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April 11, 2019

School Psychologists, School Psychology Interns, Elementary Counselors, and School Social Workers

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance

May Guidance Meeting

A meeting for school psychologists, school psychology interns, elementary counselors, and school social workers has been scheduled for Friday, May 3, 2019, from 12:00 to 3:30 p.m. at the Jordan School District Auxiliary Services Building Auditorium (7905 South Redwood Road). We will begin with an end-of-the-year potluck luncheon. Ryan Anderson, Ph.D. will provide us with a presentation on internet gaming disorder. His presentation will provide an overview of this issue, as well as interventions to use with students.

Part-time Staff: I would appreciate it if you could adjust your schedules in order to attend this meeting.


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An open house will be held on Wednesday, May 22, 2019 from 4-7:00 p.m. at JATC South to honor Superintendent Patrice Johnson who will be retiring on July 1, 2019.  Please see attached flyer.

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Please note the following administrative assignments:

  • Beverly Griffith, K-3 Literacy Coach, Teaching & Learning, appointed elementary school assistant principal,  assignment to be announced.
  • Kaleb Yates, Salt Lake School District, appointed elementary school assistant principal, assignment to be announced.
  • Angela Jones, Granite School District, appointed elementary school assistant principal, assignment to be announced.
  • Baylee Lansford, K-3 Literacy Coach, Teaching & Learning, appointed elementary school assistant principal, assignment to be announced.
  • Matthew Tranter, Teacher, Copper Hills High, appointed high school assistant principal, assignment to be announced.
  • Brady Bartholomew, Teacher, West Jordan High, appointed high school assistant principal, assignment to be announced.
  • Wendy Harmon, Math Consultant, Teaching & Learning, appointed assistant principal at Mountain Creek Middle School.
  • Melinda Lokey, Administrator on Special Assignment, Teaching & Learning, appointed assistant principal at Valley High School.
  • Melanie Dawson, Utah State University, appointed assistant principal at River's Edge.
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April 10, 2019

Administrative Assistants

Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning and Student Services

Permanent Records – Transfer Processes and Procedures

Year-End Permanent Record Transfers:

Permanent records for students leaving the school (either a boundary change or 6th and 9th grade advancement) need to be delivered in person to the appropriate school by the sending schools staff. Records need to be delivered on or before:

Traditional Schools:   June 7, 2019

Year-Round schools:  July 9, 2019

The receiving school will need to check the student list against each permanent record to assure all permanent records were received. Each bundle must be accompanied by two (2) alphabetized lists which includes the name of the sending school and receiving school. This should be signed by both the sending and receiving school. Computer lists or PDM’s may be used. Dead files should be provided to receiving schools separately in their own box.

General Permanent Record Transfer Procedures (District policy AS61):

  • A parent release is not required when transferring student records from one school to another.
  • Any school receiving a written request to forward a copy of a transferring student’s record to the new school shall comply within 30 days of the request, and within 10 days of the request for a military child’s records, unless the record has been flagged as a “Missing child,” in which case the copy may not be forwarded and the requested school shall notify the police department.
  • Transfer the ORIGINAL records for students in grades K through 8.
  • A CERTIFIED COPY of the cumulative/permanent record along with the original health record (Utah School Immunization Record) of students in grades 9 through 12 shall be transferred to requesting schools outside of Jordan School District. The ORIGINAL RECORDS and a copy of the health record of students in grades 9 through 12 shall be archived at the Jordan District high school.
  • Maintain a record of the date the record transfer request was received and the date and school where the record was sent.
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April 10, 2019

High School Registrars

Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning & Student Services

Transfer of K-8 Student Files for Retention at the State Records Center

This is a reminder to prepare and send the “Dead files” of K-8 students to the Planning & Student Services Department by June 9, 2019 for transfer to the State Records Center for permanent retention.

Schools will periodically have files of students who have attended Jordan School District in grades K-8 and never attend grades 9-12.  In the event that a transcript was never created and the student’s cumulative folder was never requested, the student’s cumulative folder then becomes the record to retain permanently as required by law.  These records are to be handled as follows:  (refer to page 51 in the Planning & Student Services Manual).

Non-transferred Records (Dead Files):

Non-transferred student cumulative/permanent records of students in grades kindergarten through 8 shall be held in that school until the student’s grade level is advanced to the next school level.  (i.e., 6th grade records are sent to the feeder middle school and 9th grade records are sent to the feeder high school each June).  Once at the feeder high school the record shall be retained three (3) years after the student would have graduated.  At the end of three years these records shall be transferred to the Planning & Student Services Department each year by June 30 and then sent to the State Records Center and retained for 17 years and then transferred to the State Archives permanently.

