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The Office of EDI is excited to offer a PD series on 'Understanding your Diverse Students.' Our first PD is on November 2nd, 2023, at the JATC South from 4-6 PM, focusing on our McKinney-Vento (Homeless) students. All licensed employees will receive 2 hours of in-service pay. The administrators are encouraged to attend.

Register for the PD HERE.

Please see the flyer for additional information on future PDs.

All licensed administrators are invited to complete the following questionnaire by November 3, 2023. This formal process of gaining your input will serve as a conversation starter with your Administrator of Schools about work assignments for the coming school year (2024-25) in Jordan District. Personal preference is one of many factors considered when determining administrative assignments. This does not take the place of the need to sign up for a formal Principal interview. Please use this link to access the form: Licensed Administrator Assignment Questionnaire

October 7, 2023

All Special Educators and Related Service Providers

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Important Deadline--Please Read Immediately
SCRAM Data Due by the end of day Monday, November 6, 2023
Updating SCRAM for December 1 Funding Count

We are fast approaching our December 1 SCRAM count deadline. Special Education Resource and SCSC Team Leaders will soon receive a SCRAM report via District Mail of all students who are currently receiving services through your school’s special education program(s). Please pay special attention to the students with the “SCRAM School” highlighted. These students have obvious errors and will need a new SCRAM submitted. These errors are students who are new to your school and are not yet scrammed at your location, likely because they came from preschool or a different school in the district. All team members and service providers need to verify each student on this list as either correct, changed, exited/moved, and/or incomplete. Since only one copy is being sent per “team” (i.e., Resource and SCSC), it is important that resource teams, SCSC teams, SLPs, Guidance Specialists and other itinerant providers work together to check and complete the requested information. It is important to verify every student. Each team member must review and initial the report before returning it to the Special Education Department. Please only return the one original report with all signatures and updated SCRAM documents, please do not send in multiple copies of the report.

We realize that our timeline is VERY tight. Please only send in SCRAM documents for those students who have an error or need a change or correction in services, not those on the report that are already correct. The service provider can be changed on the report without sending in a new scram document by crossing out the current provider and writing in the new one.

All Corrections and SCRAM reports are Due:  By 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 6, 2023

September 22, 2023

Special Education Teachers (Resource & Cluster)

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Testing Checklist

You are required to complete and return the checklist to Jen Birrell for all elementary teachers and Mikaylee Krebs for all secondary teachers at the District Office by Thursday, December 21, 2023. This form is also available online at on the Special Education website.

If you need help completing any portion of this checklist, please contact the Teacher Specialist assigned to your school.

Please direct any questions or concerns to Jen Birrell at 801-567-8905 or Mikaylee Krebs 801-567-8356.,

September 28, 2023

Assistant Principals
School Safety Specialists

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Matt Alvernaz, School Safety Coordinator

Standard Response Protocol (SRP)/Incident Command Training **SAVE THE DATE**

Training for the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) and Incident Command will be held at the JATC South on the following dates (choose one date and one time):

  • Wednesday, November 15, 2023
    • 11:00am – 1:00pm
    • 1:30pm – 3:30pm
  • Friday, November 17, 2023
    • 8:00am – 10:00am
    • 10:30am – 12:30pm

This training is for any who have responsibility within the Incident Command system (including schools, the District Office, ASB, Transportation, or other location). Administrators assigned as the school safety administrator and all School Safety Specialists should attend.

The training will be focused on SRP and Incident Command as well as the roles/responsibilities of the School Safety Specialist and school administrator. School-based safety administrators and specialists will receive materials and information to conduct SRP/Incident Command trainings in schools.

No sign up required to attend. Please mark on your calendars the date and time that best works for you and your school.

Please forward this information to your School Safety Specialist or others you deem appropriate.

