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More details regarding the Health & Wellness Day will be coming. In order to give departments and schools time to plan meals the following information is being shared now.

Principals and Department Directors should arrange for lunch or breakfast for all your employees one day from February 6th–9th . Please do not schedule meals on February 10th so all employees feel free to participate in the Health and Wellness Day activities occurring that day.

Traditional schools (i.e. the 42 elementary schools, 13 middle schools and 7 high schools) will receive an additional $12 per employee in the school’s supply budgets. Traditional schools may then charge the cost of this meal to 10 E xxx 0050 1090 639 by submitting the receipt to Accounting through the normal P-Card or NPO process.

All other schools (i.e. Kauri Sue Hamilton (including the Child Development Center), River’s Edge (including the Jordan Family Education Center), South Valley, JATC North, JATC South, Valley High School, and Southpointe Adult High) will also have $12 per employee available. However, these schools will need to charge the cost of this meal to 10 E xxx 9054 1090 639 by submitting the receipt to Accounting through the normal P-Card or NPO process.

District departments will also have $12 per employee available. Departments should charge the cost of this meal to 10 E xxx 9054 yy90 639 by submitting the receipt to Accounting through the normal P-Card or NPO process. The “yy” listed in the account above will differ for each department as follows:

Superintendent – 24
Associate Superintendent – 24
Administrators of Schools – 24
Accounting, Budgets, and Audits – 25
Auxiliary Services – 26
Business Administrator – 25
Career & Technical Education – 22
Central Warehouse – 26
Communications – 28
Custodial and Energy – 26
Equity & Compliance – 21
Evaluation, Research & Accountability – 10
Facilities – 26
Human Resources – 28
Information Systems – 28
Instructional Support Services – 22
Insurance Services – 25
Jordan Education Foundation – 22
Language and Cultural Services – 21
Nurses – 21
Nutrition Services – 26
Payroll – 25
Purchasing – 26
Transportation – 27
Special Education – 22
Student Services – 21
Teaching and Learning – 22
Transportation – 27

Some elementary schools have an old “Special Programs” banner hanging in their halls. These banners were distributed many years ago, and some of the programs they promoted are no longer active. Schools can feel free to remove the banner from their halls.

Of note: The Teaching and Learning department still sponsors enrichment programs such as debate, Monster Math, Story Weavers, and the math tournament. More information about the enrichment programs can be found on the Gifted and Talented website  or by contacting Rebecca Smith @ 88368.

Since the number of Walk to Read extension groups has increased, schools may need extra copies of the resources the Gifted and Talented department provided when Walk to Read began.

If your school is using the resources for more than one classroom of students in Walk to Read extensions, you can order more copies on this Google form.

You can view the cover of the resource books on this link.

Before ordering on the form---  Please verify with your grade-level teams as to the resources they are using, the number of extension groups, and the additional copies that are needed.

Please make the requests by February 1, 2023.

Please see the attached document for registration and other information for the Elementary Math Tournament at Daybreak. Registrations are due on Friday, February 17 and can be submitted via this Google Form.

Please contact Rebecca Smith (88368) with any questions you may have.


For those who don’t know about the UCET Conference, this is the annual, state-wide educational technology conference for teachers, coaches, and administrators. This fantastic conference is a wonderful opportunity to improve digital learning in your schools!

Digital Teaching and Learning (DTL) wants to ensure that one administrator, from each school, has the opportunity to attend the conference this March 14th and 15th. To that end, DTL is providing each school with a complimentary administrator registration. To apply for your complimentary registration, please fill out the form below. If you find you are unable to attend UCET, the registration may be transferred to another admin or educator in your building.

In addition to an administrator registration, DTL is also providing a complimentary registration for each digital coach (secondary)or instructional coach (elementary) in the district. For those in secondary, this also includes the required substitute for the days of the conference. Please use #5655 for the sub code. We are excited to have a huge presence at this year’s UCET Conference and can’t wait to strengthen the technology skills of our fantastic coaches!

You must apply by January 27, 2023 so we can secure your registration.

Apply for UCET 2023

Please contact Jared Covili, Digital Teaching and Learning Consultant, with any questions,

UCET Flyer


The Conference will be held March 23 & 24, 2023 at Utah Valley Convention Center in Provo. Registration fees for 1 administrator and up to 2 teachers per school will be provided by Teaching & Learning. Sign up HERE before March 8, 2023. Please contact LeAnn Nelson for questions.

District office administrators and teacher specialists interested in attending may also sign up using this LINK.

The 2023 Instructional Leadership Conference has an incredible line-up of speakers! Look for flyers in district mail or visit the website.

Having difficulty filling an Assistant Custodian position? Approval has now been given to allow custodial staff additional hours to cover for an open, unfilled, Lane 2 Assistant Custodian position. Please see the attached memo for important details.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

All School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

CSI/TSI Calculations Released by USBE for All Schools


Targeted School Improvement (TSI) and Comprehensive School Improvement (CSI) are two school designations under the state’s ESSA plan and are part of the state’s school accountability system. The purpose of these two school improvement programs is to help schools identify and support student groups that are struggling academically.