The following remain in the file:

    • achievement test scores,
    • copies of report cards,
    • health records, and
    • pertinent information concerning the student

Examples of these files may include:

  • A student who attended Jordan School District in grades K-8 and never attended a public high school in the State of Utah grades 9-12.
  • The death of a student – a certified copy of the cumulative folder should be retained and the family may be given the original if requested. Send this record at the end of the school year that the event occurred.

Please refer to UTREX to make sure the student has not attended a school within the State of Utah before sending the files to Planning & Student Services for retention.  If they are active in another school within the State, contact that school and have them officially request the record.

Please contact Student Services at 801.567.8183 should you have any questions.

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April 10, 2019

Administrative Assistants
Attendance Secretaries

Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning & Student Services

Entering Enrollment in Skyward for the Last Six (6) Days of the School Year

Daily attendance for students will be taken up to the very end of the school year.  Skylert notices will go home to families that will report accurate information as students attend school through the end of the school year.

The “same as” attendance dates utility in Skyward may be applied after the last Skylert is sent home to parents on the last day of school.

  • Elementary school Skylert’s go out at 10:30 am – The “same as” days may be applied any time after 10:30 am on the last day of school and must be completed by 5:00 pm on the last day of school.
  • Middle/High School Skylerts go out at 4:00 pm and must be completed by Monday, June 1st at 3:00 pm.

The attendance report set up by Information Systems for the last six (6) days is:

Office/Attendance /Reports/Attendance Detail or Summary/Add/Name the Report: 

  • 18-19 “Same As Days” report (YRE will have an A Track report and a B/C/D Track Report)
    • YRE Schools ONLY – For the A Track Calendar only - Student Selections: Choose Ranges; Low =A; High =AZZZ
  • Report Ranges
    • Schl Yr to Rpt = 2018-2018
    • Absence Date = Change the date range to the last six (6) days of school. If you are a YRE school, it is the last six (6) days for that Track
  • Attendance Period: = default
  • Periods Absence: = default
  • Parent Notified = Both
  • Absence Types
    • C, E, F, I, O, V, A, G, W, U, H, K, S
  • Report Options – choose:
    • Print Absence Types
    • Print Absence Periods
  • Formatting Options
    • Last Name/First Name
    • Format Type: Days missed
  • Save and Print

You will not need to change any attendance showing as present.  Only absences showing in the last six (6) days will need to be compared to the first six (6) days attendance for changes.

Application of “same as” days:  The last 6 days of school attendance is taken as students attend school.  Typically, the first 3 days of those 6 you will have better attendance than the last 3 of those 6 days.  This is how you apply the “same as” days.

  • Scenario #1 – A student attends all 6 days – no change in their attendance.
  • Scenario #2 – A student attends the first 3 days and not the last 3 days; change their last 3 days attendance to present. (After the last Skylert goes out reporting their absence.)
  • Scenario #3 – A student does not attend the first 3 days and attends the last 3 days; no change to the last 3 days. Count their attendance as though they were present.

Traditional – last day for taking attendance is May 31, 2019.  All attendance Entries in Skyward needs to be completed by June 1, 2019, end of day.

YRE Track A – last day for taking attendance is June 5, 2019.  All attendance Entries in Skyward needs to be completed by June 6, 2019, end of day.

YRE Tracks B, C, and D – last day for taking attendance is July 2, 2019.  All attendance entries in Skyward needs to be completed by July 3, 2019, end of day.

The final Membership Report will be ran and kept at the District Office.

NOTE:  Teachers may print their report cards any time during the last week of school as their grades are final and they are ready to print.  The attendance on the printed report card will not reflect the “same as” days.

Please contact Carmen (801.567.8183) in Planning and Student Services should you have any questions.


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April 10, 2019

Administrative Assistants

Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Planning & Student Services

End of the Year Procedures

The following is a friendly reminder about the end-of-year reports, tasks and due dates required by Planning & Student Services for traditional elementary, middle, high and special schools (TRAD) as well as year-round elementary schools (YRE). All forms may be found on the Planning & Services website:

Records Retentions and Accelerations

  1. A form for each Individual Retention or Acceleration should be completed and sent to your Administrator of Schools at the time is processed at your school.
  2. Record each acceleration or retention on Skyward at year’s end.
  3. Complete Report of Retentions & Non-graduating Seniors and Report of Acceleration & Early Graduates Form•

TRAD.             JUNE 3, 2019
YRE.               JUNE 28, 2019


Report of Student Deaths•

TRAD.            JUNE 3, 2019
YRE.               JUNE 28, 2019


Fourth Quarter Reports

Check membership report carefully for entry and exit date errors. Make corrections on Skyward and notify Planning & Student Services when complete. Do not send a copy. (See the required reports list in the Planning and Student Services Manual)

