Payroll Rosters have been updated. There are multiple tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet. Administrative assistants should select the roster that best suits their needs. Please replace the old rosters with these new ones. If you have questions or suggestions please contact the Payroll Department.
Category: High School Action Required
Important Information for Classified Employee Comp Time – August 2019
District Policy regarding hours of work (DP343 NEG) has two changes for Classified Employees. Nothing else has changed for comp time except:
- Comp time will only be tracked in Skyward’s Employee Access, not by any other mechanism or on paper (trade time is not comp time, and is not tracked in Employee Access). Instructions on how to enter comp time in Employee Access are attached.
- Comp time will be used during the next two successive pay periods.
Classified now reads as follows:
Classified employees who fall under the guidelines of the Fair Labor Standards Act (personnel included on the classified master salary schedule) must be paid at one and one-half times the regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 in a work week or receive compensatory time off during the two successive pay periods (first to last day of the month in which work is done) at the rate of one and one-half times the actual overtime worked during any workweek. Only compensatory time will be considered hours worked for the purpose of calculating the 40-hour work week. All compensatory time earned must be pre-approved by the appropriate director, principal or supervisor. The tracking of such earning and using of compensatory time will be done through Skyward Employee Access.
Employees and supervisors should work together in a professional and reasonable manner when dealing with comp time and trade time.
Testing Updates and Reminders – High Level – August 2019
Thursday, August 22, 2019
High School Principals
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
Testing Updates and Reminders
Please see memo below.
2019-20 TSSA Allocations
August 15, 2019
All Principals
John Larsen, Business Administrator
Derek Anderson, Director of Accounting, Budgets, and Audits
2019-20 TSSA Allocations
Attached are the 2019-20 TSSA allocations. Please work with these amounts as you make plans for TSSA spending.
Remember to plan for benefit costs on all wages paid. For benefited employees (those that can take health insurance) the cost of benefits is about 32.14% of wages plus $9852 for health insurance and $156.60 for disability insurance per FTE. For non-benefited employees (e.g. substitutes, 17 hour assistants) the cost of benefits is 8.45% of wages. To help you with this, you may choose to download and use the included loaded salary worksheet.
Until you have turned in your TSSA budget plan, all of your TSSA allocation will show in Skyward in one budget category, instructional supplies (10 E xxx 5678 1090 610). Once you turn in your TSSA budget plan we will revise your TSSA budget in Skyward to reflect your plan. The TSSA budget and its use will be tracked utilizing program code 5678. Your Skyward reports will be revised to include program 5678 so you can see its status whenever you wish, but it will also be emailed to you on the 5th of each month.
If you have any questions about the TSSA allocation or how it will be tracked in Skyward, please contact Derek Anderson at x88275.
Immunization Policy and Guidelines, Skyward and USIIS Inservice 2019-20
August 7, 2019
Administrative Assistants
Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Nancy Ward, Coordinator of Educational Support Services
Jordan School District Nurses
Immunization Policy and Guidelines, Skyward and USIIS Inservice
Jordan School District Nurses will be conducting this inservice on:
Friday, September 13, 2019
9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
This inservice is open to all office staff and administrators. It is not required that you attend; however, if you are involved with student registration, this inservice will be of benefit to you since immunization status is an important part of the registration process.
Medication Administration Training 2019-20
August 7, 2019
All Principals
Administrative Assistants
Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Nancy Ward, Coordinator of Educational Support Services
Jordan District Nurses
Medication Administration Training
Utah State Law and District Policy requires that all school personnel delegated to administer medication to students in schools must complete Medication Administration Training.
New employees who will be giving medication are required to attend the live training on Friday, September 20, 2019. Prior to this meeting, they need to view the online training, following the links at and posted under Educational Support, Nursing Services. Click on Medication Inservice (use a browser other than Firefox).
Employees who have attended this training and have a certificate of completion will not be required to attend this meeting. However, they will be required to recertify by viewing the online training video and completing the corresponding test available on the district website.
(see above).
Please identify staff members that should receive medication administration training. This may include head administrative assistants, office assistants, cluster teachers or aides, counseling center personnel, and the principal if appropriate. Please inform all personnel that have the potential to administer medication to students at school of their responsibilities in this matter.
Thank you for your responsiveness and support.
Medication Administration Training
Friday, September 20, 2019
9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
ASB PDC #101
Elementary and Secondary EL Cultural Task Force Meetings 2019-20
Principals, please share with the appropriate people:
Note the attached two flyers for the EL Cultural Task Force meetings. Secondary meetings are on September 12th at either 7:30 or 11:30. Elementary meetings are on October 3rd at either 9:00 or at 12:00. All meetings are at the ASB auditorium. ALS will pay for substitutes. Come and get it while it's HOT!
