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Social Emotional Learning Accelerator - date changed to March 6th. Please visit  to sign up to present or attend. Please forward to those at your school who you would like to attend.

See attached flyer.

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Volunteer reports need to be submitted to Insurance Services.

Workers' Compensation insurance costs are based on numbers submitted by schools. It is important that this information be accurate and complete.

PTA figures must be separate from other volunteer hours.

Attached is a copy of the Volunteer Report for the period from July 1, 2019 - November 30, 2019.

Please complete this form and return it to Cheryl Matson, Insurance Services by December 20, 2019.

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December 3, 2019

All Elementary, Middle, and Traditional High School Principals

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Derek Anderson, Director of Accounting, Budgets, and Audits

December 2019 Budget Transfer Request

If you would like to transfer budget between your postage, supply, textbook, technology supply and equipment budgets, please complete the following, sign and return to Derek by January 4, 2020. If Derek does not receive this back from you by January 4, 2020, Derek will assume no transfer is requested. The next opportunity to make such a transfer is June 2020.

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As mentioned in Business Meeting, Support Services has put together a collection of tutorials for tasks that pertain to the operation of your school office.  These tutorials can be found using the Documentation link on the Information Systems Gateway (

In addition, our Support Analysts are available to come out to your school and train on Skyward tasks as needed, in either an individual or group setting.  If you would like to schedule training, please contact our help desk at (801) 567-8737, or Ext. 88737.

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November 25, 2019

School Psychologists, Elementary Counselors, and School Social Workers

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance

December School Psychologist, Elementary Counselor, and School Social Workers Meeting

A meeting for school psychologists, elementary counselors, and school social workers has been scheduled for Friday, December 6, 2019, from 12:00 to 3:30 p.m. at the Jordan School District’s Auxiliary Services Building (7905 South Redwood Road). We will begin with a pot-luck holiday luncheon at 12:00 p.m. Melisa Genaux, Jordan School District Autism Behavior Specialist, will provide us with a presentation addressing self-regulation for students with autism as well as “Top Five Interventions for All Kids.”

Part-time Staff:  I would appreciate it if you could adjust your schedules in order to attend this meeting.


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Principals and Administrative Assistants:

In preparation for the upcoming fee requirement changes, Brad Sorensen and Cody Curtis would like to provide a training meeting for all secondary principals, administrative assistants, and one high school assistant principal (principal's choice). Dan Ellis will also be there to answer any questions you might have. There are two options to attend:

December 6, 2019
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
District Office - Room 129

Here is the timeline to meet the required fee requests (R277-407) deadline on April 1, 2020 for aggregate total and maximum fee amounts:

Jan. 31 - All fee requests submitted to the District Office
Feb. 11 - Present 2020-21 school fees to Board
Feb. 25 - School Board Public comment meeting
Mar. 3 - Additional School Board Public comment meeting
Mar. 10 - Study Session discussion on fees feedback
Mar. 31 - School Board Final Fee Schedule approval for the 2020-21 school year
Apr. 1 - Fee Schedule Finalized

Please make every effort to attend one session. Thank you!

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JSD Administrators:

McKinley Withers, our District’s Health and Wellness Specialist, is conducting a research study through the University of Utah on teacher wellness. (See approval form in this week's JAM)

If you would like your school to be considered as a study site for this research please contact McKinley Withers at, or 801-567-8245. Also, if you have any questions about the purpose, commitment, or privacy related to this study prior to participation, please contact McKinley with your questions or concerns after reading the study summary below.

Study Summary

The purpose of this study is to uncover what school leaders have been doing well as well as what school leaders could do to improve teacher’s workplace wellness, which is defined by their overall subjective wellbeing (teachers’ self-perceptions of healthy and successful functioning at work), teaching efficacy (appraising one’s teaching behaviors as effectively meeting environmental demands), and school connectedness (feeling supported by and relating well to others at school). With an understanding of teacher’s perceptions of what has had a positive impact on their workplace wellness, school leaders will be better equipped to provide meaningful interventions and creative approaches to improve a teacher’s sense of efficacy, connectedness, and overall well-being. The questions guiding this research are:

  • What are teacher’s perceptions of ways that school leaders have fostered a sense of wellbeing, efficacy, and connectedness for them in the workplace?
  • What strategies have been used, and could be used, by school leaders to support teacher wellness through improved teaching efficacy and school connectedness?

