Principals and teachers:
Important Payroll Dates for June 2016
Reunification Action Plan Workshop and Drill – Reminder
Transportation Moratorium Field Trip and Activities – Dates and Times 2016-17
May 24, 2016
All Principals
Scott Thomas, Administrator, Auxiliary Services
Herb Jensen, Director, Transportation
Sula Bearden, Coordinator, Transportation
Kittisack Soumpholphakdy, Transportation Activity Specialist
Moratorium Field/Activity Trip Dates and Times
See attached memo.
Elementary Summer Literacy Conference 2016
Elementary Principals:
Summer Literacy Conference:
Please encourage teachers to register soon, while space is still available. See attached flyer for details.
16-17 Planning Materials:
Please let teachers know the following documents are available on the CBL website to help in their planning for next year. The password is Literacy…with a capital L.
Available NOW:
ELA Assessment Blueprints
Benchmarks 1, 2, and 3
Reading Passage Levels & Writing Genres for each assessment
Expected within the 1-2 weeks:
Suggested administration dates
ELA (SLO) Pre Test
Writing Rubric Scoring Guides
Year-At-A-Glance Curriculum Map
Sample Planning Guide
Blank Planning Template
STEM Math Software Grant Application 2016
The STEM Math Software Grant Application has been released. If you are interested in applying for math software please read the requirements (below) and then fill out the google form ( byFriday, June 3, 2016. The district will submit the requests for each school.
Surplus Reallocation and Auctions
Utah Retirement System Services
Better Hearing and Speech Month – May 2016
Additional Summer Pool Hour Request – High Schools – May 2016
May 12, 2016
High School Principals
John Larsen, Business Administrator
June LeMaster, Administrator, Human Resources
Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools
Brent Burge, Human Resource Administrator, Classified
Additional Summer Pool Hour Request - High Schools
This is a reminder to all HS principals of the additional 100 summer pool hours previously approved. The following guidelines are to be followed to ensure consistency and proper use of the additional pool hours:
- The HS Principal must choose either the School Administrative Assistant-Attendance OR the School Administrative Clerk (Correspondence Secretary) to use the additional summer pool hours. The hours may not be split between the two positions.
- The HS Principal must notify Brad Sorensen’s office by June 3, 2016 and report which assistant will work these additional summer pool hours.
- There is a maximum of 100 hours which may only be used after the 206 contract ends June 10, 2016 and before the contract begins August 1, 2016. The employee may not exceed 40 hours in any week and any time not used will be forfeited.
- No other assistant (full or part time) may use these pool hours.
- All hours to be paid must be submitted on a time sheet to Brad Sorensen for approval. All hours will be tracked by Brad Sorensen’s office to ensure the hours are not exceeded.
We hope these additional summer pool hours will help you provide adequate coverage for the students and patrons you serve. Please contact Human Resources if you have any questions.
April 30, 2016 Enrollment
Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
May 26, 2016
Administrative Assistants
Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Consultant for Planning and Student Services
Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
DPAA441 Privacy Rights – Students and Family was effective in August 2000. This policy covers privacy rights relevant to eight protected areas.
LEA’s must provide parents and eligible students effective notice of their rights under PPRA. The notice must explain that an LEA is required to obtain prior written consent from parents before students are required to participate in an activity that concerns one or more of the eight protected areas listed on the attached “Protection of Pupil Rights Notification and Consent/Opt Out.”
The attached “Protection of Pupil Rights Notification and Consent/Opt Out” will be included in the elementary, middle and high school registration information and the online registration materials.
Before a student can participate in any activity which involves any of the eight protected areas, the attached consent form must be signed and returned by a student’s parent or guardian. Parents should have at least a two-week window in which to return the consent form. Since parents also have the right to review any related materials, the principal should have the materials ready for review when the consent forms are sent home.
For questions, please call Student Services at 801-567-8251, 801-567-8183.
Student Residency Questionnaire
May 20, 2016
All Principals
Administrative Assistants
Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Consultant for Planning and Student Services
Student Residency Questionnaire
Enclosed is a copy of the Student Residency Questionnaire form in English and Spanish. This questionnaire has been developed to assist in the process of enrolling homeless students and to keep the district in compliance with the McKinney-Vento Act. This notification must be included with the 2016-17 registration materials that you send to all parents/students. Please send both a copy in English and a copy in Spanish.
The forms will be included in the elementary, middle and high school registration information and the Skyward online registration materials. Please make sure that the forms are returned with other registration materials. The form isn’t optional. All students are required to complete and return the questionnaire.
Please make additional copies of both the English and Spanish versions. (The two versions may be run back-to-back.) These copies should then be given to the registrar, attendance office, and/or counselors to give to those students entering your school during the school year who did not receive the initial registration materials. It is imperative that the parents of every student who attends your school, anytime during the school year, complete this residency questionnaire.
