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Administrative Assistants

Mike Heaps, Director of Information Systems
Jeri Gamble, Customer Support in Information Systems

21 Fund Summary Budgetary Data Mining Report: If you run the 21 Fund Summary report during July, the balances will not be correct until after Accounting has rolled June balances over to 2023-24 later this month.

Cash Receipts and Journal Entries: Make sure you are selecting 2024-25 when you add cash receipts and journal entries. You will continue to see the option for 2023-24 until October, which is when we will close out the 2023-24 year. Please review your cash receipts and journal entries that are in batch or WIP status. If any cash receipts are in 2023-24, then please edit them and change the year to 2024-25. The fiscal year cannot be changed on journal entries, so you’ll need to delete the 2023-24 journal entries that are in batch, submitted or WIP status and re-enter them.

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All Administrative Assistants

Mike Heaps, Director of Information Systems
Jeri Gamble, Customer Support in Information Systems


Rollover and Pre-transfers

Rollover has been completed which means the new 2024-25 school year is now our “current” school year. Pre-transfers have been turned off, so marking a student inactive on the Entity tab or making changes to the School Path tab will not remove a student’s entry record at your school. See the 2024-25 No Show Guidelines to follow when you are notified a student will not be attending your school for the 2024-25 school year.

Please remember, when entering new students for the 2024-25 school year, use the entry date of 08/20/2024.

Family Access Tutorial in Spanish

Breaking News!  There is now a Spanish tutorial available on for lunch and student fee web payments. It can be found by navigating to Parents & Students, Family Access (Skyward), Lunch and Fee Payments.


 21 Fund Summary Budgetary Data Mining Report:  If you run the 21 Fund Summary report during July, the balances will not be correct until after Accounting has rolled June balances over to 2023-24 later this month.

Cash Receipts and Journal Entries:  Make sure you are selecting 2024-25 when you add cash receipts and journal entries. You will continue to see the option for 2023-24 until October, which is when we will close out the 2023-24 year. Please review your cash receipts and journal entries that are in batch or WIP status. If any cash receipts are in 2023-24, then please edit them and change the year to 2024-25. The fiscal year cannot be changed on journal entries, so you’ll need to delete the 2023-24 journal entries that are in batch, submitted or WIP status and re-enter them.

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The following are new administrative assignments:

New Assignments effective July 1, 2024:

  • Raimee Jensen, assistant principal at West Jordan Middle appointed principal at West Jordan Middle.
  • Ethan Walsh, administrative intern at Sunset Ridge Middle and West Jordan Middle appointed assistant principal at West Jordan Middle.
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All Administrative Assistants

Mike Heaps, Director of Information Systems
Jeri Gamble, Customer Support in Information Systems

The HR and Finance year end process was completed successfully on Monday, July 1.

Don’t forget that we don’t close out the 2023-24 year until October, so when you add Journal Entries and Cash Receipts, please make sure you select 2024-25.

21 Fund Summary Budgetary Data Mining Report: Accounting will roll June balances over to 2024-25 later this month. If you run the 21 Fund Summary report for the month of July, the balances will not be correct until after Accounting has rolled the balances.

JULY 1-9
Parents will not be able to make food service or student fee payments online from Monday, July 1 – Tuesday, July 9 while we complete year-end processes and the rollover.

Payroll: Begin entering 2023-24 time off.

Payroll: June Payroll is due.
Payroll: True Time Submissions due.
Inventory/Purchasing: Continue entering 2023-24 Inventory and Purchase requisitions. Warehouses resume delivery schedules.

Payroll: True Time 1st approvals due.

Skyward Student Rollover: Skyward Student will not be available during this time.
Student Fees: Do not enter any student receipts in Skyward Fee Management after midnight Monday, July 8, through July 9.

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Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Caleb Olson, Enrollment Consultant in Planning & Enrollment

A reminder to all administrators of annual discipline refresher trainings. All administrators are encouraged to attend a session to prepare for the new year.

Session 1:
Thursday, July 18: 9-11 AM at the ASB Auditorium

Session 2:
Thursday, July 18: 1-3 PM at the ASB Auditorium

NEWLY ADDED Session 3:
Monday, July 29: 1-3 PM at the ASB PRESENTATION ROOM

Use this LINK to sign up for a session to attend

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June 26, 2024

All Principals, Directors and Supervisors

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Sarah Palmer, Director of Payroll

DP375 – Vacation Schedule for Administrative Personnel

Clarification of administrator vacation days carryover:

  • Administrators receive 20 frontloaded vacation days on July 1st of each year. These frontloaded days are earned throughout that current year.
  • Administrators may carryover up to 20 earned vacation days from the previous year. Any earned days over 20 not used by December 31st of each year will be forfeited.

Therefore, as of December 31, 2024, any unused vacation days above 40 days will be forfeited. These 40 days consist of the 20 days that will be frontloaded on July 1, 2024 for the 2024-25 year, as well as up to 20 unused earned days that are allowed to be carried over from the previous 2023-24 year.

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Administrative Assistants

Steffany Ellsworth, Support Services Manager in Information Systems

Introducing ParentSquare: Our New Communication Platform Launching July 1st!

We are excited to announce the launch of our new school communication platform, ParentSquare, which will be available July 1st! Does this mean that Skylert is no longer available? That’s correct, Skylert will no longer be accessible after June 30, 2024. The good news is that ParentSquare is capable of so much more!

See the document below for all the exciting details!


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Administrative Assistants

Jeri Gamble, Customer Support in Information Systems

Accounting Magicians: Please, for the love of all things numerical, **do not** enter any cash receipts, check requests, mileage, or electronic journal entries. The deadline was June 19. Yes, you read that right, JUNE 19. Everything should have been approved by June 20. Fear not, you can begin submitting your precious cash receipts, electronic journal entries, check requests, and mileage again on July 2, but make sure you select the year 2024-25. Time travel is tricky, folks.