Your participation in any part of this study is voluntary. There are three types of participation for those who choose to participate at each school. Individual or identifiable information will not be published or publicly available.

  • All teachers in selected schools will be invited to take the Teacher Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire (TSWQ), a copy of this survey and additional information on its questions and development can be found at Data from schoolwide survey data will be aggregated for each school. This data will not be individualized or published with your school’s name. Data will be used for research purposes only, will be stored on secure Jordan District servers, and your school’s results will not be published.
  • An invitation to individual teachers at your school, who have 7 years of experience or more, will be sent following the invitation to take the TSWQ. Those that agree to participate will volunteer between two and four hours for focus group participation. The purpose of these focus groups are to understand teacher’s perceptions of what has contributed to their feelings of workplace wellness (as defined above). Names of focus group participants will be changed and will not be published or publicly available.
  • School principals will be invited to participate in individual interviews to discuss strategies and leadership perspectives on what promotes improved teacher wellness. This interview could take up to one hour. Individual principal’s names will be changed and will not be published or publicly available.
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Thursday, November 21, 2019

All Principals

Dr. Shelley Nordick, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Research Project

The Research Review Committee has reviewed a research project in which your school has been asked to participate.

Project Title:     Happy Schools: Uncovering Positive Conditions for Improved Teacher Wellness

Applicant:     McKinley Withers, University of Utah

The project has been approved by the District Research Review Committee. The applicant has been directed to contact you to discuss the extent of the project and to obtain your permission to conduct the study at your school. Participation in the study is at your discretion. If you have questions or concerns relating to participation, please contact Ben Jameson at 801-567-8243.

The project will involve the administration of a questionnaire to teachers, focus groups, and an interview with the participating school principal.

Thank you for your assistance.

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If a school is sending a device home with students, it is important to remember that state law (53G-7-216) and federal law (CIPA) prohibit schools from allowing a device to go home with a student that does not have a Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) compliant filter installed on it. This includes, but is not limited to, hotspots and chrome books. I-Pads and laptop computers are not allowed to go home at this time as the District continues looking for a filtering solution for those devices. If you are looking at sending a hotspot home with a student, KAJEET is one option which has satisfied District tests. If your school has allowed students to take home devices, please ensure that every one of them, including hotspots, has an installed CIPA compliant filter.

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Jordan Health & Wellness
QPR Training - Tools for supporting individuals who are at risk of suicide.


2019 District Office Training Options

Jordan Health and Wellness will offer QPR Training for District Office Employees on the following dates. All District Office employees are invited to attend this training as their schedules allow.

District Office Training Room - 129

December 16th 1pm-2pm
December 16th 2:30pm-3:30pm
December 18th 8am-9am
December 18th 9:30am-10:30am


2019 Auxiliary Services Building Training Options

Jordan Health and Wellness will offer QPR Training for District Office Employees on the following dates. All District Office employees are invited to attend this training as their schedules allow.

ASB Presentation Room (C100) near Entrance C

December 17th 1pm-2pm
December 17th 2:30pm-3:30pm
December 18th 8am-9am
December 18th 9:30am-10:30am

QPR is a one-hour training designed to give individuals the tools they need to recognize warning signs of suicide as well as questioning, persuading and referring individuals in crisis.  QPR is a brief mental health crisis intervention training for any adult; no prior training or mental health expertise is required.  All attendees will receive a QPR certificate and QPR booklet.

See flyer below.

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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Elementary and Middle School Principals

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

RISE Individual Student Reports Uploaded to Skyward

2018-19 RISE Individual Student Reports (ISRs) have been uploaded into Skyward Family Access by the Information Systems Department. As the ISRs came from Questar without a unique identifier in the file name that would identify which student the ISR belonged to, IS had to do some programming to get them uploaded to the correct students. We appreciate their time and effort in this endeavor.

Included with this memo are step-by-step instructions for parents on how to access these ISRs. Principals are encouraged to disseminate this information to parents via Skylert or by any other means deemed appropriate. Principals may also consider keeping copies of the step-by-step instructions in the main office to distribute to parents as needed.

Please contact Ben Jameson with any questions about the RISE ISRs.

