginning of Year Planning Steps

Please note beginning of year planning steps for your Advanced Placement coordinator training, course audits, and student registration. If you have assigned a new AP coordinator for your school, please notify Chris Westra of the change. Please send Chris Westra  the contact information for your new coordinator.

Planning for AP 2021-22 School Year

  • AP Coordinator Training- Free 3-hour online workshops for new and experienced AP coordinators. These interactive workshops will allow participants to work in small groups. AP Coordinators can register now to reserve a spot; due to the format of this workshop, space is limited.
  • AP Course Audit - Teachers and a school administrator will need to complete and submit the AP Course Audit Form. Courses must be submitted for audit approval for a class section to be created in the AP Registration & Ordering System. Below are key links:
  • AP Registration and Ordering Access Codes-in August AP coordinators and principals on file will receive an email with your school’s unique AP registration and Ordering (APRO) access code. This code can be used to launch the new school year’s APRO.

Brad Sorensen, Cody Curtis, Shelley Nordick


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July 22, 2021

All administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness Consultant

Join our Wellness Center PLC

Are you interested in starting a wellness center at your school? Do you need some extra funds to jazz it up? Do you already have a room and would like to collaborate with other schools to make it better?

Health and Wellness is here to help! Please review these tips for wellness center implementation and consider joining our wellness center PLC!

During the 2021-22 school year there will be a quarterly PLC whose purpose will be to increase collaboration between schools who are implementing (or who are interested in implementing) wellness centers.

If you are interested in participating in this PLC or in sending a representative (or both!) please let McKinley Withers know (, 801-567-8245) as soon as possible and include the names of any individuals who you’d like to have participate. Dates and times will be coordinated according to the participant’s schedules. We look forward to working with you to enhance wellness in our District!

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If you are a building administrator and  haven’t had the opportunity to come to the Literacy Launch day 2 training, there is still time!  In this training you will receive all the information you need to set up a successful tier 2 structure using the 95% Walk to Read materials.  The following dates are still available:

  • July 27, 8:00-4:00, ASB Auditorium 
  • July 29, 8:00-4:00 ASB Auditorium 

There are also some dates that have been set aside for classroom assistants.  Building administrators are welcome to attend any of the following sessions:

  • August 11, 8:00-11:30 AM, ASB Presentation Rm (50 people)
  • Wednesday August 11 12:30-4:00 PM, ASB Presentation Rm (50 people)
  • Monday August 16, 8:00-11:30 AM, ASB Presentation Rm (50 people)
  • Tuesday August 23, 8:00-11:30 AM, ASB Auditorium (100 people)

There is no need for administrators to sign up in JPLS.  Just come and learn with us!

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