We will be performing the grand year-end processes on Monday, July 1. On Friday, June 28, I'll be donning my janitor hat for some serious cleanup. Here’s how you can assist:

  • Check Requests: Make sure there are no check requests loitering around awaiting approval.
  • Cash Receipts: No current year cash receipts should be lounging in WIP or Batch status.
  • Journal Entries: Keep those current year journal entries out of Batch or Open status. Trust me, it’s for the greater good.

Pro Tip: It’s best to stay out of Skyward Finance on July 1. If you must enter, please don’t touch anything. Seriously, just look, don't touch. We don't need any rollover mishaps.

**Heads Up** The Skyward Student Rollover will occur on Tuesday, July 9. During this thrilling event, Skyward Student will be completely unavailable. It’s like it’s going on a digital vacation.

Our dear parents won’t be able to make any food service or student fee payments online from July 1 to July 9. The system needs some "me time" to complete the year-end processes and the rollover. Buckle up, everyone! It's going to be an exciting end-of-year ride!

Note: Chat GPT helped me spruce up this week’s email. 😊

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June 27, 2024

Administrative Assistants

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent

Fee Waiver Materials 2024-25

Schools need to collect and maintain the following, which may be requested as part of the school fees monitoring visits:

  • Students given waivers
  • Students denied fee waivers
  • Students who worked in lieu of a waiver

All USBE School Fees Notices and School Fee Waiver Applications can be found by clicking HERE.

Forms can be found under Grades K-6 and Grades 7-12 in multiple languages. The Fee Waiver Application, for both elementary and secondary was revised February 2024. Use the current form when having parents fill out the application. 

Attention: Students who previously showed verification of eligibility do not need to resubmit documentation. It may be necessary for the principal (or designee) to contact the previous school of transferring students for verification of fee waiver status. Kindergarten students coming into the school, new students to the District, and students with extenuating circumstances will still be required to submit documentation.

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Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning

Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, Teaching & Learning will no longer have AV equipment for check-out. Schools may wish to purchase these items for a small fee to use at your own school. Please review the link to see the materials available (microphones, mic mixers, speakers, etc).

LINK to view materials


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Thursday, June 27, 2024

All Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2023-24 Assessment Results Now in Tableau

All state assessment results for the 2023-24 school year are now available in Tableau. Viewers will be able to see results for the district, schools and individual students. Where relevant, viewers may also see results by classroom teachers (except with the ACT, Utah Aspire Plus, and the WIDA Access, which are not connected to classroom teachers). The links below will help administrators navigate directly to the updated results for each assessment:


Acadience Math

Acadience Reading

ACT 11th grade administration

6th grade CogAT

Growth Measure

RISE (growth scores will be available in the fall)

Utah Aspire Plus (growth scores will be available in the fall)

WIDA Access (growth targets will be available in the fall)

AP exam results will be available in Tableau by the end of July (pending a release date from the College Board of July 15th). The state will release DLM results for students with significant cognitive disabilities sometime in the fall.


For questions about these dashboards, please contact Ben Jameson in Assessment, Research & Accountability. To request additional data or to see these results in another way, please contact the district’s data scientist, Brooke Anderson, in Assessment, Research & Accountability.

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June 20, 2024

Principals and Administrative Assistants

John Larsen, Business Administrator

Classroom Supplies Appropriation - Payments and Reports

The State Legislature approved HB105 recently, which changed Classroom Supply funding qualifications and amounts for the 2024-25 school year. As previously explained in JAM, only Classroom Teachers will receive legislative supply funds, however the District will provide School Counselors with $175 “legislative funds” for one more year (2024-25). After this year, School Counselors will not receive these funds.

Please note that Legislative Funds (for teacher supplies and materials) have increased this year as follows:

  • Full-time Pre-Kindergarten through 6th grade teachers will receive $500
  • Full-time 7th through 12th grade teachers will receive $250
  • School Counselors will receive $175 for this school year only
  • These amounts will be adjusted, based on FTE percentage, for teachers who work part-time

In late September, ACH deposits will be completed to the licensed employees that qualify for legislative supply funds. At that time, schools will also receive a disbursement and FTE report with instructions and helpful information about legislative supply money.

If you have questions, please contact my administrative assistant, Lisa LeStarge, at 801-567-8120 or via email:





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Administrative Assistants

Jeri Gamble, Customer Support in Information Systems

Accounting: Last day for principals, directors, and Administrator of Schools to approve check requests.

Inventory: Last day for delivery of non-food 2023-24 Inventory orders

Accounting: Do not enter any cash receipts, check requests, mileage and electronic journal entries. The last day for entering was June 19. Principals should approve check requests and mileage by June 20. You may begin submitting cash receipts, electronic journal entries, check requests and mileage on July 2, making sure you select 2024-25.

SKYWARD FINANCE ROLLOVER: All Schools and Departments
We will be doing Finance System year-end processes on Monday, July 1, so on Friday, June 28, I’ll be doing some cleanup. To assist us, please be aware of the following for Friday, June 28, after noon:

  • Check Requests: There cannot be any check requests awaiting approval.
  • Cash Receipts: There cannot be any current year cash receipts in WIP or Batch status.
  • Journal Entry: There cannot be any current year journal entries in Batch or Open status

Don’t forget that if possible, it’s best to stay out of Skyward Finance while we do the rollover on the 1st. If you need to get in, do not make any changes since it may cause errors in the rollover process.

Skyward Student Rollover will be Tuesday, July 9. Skyward Student will not be available during this time.
Parents will not be able to make food service or student fee payments online from Monday, July 1 – Tuesday, July 9, while we complete year-end processes and the rollover.

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