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Jordan School District will provide free COVID-19 testing to all asymptomatic Jordan District employees beginning this Friday, December 11. Testing is not required and is being provided as a service to Jordan School District employees. Testing will be conducted using the BinaxNOW rapid antigen test. This test involves a minimally invasive swab test taken from inside the edges of the nostrils.

High school employees interested in getting tested should do so at their high school by contacting a member of their administration.

Testing will be offered each Friday from 2-4 pm at the Jordan District Auxiliary Services Building, located at 7905 S Redwood Rd, West Jordan, UT 84088. Employees should use the north entrance marked “Entrance A”. Use this link for parking information: ASB COVID-19 Testing Location Map

  • Please come with personal identification and your JSD ID badge. This form is used for students and employees. Student ID questions are not required for employees.
  • Employees may test weekly but only need to register one time.
  • Employees wishing to be tested must complete the online form found at this link prior to arriving for testing:

Employees will be informed of their test results through email. Those who test positive for COVID-19 will be directed to isolate per the instructions they receive from health authorities.

If you have any questions please email

In addition to the Friday testing at ASB, there are two free testing options at the Maverik Center for school employees:

For asymptomatic school employees

Free COVID-19 TestingIf you are a student or staff member of a school and you meet the requirements below, you may be tested via rapid test for same-day results.

  • You were exposed at school only and have no other exposures.
  • It has been at least 7 days since the exposure occurred.
  • Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
  • You do not have any symptoms of COVID-19
  • You must pre register at

For symptomatic employees
Any employee experiencing symptoms is advised to get tested through their primary care provider or register for PCR testing at the Maverik Center.

  • Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
  • 3200 S. Decker Lake Dr. in West Valley City
  • You must pre register at

Testing occurs in the Maverik Center Overflow Parking Lot
2051 West  3100 South, West Valley City, UT 84119 Enter off of 3100 South

All Principals:

When there is an unforeseen situation that requires an emergency substitute, we recommend the following steps:

  1. Submit the request in Absence Management. Contact preferred substitutes. If no sub is available,
  2. Call Juli Martin, substitute assistant at 801-567-8219 to request a substitute and if a substitute is not available,
  3. Consider using the CARES assistant at your school location; however, these employees are not to exceed a total of 25 hours per week. Hours worked will be paid at their hourly rate.
  4. Consider using hourly assistants who are also set up as substitutes in AESOP; however, these employees are not to exceed a total of 25 hours per week in combination of both positions. If needed, these aides may increase their substitute hours, but must reduce their assistant hours in the same week. Hours worked as a substitute will be paid at the substitute pay rate. If this is an option you want to explore, please contact an HR Administrator.

NOTE:  Using hourly assistants who are not set up as a substitute in Absence Management, should be used in this way on a limited basis. Time worked is documented using TrueTime and will be paid at their hourly rate. These employees cannot exceed 25 hours/week. They will be paid out of the budget assigned in Skyward.

For assistance with any of the options described above, feel free to contact an HR administrator.

Thank you,

HR Administrators

October 13 - JSD Communications Email to Teachers

  1. FFCRA Leave - The procedure for using FFCRA is being simplified as outlined below:
    1. Teachers on quarantine who can still teach from home, even if a sub is needed in the classroom, do not need to take leave of any kind. Instead, in Skyward select “Other” and “Quarantined but Working From Home” as the reason for the absence.
    2. If you have already taken FFCRA leave after July 1st for days when you were teaching while quarantined, please contact your school administrative assistant or principal. They can make a request to the appropriate Administrator of Schools to change the recorded leave.


For the 2020-21 school year our District has received substantial grant funds to meet student’s mental health needs through our Mental Health Access Program (MHAP). We encourage schools to refer any student or family that would benefit from these services. There is no limit on referrals for any particular school and the grant funds will be able to accommodate all needs-based referrals.
Please refer to the attached flyer for additional information about MHAP or contact McKinley Withers, 801-567-8245.

2020 has certainly brought its share of challenges.  We recognize with so many unique educational & life situations, a 2021 JEF Outstanding Educator may look much different compared to previous years.

Please use the attached as a guide for your 2020-21 outstanding educator nomination from your school, not the rubric from previous years. 

The application to be considered for an Administrator of Schools position has been posted. Elementary principal experience is strongly preferred.

To apply click here:  or apply through your Employee Access.

The deadline to apply is midnight on December 3, 2020.

November 19, 2020

All Schools

Derek Anderson, Director of Budgets

School Year 2020 – 2021 Budget Allocations

Attached is the fiscal year 2020-21 final budget allocations summary. There was an error in the PDF with the In Lieu budget that was sent out in the previous JAM. The amount in Skyward is the correct amount. The attached PDF is to reflect that amount.

Please note, if you received school startup funds or have made budget transfers those are reflected only in the total budget number.

Please call or email Derek with any questions.

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November 17, 2020

School Psychologists, Elementary Counselors, and School Social Workers

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance

December School Psychologist, Elementary Counselor, and School Social Workers Meeting

A virtual meeting for school psychologists, elementary counselors, and school social workers has been scheduled for Friday, December 4, 2020, from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. The link for this meeting will be sent to you before the meeting, Superintendent Anthony Godfrey will speak to our group at 12:35. Melissa McCart, Ed.D., Director of Oregon Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Teams, The Center on Brain Injury Research and Training at the University of Oregon, will provide us with a presentation on traumatic brain injury.

Part-time Staff:  I would appreciate it if you could adjust your schedules in order to attend this meeting.


