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I am pleased to let you know Info Systems has finished the programming to allow teachers to enter Guided Reading Levels directly into Skyward.  The step-by-step instructions are attached, including screen shots.  Please feel free to distribute to teachers.  We will also post this page to the CBL website for future reference.

Some teachers will find the instructions sufficient to complete the process; others may like some additional guidance.  I have attached a flier with several dates where I will be available to offer additional ‘hands-on’ training for those who would like the extra help.  You may choose to send one teacher that will come back and train others, one per grade level, or all who wish to attend…. Whatever works best for your situation.  Please be sure to note participants will be paid for attending and need to bring their laptop.

**The programming for the administrative side, which will allow you to view/print teacher, grade, and school reports, is not yet complete.  I will provide instructions for you as soon as I get them from Info Systems.  I will, also, walk through the steps at upcoming Principal Literacy Support sessions scheduled for the second week of September.

Important SLO Information

Because of changes to the law, SAGE scores may no longer be used as the SLO rating for teachers. Therefore, all classroom teachers will need to use SLOs. An email message will be sent to all JSD educators with preliminary guidelines for the SLO process as described below:

The 2016-2017 Secondary SLOs will be available to secondary teachers throughout the year and can be administered by quarter, by semester, or, in some cases, by standard. Scores for both pre-test and post-test should be entered into Mastery Connect as soon as students have completed the tests.

Elementary teachers will have the option of using math, reading, or writing to measure student growth. Teachers may select their SLO subject now and give the pre-test for only that subject or teachers may give more than one pre-test and report the one with the highest rating. It is recommended that pre-tests be given within the first three weeks of school.

The process for reporting SLO ratings will be similar to last year; however, teachers will not be required to turn scores into folders. Before the end of the first quarter, you will each receive a spreadsheet similar to the ones you got last year. Instructions will accompany your spreadsheet. For now, please record any SLO pre-test data in Mastery Connect so that you will be able to transfer it once your post-tests are completed.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact one of Curriculum’s content administrators.

Elementary Language Arts Becky Gerber 88087
Secondary Language Arts Mindy Dummer 88152
Math Wendy Harmon 88377
Social Studies Pam Su’a 88320
Science Jane Harward 88169
Fine Arts – Dance/Theater Robyn Bishop 88129
Fine Arts - Music Norm Emerson 88364
Fine Arts – Visual Arts Mindy Dummer 88152
CTE Sonja Ferrifino 75959
General Questions Shelley Nordick 88110

August 19, 2016

Elementary Principals

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum and Staff Development
Norman R. Emerson, Fine Arts Consultant

Assemblies by Artistic Resources for Teachers and Students, Inc. (ARTS, Inc.)

ARTS, Inc., now in its fifty-fifth year of operation, was founded in 1961 and has provided performances in all forty-one school districts in Utah, reaching more than 250 schools each year with professional arts and education programming.  We welcome their artists in our schools again for the 2016-17 school year.

Enclosed you will find the following:

  • The assembly schedule with the date and time the artists will be at your school
  • The contact information for the performing group coming to your school from ARTS, Inc.

The artists have been instructed to contact you at least two weeks prior to their assembly to verify starting times and specific needs for their performance.  If the date selected for the music group to perform at your school does not work with your schedule, please contact the music group as soon as possible to reschedule.  The name and phone number of the contact person for each group has been provided.

If you have any questions, please contact Norman Emerson at 801-567-8364.

In order to be consistent with Federal reporting guidelines, the threshold for coding purchases to equipment (object 730) or computer equipment (731) is increasing to $5,000.  Effective immediately, all purchases where a single item is less than $5,000 should be coded to 610 (supplies) or new object code 650 (technology supplies).  This change does not alter the purchasing threshold of required quotes for a single item >$1,000 or a group of items >$2,000 nor does it impact the items requiring asset tags.

The 2016-17 year will be a transition year.  Please do not change purchase orders already in Skyward or submit journal entries for past purchases.  Current budgets have not been modified.  Please code the purchases to the correct account, regardless of budget.  Schools will be able to transfer budget between equipment and supplies in December and June.  District departments and grant programs may make budget revisions in January to reflect current requirements.

Please contact Heather Ellingson (ext. 88388) with any questions.

August 15, 2016

All Principals
All Special Education Staff

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curric./Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Julie Brown, Program Specialist

Mandatory Special Education Training

In lieu of the Special Education Opening Inservice, the Special Education department has developed compliance training for all special education staff. All elementary and all provisional staff will attend a half-day training. There are 4 sessions available to help disperse the number of staff that will be out of the building. Substitutes may be requested using budget code 1292.  Special educators are responsible for arranging coverage. Registration will be through JPLS. Middle and high school career staff will be trained together by Feeder system during a Friday morning PLC to minimize staff being out of the building. The dates, times, and locations for all trainings are below.

All Elementary and Provisional Staff:
September 7, 2016      8:00 a. m. -11:00 a. m.      JATC South Auditorium
September 7, 2016      12:30 p. m. -3:30 p. m.      JATC South Auditorium
September 8, 2016      8:00 a. m. -11:00 a. m.      JATC South Auditorium
September 8, 2016      12:30 p. m. -3:30 p. m.      JATC South Auditorium

September 9, 2016      7:00 a. m. -8:15 a. m.
Bingham Feeder  -  BHS   Room E204
Herriman Feeder  -  HHS   Room 1403
West Jordan Feeder  -  WJHS Room E27

September 16, 2016    7:00 a. m. -8:15 a. m.
Copper Hills Feeder  -  CHHS Room 2702
Riverton Feeder  -  RHS    Room 2305

August 10, 2016

Speech-Language Pathologists
Speech-Language Technicians
Speech-Language Interns

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curric./Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Kristin Norris, CCC-SLP, TS, Speech-Language-Audiology Program

2016-2017 Professional Development Dates

Attached are the dates and location that have been determined for Speech-Language Pathologist and Audiologist Professional Development. Attendance is optional with principal permission.