School Year 2019-2020 Estimated Budgets
August 12, 2019
All Elementary, Middle, and Traditional High School Principals
John Larsen, Business Administrator
Derek Anderson, Director of Accounting, Budgets, and Audits
School Year 2019-2020 Estimated Budgets
Attached is a schedule of your annual school allocation budgets. Please look over them and let Derek know if you have any questions. Budgets will be revised once the official October 1 enrollment counts are available. Budget transfers will be sent out in December and June.
National Science Teacher Association Conference – October 24-26, 2019
The NSTA Conference will be held in Salt Lake City Utah this year on October 24-26 during the JSD fall break.
Please see flyer below for the details.
Early bird registration ends on September 23 and advance registration ends on October 4.
For questions call or email Jane Harward,
2019-20 Annual Administrative Leadership Conference Agenda and Information
Please take note of the following items:
Plan on bringing an electronic device in order to access the agenda and conference materials.
Handouts will be uploaded as they become available.
Due to limited parking we would encourage you to carpool with team members.
See agenda below.
Classified Employee Professional Development Day – August 13, 2019
All Administrators/Directors:
Please personally invite your entire classified staff to this event. This would include your administrative assistants, all aides, custodial staff, nutrition services staff, maintenance, any other employees that are classified.
If you have questions, please contact a Cabinet member.
Thank you!
Guidelines for Classroom Observations or Student Teacher Requests 2019-20
August 1, 2019
All Principals
Human Resource Administrators
Administrator of Schools
Guidelines for Classroom Observations or Student Teacher Requests
Principals are directed to follow the guidelines below when receiving requests for classroom observations or student teaching assignments at their school locations. College/University students will have received and cleared a background check during their post-graduate institution program prior to beginning their classroom observation or student teaching experience. All concerns regarding college/university student assignments should be directed immediately to an HR administrator.
Classroom Observation Requests
Requests for short-term observations from college/university students or advisors must include a written request to the school principal from the college/university advisor. Such requests are approved at the discretion of the principal and the written requests are to remain at the school location. Students approved to observe in the classroom are to be supervised at all times.
Student Teacher Requests
During the student teacher assignment, an HR administrator will serve as a liaison between the principal and the college/university advisor; however, the advisor will work directly with the principal and the cooperating teacher.
Requests to student teach are approximately two to three months in duration and are made through the HR Department by the college/university advisor. An HR administrator will contact interested principal(s) who will then identify a cooperating teacher meeting the following criteria and expectations. The cooperating teacher must:
- be a career teacher (not provisional);
- is willing to complete student teacher evaluations;
- is willing to work with the college/university advisor and allow the advisor to conduct classroom observations; and
- will instruct, model, and mentor the student teacher in professionalism, best teaching practices and classroom management.
Please feel free to call an HR administrator with any questions regarding this process.
Fall 2019 AP Exam Registration Information
Thursday, August 1, 2019
All High School Principals
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
Fall AP Exam Registration Information
The College Board is now requiring that students register for their AP exams in the fall. AP School Coordinators should receive an access code by email (on or about August 1st) and by mail near the start of the school year. If AP School Coordinators have not received their access code, they will need to call 877-274-6474.
Once the access code has been received and before the start of school, the AP School Coordinator will need to sign into to enter the access code and complete the initial setup steps for AP registration and ordering. The AP School Coordinator will also need to enter all AP class sections in the system and then notify AP teachers when their class sections and join codes are available.
AP teachers will need to log onto to access those join codes and provide them to their students. On the first day of class, AP teachers will need to copy and distribute the join code assignment for all AP students and have them register.
Please see the attached documents for more information for AP School Coordinators, AP teachers, and AP students. In addition, please see part 1 of the AP School Coordinator Manual. School administrators are encouraged to share this information with their AP School Coordinator and AP teachers.
For questions about this new registration process or any other AP exam-related issues, please contact the College Board directly at 877-274-6474 or fill out an inquiry form at this link:
August 13, 2019 Professional Development – Sign In Sheet and Instructions
Principals & Administrative Assistants:
The Administrators of Schools have some instructions they asked us to send out regarding the August 13th professional development. Each school will need to provide sign in sheets, with their staff names listed in alphabetical order as well as two columns for their staff to sign in. They will be signing in when they first arrive as well as when lunch is finished. A sample is provided with this email. Please send a copy (hard copy or electronically) to your AOS secretary, by August 5th, as well as provide a copy on a clipboard with pen attached for your principal to bring with them on the day of the conference (August 13th). Elementary principals will be stationed along the sides of the chairs with their clipboard and a sign that will be provided with your school name on it, so staff will be able to see where their principal can be found. High school and middle school principals will be on the first row of tables behind the chairs to sign in their staff members.