RAD.             JUNE 3, 2019
YRE.               JUNE 28, 2019


School’s End-of-Year PDM

Run the School’s end-of-year PDM and retain at school permanently. (Do not send a copy to Planning & Student Services)

TRAD.             JUNE 3, 2019
YRE.               JUNE 28, 2019


Permanent Record Retention

Permanent records for students leaving the school (boundary change or 6th and 9th grade advancement, where applicable) are delivered in person to the appropriate school by the staff of the sending school. The receiving school will need to check the student list against each permanent record to assure all permanent records were received. Each bundle must be accompanied by TWO (2) alphabetized lists, which need to include the name of the sending school and the receiving school. This should be signed by both the sending and receiving school. Computer lists, PDM’s and the Skyward Students Not Returning report may be used. Dead files should be sent to the receiving school in a separate box..

TRAD             JUNE 7, 2019
YRE                JULY 9, 2019


2018-19 FTE Staffing Worksheet

Using the appropriate worksheet for your school (Trad. Elem, MTS Elem, Title I Elem, MTS/Title I Elem, Middle, or High) enter the amount of 0050 FTE you have or will have hired by the first day of school. Please do NOT include any teachers hired using alternate funding (BTS, Land Trust, etc.) – only those teachers funded by 0050 (whole or part of their contract) should be entered. Title I schools will enter the teachers funded (whole or part) by Title I funds in the appropriate cells. The schools FTE version 2.0 must be entered in the appropriate box(es) for the worksheet to calculate correctly. You do not need to enter any enrollment at this point. However, it is encouraged that you use these sheets throughout the year to accurately account and track your FTE and enrollment. The FTE Staffing Worksheet is not required for any Special School. For any questions about the FTE Staffing Worksheet please contact Travis directly at 801.567.8251.

TRAD             JUNE 5, 2019
YRE                JUNE 5, 2019


Thank you and please direct any questions to Carmen (801.567.8183) in Planning and Student Services.



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April 26, 2019

Jordan District Principals

Administrators of Schools

Time Schedule for the Last Day of School

The Transportation Department has made every effort to accommodate dismissal times for the last day of school. Please review this memo carefully for your dismissal time, and convey that information to your students and parents. Once again, we extend our appreciation to the administration and employees who work in the Transportation Department for assisting in the transportation adjustment required to accommodate these changes.

Public Law:     R277. Education, Administration     R277-419-2.Definitions  R277. Public Accounting

“School day” means a minimum of two hours per day per session in Kindergarten; and a minimum of four hours per day in grades one through twelve. All school day calculations shall exclude lunch periods and pass-time between classes.


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April 10, 2019

School Principals and Administrative Assistants

Administrators of Schools

Principal Year-End Check Out Materials for 2018-2019

Attached is the list of all forms and items to be completed for principal check out.

  • Items highlighted in purple will be reviewed at check out with your Administrator of Schools.
  • Items highlighted in green require you to bring the requested items to your checkout.
  • Forms provided by the District for principal check out are included with this JAM and will no longer be on a separate website.
  • You should turn in one completed copy of each form and keep a copy on file in your school for easy reference as you prepare the check out for the next school year.

If you have any questions, please contact your Administrator of Schools’ administrative assistant.


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April 9, 2019

School Head Secretaries & Media Specialists

Kurt Prusse, Director of Purchasing

Surplus Textbooks and Discarded Library Media Books & Materials

In order to alleviate the work load on the schools when surplusing textbooks and library media books, we have made some changes to the processing of Surplus Textbooks and Discarded Library Media Books. The Surplus Warehouse will now handle the paperwork and the pick-up of all Surplus Textbooks and Discarded Library Media books. Please see the attached forms for specific changes.

This new process will allow your schools to see what textbooks are available on the Follett Surplus Management System (SMS) both within the district and throughout the state. Inputting of textbooks into the SMS will be done by the Surplus Warehouse. They will only input textbooks 10 years old or newer.

You will need to create an account and then you can either search ‘Books in my District’  which shows all the books in district or you can go to ‘Book Lookup’ enter the ISBN number and do a global search for that title that has been posted by all accounts. Just use the link below:

The Surplus Textbook form will still need to be signed by the Principal and your School Administrator, so please read the instructions carefully so that you don’t delay having your books picked up.

The following is a brief summary of the changes to Discarded Library Media Books & Materials.

After books have been selected to be discarded there are (3) steps:

  • First the books can be offered to students - given or for purchase.
  • Second they can be donated to groups in need of library books, such a Boy Scout troop for Eagle Projects or organization taking books to 3rd world countries.
  • Third and last the remaining books will be picked up by the Surplus Warehouse to be disposed of or sold.

You will not send your form for Discarded Library Media Books to the Surplus Warehouse until you have completed the first two steps. Please document who and where your Discard Library Media books are distributed and keep it with a copy of the Discarded Media Library Books and Materials form.

