When planning for end-of-year activities (i.e., Field Day, Fun Run, etc.), please refer to the USBE School Reopening Plan Handbook and follow the “Mitigation Tactics for Specific School Settings” guidelines (page 10). For example, volunteers should be limited in number and follow current check-in practices for adult visitors to the school; parent observers are not allowed at this time. Current mask and social distancing requirements are expected. Work with organizers to select activities that do not require students to share or use the same equipment without time for cleaning. All events should be held within the last two weeks of school. In the event of inclement weather, plan on an alternate date; activities should not be moved indoors. Please contact your AOS with any questions.
Category: Elementary Action Required
RESUME School Emergency Evacuation Drills for the Remainder of the 2020-21 School Year
The Utah State Board of Education School and Student Safety Office has informed the District that regular fire evacuation drills (going outside) are to resume as of March 1, 2021. You can no longer substitute evacuation instruction in lieu of an actual exercise. Please practice Covid-19 safety precautions during all drills.
Questions, contact: Lance Everill, Emergency Operations Manager 801-567-8623, lance.everill@jordandistrict.org
Pedagogical Performance Assessment Permission Slips
Thursday, March 4, 2021
All Principals
Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
Kim Gibson, Licensed Administrator, Elementary
Wyatt Bentley, Licensed Administrator, Secondary
Pedagogical Performance Assessment Parental Permission Forms
To become a teacher licensed by the State of Utah, student teachers, intern teachers, and teacher candidates must submit to a pedagogical performance assessment (PPA) (see R277-502-3-(4)). A PPA assesses the basic competencies of all newly licensed Utah teachers regardless of their university preparation program, thus ensuring that all K-12 students have access to competent teachers. The PPA requires the teacher candidate to submit the following:
- A video of the teacher candidate providing instruction to students
- Written commentaries and analysis of the instruction
- Student artifacts and work samples from regular classroom activities
Whenever students are part of a video recording or their classroom work is given to a third party outside of the school district, we are required to obtain parent signed permission (see R277-487-3). As of the date of this memo, there are two state-approved programs that provide a pedagogical performance assessment product:
- ETS provides the PPAT
- Pearson provides the edTPA
ETS uses their own permission form, which satisfies the requirement to obtain signed parent permission (sample copy attached with this memo). Pearson, and perhaps other vendors that are eventually approved by the state, rely upon districts to use their own forms. As such, a new Teacher Pedagogical Performance Assessment (PPA) for Pre-service Teacher Candidates parent permission form has been created to fill that need. This form is attached with this memo and should be used unless the ETS form is being used.
All permission forms for a pedagogical performance assessment should be kept, either physically or digitally, on file by the school for three years.
For any questions about teacher candidate licensure or pedagogical performance assessments, please contact Wyatt Bentley at 801-567-8215 or wyatt.bentley@jordandistrict.org or Kim Gibson at 801-567-8216 or kim.gibson@jordandistrict.org For any questions about permission forms or student data privacy, please contact Ben Jameson at 801-567-8243 or ben.jameson@jordandistrict.org.
Interpreting Services for Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences Spring 2020-21
Parent Teacher Conferences are fast approaching, and many of you will find your school in need of one or more interpreters in order to serve the needs of your parents. Mirsa Joosten is happy to find an interpreter in each language you need, but this can be extremely difficult when there is not sufficient time for her to make arrangements. The virtual format can make finding interpreters even more difficult. For these reasons, we ask you to please request your interpreter right away by completing the Interpreting and Translation Services Request Form available on the Equity and Compliance webpage, if you have not already done so.
ESP Professional Learning
The ESPIC (Educational Support Personnel Improvement Committee) is looking for courses that would be appropriate and effective for ESP professional learning. We are seeking your input regarding skills and knowledge that would be helpful for various ESP job categories. We would appreciate you taking 10-20 minutes to complete this survey. Survey link: https://jordandistrict.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b44jgy9K3VEMqx0
Reduction in Staff (RIS) Resources for Administrators – February 2021
Reduction In Staff (RIS) resources for administrators are included below. Please contact an HR administrator and/or your respective AOS with any questions.