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Thursday, November 21, 2019

All Elementary Principals

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Preparing for Middle-of-the-Year Acadience Reading Benchmark Testing

The middle-of-the-year Acadience Reading Benchmark window opens December 2, 2019 and closes January 31, 2020. We are once again looking forward to working with you, your faculty, and your students to have a smooth benchmark administration window. We want our students to have the best opportunity possible to demonstrate their learning so that you and your teachers have the most accurate and reliable data with which to make important instructional decisions.

The Evaluation, Research & Accountability Department will once again be sending out three teams of testers to each school to complete benchmark testing. There are a few reminders and recommendations that schools should be aware of when it comes to Acadience Reading benchmark testing:

  • Schools should already have their Acadience Reading MOY testing date. Principals or their designees are encouraged to schedule individual classes carefully, keeping in mind recess and lunch schedules as well as rotation schedules for each teacher and classroom. Schools should fill out the school schedule template on Google Drive that Shannon Johnson has shared with you.
  • Schools should schedule an open space with room for 10 testers to spread out. School library media centers are preferred. Smaller rooms or classrooms get noisy and it is often difficult for testers to hear soft-spoken students’ responses, which can affect their assessment performance because testers can score only what they hear. We realize that using the library media center cuts into teachers’ rotations as well and we apologize for this inconvenience. Some schools have been creative in compensating for this inconvenience by creating a mobile library with popular book selections and bringing it to individual classrooms on the day of testing.
  • School faculty and staff should avoid using or walking through the library media center during testing. Students are easily distracted by people they know, noises or adult talking. With each testlet in Acadience Reading being only a minute long, a distraction can affect a student’s ability to respond in a timely manner, which could bring down his/her score.
  • If at all possible, we would ask schools to refrain from using the intercom during testing.
  • Each school should provide a runner, often the literacy assistant, who brings classes into the testing area and who sends students to individual testers as they transition from one student to another. The runner is crucial to helping the testing team stay on schedule. Without a runner, a member of the team must fill that role, which means that there is one less tester and we run the risk of falling behind.

Each elementary school has been a wonderful host to our testers and we appreciate your time and preparation that go into each Acadience Reading benchmark administration. It is our goal to make benchmark testing go as smoothly and be the least intrusive as possible so that you and your teachers have accurate and consistent assessment data with which to help and support your students.

If you have any questions or concerns about these reminders, please contact Ben Jameson (801-567-8243) or Shannon Johnson (801-567-8873).

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November 21, 2019

High School Principals

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2019 Graduation and Dropout Rates Available on Tableau

A new dashboard containing 2019 graduation and dropout rates at the district and school levels is now available in high school principal Tableau viewer accounts. Included in this dashboard is a breakdown of 2019 data by school and student group as well as a longitudinal look at graduation rates back to 2012.

Graduation and dropout rate data are embargoes until the State releases the data publicly some time during the first week of December. Until then, please do not share these data with anyone outside of your faculty.

High school principals may access this data by clicking on the Graduation Rates folder in the Explore menu in your Tableau account. Then click on Graduation-Dropout Rates Dashboard, 2012-2019.

Please contact Ben Jameson with any questions about this dashboard.

Tableau Login Page:

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Good news! The STEM Endorsement Incentive Program (STEM EIP) application is now open for ALL remaining applications for the 2019-2020 school year. This includes applications for teachers who plan to take STEM EIP courses during the Spring Semester as well as those who have completed courses between July 1, 2019 and December 30, 2019 who did not already submit an application. This application cycle is OPEN NOW and will close on DEC 4, 2019.

Link to Teacher Application

Please see document below for more information.

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We have recently undergone some significant job shifting at the ASB that will affect the entire district and all should be aware of these changes.

Sandi Abplanalp has recently retired from the Card Access/Door Scheduling position.

We are pleased to announce that Matt Mears formerly of the facility rental office, was appointed to replace Sandi. He has assumed her old office number and may be reached at 801-567-8616. He will be handling all employee badges, card access and door schedules. We have a new procedure for employees requesting replacement badges. (See attached memo).

Lu Holt, formerly the administrative assistant in the facility rental office has been appointed to replace Matt as the facility rental/scheduler. Her office number is 801-567-8603.

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