With questions please feel free to contact Steve Oldham in the Surplus Warehouse – (801) 567-8709 or

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April 9, 2019

All Secondary School Principals
All Secondary Special Education Staff

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Julie Brown, Program Specialist

Training for SLD Eligibility for Special Education

The Utah State Office of Education has provided new eligibility rules for determining if a student qualifies for special education services under the classification of Specific Learning Disability (SLD). Based on these changes, we have developed a training for specific special education staff/schools. We would like to invite the special education team members from your schools to attend the training module for this new process. We are encouraging that an assistant principal also attend. This half-day training will be conducted by combining high school feeders. In order to give school teams the opportunity to participate in a group while still providing for class coverage, the training has been set up so that each school will send half of their staff in the morning and the other half in the afternoon. Please plan for the full day substitute teachers to switch between morning and afternoon groups. We recognize that Speech Language Pathologists (SLP) may work in multiple buildings and may not be available to attend the training on the assigned day of the secondary feeder.  If the SLP works in 2 secondary schools, the SLP should attend with their home base school. If the SLP splits between elementary and secondary, and is scheduled at an elementary the day of the secondary training the SLP may attend with another feeder. School Team Leaders please send a list of morning and afternoon participants to the Teacher Specialist assigned to your school by April 22nd. Special education will cover the substitute costs for training (Budget code: 1292). For more information, please contact Julie Brown at or 801-567-8200.

CHHS Feeder, VHS:  April 24th at ASB in PDC 101
Morning session:  7:30 a. m. -11:00 a. m.
Afternoon session:  11:30 a.m. -3:00 p.m.

HHS and RHS Feeder: May 1st at ASB in PDC 101
Morning session:  7:30 a. m. -11:00 a. m.
Afternoon session:  11:30 a.m. -3:00 p.m.

BHS and WJHS Feeder: May 2nd at ASB in PDC 101
Morning session:  7:30 a. m. -11:00 a. m.
Afternoon session:  11:30 a.m. -3:00 p.m.

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Please invite your families to this Family Resource Fair on April 22, 2019 at the ASB Auditorium from 4:30-6:30. Families who are Language Learners, McKinney Vento, or at-risk in any way would benefit. Please notify your families, and post this flyer.

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During the last week of April, Teaching and Learning will send a list of building mentors and the amount they will be paid to each school principal and head secretary. Please contact Rebecca Smith (801-567-8368) if you have any questions about the mentor pay process or if you note any discrepancies on the form for your school.

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We invite you to participate in A Place for All 2019: Promising Practices in Civic and Character Education. This one-day conference is designed to strengthen civics education in Utah by giving you the skills, tools, and partnership opportunities you need to deliver solid civic learning outcomes for your students. K-12 teachers will receive a $150 stipend and USBE credit for participation and completion of a reflection assignment.

Please noteSpace is limited. If you would like to attend, please register here:  Your responses will also help us meet your needs and expectations for the conference.

Essential Details

When: June 7, 2019 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (Registration table opens at 8:00 AM)

Where: Salt Lake Community College South Town Campus,

1575 S. State St. Salt Lake City, Utah  84115

Audience: K-12 educators (must fully register to attend with stipend), administrators, stakeholders, partners.

Special Topics for 2019

  • Beyond the Echo Chambers: Using Social Media for Civic Good
  • Tools for Elementary Teaching and Character Building
  • Indigenous Sovereignty: Implications for Civic Teaching & Learning
  • Historical Literacy for Civic Life; Teaching the Holocaust
  • Facilitating Consensus around Controversial Topics
  • School Culture Matters for Civic Learning
  • Experiential Civics and Service Learning
  • Creative Approaches to Civic Teaching

Key Assumption: Whatever occurs that day will be a springboard for future work and innovative pedagogical practice.


Anticipated Learning Outcomes

Participants will come away from the conference inspired to teach civics in rigorous and engaging ways and with a deep understanding of:

  • Promising practices around Utah and the U.S.
  • Support from community partners for action-oriented civic teaching and learning
  • Tools to strengthen civic teaching and meet state social studies standards
  • How to compete for the 1stannual Centers of Excellence awards program

Please register here:

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In planning school calendars for 2019-20 please remember to not schedule any school activities for March 24, 2020 in order for employees and community members to attend their local Caucus'. Secondary schools, you may be asked to host the local Caucus Night. More information will be given as we get closer to this event. Thank you!

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Principals:  The following attachments include our current District Approved Lunch Account Deficit Procedures and all year-end procedures that clerks will receive at April 10th Nutrition Services Manager Meeting (clerks will also attend for year-end procedure training). Your clerk will be responsible to assure year-end procedures applicable to Nutrition Services are completed correctly for your school. This information is copied to you for your  information and support.


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