August 10, 2016

Speech-Language Pathologists
Speech-Language Technicians
Speech-Language Interns

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curric./Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Kristin Norris, CCC-SLP, TS, Speech-Language-Audiology Program

2016-2017 TENTATIVE Speech-Language-Audiology Assignments

Attached are the TENTATIVE Speech-Language-Audiology Assignments as of August 10, 2016.

Please read these assignments carefully and direct any questions or concerns to Kristin Norris @ 801-567-8372 or Thank you for your attention to these issues.


Upcoming Blomquist Hale Employee Assistance Seminar
Loss and Resilience With Aging
Thursday, September 8th, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Come learn more about losses associated with the aging process and how family caregivers of older adults can tend to the loss and resilience in their older family members and in themselves.
Spread the word to your employees.  Employees and eligible dependents covered by Blomquist Hales's EAP service are welcome to attend seminar at not cost.  Call 801-262-9619 or visit to reserve a seat!

August 22, 2016

All Principals,  Jordan School District

Administrators of Schools
Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum and Staff Development
Nancy Ward, Coordinator of Educational Support Services

CPR/First Aid Certification

Jordan School District requires that at least 3 employees in each building be certified in CPR and First Aid.  Most certifications are valid for 2 years.  It is also recommended that employees who will have direct responsibility for student health and safety be CPR/First Aid certified.  This may include front office staff, playground aides, hall monitors, P.E. teachers, etc.  It is also recommended that you keep a list of current CPR/First Aid certified staff members by all main phone lines where calls for emergency help may originate.  A template is attached.

CPR, First Aid, and AED training and certification is now available to district employees in an online format through the National Safety Council (NSC).  The attached memo will outline the steps necessary to complete the online portion of the course.  The cost of the course is $19.95 and should be paid by the employee at the time of registration.  Schools may provide reimbursement for the course, if funds are available, by following appropriate pre-approval and reimbursement procedures.

Once the online course is completed, employees may sign up to complete their certification by attending a 2 hour skills check session with our district nurses.  To sign up for a skill check, you will need to register with JPLS under CPR/First Aid/AED skill check. All skill checks must be completed within 45 days of sign-up for the online course.  The dates and times for the skill check sessions are listed on the attached flyer.

Please complete the attached CPR/First Aid certification form and return it to the Educational Support Services office by November 15, 2016.


Reminder: Craig Zablocki will be speaking to all Elementary Level educators and administrators on August 17, 2016.

Riverton High
12476 S Silverwolf Wy, Riverton UT
Park on the north end of the building and go in the doors by the big RHS letters.

1:00 - 3:00 p.m. - Craig Zablocki, guest speaker

August 2, 2016

All Principals

Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Planning and Student Services

6th Day Enrollment vs. the Estimate
Year-round schools, Tracks A, B, C
(based on August 2, 2016 count)

See attached memo.

July 27, 2016

District Administration

Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Consultant, Planning and Student Services

1st Day Enrollment vs. the Estimate
Year-round schools, Tracks A, B, C
(based on July 26, 2016 count)

See attached memo.

This year we will continue with touchstones and lead mentors to support provisional teachers at each school. Within the next few days you will be receiving a link to a shared document listing your lead mentor, touchstone, provisional teachers and mentors. Your lead mentor will also receive this link. Please work together to update the list.

The purpose of the touchstone is to provide an additional individual that can serve as a resource for your school’s mentor program. Your touchstone will contact your lead mentor twice a month. The touchstones can help find resources to support your mentors and provisional teachers or help make arrangements for coaching as needed. This does not mean to take the place of communication you already have in place. Please feel free to contact consultants directly for any assistance as well.

We hope the lead mentors and touchstones will collaborate to support mentors and their assigned provisional teachers.  We also ask that lead mentors help to update the mentor/provisional teacher list, distribute and collect contracts, and attend lead mentor trainings. The curriculum department will provide compensation for one lead mentor per school. The first lead mentor/touchstone training will be September 12 for elementary and September 13 for secondary. The meetings will be held at the ASB from 8:00 – 11:00.

The District mentor teacher specialists are also available to provide support. Contact information and school assignments are included on a separate document. We look forward to working with each school to develop a mentor program that supports effective teaching and learning by building capacity among your staff.

Administrator Home and Hospital Forums

Home & Hospital has moved to the ASB (Auxiliary Service Building) on Redwood Road. Mary Ann Erdmann is the Home and Hospital administrator. Her office is located by the ISC, ASB South Entrance, near Purchasing.  Schools will continue to receive support and service for their home and hospital students.

Each site is asked to send an administrative representative to attend one of the following mandatory meetings to receive important information regarding home and hospital.

  • Monday, August 29th @ 1:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday, August 30th @ 9:00 a.m.
  • Wednesday, August 31st @ 1:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, September 1st @ 9:00 a.m.

All forums will be held in the Presentation Room C-100 (former Board Room) at the ASB and will last only one hour.