Schools are designated as TSI if one or more of its student groups’ total school report card points earned is in the bottom 5% statewide for two consecutive years.

Schools are designated as CSI if one of the following conditions are met:

  • They are a high school with a low graduation rate in the year CSI was calculated (every three years).
  • They are a Title I school that has one or more student groups identified as TSI that haven’t exited after four years.
  • They are a Title I school where the total student population’s school report card points earned is in the bottom 5% of Title I schools statewide in the year CSI was calculated (every three years).

For your information, CSI was calculated for the 2021-22 school year.

USBE has recently released the school report card calculation data for TSI designations, and the results may be accessed in school administrator Tableau accounts. School administrators may use this information to identify student groups that are close to being designated as TSI, or in other words, student groups that have one year below the state’s 5% threshold of the two consecutive years required. The 2021-22 TSI Calculations for All Schools Statewide dashboard may be accessed here.

Title I schools may also see a similar view for CSI calculations for their total student population here. Using this dashboard, school principals will be able to see how close to the 5% threshold their student population came to being designated as CSI for each of the school report card indicators.

For questions about TSI, CSI, school report cards, or the state’s school accountability system, please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability.


Thursday, January 12, 2023

All School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Identifying School Procedures to Prevent Plagiarism During WIDA Testing


In order to provide targeted supports to multi-language learners, educators need valid and reliable data from assessments that help pinpoint a student's academic language ability. Plagiarism negatively effects the validity and reliability of that data.

As part of normal classroom instruction, many ML students are accustomed to using their device (cell phones or smart watches) to help them communicate and understand their learning. Thus, they have a natural tendency to want to use that technology to help them understand and communicate their learning on the WIDA Access. WIDA test proctors must explicitly communicate to students that their devices are not allowed or needed for the test because we need to understand what they can do without the aid of their device. WIDA test proctors must also implement procedures to ensure students do not have access to their personal technology devices during testing.

The 2022-23 WIDA Access Test Administration Manual states (see page 4):

"A key responsibility of all staff involved in testing is to ensure students are actively monitored during testing and do their own work. Test proctors are to ensure students don't use internet-connected devices, such as cell phones, while testing. Follow your state's test security policies and, whenever possible, have students leave their devices outside the testing room. The use of unapproved devices during testing or the submission of copied or plagiarized responses can result in student scores being invalidated."

The WIDA Access test vendor has the capacity to detect plagiarism from other websites. When this occurs, actions will need to be taken to investigate the issue by the school administration in collaboration with Evaluation, Research & Accountability.

To help schools formulate their procedures regarding student personal technology during the WIDA Access test administration, we are asking school test coordinators, in collaboration with their school administration, to fill out a survey form prior to test day that outlines the step-by-step procedures test proctors will use so that students do not have access to their personal technology devices during testing. The form may be accessed here. A copy of the questions is attached with this memo. In addition, school test coordinators will need to ensure that all WIDA Access test administrators and proctors are aware of and follow the outlined procedures to prevent plagiarism so that ML students have the best opportunity to demonstrate what they know and can do.

Please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with any questions regarding this new requirement.


As a reminder, the following due dates need to be followed when completing all evaluations. 

All Full Evaluations 

    • Due March 31, 2023
    • Stakeholder input and student growth with data uploaded into Perform
    • Goal(s) with both administrator and teacher signatures
    • This encompasses classroom teachers, teacher specialists, psychologists, counselors, BTS, etc.

 Note: Administrator full evaluations are due May 1, 2023.

 All Interim End of the Year Reflection 

    • Due May 31, 2023
    • Reflection on 3 Required Goals
    • Stakeholder input and student growth with data must be uploaded into Perform
    • Signatures from both administrator and teacher
    • This encompasses classroom teachers, teacher specialists, psychologists, counselors, BTS, administrators, etc.

Educational Support Professionals (Classified)

    • Due by the end of the May
    • Complete in Skyward

Utah State Senate Bill 150 requires schools to assess students three times per school year (fall, winter, & spring) and inform first, second, and third grade parents/guardians of whether or not their child is reading on grade level. Please send the attached letters home with your students to inform parents of their student’s middle of year Acadience results by February 28, 2023. You may copy the letters onto your school letterhead and send the letters home with students.

BOY Above English

BOY Below English

BOY Above Spanish

BOY Below Spanish


Principals who are absent from work for three or more days qualify for an approved administrative substitute.

Assistant principals who are absent from work for ten or more days qualify for an approved administrative substitute.

The Approved Administrative Substitute list can be found on the Admin Only HR site under Substitutes.

For questions, please contact the respective Administrator of Schools.