At the bottom of the questionnaire are instructions for the parents and the school. If the school has any of the questionnaires returned that indicate a temporary residence, please forward the forms to the Jordan School District Homeless Liaison (Hilda Lloyd) in Alternative Language Services or call Hilda at 567-8308 or 567-8116.
Thank you for your help.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Notification
May 20, 2016
All Principals
Administrative Assistants
Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Consultant for Planning and Student Services
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Notification
The attached Annual Notification was revised in 2016-17
Enclosed is a copy of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Annual Notification and Directory Information disclosure. Please note that the notification has been revised to include language concerning release of information when a student poses an articulable health or safety threat. By law we are required to annually notify eligible students and parents of their rights under this act.
This revised notification must be included with the 2016-17 registration materials that you send to parents/students. Please send both a copy in English and a copy in Spanish. (The two versions may be run back-to-back.) The forms will be included in the elementary, middle, and high school registration materials and the school online registration materials.
Please make additional copies of both the English and Spanish versions. These copies could then be given to the registrar, attendance office, and/or counselors to give to those students entering your school during the school year who did not receive the initial registration materials. It is imperative that the parents of every student who attends your school, anytime during the school year, be given a copy of this notification.
You must notify me immediately if you receive written notification from a parent or eligible student indicating they refuse to let the school disclose any or all of the information designated as “Directory Information.” All requests for student information from any branches of the military or from other outside agencies must be processed through Planning & Student Services. Please do not release information from your school.
Merely stating that the student does not want to be listed in the school directory does not qualify as written notification for FERPA purposes and does not need to be sent to this office.
Thank you for your help.
Student Accident Insurance 2016-17
June 2016 Budget Transfer Request
May 12, 2016
All Elementary, Middle, and High School Principals
John Larsen, Business Administrator
Heather Ellingson, Director of Accounting, Budgets, and Audits
June 2016 Budget Transfer Request
If you would like to transfer budget between your postage, supply, textbook, and equipment budgets, please complete the following, sign and return to Heather by July 1, 2016. If Heather does not receive this back from you by July 1, 2016, Heather will assume no transfer is requested. The next opportunity to make such a transfer is December 2016.
Click below to access form.
Insurance Open Enrollment Meetings 2016-17
Insurance open enrollment will begin June 1 and continue through July 31. Enrollment information is available online on the insurance web page. Employees will have opportunities to ask questions and hear about our new H.S.A. option. Posters were sent to each location and copies are attached for your information regarding dates and times of meetings.
End of Year DIBELS Letters and Literacy Classes
For Elementary Principals:
- Attached are the End-of-Year DIBELS letters. Please be sure the appropriate letter goes home to the parent(s) of every 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade student by the due date listed below. Do not send letters home to parents of Kindergarteners.
DIBELS Letters sent to parents by:
Traditional: June 3, 2016
Year-Round: June 3, 2016 (A Track)
June 17, 2016 (B, C, D Tracks)
- Attached is the Summer Professional Learning Series Catalog from USOE. There are a number of excellent literacy classes being offered. Please share with your teachers. Note: “Teaching Writing 101” is an excellent class and begins this coming Monday. Teachers may still register right up to the start date.
Special Education Year-End Checkout for Traditional Schools/Year-Round Schools 2015-16
April 29, 2016
All Certified Special Education Staff
Laura Finlinson, Admin of Curriculum/Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Julie Brown, Program Specialist
Year-End Checkout for Traditional Schools/Year-Round Schools
See attached memo.
Save the Date – Reunification Workshop and Drill
May 4, 2016
Building Administrators
Scott Thomas, Administrator of Auxiliary Services
Paul Bergera, Staff Assistant of Auxiliary Services
Lance Everill, Facility Staff Assistant of Operations
Ron Boshard, Risk Management Coordinator
Save the Date – Reunification Workshop and Drill
On Thursday, June 16, 2016, Jordan School District and participating agencies will collaborate in an Emergency Preparedness Workshop and Drill regarding the Reunification Action Plan. We are extremely fortunate in having the opportunity to interact with leaders from each of our city and county municipalities within Jordan School District, which include Fire, Police and Emergency Services.
The objective of the training is to assist building administrators in becoming familiar with the Reunification Action Plan. This plan is utilized when a school is required to conduct a controlled release of students following an emergency or other significant disruption to the normal schedule. Training includes the proper protocol, identifies roles and responsibilities, and use of effective communication to safely account for and release students to parents/guardians. It also provides an opportunity to enhance relationships between JSD and our communities.
We anticipate that the administrator responsible for safety and security (Incident Command) from each school/location will attend. Please register for the workshop and drill on JPLS. Licensure points will be issued.
June 16, 2016
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Auxiliary Services Building – Auditorium
Reunification Drill:
1:00 PM – 4:-00 PM, Fox Hollow Elementary
Due to limited parking and anticipated heavy traffic during the drill at Fox Hollow Elementary, transportation will be provided.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Cabinet members
Sandra Riesgraf, Director of Communications