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This event is for Jordan District leaders and social and emotional learning champions to share ideas and work together to ACCELERATE social and emotional learning in Jordan District.

See flyer below for link to sign up and more information regarding this event.

The following are new administrative assignments:

New Assignments effective July 1, 2021:

  • Ronna Hoffman, principal at Riverside Elementary appointed administrator on special assignment in the Teaching & Learning Department, she will then be appointed principal of the new elementary school in Herriman for the 2022-23 school year.
  • Marianne Johansen, principal of Philo Farnsworth Elementary in the Granite School District appointed principal at Majestic Elementary replacing Kathe Riding who is retiring.
  • Michael Trimmell, principal at Arovista Elementary in Brea Olinda Unified School District in California appointed principal at Riverside Elementary replacing Ronna Hoffman who was reassigned.
  • Tyler (TJ) Davenport, elementary teacher at Plymouth Elementary in the Granite School District appointed assistant principal at a location to be determined.

New Assignments effective as soon as possible:

  • Jennifer Smith, BYU intern facilitator at Blackridge Elementary appointed assistant principal at Foothills Elementary.
  • Shana Mondragon, teacher specialist at Oquirrh Elementary appointed assistant principal at Oakcrest and Mountain Shadows Elementary.
  • Troy Monson, principal at Scappoose Middle in the Scappoose School District in Oregon appointed assistant principal at South Hills Middle.

February 2, 2020
8:00 A.M. - Welcome in Individual Level Meeting Zoom Links
LOCATION - ASB Assigned Rooms by Level or Zoom Links below

  • Whole Group Link for Time Certain Presentations (8:15) 
    • Join Zoom Meeting -

Meeting ID: 642 897 3869
Passcode: 282824

  • Elementary/Special Ed Principals - ASB Auditorium  
    • Join Zoom Meeting -

Meeting ID: 642 897 3869
Passcode: 282824

  • Middle - ASB Presentation Room 
    • Join Zoom Meeting -

Meeting ID: 520 851 2121
Passcode: 399526

  • High - PDC Room D113 - ZOOM Link

Meeting ID: 812 0536 1332
Passcode: 193492

We would like to ask the following Departments to please join the Whole Group Zoom and any Level Meeting above virtually

  • Teaching & Learning Administrators
  • HR Administrators
  • Student Services Administrators
  • Special Education Dept. Administrators


January 28, 2021

All Principals
Department Directors

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director Planning & Student Services

Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG)

The Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG) have been adopted by USBE as “the” threat assessment to be used in Utah (R277-403, HB120, §53E-3-401(4)). While there is no implementation deadline, each school will need to have a threat assessment team with at least one (1) CSTAG trained individual. The CSTAG model utilizes multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), positive behavior intervention and supports (PBIS), trauma informed responses, and social-emotional learning (SEL). The focus of the CSTAG model is making decisions within a restorative framework for prevention rather than crisis response.

Student Services has arranged for some initial trainings and there is an opportunity for you or your designee(s) to receive CSTAG training. The training is a ‘trainer of trainers’ model and consists of two (2) levels:

  1. Level 1 – 8 hours of online self-paced training. ($166.00 each participant)
  2. Level 2 – Virtual ‘in-person’ training with Dr. Cornell (the developer of CSTAG) and/or his staff in late March or early April 2021. (Paid by Student Services)

The Level 1 cost per-person is $166 – which the school or department would need to pay. There is also an optional manual that costs $50 each. Each school should consider having at least one manual on hand. Student Services will pay for Level 2 training in March 2021.

Space is limited. If you are interested please email Travis Hamblin ( with the name(s) and email address(s) of those you would like to receive the training on or before Friday February 4th 2021. After Student Services sets up Level 1 training participants will receive an email with the information to begin. Level 1 training must be completed prior to receiving Level 2 training in late March or early April (date TBD).

Please contact Travis Hamblin ( or 801.567.8439) with any questions.

Employee COVID-19 testing is continuing at the ASB. As a reminder this testing is for employees that are Non-Symptomatic only. Please remind your employees of this.

High school employees interested in getting tested should do so at their high school by contacting a member of their administration.

Testing will be offered each Friday from 2-4 pm at the Jordan District Auxiliary Services Building, located at 7905 S Redwood Rd, West Jordan, UT 84088. Employees should use the north entrance marked “Entrance A”. Use this link for parking information: ASB COVID-19 Testing Location Map

  • Please come with personal identification and your JSD ID badge.
  • Employees may test weekly but only need to register one time.
  • Employees wishing to be tested must complete the online form found at this link prior to arriving for testing:

If you have any questions please email

January 21, 2021

Special Education Staff

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Kristin Norris, Teacher Specialist-SLP/A, ESY Coordinator

Extended School Year (ESY) Qualification Procedures and Timelines

ESY packets should be submitted by March 25, 2021. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS BEFORE SPRING BREAK. Guidelines and instructions are included in the memo.

Due to continued supply chain constraints and delays in the Computer Technology industry, most vendors are now urging schools to place their orders for Chromebooks that will be needed for this coming Fall no later than mid to late February.  The sooner we can process your requisitions and get them in line for manufacturing, the better.

We urge you to consider your Chromebook needs for next year, and submit requisitions within the next few weeks.