January 3, 2023

All Certified and ESPs

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Melanie Dawson, Principal of River’s Edge School

Back by Popular Demand! ETT: Cultivating Classroom Management Skills

Effective Teacher Training (ETT) is back! Our last section filled within one day of being announced, so learners need to register ASAP to reserve their spot. We are offering two more sections this year, so participants can choose what works best for their schedule.

Dates Course Section Register by
Winter Section  Jan. 23 - March 13 101914 117557  Jan. 19
Spring Section April 3 - May 22 101914 117558 March 30

For: All general education and special education teachers
Also Welcome: Specialists, mental health providers, ESPs
Instructional coaches can request to be an observer of the course instead of registering on JPLS.

Topics include: Antecedents, behavior basics, class-wide and individual interventions, increasing academic effectiveness, data-based decision making, students with unique needs, and personal wellness.

Format: This 7-week course will be offered online in an asynchronous format. Learners will engage with content and activities via Canvas. Participants must complete the first module within the first week, or their spot in the class will be given to someone on the waitlist.

1 USBE credit is available at no cost for those who complete the course.

For questions please contact: or

December 5, 2022

All Principals
All Special Education Staff

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Melanie Dawson, Principal of River’s Edge School

ASPEN Training Reminder for Special Education Personnel 2022-2023

As we move into the second half of the 2022-2023 school, this is a reminder that ASPEN training is required for all licensed special education teachers, SLPs, school psychologists, elementary school counselors, and for all instructional assistants in SEB and Autism self-contained support classrooms during the 2022-2023 school year. (Exception: Staff with a current Mandt certification will not need to be ASPEN trained).

First year staff and staff who have not completed the full certification ASPEN training should register for the in-person training on JPLS. Training dates and times are attached to this memo. Please note that these are expected to be the final dates for the remainder of the school year.

Although not required, instructional assistants working in any other special education setting may choose to attend ASPEN at the discretion of their building administrator.

If you have more than one teacher or instructional assistant that needs to attend, please consider having them attend on separate days in order to maintain adequate coverage in your school. The Special Education Department will cover the costs of substitutes for licensed special education teachers that will be attending the full certification under budget code 1292. Instructional assistants will be asked to use True Time to record their typical workday hours on the day of the training. Any additional hours spent in the training above their typical workday will need to be recorded on a timesheet.

Staff who participated in a full certification or recertification ASPEN training during the previous school year should plan on taking an ASPEN recertification class that will be offered online. Staff should register at JPLS for the recertification class, they will then receive an invitation within two working days to participate in the online course. Participants will have two weeks during which they can complete the course work at their own pace. This course is expected to take approximately 3 hours and should be completed during available contract hours. Dates for the online sessions are attached to this memo.

Mandt training will continue to be required at Kauri Sue Hamilton and River’s Edge School. Personnel at these schools do not need to attend ASPEN. Others wishing to keep their Mandt training current may do so; however, participation is not mandatory and teachers and instructional assistants will not be compensated for their attendance. If staff members are Mandt certified, they do not need to attend ASPEN training.

For questions please contact: Cassidy Hansen at or Daveed Goodrich at

December 6, 2022

Special Education Teachers (Resource & Cluster)

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Testing Checklist

Attached is the DLM checklist for all special education teachers who are administering the DLM assessment to any of their students for the 2022-23 school year. You are required to complete and return the checklist to Jen Birrell for all Elementary teachers and Mikaylee Krebs for all Secondary teachers at the District Office by Friday, February 24, 2023. This form is also available online at on the Special Education website.

If you need help completing any portion of this checklist, please contact the Teacher Specialist assigned to your school. 

Please direct any questions or concerns to Jen Birrell at 801-567-8905 or Mikaylee Krebs 801-567-8356., 

All teachers new to the district that will be administering the alternative assessment (Dynamic Learning Maps) DLM are required to attend one of the in-person training sessions that are being provided Friday, January 6, 2023 at South Valley School in classroom 9. There are two sessions.

Session 1: 7:30a.m.-10:30a.m. (Secondary)

Session 2: 12:30 p.m- 3:30p.m. (Elementary)

Please direct any questions or concerns to Jen Birrell at 801-567-8905 or Mikaylee Krebs 801-567-8356.


We are pleased to announce two opportunities for math competitions at the middle school level for 7th and 8th grade students: Math Olympiad (school-based) and a Math Tournament (district-based). Refer to the attachment for details. Contact Rebecca Smith (88368) with any questions you may have.

Optional training will be provided by the Business and Auxiliary Services Departments on September 26 (1:00-4:00 pm) and October 4 (8:00-11:00 am) via Zoom. This training opportunity is for school or department personnel including principals, assistant principals, administrative assistants, clerks, aides or others with responsibilities correlating with the Business or Auxiliary Services Departments. The draft agenda is attached.

If you would like to participate in one of the sessions, please send an email to Lisa LeStarge, at and let her know which date you would like to sign-up to attend.  Attendees will be provided with a link to hand-outs provided by the presenters so they can be viewed during the training or downloaded for future use.

We hope you will take advantage of this training opportunity.