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July 7, 2017

Special Education Teachers (Preschool and School-Age)
Speech-Language Pathologists

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curric./Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education

Extended Year Special Educator Stipends 2017-18

See attached memo and documents outlining changes for the 2017-18 school year.

July 5, 2017

All School Principals and School Head Financial Secretaries

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Heather Ellingson, Director of Accounting, Budgets and Audits
Daniel Ellis, Accountant/Internal Auditor

Unclaimed Property

 “The Utah Unclaimed Property Act (Section 67-67-4a) requires that a holder report to the State Treasurer property which is presumed to be “abandoned” or “unclaimed” after the stated dormancy period.”

For school purposes, unclaimed property is defined as property (checks, book refunds, lunch refunds, or other unclaimed balances, but not current school lunch balances) that is due to a payee but have never been cashed or collected and that are dormant for a period of one year as of June 30, 2017.  Checks written BEFORE July 1, 2016 AND not cashed by June 30, 2017 are considered unclaimed property.

Every effort should be made to contact the student or payee and ensure that they receive payment that is due to them.  If you cannot locate a student or payee, then the money must be sent to the State.  It is preferable to void an old check and reissue a new one than to send the money to the State.  Schools may not simply “write off” a check and add the money back into school accounts just because it was never cashed.  Nor may a school take uncollected refunds and add the money back into school accounts.  It is illegal.  If an outstanding check should legitimately be voided, then documentation must be made as to why the check was voided.  Otherwise, the State will consider a voided check without documentation to be unclaimed property.

Attached is a reporting form that must be completed and sent to Dan Ellis by September 29, 2017 along with a school check written to Jordan School District for the amount of reported unclaimed property.  If you have no unclaimed property, report $0.00.

All individual items that are under $50 per item may be combined and reported in one lump sum.  For example, if you have 10 checks and/or unclaimed book refunds individually each for less than $50, then you may have one line item on the report for the total of those items.  You should put “aggregate” in the column requesting the owner’s name, the total aggregated in the column of amount due owner, and MS99 in the property code column.  You do not need to report each item less than $50 individually.

Checks issued prior to July 1, 2016 that are currently outstanding should be voided in Skyward.  You will need to write a check to Jordan School District charging the account(s) that were charged with the original check.

Please call Dan Ellis at (801)567-8389 with any questions.

July 5, 2017

Secondary Principals
Secondary Media Specialists

Administrators of Schools
Laura Finlinson, Administrator, Curriculum/Staff Development
Norman Emerson, Instructional Support Services/Fine Arts Consultant

Networking Meetings for Secondary Media Specialists

In order to prepare and train secondary library media specialists to effectively provide services to their schools and to build consistency across the District’s library programs, several networking meetings have been scheduled for the 2017-18 school year. The participation of your media specialists in these meetings is appreciated.

The meetings will be held on the following dates from 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.:

  • September 20, 2017
  • October 18, 2017
  • November 29, 2017
  • January 24, 2018
  • February 21, 2018
  • March 9, 2018 (UELMA)
  • April 25, 2018
  • May 16, 2018

Please feel free to contact Norman Emerson (801-567-8364) if further information is needed. Thank you for your continued support of the library media programs in Jordan District.

July 5, 2017

Elementary Principals
Elementary Media Assistants

Administrators of Schools
Laura Finlinson, Administrator, Curriculum/Staff Development
Norman Emerson, Instructional Support Services/Fine Arts Consultant

Quarterly Training Meetings for Elementary Media Assistants

In order to prepare and train elementary library media assistants to effectively provide services to elementary schools and to build consistency across elementary library programs, several training meetings have been scheduled for the 2017-18 school year. The participation of both of your library assistants in these meetings is appreciated. The meetings are to be included in the assistants' allotted 17 hours and are scheduled on Wednesdays, the day recommended for their scheduled overlap time.

The meetings will be held at the venues shown below from 9:30-11:30 a.m.:

  • August 23, 2017-ASB Auditorium
  • October 4, 2017- ASB Auditorium
  • January 24, 2018--Viridian Event Center
  • April 11, 2018--ASB Auditorium

Please feel free to contact Norman Emerson (801-567-8364) if further information is needed. Thank you for your continued support of the library media programs in Jordan District.

June 29, 2017

All Administrators

Laura Finlinson, Administrator, Curriculum & Staff Development
Norma Villar, Consultant, Student Intervention Services

Suspension to a District-Level Hearing

You might be interested to know that during the 2016-2017 school year we held 102 appeal hearings.  The breakdown is as follows:

High School                          21
Middle School                      55
Elementary School              26
Retention/Acceleration       0

The Board Policy AS67, Discipline of Students, Handbook for Administrators is a resource for administering the policy. It will answer many frequently asked questions regarding this policy. Please feel free to contact Student Intervention Services to clarify any information in the guide.

Please go through your files and any files in your attendance office to discard all old forms relating to this policy. All forms continue to be updated online.

June 16, 2017


Administrators of Schools
Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum and Staff Development
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2017-18 Required Testing Ethics Professional Development Procedures

Instructions, materials, and documentation forms for the required 2017-18 Testing Ethics professional development are being sent to schools via the Jordan Administrative Memo (JAM). These materials will also be available online at . The four required procedures for completing this testing ethics professional development are listed on the “2017-18 Principal’s Test Ethics Checklist” form provided in the materials.