We currently have a vendor that is receiving intermittent stock that can get them here in most cases to you in 2-4 weeks if you have an urgent need, but pricing will be $20-$30 per unit higher.  If we can plan ahead, we can get better pricing for you with the longer lead times.

Please contact Tonya Hodges in Purchasing at 801-567-8706 for any assistance needed with pricing and ordering instructions.

January 25, 2021

School Psychologists, Elementary Counselors, and School Social Workers

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance

February School Psychologist, Elementary Counselor, and School Social Workers Meeting

A virtual meeting for school psychologists, elementary counselors, and school social workers has been scheduled for Friday, February 5, 2021, from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. Michelle Love-Day, Educational Language Services Consultant from Jordan School District, will provide us with a presentation on culturally responsive environments. Hunter King, doctoral student from the University of Utah, will review research re: reinforcers for secondary students.

Part-time Staff:  I would appreciate it if you could adjust your schedules in order to attend this meeting.



Schools are required to send letters home notifying families of Acadience testing results in grade 1-3. The testing window closes on February 5 and letters should be sent out no later than March 5. Letters may be sent home with students and do not need to be mailed.

February 4, 2021

Administrative Assistants
Secondary Registrars
Special Education Team Leaders

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Norman Emerson, Consultant, Instructional Support Services / Fine Arts
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

Secure District Mail

In an effort to simplify and streamline the intra-district secure transfer of individual files, effective February 16, 2021, the District will implement a new program called Secure District Mail (SDM). Please see memo below for all the details.

Dear Administrators:

As per OSHA guideline 29CFR 1910.1020, districts are required to implement a respirator program at each school that offers vocational programs and uses respirators or masks.

The district Risk Management Department will be contacting you to schedule a time to meet, where we can discuss the various training and medical requirements of this program. Each school will also need to designate an administrative point of contact who oversees the school plan.

Thanks for your support,

Jeff Beesley
Risk Management Coordinator
Jordan School District

Brigham Young University Career Services is seeking feedback that will help them not only recruit people into education but also help prepare graduates in education to perform well in the hiring process. The attached survey is brief but will provide significant information. Responses will be confidential. Please help out by taking the survey. Thank you!

Principal Survey -

Please use this link to learn how our department is helping students with our Student Outreach Specialists in our Winter newsletter. Check out our new Parent and Outreach Bulletin Board (translated version coming soon). Please take a moment to fill out this form and share the activities in your school or classrooms that are occurring in the month of February. We would love to visit, listen, and celebrate with you! If you are not even sure where to start, you can include that in the form and we can come present virtually to your school.

The mileage reimbursement rate is based upon the IRS rate. Effective January 1, 2021, the reimbursement rate is $0.56 per mile. Please use the attached form when submitting for mileage reimbursement. All 2020 mileage reimbursement requests should be submitted as soon as possible. Click HERE to access the mileage form online.

Schools are encouraged to participate in this unique opportunity to participate in the Instructional Leadership Conference. This year’s conference will be held virtually and will include keynote speakers Doug Fisher, Anthony Muhammad and Gerry Brooks, along with many other well-known and motivating speakers. Cost for the conference is $150/person or $1,500 for all school faculty members. The conference platform will be open and participants will have access to all speakers from March 25 - April 3. This provides a unique opportunity to join a conference in creative ways anytime during the week.

  • Bring staff together and listen to one of the speakers as a group.
  • Invite grade levels or departments to watch a speaker together.
  • Invite teachers to watch a specific speaker and meet together to discuss. 
  • Invite teachers to watch speakers of their choice. 

This conference will be well worth the cost, even if you’re not able to watch all speakers. See the attached brochure for session and registration information.

This meeting will follow the format of the past meetings. The agenda and meeting links will be sent out by Monday, February 1st. The meeting will start at 8:00 a.m. and a beverage service will be available beginning at 7:30 a.m.

At this meeting we are going to have Natalie Gordon, from the State Land Trust Office, come and do training with all of you on how to make a concise Land Trust Plan. The plan needs to be Student Centered, Measurable, and Academic. She's going to explain what needs to go into the different parts of the plan; Goal, Measurements, and Action Plan Steps. She will also be available to answer questions at the end.

Looking forward, the website is still under construction and it will come back up later than expected. When it comes back up the 2019-20 Final Reports will need to be completed as well as the 2021-22 plan.

Please see the updated data criteria for 6th grade reading placement.  If there are any concerns or if teachers would like to review the 6th grade data prior to placement please contact

Mandy Thurman by January 27th., 801-567-8119

Reading Placement Rubric - Revised 1/14/21
Current (20-21 Students) 

6th Grade Students going into 7th Grade

CATEGORY Highly Proficient Proficient Approaching Proficient Below Proficient
District Benchmark (Most Recent) 16-30 12-15 8-11 0-7

Lexile Score

1010+ 910-1009 690-909 100-689
CogAt Verbal Stanine 7+

PR: 77+

Stanine 5-6

PR: 43-76

Stanine 4

PR: 25-42

Stanine 1-3

PR: 1-24

Students with scores ‘Proficient or higher in at least two categories may take an elective rather than a Reading Course for the upcoming school year.