SUU is offering endorsements for free with a USBE Grant if you are currently teaching K-12 In Utah

  • Educational Technology
  • Elementary Stem
  • Elementary Science
  • Elementary Math
  • Elementary Math Specialist

Other endorsements are available for only $300 per class:

  • Gate (6 classes)
  • ESL (6 classes)
  • K12 Literacy Specialist (6 classes)

Ready To Learn More? Join a quick 30 minute Zoom With SUU to learn how to apply and why you should capitalize on this enrichment opportunity.

Please use the attached flyer(s) to promote the upcoming clinic at your school. If you want to show the list of all available clinics, use the one with the QR code. If you want to be more specific to your clinic, use the editable English and Spanish versions.


September 12, 2023

All Principals
All Certified and ESPs

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Melanie Dawson, Program Administrator of Behavior

ETT: Cultivating Classroom Management Skills

Beneficial for: All general education and special education teachers.

Also welcome: Specialists, mental health providers, ESPs.

Please see attached Memo for registration information!

For questions please contact: or


The Business and Auxiliary Services Training is helpful for office and administrative staff of schools and District departments.

The final session of the optional training for office and administrative staff of schools and District offices will be held Thursday, October 12, 2023, beginning at 8:00 a.m. There is space available for an additional 50 attendees. If you would like to participate, please send an email to Lisa LeStarge at and let her know you would like to sign up to attend. Attendees will receive an email the day prior to the training with instructions for connecting to the Zoom meeting. The agenda is attached.

September 6, 2023

All Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness

Wellness Representatives Training 9-19-2023

The wellness team is excited to announce the in-person Educator Wellness Training for your school or department’s designated Educator Wellness Representatives on September 19, 2023 at JATC-S from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Administrators are invited to attend with their school wellness representative, if you plan to attend, please RSVP using this link. Schools will need to cover the cost of a sub for their rep, if required.

The Wellness Rep Training will be full of great information that you won’t want to miss! We’re excited to welcome Amy Miner, Founder and Owner of In Focus Education Group as our guest speaker, as well as presentations from PEHP, JSD Insurance Services, and Blomquist Hale. Lunch will be provided and attendees will participate in practical workshops where they’ll connect with other Wellness Reps and work together to build an Employee Wellness Plan for your school. Let’s start the year off WELL!

Review the attached flyer and share it with your school or department’s representative so they can RSVP!

Still need to designate a rep for your school or department? No problem! Fill out this brief form and send them to the training! Keep in mind the following:

  • It’s recommended that principals choose a licensed, non-administrative, non-mental health team staff member as their designated rep. Also, we recommend they work with a leadership team or social committee at your school.
  • The purpose of these representatives is to encourage employee wellness initiatives.

Optional training will be provided by the Business and Auxiliary Services Departments on September 19 (1:00-4:00 pm) and October 12 (8:00-11:00 am) via Zoom. This training opportunity is for school or department personnel including principals, assistant principals, administrative assistants, clerks, aides or others with responsibilities correlating with the Business or Auxiliary Services Departments. The draft agenda is attached. If you would like to participate in one of the sessions, please send an email to Lisa LeStarge at and let her know which date you prefer to attend. The total number of participants in each session will be capped at 80 (plus presenters). Because we want the sessions to have the same interactive environment as in-person sessions, attendees will be able to submit questions via Zoom Chat. Attendees will also be provided with a link to handouts provided by the presenters so they can be viewed during the training or downloaded for future use. We hope you will take advantage of this training opportunity.

Staff members working in any other special education setting may choose to attend ASPEN at the discretion of their building administrator and at the cost of their school. For questions please contact: or

Please see the memo below for all the details.

August 17, 2023

All Principals

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Mike Trimmell, Ed.D., Special Education Administrator

Inputting of Goals and Services into Embrace

Until you complete a new IEP in Embrace, please use these steps to both complete progress reports when that time comes, and do Medicaid Logs for applicable services.

As you do so, keep in two things in mind:

  1. The person entering this data should update ALL of the goals and services from the previous IEP, not just their own. (Talk among your team to divide and conquer).
  2. When you start this process - you need to complete all the steps and finalize it for the student the SAME DAY.