It is important that all school leaders and teachers be reminded that the professional testing ethics required for all State-mandated assessments such as SAGE, ACT, and WIDA Access, also apply to all District-mandated assessments such as benchmark tests, SLO assessments, and other District-created assessments including MasteryConnect® assessments. Students must not be given secured assessment questions as homework or discussion items. Any use of secured assessment questions for instruction, discussion, or homework compromises the validity and integrity of the assessment questions and constitutes a violation of professional testing ethics protocol.

Principals are to make sure that teachers understand that professional testing ethics must be followed when working with District-mandated as well as State-mandated assessments. Principals are also to remind teachers that any potential disciplinary action specified for violating professional testing ethics on State-mandated assessments, also applies to any violation of professional testing ethics on District-mandated assessments.


June 10, 2011

Principals and Secretaries on Traditional Calendars

June LeMaster, Administrator, Human Resources
Administrator of Schools

Summer Hours for School Personnel

The District Administration appreciates and values the relationships you have established with the patrons in your communities and we believe it is critical that school personnel remain accessible to the public throughout the year.  We also understand that traditional elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools are on the traditional calendars and may be without or with fewer students during the months of June, July, and August.

Please review the schedule of Summer Hours for School Personnel below, with all designated summer school personnel at your location.  Extended school office/business hours are acceptable; however, other adjusted schedules are NOT acceptable because they limit public access to school personnel.

Traditional Elementary Schools
Head Secretary                      10-month Contract
Principal                                  12-month Contract
Office Hours                            8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., weekdays, June and August

Middle Schools
Head Secretary                      12-month Contract (Funding for vacation/office coverage is allotted)
Principal/Asst. Principal      12-month Contract
Office Hours                            8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., weekdays, except holidays June, July and August 

High Schools
Head Secretary, Secretary, Registrar (2 or 3) – 12 month Contracts (Funding for vacation/office coverage is allotted)
Principal/Asst. Principal      12-month Contract
Office Hours                            8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., weekdays, except holidays June, July and August 

Thank you for your assistance with this important matter.

Elementary School Administrators:

We appreciate your attendance and support at last week's S.A.F.E. Neighborhoods/J.I.T. kit training.  As mentioned during the training, the distribution of J.I.T. kits to all elementary schools will occur during the week of June 19 - 23.  Make sure to designate a location within your building where the J.I.T. kit can be stored, prior to the arrival of the kit.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lance Everill at 801-567-8623 or


Please plan to attend this meeting (see below for specific level and time) if you didn't attend on June 6. Water and candy will be provided. Thank you!

Secondary Level:

June 20, 2017
8:00 - 10:00 am

Elementary Level :

June 20, 2017
10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Water and candy will be provided.

June 15, 2017

All School Principals
All School Financial Secretaries

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Heather Ellingson, Director of Accounting, Budgets and Audits
Daniel Ellis, Accountant/Internal Auditor

School Bank Account Balances for June 30, 2017

Please send the following information for each bank account balance as of June 30, 2017 to Accounting by July 28, 2017.  If you have multiple bank accounts, please list each account separately.  For elementary schools who have completely closed their separate accounts please indicate so on the form.

School Name
Name of Bank
Type of Account (checking, savings, money market)
Account Balance

The balance requested is the balance from your June bank statements, not Skyward.  This information is required annually and will be used to complete reporting requirements for Utah Money Management Council.

If you have questions or need assistance, please call Dan Ellis at (801)567-8389.

Thank you.

Michael Anderson, Administrator of Schools
Jill Durrant, Administrator of Schools
Anthony Godfrey, Administrator of Schools
Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools
Teri Timpson, Administrator of Schools


Transportation Moratorium Field/Activity Trips Dates 2017-18

When scheduling Field/Activity Trips for the 2017-2018 school year, please make note of the moratorium dates and times when Transportation will not be able to accommodate Field/Activity trips. (See attachment below)

Please contact us with any questions. Kitt at 801-567-8809 or Michele at 801-567-8804


June 15, 2017

All School Principals
All School Financial Secretaries

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Heather Ellingson, Director of Accounting, Budgets and Audits
Daniel Ellis, Accountant/Internal Auditor

Quarterly School Financial Report for April, May, and June 2017

Each school is asked to report the quarter end account balance and transaction detail with the Apple Volume Purchase Program and return with your bank reconciliation.  If your school has no Apple account, please so indicate and return.

Please include the account balance with Apple on the reconciliation sign off form and print a report or screen shot(s) of the balances and quarterly transactions from Apple’s website.  If you need assistance, please contact your Curriculum Technology Specialist – Bonnie, Deana, Harrison, Nancy.

Please photocopy the selected elements and send to Accounting by July 28, 2017.

Please include:

  • The signed attached memo to Accounting
  • A copy of your April, May and June 2017 Reconciliation Worksheets
  • A copy of your April, May and June 2017 Bank Statements
  • A copy of your April, May and June 2017 Skyward Balance Sheets
  • A copy of your April, May and June 2017 Outstanding Check Reports
  • Screen shot(s) of your June 30, 2017 Apple Volume Purchase Program transaction history and balance

If you have questions or need assistance, please call Liz Robins at (801)567-8267.

Thank you.

Michael Anderson, Administrator of Schools
Jill Durrant, Administrator of Schools
Anthony Godfrey, Administrator of Schools
Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools
Teri Timpson, Administrator of Schools

School Resource Officer/Administrator Training
Hosted by Student Intervention Services

Wednesday, July 26, 2017
8 a.m.-10 a.m.   or   1 p.m.-3 p.m.
Jordan Auxiliary Service Building
ASB Presentation Room

Each school, please send SRO and at least one administrator

See flyer for details.