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April 4, 2019

All Principals
All Budget Directors

John Larsen, Business Administrator
June LeMaster, Ph.D., Administrator, Human Resources
Daniel Ellis, Director of Accounting, Budgets & Audits
Derek Anderson, Director of Accounting, Budgets & Audits
Cheryl Matson, Director of Insurance Services
Michael Heaps, Director of Information Systems
Sarah Palmer, Director of Payroll
Kurt Prusse, Director of Purchasing

Year-End Processing Deadlines

Please observe the following critical deadlines listed in the memo below regarding the financial year-end processes for the 2018-19 year. Please review these dates as they could have a major effect on your location’s ability to operate.

For nomination form and scoring rubric click here:

Submission Deadline: Monday, March 25, 2019

See attached flyer for more details.

Instructional Leadership "Teaching Begins with the Learner" Conference - March 21 and 22, 2019

The Conference will be held March 21 & 22 at Utah Valley Convention Center in Provo. Teaching & Learning will cover the registration cost of one administrator per school. If you would like to send a team, Teaching & Learning will cover the registration cost of two participants. Sign up HERE before March 8. Please contact Amanda Hansen for questions.

The 2019 Instructional Leadership Conference has an incredible line up of speakers, including: Michael Fullan, Anders Ericsson, Chad Lewis, Paul Bloomberg, Tim Brown, Kim Geddie, Tom Guskey, Tom Hierck, Robyn Jackson, Tim Kanold, Jonathan Saphier, Ellie Drago-Severson, Tricia Skyles, Ben Springer, and Rick Wormeli. Look for flyers in District mail or visit the website for more information.

Don't forget to opt out of your district printed W-2 by going to Skyward's Employee Access by midnight on December 16, 2018.

Opt out and win one of many prizes! A drawing for the prizes will be held on December 17th and employees will be contacted if they win.



In last week’s JAM, you received a memo regarding Avoid Deny Defend (ADD) and Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) Classified Trainings.  The purpose of this memo is to clarify the intent of the JAM communication.

Training is not required for all classified employees by the end December as previously stated. At this point, there are three options for training classified employees:

Live Trainings:
There are two remaining ADD and TECC live trainings for classified employees.  The first training will be conducted at West Jordan Middle School on Monday, October 1 from 2:30 – 5:00 p.m.  This training is primarily for Nutrition Services employees, but is open to all classified personnel.  The second training will be conducted at Elk Ridge Middle School on Friday, October 26 (grade transmittal day) from 8:30 – 11:00 a.m.  This training is open to all classified personnel who would like to attend.

Online Video Training:
After the live training on October 26, the trainings will be made available online to classified personnel for the purpose of receiving the training at their school.  It is our hope that the edited video will be between 60 and 75 minutes in length.

Possible Additional Training:
A number of options for providing additional training for classified employees are being explored, including suicide prevention training. No details are available yet, but we will be working with the classified employee group (JESPA) to create more professional development options for classified employees.

All full-time classified employees should receive ADD and TECC training, either by attending the live training or by watching the online video once it is available. Although training is not required for part-time employees at this point, you may ask your part-time classified staff to attend the live trainings or watch the training videos once they become available. Employees cannot be required to attend the live training or watch the video outside of work hours without compensation. Again, part-time classified employees are not required to be trained, but can be trained at the principal’s discretion if there is time to do so during work hours or funds at the school level to compensate them for the training.

Please contact your Administrator of Schools with any questions.


The dates, times and locations for Avoid Deny Defend (ADD) and Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) classified personnel trainings are as follows:

West Jordan Middle School
October 1, 2018
2:00 - 4:30 p.m.

Elk Ridge Middle School
October 26, 2018
8:30 - 11:00 a.m.

Trainings will be announced via JEM and should also be communicated by Department Directors during their next staff meeting.

Please work with your school’s classified personnel to afford them the opportunity to receive the training while on the clock.

Principals are accountable to maintain appropriate documentation that all classified personnel are trained prior to December 31, 2018.

After October 26, 2018, the ADD and TECC presentations will be available online to be viewed at each school by the administration, licensed and classified personnel at their convenience.  The online presentation will also be available to all new hires, personnel that were unable to attend the live trainings and for retraining on an ongoing basis.

The Curriculum Department will pay the registration fee for one administrator per school to attend the Learning Edge Conference on November 6, 2018. The Learning Edge Conference is sponsored by CITES and is designed for administrators. The focus of the 2018 conference is on gifted and talented education. More information is available at the CITES website: 

To register, contact Amanda Hansen (88319) by Wednesday, October 17, 2018.