- District Policy : Reduction In Licensed Staff - DP327 NEG
This policy includes a link to the RIS Guidelines (RIS Rubric Criteria for Teachers and Counselors)
- Reduction In Staff Licensed Employee Request Form
By February 26, 2021, principal are to submit their RIS recommendation(s) to their Administrator of Schools and the Administrator of Human Resources for approval. However, if additional time is needed, please contact your AOS and respective HR Administrator. Once RIS requests are approved, principals will then receive a letter from an HR administrator for each approved RIS, which will prompt principals to meet with the RIS’d employee, complete the Right To Return Form, obtain signatures and return this form to the respective HR administrator.
- https://employment.jordandistrict.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/34/RIS-Request-2017-fillable-2.pdf
2021 USBE School Climate Survey
Thursday, February 25, 2021
All Principals
Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
USBE School Climate Survey
Please see the attached memo and documents that are mentioned in the memo.
Teacher Training for RISE Summative Testing – March 2021
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Elementary School Principals
Middle School Principals
Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
Teacher Training for RISE Summative Testing
With end-of-year testing season starting in a month (or two), it’s a good time to plan for teacher training. Please work with testing coordinators and administrators to schedule or facilitate faculty training at school. The format of the training is flexible and can be done as an all-in-one meeting, or you can ask teachers to complete the RISE Canvas course, or a combination thereof. All administrators, elementary coaches and RISE-testing teachers will be added to the RISE Canvas course, so each teacher has access to the same resources: https://jordanpd.instructure.com/enroll/6XW9EE
If you’d like Brooke Anderson to lead a 45-minute overview of RISE testing, please join her via Zoom during one of the dates & times below:
Wednesday, March 10 @ 4:00 PM:
Meeting ID: 891 7757 0866
Passcode: 414957
Friday, March 12 @ 8:30 AM:
Meeting ID: 897 8159 5565
Passcode: 784457
Friday, March 19 @ 9:00 AM:
Meeting ID: 829 8753 3837
Passcode: 508653
Please contact Brooke Anderson at 801-567-8393 or brooke.anderson@jordandistrict.org if you need to set up another training at a different time/date than the ones listed above.
2021 Virtual Teacher Transfer Fair Survey Link
Thank you for your participation in the Virtual Teacher Transfer Fair! We hope it was a valuable experience. To help continually improve future fairs, we would appreciate your genuine feedback. Please complete the following brief survey https://forms.gle/cVad2HeUmSxSbhk9A.
School LAND Trust Training Recap – February 5, 2021
The LAND Trust Plan needs to be a component of your TSSA Plan. Your School Community Council reviews the data and provides comments on the TSSA Plan. Understand what the TSSA Plan is and be familiar with the data.
When presenting the data to SCC present what is in place in your LAND Trust and TSSA Plans. Make it parent friendly with the statements used. Give time for them to ask questions. Make sure they feel comfortable.
When putting together your 2021-22 LAND Trust Plan be a brief as possible in providing all of the necessary information.
Use the Data Review to identify critical academic needs.
Create the Goal: Goals must be – Student Centered, Measurable, and Academic
Focus on student improvement and success
Identify the goal and fit your needs to the goal. Don’t just use it as a shopping list
How do we define success?
What will we do?
What do we need?
If multiple goals are in the same subject combine it into one goal
Keep the amount of goals smaller
One Statement
Such as – “Improve 8th grade science scores from 55% to 59%”
What is the method of coming up with the assessment? How will we know that goal has been met? “Acadience scores”
Have it be research based. Every expenditure should be discussed in the Action Plan and matched to the action - so it shows how it all fits together. Use:
* A bullet list or
* Outline
“If we receive more funds” – Be thinking of other things you could do, in current goals as well as additional goals.
Recent changes regarding Behavioral Intervention:
Can be a part of the action plan
No longer has a $ limit
Must be tied to an academic goal
Use data to show how it will support the goal
Regarding the website update
It will be more steam lined
The website should be ready for the final reports to be added by March 5, 2021
The 2021-22 Upcoming Plan can’t be submitted until the final report is done and submitted
Final Reports
Using a copy of the 2019-2020 School Plan as a template, prepare responses to each item (text) in each goal or question entered in the original School Plan and Amendment, as necessary.
Expenditures will not be entered by the principal but will be displayed for response and explanation by the council.
School plan expenditures from 2019-2020 may be obtained from the business administrator.