To better provide access to all students for participation in online learning, the District has acquired mobile hotspots to loan out to schools who have students with inadequate Internet access at home. These hotspots are from a company called Kajeet, and they provide access to CIPA compliant filtered Internet service specifically for educational use. Each device comes with unlimited data, and can accommodate up to three simultaneous users. The devices and Internet service are being paid for through a grant, so there is no up-front charge to the student or school.

The term of the device loans from the district is variable, with the potential to extend up to the end of the school year. By accepting the loan, Schools agree to be responsible for the devices, and then use their own methods of distribution and tracking to loan them out to students in need. Sample checkout agreements for schools to customize and use with parents and students are available, as well as device usage instructions, and will be provided upon execution of the initial loan from the district. As per the terms of the district loan agreement, the devices are expected to be returned to the district on the agreed upon date in good working condition, otherwise the school will incur the costs of repair or replacement. Depending on demand, loans may be subject to recall at any time in order to accommodate situations of greater need.

To qualify for participation in this program, interested schools will need to designate a local Kajeet administrator to manage checkout and support of the devices. This should not be your building computer technician. Many schools have found success with their Media Coordinator designated as this person. The name and contact information for this person will be required on the loan agreement.

If you have interest in this program, please call Mark Sowa at 801-567-8392 (x88392).

The Salt Lake County Health Department is offering free Rapid COVID-19 testing for students. This testing is for people who meet the requirements to test 7 days after mask-on-mask school exposure and return to school early.

You can get a Rapid COVID-19 test at the Maverik Center, 3200 South Decker Lake Drive in West Valley City at the following days and times. Registration is required:

  • Monday, Wednesday, and Friday events are for ASYMPTOMATIC individuals.
  • Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday events are for SYMPTOMATIC individuals. NOTE: This is NOT a rapid test.
  • Testing is available from 2 – 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Saturday.
  • Testing is CLOSED November 11 and 27, December 25 and January 1.

Please note, registration is REQUIRED prior to participating in the test events and lines may be long. Scan the QR code on the attached flyer to register.

All COVID testing in Utah is at NO COST to you. Find other testing opportunities at

Below you will find the return to school testing information for schools, in English and Spanish.

Principals and kitchen managers:

As you are aware, we are currently serving school meals under a USDA Free Meals Waiver. Yet I need to remind everyone that our school meals program is a USDA child feeding program and all food must be accounted for. We are always happy to serve adult meals, but these meals must be paid for.

If a kitchen prepares more daily meals than what is served, anything that can be reused (milk, whole fruits etc.) will be saved and the remaining items discarded. These extra meals cannot be distributed free of charge to adults.

Handing out ‘extra’ free meals to adults (whether administration, staff, or parents) is in direct violation of Federal Policy and if caught in a review/audit, could result in program termination and our ability to serve our students.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Jana Cruz, MBA, SNS
Director, Nutrition Services

During the 2020-2021 contract year, performance evaluations for Education Support Professionals will be optional, with the exception of Provisional employees. By policy, provisional employees must be evaluated twice in their first year of employment. For career employees, evaluations are recommended if performance concerns exist.

November 11, 2020

All Principals
All Special Education Staff

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Brian King, Principal, River’s Edge

ASPEN Training for Special Education Personnel 2020-2021

ASPEN training will continue to be required for all licensed special education teachers, SLPs, school psychologists, elementary school counselors, and for all instructional assistants in SEB and Autism self-contained support classrooms during the 2020-2021 school year. First year staff and staff that have not completed the full certification ASPEN training should register for the training on JPLS. Training dates and times are attached to this memo. Please note that additional dates have been added, and these are expected to be the final dates for the remainder of the school year. Additional information is included on the attached memo.

For questions please contact:

Daveed Goodrich at or Cassidy Hansen at

Join us for our WebEx virtual Behavior Training! Classes are created for administrators, school psychologists and counselors, Teacher Leaders and others as appropriate. Build your behavior team and join a group or two! The two groups choices are Behavioral Hurricanes: De-Escalating Severe Behavior and Climate Change in the Classroom: Coaching Effective Behavior Management Strategies. Sign up for a group via email to or ASAP! See attached flyer for more information, instructions and dates/times. Classes begin on November 18th so sign up today!

Information received from the State LAND Trust Office to help you in training your SCC members:

A new short training video discussing School Safety and Student Health requirements for councils is available on the State website and on YouTube here: It is full of great information regarding the school safety plan requirement, digital citizenship training and discussion, and consulting on your school’s positive behaviors plan.

We have completed our fall training, and links to the recordings can be found here:

School Community Council Training

Charter School Trust Land Council Training

Thursday, November 12, 2020

All Principals
All District Administrators

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Student Data Privacy Approved Apps and Programs

A list of apps and programs that have been reviewed for student data privacy and curricular use has been published online.  This searchable list contains apps that have been approved for use as well as those that have been reviewed and denied.  This list will show the grade levels for which the app has been approved and whether or not parent consent will be required for the app’s use.  Any app that has an approval status of ‘Approved for Use’ may be used by schools.

The list may be found on the Evaluation, Research & Accountability website:

Or educators may go directly to Jordan School District’s Public Library on LearnPlatform:

As we are constantly reviewing apps and programs, this list will be updated regularly.

Please contact the district’s Student Data Privacy Managers:
Holly Allen ( or 801-567-8115)
Steven Harwood ( or 801-567-8257).


November 6, 2020

All Schools

Derek Anderson, Director of Budgets

School Year 2020 – 2021 Budget Allocations

Attached is the fiscal year 2020-21 final budget allocations summary. The three charts attached reflect your annual allocations, your carryover from fiscal year 2019-20, and your total budget that is the current year allocation plus carryovers. These reflect the updated and approved October 1 counts.

Please note, if you received school startup funds or have made budget transfers those are reflected only in the total budget number.

Please call or email Derek with any questions.
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