  1. Create an Annual Review Event using the ORIGINAL IEP DATE.
  2. Select the following two documents
    1. Goals and Objectives Page
      1. Add additional Goal pages as needed
    2. Services Page
  3. Goals and Objectives Page
    1. For PLAAFP – “See IEP dated ________”
    2. Copy the Goals (include all goals in all areas)
    3. Input the Goal data – Accuracy, Baseline, Goal Percentage
  4. Services Page
    1. Include the services and minutes
  5. Save
  6. Make this Event Date the Active IEP

If you need to add additional goals to a student after activating the IEP, you will need to contact Brenda via the EMBRACE REQUEST to unlock that IEP.



Special Education Resource and Self Contained Team Leaders will soon receive a SCRAM report via District Mail of all students who should be receiving services through your school’s special education program(s) at the start of the 2023-24 school year. All team members and service providers need to verify each student on this list as either correct, changed, exited/moved, and/or incomplete. Since only one copy is being sent per “team” (i.e., Resource and Cluster), it is important that resource teams, cluster teams, SLPs, Guidance Specialists and other itinerant providers work together to check and complete the requested information. Please read the memo carefully for instructions on completing the report.

Please have your Scram Reports and corrected SCRAM returned to the District Office by Friday, September 8, 2023.

If you have questions, please contact the Teacher Specialist assigned to your school or Jen Warkentine at (801) 567-8207. Thank you for your conscientious efforts to complete this critical information. Please remember that special education funding is contingent upon the accuracy of this data.

August 9, 2023

All Principals

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Mike Trimmell, Ed.D., Special Education Administrator

Additional Embrace Training Days

We are excited for the new IEP management system, Embrace. Many teachers and administrators attended the Special Education Summer Conference on August 8th and received initial training on the new IEP platform. For those that were not able to attend, there will be two additional training sessions. The content will be the same for both sessions, so you can choose the session that works best for your schedule.

The two training sessions will be held on:
Friday, August 18, 2023 at Riverton High School from 12:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Friday, September 22, 2023 at West Jordan High School from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.

You may choose either day to attend. Please sign up on JPLS to confirm your attendance at one of these two training sessions.

The course number is #101959 and the section numbers are:
#127704 @ RHS August 18, 2023 12-3pm
#127706 @ WJHS September 22, 2023 1-4pm

August 7, 2023

All Principals

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Providing a Consistent Space for Itinerant Service Providers

As the school year begins, please be mindful that the itinerant service providers assigned to your school require a consistent and viable space to work with the students that they are assigned to in your school. Please see attached memo. We appreciate your support in these efforts.

August 10, 2023

School Administrators
District Department Directors
Financial Secretaries
Administrative Assistants

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Kurt Prusse, Director, Purchasing
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

Student Data Privacy Resource Review Process

Utah law (53E-9-301, 53E-9-303) requires local education agencies (LEAs) to create a publicly available metadata dictionary that contains a listing of:

  • All personally identifiable student data collected and shared by the LEA
  • A comprehensive list of all recipients with whom the LEA has shared personally identifiable student data, including the purpose for sharing the data, the justification for sharing the data (including if the sharing was required by federal law, state law, or local directive), and how the sharing is permitted under federal or state law.

This means that any third-party resource that receives personally identifiable student data from the District must be cataloged and, where necessary, reviewed for compliance with USBE data privacy expectations.

Prior to making purchases or entering into purchase arrangements, school staff should check the District’s LearnPlatform registry; software listed on the registry as approved can be submitted for purchase without any additional review. Software that is not listed on LearnPlatform must be reviewed BEFORE the purchase request is submitted. Someone with knowledge of the software should submit a review request to Planning & Enrollment using this review request form prior to entering a requisition in Skyward. The individual who will be using the software (and therefore has some knowledge of what the software does and what data it will use) should enter the review request; this is not an assignment that should default to administrative assistants.

Teachers with specific questions about the process should be directed to your location’s digital coach. Administrators and administrative assistants with specific questions about the process may contact Caleb Olson (x88251).