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Two-Step Verification Required for JSD Google Account

Two-Step Verification for your Jordan School District Google account will soon be required. You can take an active role in securing your account by enabling this feature before that time.

How to Enable Two-Step Verification:

  1. Go to Google's Two-Step Verification setup page.
  2. Follow the straightforward on-screen instructions to complete the setup. You can choose your preferred method for receiving verification codes, be it Google prompts on an iOS or Android device, text message, or a voice call.
  3. Complete the verification process the first time you login on a NEW device. Once logged in, it will not be necessary to verify your account unless you login on a new device/browser or clear your cache and cookies.

Why Enable Two-Step Verification Now?

  1. Immediate Protection
  2. Prevent Potential Issues: Minimize loss of access to your Google account BEFORE Two-Step Verification becomes mandatory.

How to Get Support with Two-Step Verification:

If you have any trouble during the setup process or have questions, our help desk is ready to assist you. Don't hesitate to reach out to them at extension 88737. Also, attached is a pdf tutorial or a video tutorial to guide you through enabling 2-Step Verification. Lastly, on the day that 2-Step Verification becomes required for your school, there will be support staff from Information Systems at your school to help with those that have not yet enabled 2-Step Verification.

We highly recommend that you enable this important security enhancement BEFORE it becomes mandatory, as you may lose access to your Google account if you haven't enabled it by the required date. This proactive step will not only protect your account but also contribute to the overall cybersecurity of your school.

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