Principals, we would ask that you be at the Mountain America Expo Center no later than 7:15 a.m. so we can help you find your sign in area and get your sign to you. You may want to notify teachers that it would be a good idea to come early as there will be a lot of people trying to park and get signed in before the 8:00 a.m. start time.
Superintendent Godfrey would like each school to sit together. A seating chart will be sent out to each school a few days prior to the conference. At that time please make a copy for your principal to have on the clipboard for reference. You may also want to send a copy to your staff members so they have an idea of where your school will be seated.
Thanks for your help! AOS Administrative Assistants
25 Hour to 35 Hour Instructional Assistant Confidentiality and GoalView Trainings – August 2019
July 25, 2019
Elementary and Middle School Resource Team Leaders
High School Special Education Team Leaders
Self-contained Support Class Teachers
Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Special Education Director
25 Hour to 35 Hour Instructional Assistant Confidentiality and GoalView Trainings
The Special Education Department is offering some basic training to review confidentiality and GoalView training for instructional assistants that work 25 to 35 hours per week. Please send all of your 25 to 35 hour per week assistants to one of the following training sessions.
August 15, 2019:
8:30am – 9:30am South Valley School Room 9
August 16, 2019:
8:30am – 9:30am South Valley School Room 9
1:00pm – 2:00pm South Valley School Room 9
Instructional Assistants with 25 to 35 hours per week should only pick one session each to attend and no instructional assistants less than 25 hours per week should attend this particular training.
To register for this training please contact Amanda Hamblin at 801-567-8176 or with your session choice and which school you work in.
If the training session attended is outside of regular paid contract time, compensation will be provided.
If you have questions please call the special education department at 801-567-8177.
Extended Year Special Educator Stipends 2019-20
July 1, 2019
Special Education Teachers (Preschool and School-Age)
Speech-Language Pathologists
Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Extended Year Special Educator Stipends 2019-20
The extended school year stipend that was approved with the passage of Senate Bill 2 in the 2008 legislative session will remain in effect for the 2019-20 school year. The legislation allows a specific group of special educators to work up to 4 additional days for a $200/day stipend (plus applicable benefits). Please see documents below for instructions and due dates.
Special Education Budget Allocations 2019-20
July 1, 2019
Head Financial Secretaries
Special Education Teachers (Resource and Cluster)
Speech-Language Pathologists
Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Special Education Budget Allocations 2019-20
Please see attached memo and budget guidelines.
Portable Classroom Moves – Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) Kits and Fire Extinguishers – July 2019
All portable classrooms are equipped with a Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) Kit and a fire extinguisher. These items are assigned to each portable. As portables get moved to another District locations as needed, the TECC Kit and fire extinguisher are to go with the portable to the new location. Some kits and fire extinguishers have been packed up into boxes or moved out in "go kits"/buckets. Schools are expected to find these items and make sure they are placed back in the assigned portable prior to being moved. If the kits and extinguishers cannot be found, the respective school will be responsible for the replacement costs for these items:
1 TECC Kit $180
1 Fire Extinguisher $53
Additional Licensed Employee Contract Days 2019-20
As per the negotiated agreement for licensed employees, two preparation days have been added to the calendar, taking the total number of contract days to 187. No meetings or professional development should be held on these two work days. The first day is scheduled for Monday, August 12th. All licensed employees should be working in the building that day, but please be very flexible this year. Principals are authorized to make other arrangements with teachers who are unable to be at school that day.
The second work day can be scheduled at the employee’s discretion. Employees should notify principals what day they plan to work. Employees can also schedule two four-hour days if they prefer. Many people will want to work both days before the school year starts. Please provide a list of days, to your employees, of when the building will be open and available. If you have any questions please contact your Administrator of Schools.
Updated Student Health Services Cards 2019-20
Jordan School District Nursing Services has revised the blue Student Health Services card that is completed at registration for the 2019-2020 school year, going forward. The online registration has also been revised. New Student Health Services cards on light green card stock will be sent to your school. Please use the light green cards and recycle the unused blue ones. If you need additional health cards, please notify Becky in Educational Support Services.