2021-22 Upcoming Plan
A template from the State LAND Trust website is attached to this JAM
Your school plan is due to your AOS by March 26, 2021
The same deadlines are necessary in order to stay on track with reviews by the AOS’ and the approval by the Jordan School District Board of Education.
Please review the attached Land Trust Guidelines in order to place the expenditures under the correct categories.
EL Funding Through the EARS Grant
This is a reminder for principals to complete their EARS funding request form. EARS funding provides an opportunity for schools to respond to the needs of their EL (ML) students. As you begin to think of ways to use the money, the Educational Language Services Department can provide training on what great Parent Home Visits look like, how to use the WIDA Can-Do statements, and how to strengthen Tier I instruction. Please reach out to Michelle Love-Day in Educational Language Services for any questions. Please use this link to request the EARS funding for use with your EL(ML) students this year.
Elementary STEM PLC for 2021-22
We are preparing for the second year of our Elementary STEM PLC. This program supports elementary STEM rotations by training teachers/instructional assistants to use the tech tools from the JSD STEM Library. This PLC focuses on the T in STEM and provides both training and technology throughout the school year. This program will not provide a full-year of activities, but we will discuss several online tools that can be used at any time and add your school to a rotation to use a variety of tech tools during the year.
During 2020-2021, 13 elementary schools participated in this program. We will be extending this to an additional 13-14 schools in 2021-2022. The feedback so far has been positive, and I am happy to connect you with participating schools if you would like to ask questions.
All costs for tech tools and training are covered by a grant from the STEM Action Center. Participants will spend hours outside their regular school contract/hourly commitment, but they will be paid through the grant.
What does your school need to participate?
A scheduled school-wide STEM Rotation that serves the majority of your students
A commitment to using the tech tools when they arrive at your school
A teacher or instructional assistant who can commit to additional hours outside regular contract time
We will meet a few days in August for hands-on training with the tech tools, the plan is to complete this prior to the start of STEM rotations. We will also meet once or twice a month during the school year to share resources, develop lesson plans, and identify best practices.
If your school is interested in participating, please complete this Google Form. I will add schools as I receive the form responses. The grant is a three-year commitment. If your school does not participate in 2021-2022, you will be invited to participate in 2022-2023.
JSD Virtual Teacher Transfer Fair – February 17, 2021
We are excited to announce the JSD Virtual Teacher Transfer Fair will be held on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 from 4:00PM-6:30PM in lieu of the traditional in-person transfer fair. All principals can access Virtual Teacher Transfer Fair resources and tools immediately by clicking on the following link: Feb 2021 JSD Virtual Teacher Transfer Fair. Anticipated openings, based on your 2.0 FTE projections, and school Zoom Meeting links must be added to the “JSD Virtual Transfer Fair Links/Openings” Google spreadsheet by February 16th.
Interested licensed employees will have the ability to start uploading resumes and video introductions on February 10th. Principals can begin previewing these documents by school level (Elementary, Middle, High, Special Ed) in the Form Responses spreadsheet. 2020-2021 Teacher Transfer Fair (Responses) This document will also give you access to a live support Google chat during the JSD Virtual Teacher Transfer Fair on February 17th for any questions or concerns that you may have during your interviews.
If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources:
Elementary - Kim Gibson kim.gibson@jordandistrict.org
Brittany Bauer brittany.bauer@jordandistrict.org
Secondary - Wyatt Bentley wyatt.bentley@jordandistrict.org
Mark Sowa mark.sowa@jordandistrict.org
“Safety in the Schools” – Bus Safety Video – February 2021
February 4, 2021
Elementary School Principals
Paul Bergera, Director of Transportation
Kathy S. Jones, Trainer/Risk Coordinator of Transportation
“Safety in the Schools” – Bus Safety Video
Utah State Standards for school buses require students to receive annual bus safety instruction.
This year, bus safety instruction and awareness for students in grades K-6 will come in the form of a video. The video is available at the following link for each individual teacher to present to his or her class.
In addition, please require all teachers in grades K-1 to have their students watch the Winnie the Pooh video at the link provided below.
When every teacher in grades K-6 has shown the video(s) to his or her class, please send a quick email confirmation to tammy.spearman@jordandistrict.org indicating that your school has completed this process.
Feel free to contact Denise Dallin in the Transportation Training Department at (801) 567-8856 with any questions you may have.
We would like to have this completed and turned into the Utah State Office by February 26, 2021.
Thank you for helping Jordan School District achieve “Safety in the Schools”.
STEM Endorsement Reimbursement Program
The Utah Legislature has allocated funding to the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) to use to incentivize educators across the state to achieve endorsements in the STEM subjects. The USBE will be using these funds to provide reimbursement for applicable STEM endorsement coursework for both elementary and secondary educators for courses. Funding distribution will be on a first come first serve basis until allocated funds are depleted.
Please see information below or click HERE.
MOY Acadience Letters – January 2021
Schools are required to send letters home notifying families of Acadience testing results in grade 1-3. The testing window closes on February 5 and letters should be sent out no later than March 5. Letters may be sent home with students and do not need to be mailed.
Brigham Young University Career Services – Principal Survey
Brigham Young University Career Services is seeking feedback that will help them not only recruit people into education but also help prepare graduates in education to perform well in the hiring process. The attached survey is brief but will provide significant information. Responses will be confidential. Please help out by taking the survey. Thank you!
Principal Survey - https://byu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_e3EcN4ztIyxGYkJ
Principal Meeting – February 2, 2021
This meeting will follow the format of the past meetings. The agenda and meeting links will be sent out by Monday, February 1st. The meeting will start at 8:00 a.m. and a beverage service will be available beginning at 7:30 a.m.
At this meeting we are going to have Natalie Gordon, from the State Land Trust Office, come and do training with all of you on how to make a concise Land Trust Plan. The plan needs to be Student Centered, Measurable, and Academic. She's going to explain what needs to go into the different parts of the plan; Goal, Measurements, and Action Plan Steps. She will also be available to answer questions at the end.
Looking forward, the website is still under construction and it will come back up later than expected. When it comes back up the 2019-20 Final Reports will need to be completed as well as the 2021-22 plan.
2020-21 Evaluation Clarification
Below is information to clarify how full evaluations will be completed. Remember that only provisional teachers will complete a full evaluation.
- In Class Teacher (In the Building)
- Two classroom observations
- No interview
- Online Teacher
- Complete teacher specialist evaluation on JPLS
- Upload evidence into JPLS
- Include at least 2 video clips as part of evidence
- Psychologists, Counselors
- Complete on JPLS
- Upload evidence into JPLS
Administrators may sign up for a virtual training to help refresh the features of the Perform evaluation system. The trainings will last up to two hours depending on need. These trainings will begin next week. To register search “Administrator Perform Refresher” in JPLS. A Zoom link will be sent out to participants before the training.
Administrators may use the bubble sheet to complete observations and enter the information into Perform. If you need help entering the data, please contact the JES office for assistance.
Teachers who will be evaluated using the Perform system now have access to sign up for the Canvas training through JPLS. Teachers who will be evaluated using the JPLS system (teacher specialists) do not need to complete the training as the training focuses on the in-class observations. Have teachers search “UETS-based JPAS Online Training 2020-2021” in JPLS to register.
HMH RI (Formerly SRI) Testing Window 2020-21
Dear Principals:
As some registration dates for Middle Schools have shifted to earlier in the year, it is important that we seek to accommodate their efforts. As a result, we ask that the HMH RI (formerly SRI) and Reading Benchmark 1 be administered no later than Jan 15 where possible. We realize this is a week earlier than advised in the Testing Bulletin, and appreciate your flexibility and commitment to helping our team members across the district succeed.
As a reference, the following Rubric will be used for providing reading data to Middle Schools for the transition from 6th to 7th Grade.
Thank you for all of your hard work.
Reading Placement Rubric
Current (20-21 Students)
6th Grade Students going into 7th Grade
CATEGORY | Highly Proficient | Proficient | Approaching Proficient | Below Proficient |
District Benchmark (Most Recent)
Out of 30 |
29-30 | 24-28 | 17-23 | 0-16 |
Lexile Score |
1041+ | 955-1040 | 755-954 | 100-754 |
CogAt Verbal | Stanine 7+
PR: 77+ |
Stanine 5-6
PR: 43-76 |
Stanine 4
PR: 25-42 |
Stanine 1-3
PR: 1-24 |